∞ Wounds along the Way ∞

Daydream~ [One-shot/Drabble Collection]

Wounds along the Way - Sungyeol (+ Remaining Infinite members)

"Aish, where is the place?" Sungyeol scratched the back of his head. His friends were organising a barbeque party for Myungsoo, but he had part-time job to do so he had to go alone.

For someone who is forgetful and has no sense of direction, his friends should have been more careful.

After walking for half an hour, Sungyeol managed to get himself in a forested area he swore never existed in South Korea. "Gosh, I'm not lost again am I?" He thought aloud. He seemed calmer than he was supposed to be since this was the upteempth time he went missing.

Meanwhile, in a chalet, Sungjong was munching on a bag of chips and happily teased Sunggyu, "I can eat 10 bags without getting fat hahaha!"

Sunggyu scoffed, "Yeah, we'll see if you'll end up with hypertension instead, quit eating you skinny pig and help us!"

Sungjong jumped from the couch and ran behind Howon, "See! Sunggyu-hyung bullies me! Not the other way round!" Howon, having seen the duo from young, simply shook his head and continued whatever he was doing.

Getting seven guys to stay in one chalet may not be the best idea ever, especially when a couple of them used to hate each other with all their guts and got into fights. No one expected the seven of them to be best of friends after a year, but this group of friends is so unpredictable no one expects what happens between the boys. 

"By the way, is anyone picking up Yeol?" Woohyun asked, fanning the charcoal. "You guys have arranged with him... right?"

Silence save sound of fire cracking and shouts from other people in the distance.

"You idiots. Really?" Woohyun cursed and threw the fan at Sungjong. "Yah Dongwoo-ah! Come on, he could be nearby!"


Meanwhile, in the forested area, Sungyeol stood frozen on a rock. He stared at the snake in front of him, praying that the slithering animal wasn’t poisonous. He hardly listens to teachers in class, and he cursed himself for not listening. He had absolutely no idea about how poisonous the green thing was. For all he knew, he would probably die because of one small creature and never see his friends ever again.

“Oh, Myungsoo ah, my best friend. If I don’t turn up, please don’t mourn over my death.” Sungyeol muttered under his breath as loudly as he dared to. The snake hissed, and Sungyeol shrieked like a girl. As the snake slithered towards Sungyeol, his anxiety level increased. When the snake was less than a few centimeters from the tall boy, he screamed and jumped from the rock. Sungyeol ran as fast as he could, while not forgetting to slip on a large piece of leaf and scraping his hands and knee.

“Ack!” He shouted, but got up and continued running away from the poisonous snake. The snake only hissed and continued slithering away as if nothing happened.

After a few minutes of running and cursing, Sungyeol managed to get himself out of the forested area. He got onto an empty road and realised that he was more than two dozen feet above ground. The other side of the road was lined with wooden fences and looked out to the city of Seoul. The sky was painted pale orange, and he quickly looked at his watch. “Crap! I’m gonna be late… but they’re used to it anyways.”

He remembered Sunggyu giving him directions, but his memory space is limited and could only store half the information. The tall boy strolled up the road, since he remembered the 'the chalet is uphill' part.

"Man, mum was right. I really should've eaten more brain food when I was younger." Sungyeol sighed as his long slim legs carried himself up the road. The sky was beautiful and undisrupted by tall buildings, so he took the chance to admire nature.

However he did not see a crack on the road and tripped. He swore he broke his ankle and cried in pain.

"Damn!" Sungyeol grabbed his ankle (which in reality was really fine, it was just a slight sprain), and whined, "Mum! Ah! This pain is killing me! Why did this happen to me?" He massaged his ankle gently and winced when a numb pain travelled up his leg.

Sungyeol looked up at the sky and sighed. "At least the sky is really pretty, you pity me don't you? Suffering here alone-"

That's when it clicked. He mentally cursed himself for being so dumb. The tall boy quickly took out his phone, which fortunately survived his fall earlier. This is South Korea, he thought, we have signal almost everywhere.

Without hesitation he called Woohyun, who picked up in 2 rings.

"Where in the world are you, you stupid owl?" Woohyun roared. He wondered how he actually maintained this friendship with Sungyeol.

"In the middle of nowhere, to be frank." Sungyeol replied. "On a road. It seems to lead uphill."

"What road? Oh, that empty one that people use for strolling?" Woohyun replied, and picked up his pace. 'If I'm not wrong it's over here.'

"I think so. I tripped by the way; I probably busted my ankle while I was at it so fly here if you can." Sungyeol tried to get up slowly, putting his whole weight on his left leg. “Oh yeah, I fell and scrapped my hands and my knee too.”

"What? You choding! Stay where you are! I think I know where you are. One side of the road is a forested area, while the other looks out to the city right?" Woohyun fired as he ran with Dongwoo. Not that he cared for Sungyeol a lot, but at the end of the day, the tall boy was still his friend. He wouldn't want Sungyeol to get hurt (he knows Sungyeol has a tendency to exaggerate his wounds, he guessed it was really nothing).

Sungyeol only gave a sound of affirmation and sat down by a tree. Woohyun instructed him to call again if he doesn't reach in 10 minutes and hung up. Sungyeol sighed and leaned against the tree. He hissed in frustration when he remembered he had a full day shift the day after and his injuries weren't helping him. "Thought I'd be used to my clumsy personality by now." The tall boy sighed. He traced the top of the buildings in the distance with his large eyes. Sungyeol was never the kind that gets bored easily despite his short attention span. Once he got bored of something, he'd move onto the next, which in that case was to play with fallen leaves.

He soon got bored of the leaves and played with Myungsoo's present, which was nicely wrapped up nicely in a pink wrapper. "I hope that guy would like this." he chuckled.

"Yah!" Woohyun's booming voice startled the tall boy. "You idiot. The chalet's on the other side. Come on!" Woohyun and Dongwoo stood beside Sungyeol, panting.

"You guys ran?" Sungyeol asked.

"You think we can really fly?" Dongwoo retorted. Dongwoo helped with Sungyeol’s belongings and the trio walked slowly up the road. Fortunately, they would reach within 20 minutes if Sungyeol could walk fast enough.

Woohyun scoffed. “You seriously injured yourself? I thought you were just joking!”

“Why would I joke about my injuries?” Sungyeol retorted. He limped as quickly as he could with his injuries, but neither gravity nor Woohyun was of help at the moment.

“Because you always do?” Woohyun rolled his eyes, trying to support Sungyeol, who was not being very cooperative at the moment.

Dongwoo stopped the bickering couple duo. He had had enough of them. Both were just as childish to him. “Alright guys. Woohyun you carry his belongings. I’ll carry Sungyeol.” Dongwoo swore that he’s the most mature one out of the boys. Sungyeol and Woohyun merely shrugged and they adjusted themselves. Dongwoo carried the tall boy up the hill and arrived at their chalet in quarter of an hour.

Myungsoo, the birthday boy, saw them first and his jaw dropped. He stared at the trio in disbelief. “What happened this time?”

Dongwoo quickly dumped Sungyeol on the sofa in the chalet and sat down beside him. “This fella? You listen to his side of the story yourself, I need some water.”

Sungyeol sheepishly scratched the back of his head. “Uh… I got lost in the forest and fell down.” His voice grew softer with every word.

“Told you this chalet was out of bounds.” Howon spoke, giving a glass of water to Dongwoo.

“This chalet would not be out of bounds if one of you had picked him up.” Woohyun placed his hands on his waist. “Forget it, I remember seeing a first aid kit here. You guys continue grilling, Howon you can fix this guy up right?”



The night went on fine, with a few fights for pieces of meat, until Myungsoo opened Sungyeol’s present for him: briefs of bright colours and patterns, including a heart-patterned one.

“Lee Sungyeol, you come back here! How the heck do you run that fast with an injured ankle you faker!” Myungsoo screamed while chasing Sungyeol around the chalet.


I had more motivation to type out SHINee fics than Infinite fics and I have 5 more members OTL. But yay it's up! Forgive me because work is tiring and stressful and I am naturally incapable of typing comedy really. I have no idea how to write anything funny, and no matter how many comedy fics I read, it just doesn't come to me on how to write funny fics. ):

I'll be away for the next 3 days cos I need to visit relatives, but I'll try to write another fic on the plane! (Did I mention I am going overseas?) Anyhow, see you soon? Haha~

Thanks for reading!

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supermaine #1
Chapter 8: How could you do this to hoya!!!!!! 나쁜 여자야 T_T . It's OK hoya and eunji can just be friends cause shiwon is with yunjae <3 haha hurry up and post sungyeol's chapter! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Aigooo.... all the threee chaps so far are all good! I love it...
seokykyu #3
Chapter 2: seokyu~~~~
loooveee iiiiit..
can't wait for another seokyu's story.. ^^
seokykyu #4
Chapter 2: seokyu~~~~
loooveee iiiiit..
can't wait for another seokyu's story.. ^^