| bonding

Imperfect Sanity

“What are we doing here?” Kyung Mi looked over to Yongguk who gave her an almost judging look.


“We’re here to plant trees.” he said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before pulling the door open the girl and dragging her  in, the simple touch sending chills up her spine. “We’re at a ramen shop. What do you think we’re doing?”




Yongguk raised an eyebrow at the girl. “Well aren’t you quite the smart one.” Kyung Mi frowned slightly before breaking into a smile at his joke.


“I know I’m smart. Thank you.” she replied, earning a hearty chuckle from the latter. Somehow, knowing she had been able to make him laugh suddenly made her feel happy. That that simple moment of his happiness has been caused by her.


Taking a seat down on the chair, the two read through the menu, Kyung Mi almost drooling as her eyes scanned the delicious sounding foods offered at the restaurant.


“We’re eating that.” Yongguk suddenly declared, catching the girl’s attention. Her eyes widened as she say what his finger was pointing at.


“Isn’t that the house’s most spicest dish?” She looked up to be greeted with Yongguk’s gummy smile. “Yeah I know.”


Gnawing at her lower lip, the girl glanced back and forth between the male and menu. “I..can’t handle spicy stuff.” Yongguk laughed and replied with the most unexpected thing. “Neither can I.”


The girl raised her eyebrow, confused at the male’s way of thinking. What kind of crazy idiot goes to a restaurant and orders a dish he can’t eat? “Then why are you ordering it?”


He laughed, placing the menu down onto the table, arms folding behind his head as he leaned back on the chair casually. “I told you, we’re here to be insane aren’t we?” He smiled, eyes glancing over at a couple sitting by the window, also eating the spicy dish. “Besides, why not give it a try? It doesn’t hurt to try new things in life does it? And,” Yongguk suddenly chortled at the sight of the guy almost choking on the soup because of the spice. “He doesn’t seem to be handling it too well does he? I think we should each get 5 glasses of ice water just in case.”


Kyung Mi giggled, finally giving into his idea. If this is his idea of being insane, that boy surely has something wrong with his mind.


But somehow, she liked it that way.


“So we’re getting that?” Yongguk questioned, motioning towards the dish and Kyung Mi nodded, still a bit hesitant. “Sure. It shouldn’t be that bad..”




“I take back what I said. Somebody save me.” Kyung Mi squeaked, eyes looking up to the skies in attempt to ask the gods for mercy. Yongguk laughed, urging her to pick up her chopsticks.


“Come on now. You lost the rock, paper, siccors match so be a man and eat it!” Yongguk exclaimed, eyes shining with confidence.


“You’re asking me to be a man when I’m obviously a girl! How is that supposed to work?!” Kyung Mi whined, almost childishly. “Besides, you’re the one to say. I’m the one who’s supposed to eat it.” She looked down at the bowl, gulping down her non existent saliva at the redness of the soup. It looks as if it was made from someone’s blood. Picking up her chopsticks, the girl carefully picked up a portion of noodles and blew on it. Bringing it closer to , the girl glance up to Yongguk for some help only to be returned with the boy urging her to hurry up and eat.


The moment the noodles entered , Kyung Mi’s tongue burned on fire and she fought to chew and swallow it, only to end up choking on the food due to it’s spiciness. Scurring to reach for the cup of water, the girl chugged it down, panting in the end.


Hearing a loud laugh coming from the opposite side of the table, she glared at the owner of the voice who seemed to be having the time of his life, laughing at her misery. Her face soon softened, seeing how Yongguk was in such a sincere state of happiness and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit herself. This guy really does know how to work his magic.


After an hour later, the two found themselves wandering in the streets of Seoul again. Yongguk was silent, not making an effort to talk, but strangely, Kyung Mi didn’t mind. Though realistically, silence between two people made her quite uncomfortable, but yet, the silence that was present whenever she and Yongguk were together, it didn’t feel awkward at all. It just seemed like a comfortable silence; both of them just enjoying each other’s presence and company.


“You up for something?” Yongguk suddenly questioned, making the girl tilt her head in question. “Up for what?”


“Just yes or no. I won’t tell you.” There was a slight tease in his voice and Kyung Mi narrowed her eyes at him. Knowing Yongguk, it was bound to be something crazy again.


And honestly, she didn’t mind.


“Sure. What are we doing?” Kyung Mi questioned, only to have her question responded by Yongguk’s smile once again. That familiar soft feeling spread across her heart upon seeing that smile and she couldn’t help but smile herself for what seemed to be the thousandth time. Just what exactly is that smile doing to her.


“You’ll see once we get there.” he informed, dragging Kyung Mi who trailed along behind him. He chuckled to himself before murmuring,  “I have a feeling you’ll be against this though.”


“I am so against this.” Yongguk laughed, pointing at Kyung Mi’s face as the girl glared at him for the nth time today.


“God you look so much like an angry bird!”  


The girl made a face, almost looking like a pouting child as Yongguk continued to laugh. What he wanted them to do was surely insane - well for her at least. His friend's father had supposedly owned a shop and needed a few mascots to stand outside the shop for the grand opening, just to catch more of people's attention. His son is busy with finals testing so Yongguk was up for the job.


And that just explained how he and Kyung Mi were now standing outside in two costumes.


"Now seriously! You should take a look in the mirror. You guys look like twins." Yongguk joked, slightly poking at Kyung Mi's mascot outfit. She was wearing one of a red angry bird and her angered expression had somehow look exactly like the bird to Yongguk's opinion. How the male can laugh at the smallest things confused her.


"Well you're no different yourself!" She shot back, implying at Yongguk's costume. He was ironically dressed in a Rilakuma costume - something Kyung Mi thought was ridiculously girly for a guy to be in. Hearing her comment, the male smiled mischievously while she raised her eyebrow at the look on his face.


"So you think I'm cute?" He boldly asked, causing a slight blush to cascade across the girl's feature. "W-what? I never said that!"


"Well you implied it right? Considering most girls find Rilakuma cute." He winked at her in as playful manner and Kyung Mi couldn't help but shake her head at the playful latter.


She was always the type to be bothered by arrogant people and Yongguk had almost sounded arrogant when saying that. But why she didn't find herself getting bothered by it, it's a mystery the girl couldn't ever be able to solve.


And she's lying if she said she wouldn't be willing to continue to solve this mystery. Because something just tells her there's a lot more to Yongguk than regular eyes can see.




there ice creams, a comfortable silence enveloped the two again as they found themselves walking along the streets of Seoul once again. The owner had been thankful of the two dedicating their time to helping him and had offered the duo some ice cream - which both of them had gladly accepted.


Kyung Mi glanced at Yongguk from the corner of her eye, looking away after a split second in case of getting caught away. She threw him a couple more glances before being interrupted when her phone suddenly rang. Disappointed washed over her when she saw the name that flashed up on the screen.


"I think I have to go." Kyung Mi sighed, sounding obviously disappointed.


"Don't pick it up." Yongguk's stated as Kyung Mi looked at him whose attention was still focused on the road ahead. He said it so casually, making it seem like the most easiest thing in the world.


"But.. My parents.." She bit her lip slightly, looking down at her phone.


"You're old now aren't you? Almost of legal age. Shouldn't they allow you to have some freedom?" Yongguk stopped on his tracks, facing looking up towards the sky. The sun was starting to set as the city got painted with beautiful hues of orange and red. He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of the wind blowing throw his hair and brushing acrosss his skin. "Plus.. I don't want you to go yet. Not now at least. Especially when we have so many things left to do."


Kyung Mi's heart did an unfamiliar churn at his words, eyes glancing down worriedly at her phone as her teeth slightly gnawed her bottom lip. And even though she knew there would be consequences for her next decision, she somehow didn't regret it at all.


Her finger found her way to the 'decline call' button, giving it a touch before looking up and smiling at Yongguk who was now looking at her. There was a slight glint of happiness that shined in his eyes and she knew there was something forming between them. A bond. They were far from strangers now, and she wanted to get even further away from that title.



Kyung Mi gave him a crooked smile before grabbing his slightly larger hand into her own.


"Well, what are you waiting for? Lets go be insane."



Author's note : hmm..fluff and fluff galore. lol. boring? i guess.hope this is still okay though. comment please guys? i have barely anyone talking to me down in the comments and thats making me feel extremely insecure of my writing.

so talk to me you people! ; w ; happy reading!

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Chapter 6: the inspiration - i . want . to . be . insane . TT
Chapter 4: haha glaring and glaring . i would do that to guk too if he did that to me x"D
i wish i could be insane like him TT.TT
wouldn't life be way more awesome haha .
Chapter 3: be insane and have fun sounds fun i want to do that ; ;
and i like this chapter :D
How long do you get for the extended deadline?
Chapter 2: yongguk is so down to earth orz .
and yongguk is such an adorable dork in the story ; ;
and hooray for meeting again haha
Chapter 1: it isn't very cliche tbh but oh well . i thought the man she bumped into was guk i guess i was wrong haha xD and the milk part asdfghjkl okay idk am i weird i find it funny . :3
and i hope they meet again .-.
Wow, I really liked the first chapter!!
It was really good!! =D
Update soon, please >U<