Baby, Dear

It's Love

The following morning-

"Are you sure you can manage on your own?" Luhan asked as he watched Sehun got up from his bed. "I don't need your help. Go away." Sehun said as  he got up from his bed slowly. "Why are you in a bad mood?" Luhan asked. "Because you didn't give me a morning kiss." Sehun said as he started to walked slowly. Luhan rolled his eyes. He cupped Sehun's cheeks and kissed him. Sehun smiled. He pushed Luhan onto his bed and got on top of him.


"Yah! What are you doing?!" Luhan shouted. "Kissing you." Sehun smirked and latched their lips together. Sehun was practically shoving his tongue into Luhan's mouth and every single part of it hungrily. Luhan tried to push Sehun away but each time he did that, he became weaker. He gave up and kissed Sehun back as he wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and pulled him closer.


Feeling breathless, they pulled away but their positions remained the same. "What was that for?" Luhan asked. "I'm hungry for you." Sehun whispered. It gave Luhan the shivers. "Now that you've eaten me, can you get off me now?" Luhan asked. "No. I'm still hungry." Sehun said. "Go and get some food then. Now get off me. Now." Luhan said. "Sure. Right after this." Sehun said and he started to kiss Luhan's neck. "Y-yah Sehun! You better stop this!" Luhan said. Sehun started to Luhan's neck. He kept until he found Luhan's soft spot. "A-ah Sehun!" Luhan exclaimed. Sehun kept that particular spot until it left a mark.


"Found your soft spot." Sehun smirked. "Close your eyes." Luhan said. Sehun did as he was told. Luhan inched closer to Sehun and bit is neck. He quickly pushed Sehun away and ran to the toilet.


"Yah! It hurts!" Sehun exclaimed as he chased after Luhan. Luhan was laughing. "Gotcha!" Luhan said. Sehun approached Luhan slowly with his eyes locked into Luhan's eyes. Luhan gulped. Maybe it was a wrong idea to do that. Sehun put his right hand on the wall, blocking the only way out for Luhan. "W-we need to shower. We have school." Luhan said as he tried to push Sehun's hand away but it wouldn't budge. "Luhan..." Sehun called out as he leaned in cloder. The way he called out made Luhan feel weak. It was hypnotizing.


"Your breath.... Stinks." Sehun pulled away and laughed. "My breath stinks huh?" Luhan said and he kissed Sehun on his lips. His tongue was forcing itself into Sehun's mouth but it just remained closed. Luhan used his right hand and touched Sehun's bulge. "A-ah.." Sehun moaned. Luhan took the chance and slipped his tongue in, tasting every part. Sehun smiled. He pulled Luhan closer and started to kiss back.


Feeling breathless, they pulled away. "Actually... Your breath doesn't stink. I just wanted to trick you into kissing me." Sehun smirked. "I hate you, Oh Sehun! That was embarrassing!" Luhan exclaimed as he took a step back. "What's so embarrassing about that? By the way, didn't know your hands are playful. Maybe we could play someday." Sehun winked. Luhan could feeling heat riding up to his face. "I-I was just... I was just.." Luhan couldn't find the right words to say. "You were just what, Luhan?" Sehun teased. "I didn't know what I was doing, okay!" Luhan shouted.


Luhan started to cry. "Hey hey don't cry." Sehun said as he pulled Luhan in his embrace. "I'm sorry." He apologised. Luhan pulled away and they looked at each other. "Don't cry, my baby Luhan." Sehun said as he wiped Luhan's tears away gently. "I hate you... I hate you for tricking me..." Luhan sobbed. "I'm sorry." Sehun apologised again. Sehun started to sing Baby Don't Cry as they rested their foreheads on each other.


Luhan smiled. He loved it so much. It warmed his heart. "Luhan..." Sehun called out. "Hmm?" Luhan answered. "You're in love with me, aren't you?" Sehun asked as he looked straight into Luhan's eyes. Luhan was shocked by that question.


"Luhan! I'm here!" Yixing's voice could be heard from the toilet. Luhan quickly ran out of the toilet, closed the toilet door and opened the door for Yixing. "Hey Yixing." Luhan smiled as Yixing came in. "You haven't showered." Yixing said. "Yeah.. Umm Sehun is taking his shower now so I gotta wait." Luhan said.


The toilet door opened and Sehun came out with his towel wrapped around his waist. "That was fast." Luhan said. "Of course. I shouldn't make your boyfriend wait." Sehun said sarcastically. Luhan looked away guiltily while Yixing smiled to himself.


Luhan got up. "Luhan. What's that on your neck? Is that a mark?" Yixing asked when he saw the mark that was left by Sehun o Luhan's neck. "Umm... It's.. Uhh...." Luhan didn't know what to answer. "He sleepwalked last night and I think he did something to his neck." Sehun said. "Y-yeah. That's right." Luhan said. "Ohh.. Okay Luhan you better go shower or we'll be late." Yixing smiled. Luhan went to the toilet.


Sehun started to get changed for school. Both Sehun and Yixing didn't speak a single word and silence filled the room. "So Yixing." Sehun decided to start a conversation. "You like Luhan, don't you?" Sehun asked as he combed his hair. "H-how did you know? Is it obvious?" Yixing asked. "Well I can see that. Do you have any plans to confess to him?" Sehun asked as he kept his comb in his pocket and packed his bag. "Umm... Not at the moment.... I'm afraid he might reject me." Yixing said.


The toilet door opened and Luhan went out. "What are you guys talking about?" Luhan asked. "About you and Yixing. It's about time you guys start dating." Sehun said as he looked at Luhan. Luhan smiled weakly as he looked away.


He started changing. "Uhh my tie is slanted again." Yixing said as he adjusted his tie. "I'll help you." Luhan smiled and he started to straightened Yixing's tie. Sehun just watched them. "You guys have a fun time together. I'll go to school first." Sehun said. "Okay." Yixing smiled.


"Oh no. Where's my tie!" Luhan exclaimed in panic. "I think you've sent it to the laundry and haven't gotten it back." Sehun said as he carried his bag. "But you'll get detention if you don't wear your tie." Yixing said. "I don't wanna get detention..." Luhan started to cry. Sehun took of his tie and gave it to Luhan. "Here. Take mine." Sehun said. "But you'll get detention." Luhan said. "It's just detention. It's not like I'm gonna get expelled." Sehun said. "And don't cry anymore." Sehun wiped Luhan's tears away. "See you guys in class." Sehun smiled and left.


"Whoa Luhan. Sehun is a really good friend." Yixing said. "Yes. Yes he is." Luhan said as he looked at the door. Thank you, Sehun.




After school-


It was 2 in the afternoon. Sehun dragged his feet to the detention room and sat down. "Oh Sehun?" the teacher asked. "Yes." Sehun answered. "Okay. I have to leave for a meeting. I'll be back at 4, so don't try to run away." The teacher said and left. Sehun sighed. "Sehun?" Sehun heard someone calling out to him and turned to his right. "Tia?" Sehun called out. Tia giggled. "You didn't wear your tie?" She asked. Sehun nodded. Tia got up and sat next to Sehun. "Me too." She said. "Well I guess we'll spend these 2 hours together." Sehun said.


"By the way, why didn't you call me? I've been waiting." Tia asked. "Sorry Tia. I've been busy." Sehun lied. "Oh. That's okay." Tia smiled.


Luhan was on his way to visit Sehun. He felt bad for making Sehun got detention instead of him so be brought a packet of chocolates alomg. When he reached the classroom, he saw Sehun chatting happily with a girl. "Tia that's funny!" Sehun laughed. So that's Tia... She's pretty.. No wonder Sehun likes her...




That evening-


Luhan was laying on his bed when Sehun came back. "You went out?" Luhan asked. "Yeah." Sehun answered as he put his bad down on the floor. "With Tia?" Luhan asked. "Yeah. How did you know?" Sehun asked as he looked up at Luhan. "I saw her at the detention room this afternoon." Luhan answered. "You were there?" Sehun asked. "Yeah.. I wanted to visit you then I saw you chatting with her happily so I left." Luhan said. "Oh." Sehun said and he sat down on his bed.


"I'm sorry." Luhan apologised. "For?" Sehun asked. "For making you get detention because of me." Luhan said. "It's okay. I'd rather get detention instead of you getting it." Sehun smiled. "Thanks." Luhan said. "Hey I'm tired of talking like this." Sehun said and he climbed up the ladder to Luhan's bed. "Hey it's already so cramped here." Luhan said when Sehun sat on his bed. "Then I shall make it even more cramped!" Sehun said and he laid down while pulling Luhan with him.


Both of them laughed. They were facing each other. "Thanks Sehun." Luhan smiled. "You're welcome, my baby." Sehun said as he intertwined their fingers together. Usually when Sehun called Luhan, baby, Luhan wouldn't like it but this time, he didn

t say anything. "You're okay with me calling you, baby?" Sehun asked. "You can call me whatever you like." Luhan smiled. "Then.. You should call me... Dear." Sehun said. "W-what? Me? Call you dear? That ain't gonna happen." Luhan said.


"Call me dear." Sehun said. "Nah ah." Luhan said playfully. "Call me dear." Sehun said repeatedly as he tickled Luhan.


Luhan couldn't stop laughing. "Okay okay stop." Luhan said in between his laughter. Sehun stopped and waited. "Nah ah." Luhan laughed. Sehun pressed their lips together which made Luhan smiled.


Sehun pulled away and looked at Luhan. "Dear." Luhan smiled. "Baby." Sehun smiled too. "Stop it. It's so... Cheesy." Luhan giggled. "But I like it." Sehun said. "Hey you stink. Go take a shower before coming back here." Luhan teased as he pinched his nose. "Kiss me again before I go." Sehun said. Luhan pecked Sehun's lips gently. "I'll be back, baby." Sehun smiled and he climbed down the stairs.


Luhan smiled. I like it when you call me baby, Sehun. And I like calling you dear. But... this is just temporary... Right? Soon he'll call Tia, baby, instead...



Another crappy chap....

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???