Realistic Dreaming

Midnight Fantasies

~ ❂ ~

The Lee house was huge. The family only consisted of four people, there was no need of such a large home. Seeing his new home made Donghae queasy. The traditional japanese styled home reflected how rich they are and how less they will need Donghae. 

"Donghae, are you going to come in?" Mrs. Lee beckoned him over to the front door. She had told him to call her Mom when he was comfortable but Donghae doubted that would ever happen. Shifting his bookbag that carried all of his belongings from the orphanage over his shoulder, Donghae reluctantly entered the house while Mrs. Lee placed a guiding hand on his shoulder.

"Kairi, Ari, come help your brother!" She shouted at her two twins who were currently arguing over who gets the last icecream bar. The two eight year old siblings came running over.

"Dong Dong, how do you like your room? Where do you want your room? Do you want to sleep upstairs or downstairs." Ari chatted away with question after question making Donghae groan. The boy had been talking the entire ride into the country where their house was. He wouldn't stop asking questions and was always so curious.

He even gave Donghae a nickname, Dong Dong. It wasn't a nickname Donghae particularly favored but it was better than the nicknames he got at the orphanage. 'Pedo Fish' and 'Ghost Whisperer' were the most popular ones. It was all because Donghae seemed to always see things others couldn't and people assumed whenever he would talk to those things, he either had imaginary friends and never grew up mentally, or he was just a creeper and could talk to ghosts. Either way, Donghae was always despised so staying with the Lee family might be a very short stay like all the past adoptions.

"Ari can you stop asking him questions!? Gosh, I already told you how annoying your questions are!" Kairi scolded her brother with her arms crossed. Donghae looked at her feeling a bit relieved someone understood how he felt towards Ari. The girl felt Donghae's gaze on her causing her to look up  at the sixteen year old. His eyes seemed hollow and emotionless but there was a flicker  of gratitude in them when he looked at her. It was scary yet mysterious.

"I mean...ah...Donghae, we'll show you to your room." Kairi blushed from embarassment and shot her twin a look.

"Shut up! You can't just order everyone around like that. I came out first!" Ari began to argue as he stormed after his twin who had taken off through the traditional japanese house.

"Well I act older!" Kairi's comeback was heard as she ascended the stairs. Donghae sighed wondering how long he would last around these kids before they grow to hate him. As annoying as Ari could be it was nice to have someone talking to Donghae for once without nasty comments.

"What do you think? I bet I'll be back by tomorrow before lunch." He chuckled as he looked at the floating satin blue orb by his shoulder. The orb bounced up and down in agreement making Donghae smile. It was true he saw things and that he had a floating orb that no one else saw and it always seemed like a mental issue to others.

"Donghae-ah, why don't you head up to your room then. Make yourself comfortable. If you're still hungry after eating out feel free to come downstairs and find any of the servants for food." Mrs. Lee smiled and nodded towards the stairs. Donghae was surprised the woman hadn't looked at him weirdly when he was "talking to himself." Shrugging it off, Donghae nodded and headed upstairs, the orb following after him. It glided through the air faster than Donghae who was taking his time.

"Wait up." He called but didn't speed up. When he had reached the second floor, the blue orb had rushed back and plunged into the back of Donghae's shirt. He could feel the orb slightly shuddering against his back as if it was scared. Wondering what had frightened his friend, Donghae cautiously rounded the corner where the orb had flown back from. Kairi and Ari were standing by his door still arguing. Maybe the loud shouts had scared the orb but it was rarely frightened which shocked Donghae seeing it was now cowering under his shirt.

"Oh, Donghae! Here's your room." Kairi pulled her brother to the side to allow Donghae to see his new room. He muttered a thanks and entered the room, closing the door behind him in the faces of shocked twins. 

"Do you think he's mad?"

"He's probably just having a hard time getting used to a new home."

Kairi and Ari's voices began to fade as they descended the stairs. Donghae sighed as he risked a glance around his new room. It was best if he didn't, gives him one less thing to be attached to, not like there was ever something he could get attached to at a new family's home.

His room this time actually gave off a more comfortable feeling. His past rooms either had been too clean and tidy, or they were too empty as if the family made a last minute decision on the adoption. This room however seemed used before but was still in good condition.

"Well, let's get some sleep before I head back to nearly sleepless nights at the orphanage." Donghae nudged the orb out of his shirt as he stripped it off and tossed it to the side barely missing the trash can and landing on his bookbag. Not even bothering to throw on pajamas he slipped into bed pulling the covers over him sloppily. The blue sphere snuggled against Donghae's forehead as if giving a goodnight kiss before it slipped under the corner of Donghae's blue pillow.

The next five minutes were filled with Donghae's wandering thoughts. Everytime he was adopted he had a problem with sleeping. The room always felt too spacious and empty, the bed more like a cage, and the night more like endless darkness. Donghae learned to ignore it all and try his best to not have nightmares. But tonight he didn't seem to have to worry about any of that. The blue orb buried itself in the curve of Donghae's neck and began glowing dimly as if it was breathing, its chest heaving. A thin layer of dark blue light surrounded the orb appearing and disappearing. It had never done a thing like so before and it trapped Donghae's gaze as he watched his orb and its light until he fell asleep.

~ ☪ ~

There was an odd atmosphere surrounding him when Donghae woke up. He had fallen asleep not too long ago and waking up this quickly wasn't what he wanted, epsicially if he was sure he would be sent back to the orphanage the next day. Pressing a hand to his head Donghae groaned as he surveyed his surroundings. They were odd. It wasn't the bedroom he had fallen asleep in, he was in a mass plain. The ground was bare of grass and was only adorned with scattered rocks, pebbles, and occasional weed. An eerie wind swept across the area, ruffling Donghae's bed head. There was no way he had fully woken up, this was all a dream, a very vivid one. 

Brushing himself off, Donghae stood up as he looked as far as he could around him hoping to see anything else besides barren land. A moon shone brightly above causing him to tilt his head up to gaze at it once his eyes caught sight of it. The moon was abnormally large as if it was alot closer than the distance it is from Earth. That was just the thing, in such a realistic dream, the place must have a name. Donghae wanted to find out more of this dream, it was so strange. He gently kicked a pebble with his shoes as he noticed he was dressed in his everyday clothes consisting of a jean jacket with a t-shirt underneath and his favorite pair of black skinny jeans.
"Is anyone here?" he timidly called out trying to keep his voice from quavering. That made him feel stupid, it was a simple dream. How could he be so frightened? As he continued to walk across the land he felt himself start to shiver as he hugged his arms to his chest. The temperature seemed to have dropped alot all of a sudden. It was odd, very odd. Donghae was still kicking pebbles as he walked when he noticed that the rocks were slightly shaking, so was the ground. Earthquake, was the first Donghae thought of that was until in the darkness of the moonlit night he saw two pupils gleam red in narrow slits that he was assuming to be eyes.

Frightened by the piercing eyes, Donghae stumbled back a few steps nearly tripping over himself. The creature took steps forward as Donghae's eyes widened at the beast before him. It was a miracle his eyes didn't fall out of their sockets. The beast breathed out and a cloud of sour, putrid odor attacked Donghae's nostrils. The boy wanted to choke and gasp for clean oxygen but he feared a single sound would send the monster ripping him to shreds.

The monster before Donghae was like no creature he had ever seen before. The red eyes were the only body parts that had a bright color. The rest of its body was drenched in dark black that blended well in the night but only the tips of the fur were dashes with streaks of silver. The beast was a tall, large creature, its four legs all placed on the ground with its claws digging into the dirt. The front two legs were larger and more buff than the back, packed with ripping muscles that the fur held tightly to. Down the beast's body its fur slicked down to a dark grey before back to a pitch black once at its tails. The creatures tails were like a horror show. Three slick tails that whipped behind, its ends also a sharp silver. The tails were sharp like knives because that was what they were.

A deep growl from the monster caught Donghae's attention back on its face and how much did he regret looking at it. Its muzzle was slightly wet but not as wet as its chin that dribbled with drool that seeped down from its white fangs. A whimper escaped Donghae's lips as the creature bared its teeth at him, flashing a toothy grin that revealed parts of its dinner inbetween its teeth.

"You look tasty. Your looks are too pretty for a mere boy. I'll help you with that. No need to thank me." Donghae was shocked when the beast spoke with a low rough voice. He didn't expect for such creatures to know how to speak; but then again this was all a dream.

"Y-You can't hurt me whatever you are." Donghae stuttered as he tried to move away but his legs were stuck to the floor, his body too frightened to move a single cell. He quickly shut his eyes when the beast roared and bits of dinner flesh flew onto his face. Maybe if he tried hard enough he would wake up and the nightmare would be gone. This was the worst and most realistic nightmare he has ever had, so far, and he couldn't wait to get out of it. For once Donghae wished he was "home" or at least in the house where his adoption family lived.

"Time for your makeover!" It teased and lunged at Donghae knocking him to the ground as he wheezed after getting the air knocked out of him. Claws kept him pinned to the ground as he struggled to escape. The sharp nails scraped Donghae's shoulder as the beast tried to take a nip at Donghae's face but the boy only wriggled and squirmed. Pain seared through his right shoulder where the sharp nails pierced leaving two rips in the shirt and blood seeping out. It was unbearable and so realistic Donghae almost panicked thinking it wasn't a dream. Is it possible to die in a dream and never revive in reality?

Donghae squeezed his eyes shut bracing himself for the worst but nothing came. A flash of white shot in front of Donghae and the heavy body on him was lifted off. Cautiously opening an eye, Donghae slid into a sitting position, groaning slightly at the pain in his shoulder. The monster had been knocked off of Donghae and skidded across the dry land. A tall lean male dressed in a long, dark blue cloak and black pants tucked into combat boots straddled the beast.

"Kangin, you shouldn't be out and about killing innocent prey. It's not like you to feast on easy prey." Donghae's savior snapped at the beast as he cocked his platinum blonde head to the side. The beast, Kangin, was about to speak but jets of silver met its face and stomach causing it to fly back.

"Just give up already and return to your normal form." The blonde said lazily as he stood up brushing himself off. Donghae saw the man was about the same height as him and he was way skinnier than Donghae. He felt a bit embarassed to be saved by him he didn't look very powerful despite the weird super powers.

Suddenly Donghae's attention was directed to the monster sprawled on the ground. The hideous form began to blur while purple ribbon-like waves  circled around it. Donghae was sputtering incoherent words as he watched the monster that had just attacked him shape shift into a human form. The purple waves faded away leaving a tall, built man dressed in shiny black warrior clothes standing before them. His black hair was slightly lit at the tips with streaks of silver indicating it was the same monster just in human form. His features were hard revealing how tough he was and the way his still red eyes pierced through Donghae still sent shivers crawling down his spine. 

"Eunhyuk, are you trying to steal such a pretty  prey from me? You're jealous aren't you?" Kangin chuckled as he sauntered up to Donghae who was now standing and trying to figure out an escape plan. Long nails suddenly gripped the human's chin bringing Donghae's face upwards and closer to Kangin's.

"Oh you're such a pretty boy, it'd he a shame if your face fell in that blasted angel's hands." He chuckled and trailed his tongue down Donghae's jaw. That was enough to make Donghae snap. The dream felt too real, the rough texture of the monster's tongue and its slick saliva staining his skin was enough to drive him insane.

"Kangin, hands off." The blonde, Eunhyuk snarled and Donghae was ripped away from Kangin's grasp. "He's mine." He added making Donghae blink rapidly. No one has ever declared something like that about him with such sureness in their voice. Eunhyuk's grip around his wrist just made the situation rarer.

"Don't mess with me Eunhyuk. This is my human, I'm afraid you can't have him on Heechul's orders. Despite that he's still my feast." Kangin's red eyes narrowed into slits as he moved to snatch Donghae back but a jet of white s out of Eunhyuk's palm and wrapped itself around Kangin's neck as he struggled to fight it.

"Leave now. I don't know what business Heechul has with this human but he is mine. As long as I still haven't fallen to hell no one can touch him. Tell Heechul to keep his nose out of my business." Kangin's eyes flashes with panic as the white snake-like power tightened around his neck nearly cutting off his air flow. Eunhyuk moved his palm and flung Kangin across the sandy plain, releasing him from his grasp. Before the monster could land on the ground there was another circle of purple waves and his body disappeared.

The platinum blonde male turned towards Donghae who he still held firmly by the the wrist. It gave Donghae a chance to see his face. Eunhyuk had eyes lined with thick dark blue eyeliner and his lips were slightly plump and had a nice faint gloss and his jawline was defined.

"What was that...what are you?" Donghae asked as he quickly twisted his arm away from Eunhyuk's grasp.

"Well, I see I don't even get a thanks for a life saved." He crossed his arms and shifted on his feet causing his cloak to sway a bit.

"Thanks, but I wasn't in any danger this is all dream anyways." Donghae scoffed.

"A dream!?" The blonde spat and nodded towards the two scratch marks on Donghae's shoulders that were still bloody. "What about the pain you feel in your shoulder right now? Humans are always so weak they feel pain at everything."

That was a question Donghae wanted answered too. Just what kind of dream was he having to be feeling things so realistically, all of his five senses were alert. "Nevermind that, you and that Kangin person keeps referring to me as a human. I suppose you aren't, what exactly are you?"

"Kangin the monster that attacked you, is a demon. To be more exact, he's a warrior demon." Eunhyuk paused and hesitated on whether he should continue after seeing Donghae's jaw drop and hold his head. "And I, am an angel, your guardian angel."

The last three words caught Donghae off guard. How could he possibly have someone to guard him, much less an angel? Protection from others was rare to Donghae. That just proved how this was all a dream.

"I'm going to wake up now." He declared as he fisted his hands trying to keep them shaking from the surprisement. There was no way he was awake at the moment.

"That's a good idea. I don't even know how you managed to get into Sinro all by yourself. Humans aren't supposed to be in this place. I'm supposed to protect you with me here and you there now my job is in ruins. Waking up is a good idea, a great one." Eunhyuk seemed to be stressing out as he paced around chewing his thumbnail.

"So by saying I should wake up you are admitting that this is a dream." Donghae raised an eyebrow getting a bit confused.

"Technically, according to Earth you're dreaming." The blonde paused and bent down to dust sand off his boots. He stood back up and zeroed his eyes in on Donghae's, holding his gaze. "According to Sinro, you're awake and walking about in flesh and blood." There was silence between the both of them as they waited for the other to speak. Donghae blinked and shook his head breaking his gaze from the angel.

"First of all, you can't possibly be my guardian angel, much less an angel. You have no wings. Also, there's no way I can be in two places at once. Lastly, I can't get hurt. then on Earth so I shall wake up now and escape this confusing dream." Donghae concluded feeling satisfied with his solution. If only he knew how to wake up. He repeated the words "wake up, wake up" in his mind numerous times while Eunhyuk watched with a scowl trying to explain how he was an angel.

"I have to earn my wings from being a guardian angel." He began to explain, "and based on these looks, surely they're angelic enough to know I'm a creature of the heavens."

"But why must you protect me?" Donghae decided to play along as he continued to chant "wake up" in his mind. Suddenly something snuggled out of the neck of his shirt. He never felt it there until now. The satin blue orb hovered a bit over his shoulder but since Eunhyuk was turned around he couldn't see it.

"It's my job. I was appointed to you. It's my top priority to see that you are safe, not hurt, and protected by me. That's why I have to watch over you while I'm in Sinro." The blonde turned around with his arms spread in an 'understand' manner. 

Donghae felt his head spin a bit as he continued to chant. The blue orb was still bobbing over his shoulder gone unnoticed by Eunhyuk. "I have to watch over you, always." Those were the last words Donghae heard before he lost conciousness. The sight of the bare plain blurred along with Eunhyuk's puzzled face. His voice echoed repeating the last words he said and before Donghae knew it someone had burst open the door to his bedroom and was lightly shaking him out of bed and repeating the small whispers of "wake up." All that was stuck in Donhae's mind though was 'I have to watch over you, always.'

panda: whew i typed 3/4s of this on my iphone so i apologize for any typos im not used to writing on my phone OTL and this chapter was a bit long....boring.... I bet haha but imma keep tryin harder xD and well when i made up the name "Sinro" i really didnt know wut i was thinkin it sounds weird tho nd idk wut to change it to 

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257471 #1
Chapter 10: It's getting more interesting with hyuk and chonchon...
please update this soon. thanks
Chapter 10: Keep it ChonChon, it´s cute ^^ and please pleeeasee update soon! :D
Chapter 10: ㅋㅋㅋ there were two hyukkie around hae now, its gonna be interesting, eunhyuk jealous over chonchon
moonlight_bat #4
Chapter 10: kekekekeke, see hyuk, if u don't treat hae better, you will be replaced by that spirit
Chapter 10: LOL...
i think maybe hyuk will be jealous w/ chonchon... hahahahaaaa...
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Yay you updated! xD But I think ChonChon is fine :) It's cute! ^_^ And awww is Eunhyuk jealous? ;)
Chapter 10: lmao dont worry, just update!
Chapter 10: -gasp- ChonChon/Eunhyuk looking spirit!!!! The part with him just saying Donghae's name over and over and snuggling with him is sooo adorable ^^