Chapter 1


            “GO!” Chen beckoned loudly as he sharply swiped his arm down, officially indicating the start of the battle. BaekHyun could feel the hairs on his back ecstatically standing up us he growled viciously at ChanYeol—who was snarling right back at him. The two slowly circled the perimeter of their spacious back yard—designed especially for their daily practice battles—not once allowing their eyes to leave each other’s.


            Without warning, BaekHyun made the very first move—charging directly at ChanYeol. As he sank his merciless claws into ChanYeol’s flesh, BaekHyun felt a victorious smirk growing on his face. However, ChanYeol soon dictated and BaekHyun was crushed underneath his masculine weight. The two continued to duel—rolling all over the grassy area as they continued to fight for dominance.


           Suddenly, an austere voice commanded, “STOP!”


           BaekHyun and ChanYeol paused and looked up to find their father, Han, standing beside Chen with his hands folded neatly behind his back. The two boys quickly shifted back to human form and dusted any residue dirt or grass off of their clothes before bowing respectfully before their father.


            “Father, when did you arrive?” BaekHyun asked.


            “A few seconds before your battle started. I just wanted to check up on everyone before I leave. Great job by the way, you two. I’m proud of you,” Han complimented as he gave the two beaming boys a pat on the shoulder. However, ChanYeol, you must a bit quicker than that. And as for you BaekHyun, you must not underestimate your opponent—I saw that sly smirk of yours.”


            BaekHyun nodded understandingly as he sheepishly scratched at his head in embarrassment. ChanYeol playfully nudged him in the ribs before the two broke out in harmonious laughter with their father.


            “Alright, I will be on my way now. Take care good care of your mother for me, alright boys?” Han announced as he darted his eyes over to Chen—implying that he was talking to him as well.


            “Arasso Aboji, we understand,” all three the boys chimed simultaneously in a monotonous voice.


           As soon as Han was out of sight, BaekHyun and ChanYeol looked each other—grinning widely as they shared the same thoughts.


           “Chen Hyung, we’re gonna go back inside first,” BaekHyun fibbed as he crossed his fingers in hope that his gullible older brother would fall for his lie.


           “Alright, go ahead. I’m going to practice for a little longer,” Chen answered before transforming into his wolf form, completely oblivious to the fact that his Dongsengs had just fooled him once again.


           ChanYeol opened the back gate and waited for BaekHyun to follow out before closing it shut behind them. The two snickered as they joyfully ran down the block—feeling the satisfying, cool night wind brush against their bare skin. To them, nothing felt better than freedom after endless weeks of practice—even if meant rebelliously sneaking out without their mother’s consent.


           Securely veiled by twilight’s shadows, the two allowed themselves to use their divine powers—speeding their pace up so they’d have more time to spend down at their local suburban market.


           As soon as the recognizable incandescent lights came into view, ChanYeol began hastening ahead of his brother—completely intrigued by the new products and foods in the market this week. The familiar smell of ChanYeol’s favorite street snack—French fried wrapped hot dogs on a stick—lured him to the corresponding street vendor, where he purchased three orders—two for himself, and one for BaekHyun. As soon as the ic flavor met his taste buds, he let out a satisfied groan.


           “I have missed you so much, baby,” he whispered passionately at the half-eaten hot dog. “Umma’s cooking is delicious, but you’re even better~”


           “You’re crazy,” BaekHyun snorted as he chomped down his stick within a few seconds, sending a loud belch out of his mouth right afterwards. “S’cuse me.”


           The two continued down the market, watching as people talked, negotiated, and bargained for what they believed was worth it. ChanYeol stopped by a few more vendors to get his dose of unhealthy foods before catching back up with BaekHyun. As soon as they hit the end of the road, they pivoted around and began making their way back home.


           A loud crash suddenly rang out from behind them, causing the two boys to quickly look back towards the source of the ruckus. Their eyes immediately landed on the helpless girl lying on the ground in front of a shabby noodle soup. Above her, hovered a few gruff looking men. Each and every one of them held either a chair, bat, or an empty beer bottle in hand.


           “WHERE IS YOUR ING DAD?! CALL HIM OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!” the toughest, most merciless looking man demanded deafeningly—causing many heads to turn back to look at the scene.


           “I told you already; he’s not here right now…” the girl replied quietly through clenched teeth. However, the way she turned around from the men as she slowly picked herself up, the way her eyes hastily averted to the ground, and they way her voice slightly dropped as she talked proved that what she had said was an obvious lie.


           “You , do you think we’re going to fall for that? Call him out right now or we’ll the beat the living out of you. ARASSO?!”


           Unsure of what further to do, the girl simply fled—running as fast as she possibly could—with the men trailing right behind her heel. Unfortunately, she had chosen the wrong path and had ended up running straight into a dead end alley—making it even more accessible for the men to continue their interrogating, threatening—and maybe even beating.


           BaekHyun listened carefully using his precise senses as he heard the men push the pitiful girl against the wall, continuing to threaten that if she didn’t hand over her father, she would be the one paying instead. The moment he heard her whimper out in pain, BaekHyun completely lost all control and began making his way towards the alley. However, ChanYeol was completely opposed against this decision—planting himself firmly in front of his brother.


           “Hyung, you can’t do this! We can’t meddle with humans—Omeoni talked to us about this many times before. Just leave it. If it was meant to happen, then it’ll happen. We cannot interfere,” ChanYeol warned under his breath.


           “But we can’t just leave her like that! She might die if—“


            Before BaekHyun could finish his sentence, another agonizing cry rang out from the shadows of the alley. This time, BaekHyun wouldn’t allow anyone or thing to block his way. Roughly pushing past ChanYeol, he dashed directly into the alley, quickly transforming into canine form as soon as he was safely hidden from human eyes by the darkness.


            His lips twitched upwards in anger, exposing his jagged, bare teeth to the men as he growled fearlessly—causing them to shake uncontrollably in horror.


            “What in the hell is that…?” one of them uttered in complete terror.


            “Probably just a dog… A very large dog…” another inspected. “Just keep going, it’s not going to do anything to us if we don’t—“


            “Think again,” BaekHyun thought as he lunged at the men, biting them directly at the crooks of their necks. However, choosing to spare their worthless lives, he did not use his strength to its utmost potential—allowing the men to live if received medical attention shortly after.  


            As soon as the last man hit the ground, BaekHyun quickly turned back into his mortal appearance before leaving the alley to prevent any other possible developing issues or questions between he and the girl. The second BaekHyun disppeared around the corner, the girl felt her knees buckling inwards as she slumped lifelessly down against the wall.


            “Holy crap… What the hell just happened? Are you delusional, April?” she whispered to herself as she began slapping at her face—hoping that she’d come back to her senses and soon realize that everything was all just a figment of her imagination.


            However no many how many times she hurt herself, she couldn’t seem to get the image of the large—maybe too large to even be a normal animal—wolf out of her head. Although she didn’t believe in those childish fairytales and fables, what she had seen a few minutes ago, she believed, was undeniably a divine creature.




VOILA! Here is the very first chapter! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*: Hope you guys enjoyed it! ^^ Please subscribe and leave me some feedback in the comments section letting me know what you thought if you liked it! :3 Thank you, and have a wonderful day~

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secret_vampire #1
Your story is better than my story
Chapter 12: OMG who is Henry? What does he want!
Chapter 12: Eeeeeeeepppppppp
thanhhuynh1997 #4
Chapter 12: Yay please update soon!~
Chapter 12: Oh dear, I can't wait for the next chapter! WHY YOU LET US KEEP ON HANGING?! I already knew the thing between RinA and April from the very first place. It usually happens in movies :P
Chapter 12: ghaad RinA's so immature! Why must she act that way if she's not Baekhyun's girlfriend in the first place? They have no commitment for God's sake!Choosing love over friendship is a big no-no. tss.

and as for Henry's part... hmm. we'll see. :))
Chapter 11: Oooooooo!! I wonder how April will reply! UPDATE SOON!