
Midnight Fantasies

~ ❂  ~

The screech of the train stopping jolted Donghae awake. At least that's what it might have seemed like to outsiders. Instead, the sixteen year old felt like his mind was ripped in half and when  he immediately sat up, extreme nausea attacked him. There was definitely something off with this.

"You woke up just in time. Let's go." Kyuhyun greeted him with a smile as the tall boy stood up. Donghae forced a smile and quickly stood up, snatching up his bookbag at the same time. His mind swirled as he fell against Kyuhyun's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Donghae nodded hoping that nothing seemed too off with him to Kyuhyun. The last thinig he wanted was to get someone worried and questioning things that he didn't even have answers to.


A familiar road. A patch of familiar trees. A familiar house. Donghae shook his head as he continued walking along the road by Kyuhyun's side. There was no way he had been here before. Kyuhyun said that they were going to meet some rich people that could help them get a place to live for a while. At first Donghae despised the idea but it wasn't like he had anywhere to go and since Kyuhyun was willing to let him hang around him then Donghae had to follow Kyuhyun.

"We're here." Kyuhyun grinned as he stopped walking in front of a driveway. Donghae stopped looking around behind him and stopped in his tracks when he raised his head to see the traditional japanese styled house in front of him. Panic struck him as he shuffled back a few steps.

"Why did you bring me back here? Why- How did you know about this place?" Donghae asked and rage boiled in him when Kyuhyun only chuckled. The boy seemed extremely evil now.

"The woman that lives there is my aunt. Not biologically of course. Her sister adopted me and sent me here to live with her." Kyuhyun began to explain as he walked over and grabbed Donghae's wrist. Although the boy struggled, Kyuhyun still managed to pull him over. "You see, my mom wanted to get rid of me but she didn't have the heart to do it. So she sent me away for a while so she didn't have to see me." Immediately, Donghae felt bad for the boy. Maybe he wasn't the only one going through such a hard time with families. But unlike Donghae, instead of giving up on everything automatically, Kyuhyun looked happy.

"Then...did you know that they adopted me?" Donghae asked nodding towards the house.

"Of course. Did you think I just go around picking up lost kids from the streets of Seoul because I'm bored?" Kyuhyun laughed.


"Anyways," Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, "I guess living here or not is your choice. What do you say, you wanna live with me or just run around with no shelter, no food, no home." It seemed like the boy was taunting him now. Donghae was about to open his mouth to answer when there were cries and shouts that suddenly came from the house. Out of nowhere two small bodies flung themselves onto Donghae's.

"DongDong you came back for me!!!" A voice screeched as small arms wrapped around Donghae's neck.

"We thought you died!!!" Another cries as arms hugged Donghae's waist. Kairi and Ari had attached themselves to their big brother and they weren't letting go.

"It seems like you really don't have a choice." Kyuhyun chuckled as he stepped away from the boy. Donghae's eyes had softened a little at the sight of the twins. His spirit orb even glided over with Ari and nuzzled its smooth surface against Donghae's cheek.


Mr. and Mrs. Lee sighed as everyone gathered in the living room for a talk. Kairi and Ari were sent off to bed though two little heads still peeked around the door from time to time without being noticed. Donghae sat nervously on the couch next to Kyuhyun who seemed completely lax with the situation. The two adults however were staring at Kyuhyun with great discomfort.

"Kyuhyun where did you find Donghae?" Mrs. Lee asked with a slight tone of fear in her voice.

"In Seoul." Kyuhyun said bluntly as he leaned back against the couch.

"Where in Seoul?"

"On a street." Mrs. Lee sighed clearly giving up. They had been trying to get information on Donghae's whereabouts out of the both of them for almost half an hour already.

"How exactly did you find him?" Mr. Lee tried.

"Well you see, I have these things called eyes that can see things. And these eyes of mine happened to land on this young boy beside me right here that you both seem to be very concerned with." Kyuhyun explained like it was some magical process. Donghae glanced at him and tried to hide a snort. In truth, Kyuhyun wasn't all that bad.

"Alright, I understand. Neither of you wants to tell us how you two met or what happened yesterday or why it happened. It's all in the past. We're just really grateful that Donghae you've returned. You don't know how worried we were and the kids were just out of control too." Mrs. Lee sighed. "Why don't you go back to your room and get some rest." she added with a smile and Donghae had no choice but to do as she said. They looked like they wanted to talk to Kyuhyun. Donghae got up feeling relief rush through him as he headed out the living room, not before turning around to sneak a glance at Kyuhyun though. The dark haired boy smirked and gave a small wave goodbye before turning back around to face Mr. and Mrs. Lee.

~  ☪  ~

"He's not going to disappear forever right? What if he dies? Yesung this isn't good, this isn't good at all. Donghae can't die. Old spells are too powerful for a human to withstand! What are we going to do?" Donghae heard wailing as he arrived in Sinro. On the same field of grass as last night (since they didn't get anywhere yesterday) sat Yesung on his turtle while Eunhyuk paced circles around him.

"Will you please plant your feet in once specific spot before my Ddangkoma and I decides to throw up all over you from the nausea you've caused us." Yesung pleaded for the umpteenth time as he rubbed his temples. Donghae felt a grin spread on his face at the thought of Eunhyuk so worried over him. Maybe guardian angels really did care about their clients instead of doing so just because it's their job.

"Is somebody worried about me?' Donghae sang teasingly as he placed a hand on Eunhyuk's shoulder. The blonde angel immediately turned around with big eyes and a worried face as he began checking Donghae's body for any marks and such.

"Is there a mark for the spell Yesung? Is there?" Eunhyuk wailed as he raised Donghae's arms and pulled the boy's shirt up to check. Donghae's cheecks flushed red at the act as he quickly pulled his shirt back down and pushed Eunhyuk away from him.

"I am completely fine. Why are you fretting so much?" Donghae asked. Getting worried over actually felt kind of nice, as long as Eunhyuk didn't pull his shirt up again.

"Because, some wizard casted an acient spell on you! Those spells are way too powerful for a human to endure. What if you die or get stuck inbetween two worlds just floating around the universe unable to stay in one place?" Eunhyuk began ranting again and Yesung had to fight back the urge to stand up and slap the idiotic angel.

"What spell?" Donghae asked feeling completely confused. Eunhyuk seemed to have gotten frustrated though and turned to Yesung with an exasperated face.

"Yesterday when you woke up you didn't really wake up. Someone casted a spell on you to swap you from different worlds and pulled you back to Earth. Usually a world swapping spell is known by wizards who studied the Rune Period. These wizards are extremely rare and usually lock themselves up in solitude for decades to master magic. But because wizards hardly age throughout their 800 years of life they spend most of their time after mastering spells, using spells. Some for good, some for evil."

"From what I've learned from my Master, the world swapping spell can be set for certain times. Although if it is used too much then the bearer of the spell will become extremely weak and possibly die. And because I told your wonderful guardian angel this he is currently having his 10th panic attack since last night." Yesung explained very quickly in one breath. He seemed pretty calm with the idea. In truth, Donghae was of no importance of him anymore since he wasn't going to become a Spirit Orb. But it did bother him how much the angel freaked out because it disturbed him and his turtle.

Donghae soaked up the information before turning to see Eunhyuk who was still pacing around Yesung in a circle. Indeed the angel seemed worried. Donghae smiled a little and walked up to the blonde, gently patting his shoulder.

"I didn't know you cared that much." Donghae teased completely enjoying the feeling of being cared for.

"Of course I care! If you die then I have failed as a guardian angel! If something happened to you then it would be so tiring to save you! In the end I wouldn't be able to get my wings!" Eunhyuk explained. All of a sudden, the smile on Donghae's face disappeared. The entire time Donghae was so stupidly thinking someone cared about him, turns out that it was all for a stupid reason.

"I understand now." Donghae muttered, turning away. "Let's get moving. The faster we get to the Death Mountains the better." He frowned and took a spot behind Yesung on his turtle since riding with Eunhyuk wasn't going to make the journey any merrier.

"I agree." Eunhyuk nodded and hopped on his horse. The three of them were off, heading towards the nearest Elf Town before Donghae could be pulled out of Sinro again. Tonight, Donghae wanted to leave Sinro more than ever. He felt pathetic. His adoption family didn't want him, besides Kairi and Ari but they would soon disappear too once they find out about his odd ways. And now even his guardian angel cared more about his wings than his client. Guardian angels are supposed to protect. But maybe it only meant to protect physically. Emotions were a different story.

panda: so sorry for not updatin for a while ;w; had camp then visited the beach nd simply couldnt type poo orz agh dis chap mightve been a let down. idk wut im doin with kyu...or eunhae...hopefully ill work it out by the nxt chap^^ lol

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257471 #1
Chapter 10: It's getting more interesting with hyuk and chonchon...
please update this soon. thanks
Chapter 10: Keep it ChonChon, it´s cute ^^ and please pleeeasee update soon! :D
Chapter 10: ㅋㅋㅋ there were two hyukkie around hae now, its gonna be interesting, eunhyuk jealous over chonchon
moonlight_bat #4
Chapter 10: kekekekeke, see hyuk, if u don't treat hae better, you will be replaced by that spirit
Chapter 10: LOL...
i think maybe hyuk will be jealous w/ chonchon... hahahahaaaa...
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Yay you updated! xD But I think ChonChon is fine :) It's cute! ^_^ And awww is Eunhyuk jealous? ;)
Chapter 10: lmao dont worry, just update!
Chapter 10: -gasp- ChonChon/Eunhyuk looking spirit!!!! The part with him just saying Donghae's name over and over and snuggling with him is sooo adorable ^^