Chapter 5


           The two guards kicked him down and held him back by both arms—leaving him no choice but to have to kneel before the person he despised the most. He shot a menacing glare at him, wanting nothing more but to strangle him to death. But of course, that was not possible because he was death. It was nearly impossible to surpass someone in their own game—especially someone as unmatchable as him.


           “My, my, my. Look what we have here,” Lucifer purred as he leaned forward in his fiery throne—lifting Kris’s chin up with an acute index finger. “I’ve been looking for you for so long, my dear. Do you realize how hard it was for me to find you? It was a terribly difficult challenge for me to take you away from the underworld, you know. Oh, but never mind all that. It doesn’t matter—you’re here to join me, and that’s all that matters.”


           “LET ME GO YOU ING BASTARD!” Kris bellowed in fury—squirming viciously to slip out from the guards’ grasp.  


           “Oh my,” Lucifer gasped artificially—placing a hand over his mouth. “What a foul mouth you have, dear! Shall we fix that?”


           The devil summoned a flame of ember from within the palm of his bare hand, slowly transitioning it over to Kris. Lucifer’s eyes suddenly blazed bloody red as he stared penetratingly through him—forcefully pushing Kris’s head back with his free hand whilst inching the crackling fire closer to this mouth.

           “Listen my dear,” he hissed in a coarse tone, “You will join me, won’t you? The Lycanthropes will be needing your help. Leave everything behind—your past, your parents, and your useless brothers—and join me here in hell. I promise to treat you well, Kris,” he flashed a crooked smile—exposing his set of disarranged sharp teeth.


            Kris could’ve sworn he felt his heart wavering for a split second at Lucifer’s terribly persuading words. At the moment, all he truly needed was closure and company to help him ease the unbearable loneliness, so maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe it really was best to leave everything behind. After all, he was dead. There was no point of lingering and holding onto things that he could never possibly obtain again.


            “Kris, snap the hell out of it. He’s using his bending powers on you; don’t fall for it. If you listen to him, your family will be in danger,” he mentally noted to himself in between the endless alteration between his conscience and something that seemed to be an inescapable trance.


            “All you have to do is say ‘yes’ Kris… Just one word and that’ll do it for me, dear,” Lucifer cooed softly, slowly luring him into his ultimate trap. He watched as Kris’s eyes responded accordingly to his plan—gradually expanding in diameter but never daring to leave his.


            No longer able to stabilize his own thoughts and mind, Kris unconsciously found himself uttering, “Yes…”—feeling as his heart began to rip to pieces. He knew it was undeniably something he wasn’t able to control, but he couldn’t help but to abhor himself infinite times more now that he realized he just given himself up to the most atrocious thing to ever possibly exist.



            “Eeep! He’s waiting over there for you!” RinA shrilled in happiness. She observed BaekHyun from afar—noticing his laid back stance and the way he carelessly crossed one leg over the other as he leaned against the lockers. She sighed in envy before turning to April, “You’re soooo lucky April! I’d do literally anything to get a chance to work with someone like him.”


            “Yah, calm down. It’s not even that big of a deal,” April denied although she truthfully did feel a bit ecstatic about their scheduled collaboration. “Alright, I’m gonna head off now; it’s getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow!”


            “See ya later April! Have fun with him in replacement of me okay?! AND REMEMBER—I CALL DIBS SO YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!” RinA jokingly threatened before cheerfully sending her friend off with a goodbye wave. 


            After a week of endless nagging and reminding, April finally got BaekHyun to cave in and meet up with her for their long-awaited project. Normally, she would be glad to take on the entire thing by herself, but it was practically impossible to do now with the large amount of homework she had from other classes and the part-time job she had to take on every other day after school.


            April anxiously walked over to BaekHyun and softly cleared , hoping to receive his attention. As expected, he slowly shifted his drowsy eyes over to meet hers—causing April to gulp in tension.


            “Are you ready to go?” she muttered quietly while fiddling with the thick hemming of her pleated skirt.


            BaekHyun grunted approvingly in response as he began making his way towards the school doors with April leading the way right beside him. As soon as the doors opened, April quickly received some unpleasant stares from other female students when seen together with one of the school’s hottest guys. She swiftly averted her eyes to the ground to avoid making further eye contact and continued guiding BaekHyun back home.


            The two walked in complete silence and kept a reasonable distance between one another to prevent any possible misunderstandings by the few students who were too walking home. April desperately wanted the unbearably awkward silence to cease, but after building up the guts to break the ice, she looked over to find BaekHyun inserting in his earphones and decided that maybe it was best to keep quiet.


            As the designated apartment complex came into view, BaekHyun began to feel strangely accustomed to the place. The run-down, vandalized gray cement walls that surrounded the paint-peeling beige buildings all seemed excruciatingly familiar to him—however, he was unable to put a finger on it.


            Shortly after welcoming him inside, April laid out all the materials the two were going to need for their project. She carefully explained what BaekHyun’s task was for today—which was to simply cut out all the key points that she had already printed out beforehand and then pasting them into their corresponding positions on their model—before she resumed her work on the research paper that was due along with the visual portion of their project.


            Cutting at an abnormally fast speed, BaekHyun went through the packet of papers within an hour and soon began the process of gluing. However, when he neared the end of his tedious job, he was left with two of the exact same cutouts and only one empty space remaining on the model.


           Stumped, he called for April’s assistance and stood up to create room for her to get through the cramped up space they were currently working in, “Hey, uhm, I think you printed out two of the same labels.”


           She gently planted her laptop down onto the floor before moving over to BaekHyun’s side. With the small coffee table standing between them—partially blocking her view—she was completely unaware of the glue stick that awaited her arrival just around the corner. Carelessly, April took a sharp turn and slipped on the cylindrical tube.




           The split second before she crashed onto the ground, BaekHyun was luckily insightful enough to catch the girl in his gallant arms. Unfortunately, his dense weight was unable to defy gravity, and he ended up landing smack down on top of April. Quickly regaining his senses, BaekHyun propped himself up to prevent himself from further crushing the feeble human beneath him.


            The two were face-to-face—only centimeters away from facial skin ship. BaekHyun was dead frozen. His mind was completely wiped out at the moment, and it was as if his body was no longer accepting the signals his brain was sending out. This was surely something he experienced on the daily with his brothers. Being intimately close with others was something he had done infinite times before, but why was he unable to control the abnormally quickening pace of his heartbeat?


            April could feel the boy’s warm breath on her face as his unreadable eyes secured tightly onto hers. Her heartbeat began to fluctuate uncontrollably as she attempted to get ahold of herself. However, she failed miserably, for the boy’s godly features were seemingly too difficult to ignore. April could feel herself unconsciously sinking deeper and deeper into his glorious eyes as she tumbled into an inescapable trance of his beauty. 


Hello guys! Sorry for the long wait >_< I've been busy with summer school lately OTL. I hope you guys liked this chapter though! ^^  (P.S. I think 99.9999% of  you know this, but I just wanted to clarify for the possible few who don't— Lucifer = Satan = the Devil)

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secret_vampire #1
Your story is better than my story
Chapter 12: OMG who is Henry? What does he want!
Chapter 12: Eeeeeeeepppppppp
thanhhuynh1997 #4
Chapter 12: Yay please update soon!~
Chapter 12: Oh dear, I can't wait for the next chapter! WHY YOU LET US KEEP ON HANGING?! I already knew the thing between RinA and April from the very first place. It usually happens in movies :P
Chapter 12: ghaad RinA's so immature! Why must she act that way if she's not Baekhyun's girlfriend in the first place? They have no commitment for God's sake!Choosing love over friendship is a big no-no. tss.

and as for Henry's part... hmm. we'll see. :))
Chapter 11: Oooooooo!! I wonder how April will reply! UPDATE SOON!