⎯ first kiss.

Just a School Trip Can Change My Life?!

the boys and their noona has arrived at the mall, actually, the boys has nothing to do with the mall, they just obeyed what their noona told them.

the girl took the lead as she walk in front of the boys while the boys is busy chatting, checking out girls, playing phone, and even dozing off behind her.

"boys, where should we go first?" the woman asked, turning her back to the boys who is busy with their own world, the boys panicked and immediately turn back their attention to the woman, throwing some random answers.

"the louis vuitton again?"

"how about gucci today?"

"i think prada is better noona."

"no, the h&m is on a big sale today, noona."

"let's just eat."

"man, i need to go to the restroom now."

kahi face-palmed herself because of the boys's answer "you guys is seriously no help" she sighed. 

"kahi noona. i need something to buy, can i go search them?" jason asked.

kahi nodded, "sure, Kris, Chanyeol, Suho, you go with him. Xiumin and Chen, you're with me. we'll meet here at 07:00 p.m straight." she smirked.

"can't us boys just go together, nuna? i mean... we have nothing to do with you.." xiumin said in a very low volume, almost unlistenable, mentally wishing that kahi will let him and chen go with the other boys, because he know, if he ends up with kahi, it will be a total nightmare.

"no, chen, xiumin, i need you two." she moves her hand signaling the two poor boys to follow her, and they did. leaving the four boys.

"what is the thing you need,  jason?" kris asked.

Jason look at him with the 'seriously-you-don't-get-it-hyung?' look, "i need nothing, hyung. it's just an excuse. i don't want to go with nuna, and you guys should thank me, or you'll end up just like xiumin and chen, going home holding kahi nuna's shopping bags."

"so... should we stroll around here?!" chanyeol excitedly jumps to jason, holding his shoulders from the back. 

jason just nodded, "okay?"

"yeah! kris hyung! suho hyung! let's go!" chanyeol runs off leaving the three guys.

Jason's P.O.V

we ends up in a toy store, we don't know how we get here, we just suddenly arrived here, chanyeol is busy looking at some plushy with suho hyung companying him, i just walking around the store with kris hyung following me.

"hyung, can't you just let me go by my self? just this once?" i said, still looking at the front.

i can feel kris hyung sighing, "sorry, but i can't, boss." he said, "me and the team just can't let anything happen to you again, i'm sorry boss."

i sighed, "that's okay hyung" i smiled bitterly, conscious of the fact, that i can't live a free life, anymore. "anyway hyung, i'm going to kick you out of my house if you call me boss one more time! my name is jason kim for your information." i said sarcastically, trying to joke at this icy situation.

"okay jason" he suddenly put his right arm around my neck and ruffled my hair, and smiled to me just like a proud older brother will do, i just smiled back, it's really rare to see kris hyung's smile.

"look, kahi's nuna birthday is coming, should we get her something?" he said as we walked outside the store after calling chanyeol and suho hyung to come out too. 

i look around and found the Tiffany & Co. "hyung, kahi nuna will like it if we buy her some accessories right?" i pointed at the store, making the three other guys turn their vision to where my finger pointed.

"great idea." kris hyung drag me to the store, we parted ways  once we has entered the store, we search for our own gift. 

i spotted a really beautiful necklace inside a glass box, it's a silver necklace with a pinkish infinity symbol pendant, i'm one hundred percent it's a couple necklace since there is another one, with a grey infinity symbol pendant, i decide to just buy the pink one, who knows if there's another guy out there is going to buy the grey one and ends up being my lonely kahi nuna's soulmate later? i mean, man, this is a small world.

i was about to call the store employee, when suddenly a brunette girl come with a blonde following her and squealed at the necklace, i politely poke her shoulder, 

"excuse me, but i'm buying it." i said, she just look at me with the face of her, she calls the employee and told the employee she is going to buy it, damn this girl.

"sorry miss, but i'm...." she cut me out with a glare, man, this girl is something. she is now eyeing on my uniform, more likely, my name tag.

"so.. Jason?" she speaks up "a new student at Shinhwa High?" 

new student?! hello! i'm the owner of that school for kris hyung's face sake! "no... why? you're one of the students there too?" i asked politely

"because if you're a Shinhwa High sophomore or senior, you should know me." she cockily eyed me.

i just innocently shook my head, because seriously, who is she?! 

"You don't know me?! like seriously?!" she emphasize the word 'seriously' as she really looks shocked knowing that i don't know her, what a freak.

"sorry, but i really don't know you. who are you?" i asked, but suddenly someone pushed the brunette girl, and it makes her about to fell, being a gentlemen i am, i quickly grab her so she won't fell, but happens, chanyeol suddenly run to me and being a happy virus he is, he jump onto my back, pushing me down, so do the girl, preventing her to land on the floor and getting hurts, i flipped our position so i'm the one that feeling pain, ouch.

wait. what is this soft thing on my lip? i opened my eyes, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! I LOSE MY FIRST KISS TO A BRUNETTE FREAK!


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Update soon pleaseeeee~
tommyo9876 #2
Chapter 6: Plz update!!!
Via099TOP #3
Chapter 6: Unnieeee update sooonnnnn
LoveSoshi999 #4
Chapter 6: Update soon please~~~~~
update soon plzz~~
It's a nice story
Chapter 6: Update plzz~~^^
uzumakiminato #7
please update, your story is really good :)
aznghosy #8
Chapter 6: Update Soon!!