Where Are You?

The Way I Loved You

sometimes even though you're having a good time, you can't help but to stop and think about how much you miss the old times

"You need a refreshment"



Bom's pov

My eyes were widen, making sure what i just heard from him. I kept staring at him. I waited for him to continue his words but he didn't say a thing. In fact, he kept smiling on his own. That addicting smile seriously. Why was he smiling anyway? Refreshment? The only kind of refreshment i know is watching some chick flicks with chips, coke and ice cream. Gosh, it's definitely what i need right now. Crying all night long by myself sounded interesting though.

"Re-refreshment?" i asked him hesitantly.

"Yes..You need to refresh yourself. Let's just say, you need something that will distract you from him." he explained

Something that will distract me from Dongwook? The only thing that came to my mind from the word distraction is to meet someone new. A new boyfriend probably? That means i need to meet a new guy. Eh? I looked at him for once again. Could it be him? Him? Well it seemed good to have G-Dragon as my distraction but seriously Bom. Just because he hit on you, came to your place and took you for a ride, that doesn't mean he likes you or something.

"You know, you refresh yourself. Change your hairstyle, outfits, places you used to visit and start something new. I bet it can make you feel so much better!" he added. He looked at me and smiled.

Change my hairstyle? I was so not in the mood for that. Buy new clothes? I needed to reduce my expenses so i can eat everyday. I didn't have enough money for that! Places I used to visit? Like what? Dongwook's office? The park we used to jog in? Aish! I really don't know! Everytime i thought about Dongwook everything turned grey and dark. I could expload by just hearing his name!

His idea might be great but i didn't suit with me. I don't need refreshment! I could forget about Dongwook for sure. It's just a matter of time. Besides, I've been busy with assignments and graduation. I had no time to think about Dongwook anyway.

I unfasten my seatbelt. As soon as he saw what i did, he stepped on the brake. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"I-I'm sorry but i have to go" I answered him as I opened my bag to find my phone.

"The car is moving! What are you gonna do? Jump?!" his tone got higher

I looked at him after I typed a text message to Dara. "Yes! I'd jump if i have to!" I then pressed the send button and locked my phone. I put it back into my bag and started to put on my shoes that i took off earlier. I was in so much hurry. I accidentally touched my ankle and it hurts so bad!!

"Ouch!!" I screamed

He then stopped his car and parked in an empty spot nearby. "What's wrong?!" He leaned on me and took a glance at my feet. "Does it hurt?" He asked as he rubbed my feet.

"Well what do you think?!!" I started to feel his rough hand going exploring my feet, and slowly it finally reached my ankle. "O-Ouch! Don't touch that!!"

"S-Sorry" He lifted his hands swiftly. "See? You can't go anywhere. How can you walk with your feet like that?" He kept pointing at my feet like i just did something bad that he tried to make me feel guilty.

"Unlock the door" I asked him.

"No" He shook his head.

Without a doubt, I started to act like a rebel. With all of my strenght i got up from my seat and leaned over him. "W-What a-are you d-d-doing?" he stared at me full of confusion. Maybe he thought i was about to kiss him or do something like that to him. I laughed a little inside. My position was kinda like a person who's gonna seduce her partner but seriously, I'm not gonna do it to him.

"If you're not willing to do it, I'm gonna do it by myself" I smirked as i pressed the unlock button on his door.

I immediately took my bag and shoes. I opened up the door and got out of his car. I decided to walk barefoot since my shoes were broken. I didn't mind, I used to walk barefoot when i did morning jog around the park with Dongwook. Ish! Stop thinking about him Bom!!

I slammed the door afterwards and started to walk away from his car. Surprisingly, he didn't come out and stop me like he did in the cafe today. Well thank god!

GD's pov

WOAH! What just happened? I couldn't breathe! Why?!

I could feel the sweat running down my forehead. I thought it might be the weather so i turned up the air conditioner volume. I closed my eyes, trying to clear up my mind. Okay, what just happened? I've never felt that nervous in my entire life! Not even when i had my first debut with big bang. Oh lord, did she really do that? Oh come on Jiyong! So many girls have done that to you and even more than just leaning on you! But gosh i could tell, she was so y. Bom was so freaking y. I saw her cleavage. And also her soft skin on her thigh. I rubbed my eyes, but the scene kept flashing on my mind.

I guess i needed to go to the hospital. I couldn't think right. No, where's my sanity?


"Dude! Where the hell are you?! You missed our press conference! You do realize that you're our leader right?!"  Youngbae yelled on the phone

Oh yes, i forgot about our schedule today. Stupid Jiyong! This was all because of Bom!

"I-I'm sorry Bae, I got something to do earlier. It's urgent" I said to him clearly

"Just go back to our dorm right now, your manager is waiting for you" He finally lowed down his tone.

"Uhm, okay"




"Here's your drink" Youngbae handed me a glass of coke

I was scolded by manager. That was the first time since i hired her. And yes, it's all Bom's fault. If she could just let me take her home, i would arrive at the press conference on time. Ish! She's just so complicated! No wonder that freaking guy dumped her. I couldn't stand if i had a girlfriend like her. So complicated and stubborn! And also beautiful, and y and....

I shook my head.

What the hell am i thinking? She leaned on me because she wanted to unlock the door you stupid ! Speaking of Bom, I wonder if she got home already. When she left me, we were still a bit far from her place. And she was walking barefoot. Could she walk that far? and barefooted? How if she actually fell? She was walking on the street then suddenly the red light turned green and right exactly on that time, she fell down and couldn't get up. And there was nobody there to help her get up and she ended up got hit by a car?

And it would be my fault because i didn't stop her when she left my car. Aissh!

"Dude? Are you okay? You haven't drink your coke?" Youngbae asked

I didn't bother to answer him, or even drink my coke. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. I've waited for long enough and she didn't pick up.

"Aish! Where is this girl?!" I grumbled.

I pressed the end button and dialed her again. I've dialed her over and over again but she didn't pick up. Oh my god, how if she really did get hit by a car? Oh no. I got up and grabbed my jacket. I quickly ran to the front door. Bom! Seriously! Why do you have to be so troublesome?! It was dark already in the outside. I quickly got into my car and drove off to her apartment.

Luckily the road was quite empty. I arrived at her apartment. She lived on the third floor. I quickly ran to the elevator. There were two elevators there. One was out of order and the other one was full with passengers already. Aish! At this point i realized how hard real life is! I had no choice but to use the stairs on the emergency exit. I jumped over a few stairs. I was sweating and so tired! But I was really worried about her! She didn't answer the call!!

I finally arrived at the third floor. I rushed through the hallway to find her place.

I was finally there, in front of her door. Without a doubt i pressed the bell button. And there was no response from the inside. I pressed the button over and over again. And still no response. I knocked on her door hardly.

"Bom! Please open up! Bom!!"

I've already knocked and called her so many times but there was still no response from her. I decided to go to down to the lobby. I ran again using the emergency exit. I don't care, I just needed to know where was Bom. I just had to know if she was safe.

I saw the security guard on the entrance door.

"Excuse me, I was wondering whether Bom was here already?" I asked him

"Bom? Park Bom? That cheerful lady who lives with Dongwook?" he answered

"Uhm..y-yeah, she kinda lived with her boyfriend. Is she back already?" I immediately asked him again.

"Unfortunately, no she's not."

What a disappointment! "O-Okay. Thank you sir" I quickly stepped away. 

I looked around, just hoping she was one of those people who walked pass me by in the lobby. But I couldn't see her face anywhere. I grabbed my phone and dialed her again. I've waited for her to pick up as i stared at the entrance door, hoping her figure would appear and make everything better.


Oh Bom, where are you?!







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Hi authornim! A new reader here ^^ i hope u wont abandon this great story and will able to update someday soon. Hwaiting <3
bommiejjang #2
Chapter 9: Omg! The story was great. Update please ^^
jessYG #3
Chapter 9: Ah !! Bom disappeared ?! I hope Jiyong will find her soon !! thanks for the update and can't wait for the next chapter !! : D
abmntrvip #4
Chapter 9: love it!!! update soon~ can't wait ><
joyskey #5
Chapter 9: thanks for updating author-nim (= but where did Bom go? Jiyong find her )=
WHERE DID BOM GO?!?! and what is this with allkpop??? update soon >.<
i voted this up, this is so adorable! i love how this story flows :) update soon!
Chapter 8: last statement >> "I couldn't help but smile"
and so do I!! kekekekeke XD
can't wait for ur next update.. ><
Chapter 8: So sweet story..
I really like it..
I don't have enough patienty to know how will jiyong do to bom tomorrow..

So, please make the chapter soon authornim.. Kekeke
Chapter 8: *.*
I think I should replace Bom there. I for sure will try all the clothes so GD can say that I'm beautiful kekekekekeke

I bet Dara will kill Bom when she knew that Bom went to Jeju with GD!! Poor Dara wkwkwkwkwkwk

Thanks for the update!! Next ... Next ...