
Midnight Fantasies


"It's time for breakfast!" Ari smiled once he saw that Donghae had woken up. The boy was not feeling well espicially after having such a wild dream. He rubbed his temple with his hand before staring at the eight year old boy.

"What time is it?" Donghae asked feeling groggy.

"11AM. We were all worried why you haven't woken up yet so Mom sent me to fetch you. Hehe, Dong Dong's a heavy sleeper huh." the boy chuckled while Donghae just shot him a small glare hoping to frighten the boy. He didn't understand. By now he should already be getting dirty looks from the family and in the next hour hear discussion of sending him back to the orphanage. Maybe if he just went downstairs for breakfast then things would go as he expected.

Donghae pushed Ari out of his room telling him to inform the family that he would be down in ten minutes. Groaning again from his headache Donghae stretched his arms to wake up only to fearing a pain in his right shoulder. Quickly glancing down at it he saw two faint red marks in the exact spot where he had gotten scratched by Kangin in the dream. It just looked like it had healed almost completely overnight. 

The blue orb glided over to Donghae's left shoulder after snuggling out from under the pillow. Donghae looked at it with confusion before nodding at his red shoulder.

"Do you think that guardian angel was right about my weird dreaming?" Donghae asked but the question was more directed to himself. The orb just shook lightly as if shaking his head in a 'no idea' manner.

"Well, let's get ready for breakfast and see how long it'll take for them to get creeped out by me." Donghae chuckled as he ran a hand through his light brown locks. He pushed open the door to the bathroom that was connected to his room. It was surprisingly clean from not being occupied for so long. The sixteen year old stepped in not bothering to take shower and splashed water onto his face allowing some to drip onto his chest. Now he felt more refreshed. He rushed through his morning necessities before strolling back into his bedroom and rummaging around his bookbag for a t-shirt and jeans. Once he was done he called his friend over and the blue orb happily flew over to perch on your shoulder. Bracing himself for what was to come at breakfast with his new family, Donghae walked downstairs and into the dining room to be greeted by his family.

Mrs. Lee and Kairi had worried looks on their faces until Ari pointed Donghae out till they all smiled up at him happily. Immediately the blue orb flew under Donghae's shirt again as if it was scared of something. 

"Donghae we thought something was wrong when you didn't wake up yet." Mrs. Lee chuckled with wrinkles around her eyes as she quickly beckoned Donghae to sit with her. Donghae saw Ari pout and immediately pull Donghae over to sit with him claiming that he wanted brother bonding time. Donghae cringed a bit wondering what would happen when Ari comes to despise him. Trying to seem normal, Donghae took the seat next to Ari across from Kairi while Mrs. Lee sat across from Ari and Mr. Lee took the end of the table. 

"Eat more okay!" Mrs. Lee quickly stuffed radish strip kimchi into Donghae's bowl of rice before giving him more food from the dishes spread around the table. 

"Uh...thank you." Donghae said to get her to stop as he bowed his head slightly. He wasn't so used to this kind of treatment. Most mothers would stare at him weirdly at breakfast. Actually, the entire family would as if they were watching a display at a zoo. The rest of the breakfast went by normally like how any other family would. Kairi and Ari yelled at each other for taking the last piece of bulgogi while Mrs. Lee continued to sneak food into Donghae's bowl. Mr. Lee would make small talk with the family before he left early to work.

"You kids be nice to Donghae and show him around the house alright." he ordered before waving at the twins who sighed and nodded. 

Once breakfast was finished Donghae was shown around the traditional japanese house. Ari giddily told him all of the perfect hiding places for a game of hide and seek and Donghae couldn't help but notice that his blue orb was still hidden under his shirt. 

"What's wrong?" he whispered to the orb. It only shivered slightly before Donghae got annoyed and pulled it out holding it in front of him. It wasn't like it could be seen, it hasn't been seen by anyone ever since it had appeared a year ago. People only looked at Donghae weirdly when he talked to it so why would the orb be scared.

"Stop acting so weird, you're safe!" Donghae explained until he felt Kairi's and Ari's eyes on him. He was waiting for it to come. The low whispers of him being a weirdo and having issues were to come.

"Dong Dong what's with the blue ball that you're holding? It's so pretty!" Ari exclaimed as he skipped up to Donghae to stare in awe at his friend. Donghae was taken back.

"You can see it?" he gaped at the boy letting his guard slip and the blue orb dashed back under his shirt. 

"See what? What are you guys looking at? I don't see anything!" Kairi sighed and pouted as she looked around wondering what the boys were talking about.

"Nothing. Ari you didn't see anything, it must have been a trick of your imagination. Thanks for the tour." Donghae said in a rush before running away and flying upstairs into his room. It was impossible that someone else could see the satin blue orb. No wonder it tried to stay hidden, it knew that Ari could see it. 

"This is weird." he sighed and looked at his friend who had buried itself in Donghae's blankets. The rest of the day was spent with Donghae locked up in his room afraid to be bombarded by Ari and his questions. Lunch was awkward and so was dinner since Donghae didn't say a word to anyone even though everyone kept talking to him. It was to protect his blue friend. If fewer people knew about it the better since Donghae didn't necessarily know what it was himself. What surprised him though was he had lasted a day in this house without weird looks or low whispers or discussions of the orphanage. Just how much longer would he last?

~   ~

A familiar feeling swept over Donghae when he woke up. It was the same feeling he had last night. His stomach churned and his skin tingled. It was odd. Thankfully this time he wasn't in a bare plain but in a dark gray land filled with large boulders. In the distance he could see a large mountain that was faintly red. The atmosphere smelled of danger and it was incredibly hot. Donghae was getting scared now, he probably preferred the nightmare he had last night instead although both seemed equally realistic this one was scarier. 

"I see you have returned. I'm glad this time I was able to get you closer to the fortress." Donghae immediately spun around at the low voice that was followed by a growl. It was Kangin, the monster he saw yesterday but this time he was in his human form. Was it possible that Donghae was having the same dream over again just in different settings? Or was what Eunhyuk said last night real about a place called Sinro?

"Why don't you come along now pretty boy. Heechul wants to meet you." there it was again. That name that Kangin said Donghae remembers it being mentioned yesterday. Just who is this Heechul? The monster came closer to him and smirked when he saw Donghae back away. He was frightened of this nightmare and just wish he would wake up. Kangin's breathed on Donghae's neck as he towered over him those red eyes piercing through him.

"You can't hurt me." Donghae's voice sounded weak compared to Kangin's and quickly all the confidence out of him. What if this wasn't a dream? Before Kangin make his next move a hand grasped Donghae's hand and a jet of silver shot out connecting to Kangin's jaw. In that split second Donghae was pulled away and was running for dear life with a familiar blonde. A rage suddenly boiled over inside of Donghae.

"Yah! If you're supposed to protect me why am I back in this place!? You need to explain everything to me and why I'm having re-occuring dreams!" Donghae snapped but he was ignored.

Sounds of Kangin growling and throwing out cuss words was deafening. He sounded furious and must have transformed into his monster form or there wouldn't be broken pieces of boulder flying everywhere. A few flew towards Donghae and before they pelted him Eunhyuk had yanked him into his arms and turned around so the rocks pelted Eunhyuk's back instead. Donghae held his breath when he felt the platinum blonde haired male flinch against him.

"Don't ask anymore questions." he whispered into Donghae's ear and without wasting any time he pulled the boy behind a large boulder. Eunhyuk pressed his slightly sore back against it and saw Donghae glaring at him.

"What is go-" before the boy could finish his question Eunhyuk's hand shot out and covered Donghae's mouth before turning him around and pulling him against his chest. His other arm wrapped around Donghae's waist to prevent him from running away. 

"Don't make a sound." Eunhyuk whispered into Donghae's ear and he could feel the warm breath linger on it. Donghae could feel his body pressed against Eunhyuk's tightly. The male wasn't going to let him go soon by the way he was holding him so tightly and the way they both remained utterly silent while Kangin prowled the rocky land. They both took slow steady breaths trying not to make them too loud and everytime Eunhyuk exhaled his breath would tickle Donghae's neck making the boy's face grow crimson red. He was not used to this position and it was making him feel very awkward. 

The sounds of Kangin's claws scraping the ground as he walked came nearer. Donghae quickly held his breath as Eunhyuk pulled him closer to his body. He could feel his chest against his back and knew he has a well toned chest. Donghae's face grew extremely hot and so did his body he just prayed that Kangin would go away.

Once they heard the demon sigh in frustration and the sounds of his claws disappeared they finally let out a sigh of relief. Donghae quickly yanked Eunhyuk's hand off his mouth and scrambled away from him. They were standing too close for his liking.

"I want an explanation now!" 

"I don't owe you one. You do though because you need to explain why you keep coming to Sinro!" the platinum blonde sighed as he leaned against the rock making his cloak swish along with him.

"I don't even know what this place is. I just went to sleep and woke up and the pedo demon from yesterday thinks he can kidnap me and bring me to some Heechul guy. Then you appear out of nowhere like you did last night with your silver super powers. I don't get it, if you could beat him up yesterday why not today an-" a hand clamped over Donghae's mouth again while Eunhyuk looked at the boy lazily, clearly annoyed.

"You have alot of questions for a sixteen year old. Fine, I'll answer them. My powers become weakest when I'm closer to demon territory. It takes more of my energy away. If I had stayed and fought then when more demons came out you would get hurt." Eunhyuk explained still keeping his hand tight around Donghae's mouth. "This dreamland as you call it that you have been entering since last night is Sinro, like I mentioned before. It's the land of angels and demons but other creatures live here too it's just angels and demons are the more dominate ones. And that's all I'm going to say because once I get Siwon to have a look at you, you will never be coming back here." 

All the information was confusing Donghae. He tried to speak but found the angel's hand was still on his mouth. He narrowed his eyes at it until Eunhyuk quickly removed it.

"Now who is this Siwon person?" Donghae crossed his arms and glared at the angel. He looked his age and his height so there was nothing to be afraid of. Of course he was in a dream too but Donghae couldn't deny seeing the claw marks he saw this morning that came from Kangin last night.

"He's the one in charge of the heavens." 


"No, he's referred to as Shisus. It's a bit different from the beliefs you humans have on Earth." Eunhyuk explained and Donghae cocked his head to the side not really understanding. He really wasn't understanding all of this. Most of his dreams didn't make sense but this one was just insane and deep down he was beginning to believe that it really wasn't a dream like Eunhyuk said.

panda: i feel really bad i keep writing these long chapters that are basically filled with words and no drama =.= i can tell its like boring whenever i reread it but i swear the interesting part will come later xD i just gotta get to it...hopefully soon^^ and thank u subscribers, commenters, and upvoters xD

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257471 #1
Chapter 10: It's getting more interesting with hyuk and chonchon...
please update this soon. thanks
Chapter 10: Keep it ChonChon, it´s cute ^^ and please pleeeasee update soon! :D
Chapter 10: ㅋㅋㅋ there were two hyukkie around hae now, its gonna be interesting, eunhyuk jealous over chonchon
moonlight_bat #4
Chapter 10: kekekekeke, see hyuk, if u don't treat hae better, you will be replaced by that spirit
Chapter 10: LOL...
i think maybe hyuk will be jealous w/ chonchon... hahahahaaaa...
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Yay you updated! xD But I think ChonChon is fine :) It's cute! ^_^ And awww is Eunhyuk jealous? ;)
Chapter 10: lmao dont worry, just update!
Chapter 10: -gasp- ChonChon/Eunhyuk looking spirit!!!! The part with him just saying Donghae's name over and over and snuggling with him is sooo adorable ^^