Mianhae... Sobbie-ah..

The Truth

As told to him,Yoseob need to cleaning up the dorm.When he have done cleaning the dorm,Junhyung arrived.

"Yoseob-ah..I`m home.."Junhyung shouted and Yoseob running towads Junhyung and hug him.

"Hooray...my hero has arrived."Yoseob said with his childish voice.Junhyung chuckled.Then,both of them go to the living room an sit on the couch together.While sitting there,Junhyung was playing with Yoseob soft hair.

"Yoseob-ah...Is there anything that you need my favor?"Asked Junhyung as Yoseob was landing his head on Junhyung right shoulder.Yoseob put one of his finger on his lip as he think of somthing.It so cute.

"Anio...I`ve finished the work.Omo,it so tiring me,hyung."Said Yoseob..

"I`m so sorry for that.I should get home earlier.Mianhaee.. Sobbie-ah."Junhyung apologisednas he patting Yoseob back while he hugged Yoseob.

"It`s okay,hyung."Said Yoseob softly.Junhyung felt guilty for Yoseob.Then,he have an idea.

"Yoseob-ah,want me cook for  you my  special soup?"Junhyung asked happily.

"what?Your special soup?Of course I want it."Yoseob reply happily.Then,both of them heading to the kitchen.

"You just sit there quietly and I`ll make you my special soup."Said Junhyung as he begun his cooking.Yoseob saw that Junhyung was really good in cooking.After minutes,Junhyung serve his special soup on the table.Yoseob already clapping his hand just like a child getting candy.

"Okay...Try to eat this soup slowly.It still hot.."Advised Junhyung.Yoseob blow slowly the soup.Then,he tasted it.

"So..How the soup?"Asked Junhyung.Yoseob just smiled and made thumb up as sign 'OK'.Junhyung smiled happily.He glad that Yoseob likes his soup.Then,Yoseob feed up Junhyung.Both of them having a great time together.But without Yoseob knowing,all his action made Junhyung heart beat faster than ever.Junhyung always hope that he can confess his feeling sooner but he still can`t.

While Junhyung in his day dream,Yoseob surprisedly kiss him at his cheek.That make Junhyung awake from his day dream.He grinned and he have plan to make Yoseob kiss him more..

"Just at my cheeks..How about this one?"Said Junhyung as he pointing at his lips.They both chuckled for nothing.

"Arasso."Then,Yoseob kiss Junhyung lips.Junhyung was surprised that Yoseob think that he was serious about that.But the kiss was too good.Finally,he broke the kiss.Both of them already blush...Then,they eat the soup together untill they are full..



A/P:Sorry 4 the late update hope you like it.... plez comment....

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Sooooo cute ^^ Love BEAST <3
salad92 #2
hey, this is soo cute!!! >///<
my bias in beast is Dongwoon n Yoseob...
they're soo damn cute!!!! ^^
Good stories dear!! d(^_^)b
aww so sweet~~
LOL....so sweet...too bad its so short...but its okay... :D
Kyaa~<br />
The other (Doowoon and Kiseung) is so clever!<br />
Hehe..<br />
Junseob!<br />
Finally...hehe..:) Nice fanfic...
Hey Hey...I like it!<br />
Please update soon...^^
i want more!!!! update please~~hehe...thanks... :D