Chapter 8: And This Is How We Meet...

I'm NOT Ready to Become a Dad!!


Hello guys! Before you guys started to read this Chapter, I want you guys to know that from now on instead of be "You" its going to be "Angie". Why? Well, one of my friends was reading it and she said that she felt weird... O.o and she suggest to put a name istead of "You"... I'm sorry if I make you guys confusse. u.u (I will change everything on the othe chapters when I have free time). Now, hope you like this chapter! :)





When the paramedics took Angie into the ambulance, I saw her in a really bad condition. I want her and the baby to be safe! I was so worry about that I forgat to call the guys. When we arrived to the Hospital one of the nurse stoped me and told me that I needed to wait on the waiting room. I really want to follow Angie but I couldn't. I just did what the nurse told me to do. 

I remember about calling Kevin and the others. I take out my cellphone and I started to dial the number. When he pick up the phone I just told him that Angie was at the Hospital. He just said somethings that i reall don't remeber. I hang out the cellphone and I just sat on one of the couches that were on the waiting room. I was so worried and thinking on positive things at the same time that I felt that the guys arrived in some minutes.

Kevin: Eli, how is Angie and the baby?

Eli: I don't know. I wish I could know.

Dongho: Where is AJ? Did he know what happened to Angie?

Kevin: Probably not.

Eli: What you meanby that? You guys were together.

Hoon: We were, but then Aj and Angie just dissapear from our sight.

Eli: Damn it! Somebody call AJ now!!

Kevin: Calm down Eli.

Dongho: Is not necesary, he is calling me.

Dongho pick up his cellphone and he just tell him that Angie was at the Hospital. He just hang out the phone.

Hoon: Eli, how did you found her?

Eli: I just couldn't take a nap and I just decide to go to the gym, but on my way to the gym I found someone lying on the floor. I just didn'y know it was Angie until I walk closer and saw it was her. No body was with her. 

About 30 minutes pass and I still have not news about Angie. I was so desperate but the guys try to calm me down. In that moment we heard a familiar voice. It was AJ! I just stand up and walked directly to him. He stoped infront of me. I could tell he was worry, same as I was!

AJ: Oh! Eli! How is she?! How is the baby?!

I just didn't reply to his questions! I was so mad at him for not taking care of her. I knew I should be the one responsible for her security, but I know she trust AJ, and she was hoping that he would take care of her! I just jumped on him and give him a couple of punches on his face. The guys were so surprise and run after me so I can stop beating up AJ.

Eli: AJ! You idiot! Where were you when Angie needed you?! Because of your irresponsability she can loose my baby! 

Kiseop: Your baby?!

Soohyun: So, that means... its YOUR baby and is NOT AJ's?

Kevin: Wait a second! What's going on?! You guys need to explain us what its happening.

AJ: C'mon Eli, why don't you tell them awhat's going on. After all, they now know that its not my baby. Or you want me to tell them?

I walked back to the sofa and sat down. All the guys followed me, waiting for me to tell them the story. I breath in deeply.

Eli: Her name its Angie. You guys know that already. We dated for 2 years. And why nobody knew about my relationship with her? Well, y'll know that when we sign out the contract with the company it saids tha we can't date nobody in 5 years. I sign it without thinking that it would be easy not to get in love, but I was wrong.



I went to practice our dance steps that day.  When the practice ended I just star walk back home. Sunddly, it start to rain and I tried to find a place to cover from the rain. It was dark and rainning really hard! I can bearly see where I was. Sunddly, a restaurant caught my attention and I just ran and get inside. I didn't ate that day, so seen the opportunity  of been in that restaurant and maybe to get a bit dry I decided to stay and ate somenthing, but because of the rain, that place was crowded! I look around, hoping to find an empty table but it was useless! I just turned around ans I was about to leave when I hear some.

Xx: Hey! You there!

I just turn back and I saw her! 

Xx: You want to share the table with me? I don't mind! But I don't know if you do.

I was like a dumb just stairing at her! I couldn't move or said somenthing right away! I was actually impress by her beauty! She was the most beautiful woman that I have seen in my life! My heart started to beat up fast! This has never had happen to me before. I don't know but for me it was love first sight. At least that's what I thought. I breath deeply.

Eli: You talking to me?

Xx: I don't see anyone else standing there. I'm talking to you! C'mon, don't be shy!

At first I though she was playing. I though that she was pretending not to know me. I just didn't said anything else and walk thoward the table. I sat down and from no where the waitress appear waiting for our order.

Xx: I would like a bowl of spaicy noodles please! That would be all for me.

Waitress: Sure! How about this young man.

Eli: Uh, same thing please.

She write it down and walked away. 

Xx: Same thing as me? But you didn't even look at the Menu!

Eli: Oh, I'm good. I'm familiar with this restaurant. --I lied.

Xx: I See! That explains!

Eli: Excusse me but, did you know who am I?

Xx: No, why you ask? 

Eli: Never mind. Just curiosity. My name is Elison by the way, but you can calle me Eli.

Xx: Nice to meet you Eli. My name is Angie and I'm not from Korea.

Eli: Really? Why you are here? Vacations?

Angie: I wish it could be for that, but saddly not.

Eli: I see.

After a little talking the waitress came with our food. I tried to eat but I couldn't. I couldn't stop stairing at her! It was like she cast a spell on me! She notice that I was watching her.

Angie: Its there a problem?

Eli: Ah? No.

I start eating and tried not to watch her, at least not a lot. We finish eating and I offered to pay for our food, but she didn't want that! At the end she end up paying. I felt bad about that but she tell me that it was her way of thanking me for make her company during dinner. She told me that it was the first time that she ate dinner with somebody. 

On our way out of the restaurant we notice that stopped rainning. I told her that I will walk her home. She didn't want to, but i insisted! I told her that it was my way of saying thanks for her, because she payed for my food. Also, a preatty girl like her shouldn't be walking alone on the streets! But my number one reason was that I want to speend more time with her. I want to know more about her.

We just walked without knowing where. When we stop, we notice that we were heading thowar the Han River. For me it was the perfect night! But sunddly that changed! From no-where a balck car stopped infront of us and from that car a man get down followed by four other men. I was confusse and kind of scare! But I didn't show it! I took Angie's hand, I know she was surprise of my sunddle reaction! The man start to walk on our direction!

Eli: Stop! 

He stop and smile. That smile creap me out. I just felt chills run through my spine!

Eli: What did you want?

Angie: Dad! I already told you that I will not go back home!

Eli: Dad?

I can't belive it! That scarry guy was her dad! But I was conffuse! Why she said that she will not go back home? Did she run away?

Dad: You will come back home with me now! Its an order!

Angie: I won't go back until you take out that horrible idea of getting me marry with a man that I don't even know!! That's just crazy! You didn't even tell me about it!

Dad: I don't need to tell you my plans! You are my daughter and I know what's good for you! And who the hell is this guy? Why is he holding your hand?!

Angie: That's none of your busness!

Dad: Why you little brat!! Hey you! Who the hell are you?! Why are you with my daughter?!

When Angie's dad asked me who I was, I just didn't know what to answer! The only thing that came into my mind was...

Eli: I am Angies boyfriend!

Did I just said that? Oh, I did! And I didn't know why, I just did! And ofcurse, Angie was surprise! The only thing I now know its that I can't change what I said.

Dad: That's enough! Angie! You will come with me in this moment! If I have to force you I will! 

He raised one of his hands and moved his hand foward! With that the four man that was behind him start walking thoward us! I hold Angie's hand really tight and start running! The other four men were running after us! I don't know how much time we had been running but when we were about to turn in a corner when a black car sunddly stoped infront of us! We stoped instantly! That car was blocking our way out! From that car Angie's dad come out, followed by other four men! I was getting scare and axious! 

Dad: Did you want to take things like this?

Angie: Dad! You are going too far!

Dad: You know me very well! If you had obey me in the first place, I wouldn' be doing this.

I was thinking in a way out when sunddly I felt how one of the men that was chasing us earlier took me from my shoulders roughtly and throw me on the ground! I reacted fast and I give him a kick! I was about to stand up but other man holded me by my hands! I tried to fight but other man take out a gun out and pointed me with it. I stoped fighting. The men make me to kneel putting my hands back on my head. I turned around to see Angie and she was crying!

Eli: Angie...

Angie: Eli, I'm so sorry...

Dad: Angie, if you come with me I promess I will let him go.

Eli: Angie! Don't go! Please!

When I yell that to her one og the guys punched me on the face!

Angie: Eli!

Dad: Hey, we don't have to go that far, right? Just come with me.

Eli: Angie!

Angie: I don't want nothing to happen to you Eli! Than you so much for everything.

I just saw how she walked thoward her dad. Her dad just huged her like nothing happened.

One of the man yelled at his apparentely boss.

Man: What should we do with him?

Dad: You guys know what you have to do! Get ride of him!


Dad: I promesse that I will let him go, but I never said alive.

Angie: ELI!

I could see that she tried to run on my direction, but one of the guys hold her! Those words that come out from Angie's dad petrefied me! I was in shock! I just though that I was a dead man alredy! The men that was holding the guy stand infront of me and pinted his gun at me. I felt useless and I just closed my eyes. I waited to me shot but  i feel it was an eternity! I just waited and nothing! Sunddly I heard Angie's voice and I opened my eyes.I was surprised! Angie was on the back of the guy that was about to kill me! She was beating him up! One of the guys that was watchin me, run after his friend to help him out! I sunddly reacted! There was only one man watching me! I sunddly stand up and punck the guy on the face as hard as I could! He fell on the ground instantly! Then I run after Angie to help her out! I just beat up the two men and took angie's hands and we just started running without direction! 

I could hear the sound of a car! I know those men were after us! Luckily it started to rain, really hard! I thanked the rain for helping out! I started to see a well know streat. I remembered that AJ live close! I wanted to called him and asked him if we can stay on his place, but because of the rain none of our cellphones worked! We have no choice but to keep running to AJ place.


When I heard my exit door been knock I was unsecure of opened the door or not, but I did. When I did I saw Eli and he didn't look good at all.

AJ: Eli, what are you doing here at this time? And what happened to your face?

Eli: Its a long story! But AJ, please! I need your help.

Then I notice that he brought someone with him. She look at me shyly. She was a beautiful girl! But knowing Eli I had bad thoughts.

AJ: Not in here Eli. Have fun in other place.

Eli: What are you talking about? I really need your help! I almost got kill.

AJ: What?

Eli: Please, we need to saty just for tonigh.

I let them stay with me. I gave them dry clothing. I made some hot tea for them. While Angie was taking a bath Eli told me the whole story! I was surprise! When Angie finish taking a shower Eli was next. I took Angie to the guest room but I couldn't stop looking at her. She was really beautiful! While I was showing her where the thing on the room where I could feel how my heart beat up faster.

Angie: Thank you so much for letting us stay.

AJ: Not problem. Eli is my friend. I'm AJ by the way. He told me that your name is Angies, right?

Angie: Yes!

AJ: I'm glad that you guys are safe now! Please, if you need somenthing let meknow. I will bring you some hot tea.

Angie: Than you AJ.

I get out from the room adn went to the kitchen. I pour soem tea on a cup and walk back to the room where Angie was. But I stop right out the door. The door was kind of open so I could see and hear both Eli and Angie.

Eli: Angie, are you okay?

Angie: Yes, I'm fine. How about you?

Eli: I'm good. 

Angie: I'm sorry Eli! Its all my fault!

I could see that Angie was cleaning Eli's cuts. But when she turned to grab a bandage and turned back, Eli just hold her face sweetly and kissed her! I felt hurt but I didn't know why. I wanted to walk away but I coudn't move my feet! I just keep watchin that scene! When they appart from each other I could see that Angie was conffuse.

Eli: Angie, I love you!

Angie: What? But we only know each other for just a couple of hours and because of me you almost die!

Eli: But you also save me! Angie, did you belive in love first sight?

Angie just smile at Eli. 

Angie: I do. And that's what I thought when I saw you standing in that restaurant.

I just saw how they both kissed again. It really hurts! I just went back to the kitchen and I pretend that I was making tea. Eli walked to the kitchen.

Eli: AJ, guess what?

AJ: What is it?

Eli: Angie and I are a couple now. She is my girlfriend.

That was like someone throwed me a bucklet of cold water! I pretend to be happy and I forced a smile.

AJ: Congrats Eli, but you can't date, remember the contract policy?

Eli: I do! But I really love her. I never felt like this with someone before.

AJ: Eli, its dangeros. What if the manager or someone finds out?

Eli: I will be careful. And you won't tell to nobody, right?

AJ: I won't tell. I'm your friend. 

Eli: I will risk it. Than you so much AJ.

He huged me and walk back to where Angie was. Since that day I knew I love Angie too. But Eli was my friend and he almost die trying to protect her. I hide my feeling for her during this years. I thought my feeling will dissapear with time but I was wrong. My feelings for her had never change. I love her a lot. And because I love her I decide to acept that baby and take care of her like she was my real daughter. 

                                                  ******Enf of the Flashback*******





OMG!!!!!! I'm back!!!! But I have to go back and do homework! T^T

Sigh*... anyways! Welcome New Subscribers and I'm sorry for late update!

Collage its getting difficult everyday! I can't wait for some vacations! \(*o*)/

I hope you like this update! I guess is longer than the other ones... O.o I guess...

Hehehe! >w< Don't forgat to Comment and Subscribe so you can be

notify for new updates! ^w^

Take care Y'll! 


by the way... I decide to put a name for the girl, Angie. One of my friends read it and she suggested me to put a name. So, from now on its Angie.... I will change the name for other chapters when i have more free time. I'm sorry if i making you guys conffuse. u.u 





















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Hello guys!!!! Im so so sorry!!!! Too much homework to do!!! But, i will update tomorrow!! I have typed half of the fic!! :) i will finish it tomorrow!!


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Rachaellovesukiss #1
Chapter 8: WHY I've gotten so into this story and it hasn't been updated since last year update please!!!
_jeonchi #2
Chapter 8: Update soon.. Hwaiting!
Chapter 8: Please update love your story ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 8: So now they know. How will they react to the flashback?
update soon^^
Chapter 8: update soon!
storm_hazel2255 #6
Chapter 8: Good storyline so far but the only complaint i have is the grammar and spelling needs alot of work
Chapter 8: so... Who's Angie?
Noobynoobster #8
Chapter 7: Woah.!!!! Eli!!!! The poor baby tho.. :(
Chapter 7: update soon
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 7: Oh no! I hope nothing bad's going to happen.