| yongguk

Imperfect Sanity

Kyung Mi furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, trying to recite through all the notes she had taken today, letting everything sink into her head. The girl had always been a good student, not to mention she excelled in all the subjects - that is excluding science.


History was easily memorized and she could solve any math problem with no worries at all, but yet, her arms trembled and palms would start sweating the moment there’s a science test. It just somehow is that way - she can’t seem to fully understand science. The information just won’t stick into her head. Not to mention those diagrams of human bodies get her cringing every time.


Her face scrunched up in displeasure, remember a few years ago when she had to disect a frog. Boy was that an unpleasant memory to think about.


Her mind concentrated on remembering the notes, Kyung Mi failed to notice where she was going until a familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts. He didn’t have to speak at all, but that deepness in his groan was enough for her to immediately recognize him.


“It’s you!” Kyung Mi cried, staring at the boy in front of her with wide eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her before giving a slight chuckle.


“You know,  a ‘hello’ or ‘sorry for bumping into you’ would have been nice.” Her flashed her a smile, causing that familiar churning in her stomach to appear again. The girl’s face flushed a bit due to his comment, him laughing again in return.


She looked up, seeing the number above the classroom door. Seeing her gaze at the number he smiled. “Yeah I’m a senior. You?”


“Senior too..” she replied, earning a nod from him. The girl was still slightly surprised that he was in her school. Why hasn’t she noticed him before?


“Say, why aren’t you out at the cafeteria for lunch? Don’t you have friends or something?” Kyung Mi frowned slightly, finding a little dislike in his way of talking. She found it a bit insulting, asking someone if they had any friends. It was like implying she was a loner.


“Yes I do, but I’ve been spending my lunches studying in the library.” she replied, walking away as jogged and caught up with her. “You’re going to the library? Great! I’m going there too!” The male smiled at her, tagging along as Kyung Mi made her way to the library.


Walking in, she greeted the librarian before making her way towards her regular desk, taking a seat down before pulling out her books and pencils. Eyeing the male, she raised an eyebrow at him, curious about why he’s not taking out his supplies but yet just sitting there staring at her.


“Aren’t you going to study?” she questioned, surprised to have her question returned with just a laugh.


“Study? Oh no! I came here to sleep!” Kyung Mi look at him surprised, not too sure if she heard him right. “Sleep?”


He nodded his head casually, smiling at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Yup.” Seeing the expression on her face, he titled his head, almost looking like a lost puppy. “What’s wrong?”


Snapping out of her thoughts, Kyung Mi shook her head before mumbling "Nothing." then looked down at her notes, scribbling down some words. Stretching his neck out, he looked over to see what Kyung Mi was doing. “You’re studying?” He asked, earning a nod from her. “Why?”


Kyung Mi’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, looking up to face him, whose face still remained casual like before - as if he didn’t just ask a question the girl thought was utterly stupid. “What do you mean why? The finals are coming up.”


“Yeah I know.” he confirmed, nodding his head. “Then why did you ask?”


“No it’s just,” the male leaned back on his chair, putting his arms behind his head. “You’re wasting the time having fun just to study. I doubt you even ate yet.”


Kyung Mi looked down, the ground suddenly becoming such an interesting thing to stare at. He was right. She hadn’t eaten today. In fact, she hasn’t been eating lunch for weeks now, considering the girl had spent her entire lunch periods in the library cramming for the upcoming tests she had. It was tiring and stressful, but she had too much pride to admit she was tired.


“Hey, why don’t we do a little challenge?” Her attention snapped up to what he had said. “What challenge?”


“Um..” Scanning her books, he picked up her Calculus book. “We’ll each solve problems 1-10 on this page. Whoever gets more right, wins.”


Kyung Mi bit her lip, looking at him with a doubtful face. “You..take Calculus?”


The latter laughed, flipping through the book. “Yeah. Do I not look like it?” Kyung Mi shook her head before changing the topic. “Why the sudden challenge though?”


“Does every challenge need to have a reason?” Smiling, he handed her a pencil. “Besides, I’m bored and you seemed to be against me sleeping so, why not?”


Kyung Mi grabbed the pencil from his hands before taking out a blank piece of paper. Looking over, she spotted the boy smiling at her, and seeing that smile of his, she did all she could to bite back a smile herself.




He’s truly confusing. They barely knew each other, she could label them as strangers even, but he’s talking to her as if he has known her since forever.



“Ready?” She nodded, facing down towards her paper with determination. He chuckled. “Alright then. Go!”


After around 15 minutes of complete silence, the only sound being heard were the scribbles of the pencil against the paper and the footsteps of the librarian walking around, the duo was done with their work.


“Ready to loose?” Kyung Mi raised an eyebrow at him. “Who said I was losing?”


He flashed that familiar gummy smile again. “Me.” The smile she’s been holding back finally broke free as it slowly crept up on her lips.



Honestly, the girl didn’t like him at first. She found him too obnoxious and rebellious, not the type of people she would talk to or want to be mixing with.


But now, she couldn’t help but not mind having his company. It was almost..fun actually.


Checking her answers, she smiled in satisfaction, seeing how she had gotten all ten questions right. Looking over at Yongguk’s paper, she noticed a single red mark on number 6. Eyes scanning the rest of the paper, Kyung Mi couldn’t help but be surprised. He honestly did know how to do Calculus.


“I guess I lost.” He smiled, showing her his paper. Kyung Mi looked at him, surprised - not at his statement but at the look on his face. He was smiling.


And once again she froze, meeting up with that smile of his again. Without knowing why, it was always able to mess up her mind, creating a storm of an unknown feeling whirl around within her head.


“Why do you seem so..happy?” she questioned, utterly confused.


“Well, you won didn’t you?”


“That’s exactly my point.” She bit her lip, seeing how that smile still hasn’t left his face. “I won, so why are you still smiling?”


He gave her a hearty laugh and she didn’t even realize how she had stopped breathing for a moment, hearing the sound flow out from his mouth. “Well I should be happy for you shouln’t I? Honestly, I don’t get why people have to be all angry and mad when they lose in a competition. I mean, isn’t it a lot easier to be happy for the winner? If they won, they most likely deserved it.”


Kyung Mi stared at his face, unable to say anything for a few moment before feeling an unfamiliar soft feeling spread across her chest. His way of thinking was something she’s never came across in this world. How even though he lost, he was so happy for her, and it clearly wasn’t even a fake happiness. His smile showed of true happiness and that laugh of his just seemed so pure and carefree. It’s almost as if he's actually an angel taking the form of a human body.


“We should head back now before we’re late.” He advised, standing up, patting her head before walking out of the library. “I’ll see you around.”


“Wait!” Kyung Mi felt a familiar sense of deja vu wash over her. “What’s your name?”


The nameless boy turned around, that same teasing smile from the first time she asked him on his face. “Yongguk. Bang Yongguk.”


“Yongguk..” she mumbled, liking how his name flowed off of her tongue.


“Well, I’ll be going now Kyung Mi.” Yongguk gave her a smile, taking the girl aback once again. “How did you know my name?”


Yongguk laughed heartily as Kyung Mi looked at him in confusion. “It says so on your nametag.” Eyes widening, she glanced down onto her uniform, realizing her name plate was clipped there, right on the left pocket of her blazer. Feeling dumb, a blush cascaded upon her cheeks.


“Well then, I'll see you later!” Yongguk waved, walking away in the distance. Kyung Mi found herself smiling, looking at his figure disappearing in the distance.


Yongguk. Now there’s a name she wouldn’t be able to forget.



Author's note: i'm not too proud of this chapter but..once again I can never seem to be satisfied with anything so that's no surprise there.

comments anyone? it's sad how i barely have any people commnunicating. ; n ; talk to me ppl! lol

happy reading!


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Chapter 6: the inspiration - i . want . to . be . insane . TT
Chapter 4: haha glaring and glaring . i would do that to guk too if he did that to me x"D
i wish i could be insane like him TT.TT
wouldn't life be way more awesome haha .
Chapter 3: be insane and have fun sounds fun i want to do that ; ;
and i like this chapter :D
How long do you get for the extended deadline?
Chapter 2: yongguk is so down to earth orz .
and yongguk is such an adorable dork in the story ; ;
and hooray for meeting again haha
Chapter 1: it isn't very cliche tbh but oh well . i thought the man she bumped into was guk i guess i was wrong haha xD and the milk part asdfghjkl okay idk am i weird i find it funny . :3
and i hope they meet again .-.
Wow, I really liked the first chapter!!
It was really good!! =D
Update soon, please >U<