Angel of Love

Midnight Fantasies

~  ☪ ~

"I can't believe you made me get stuck with elf ears." Donghae fumed as he flicked his ears again wondering if they would disappear soon. He didn't want to wake up with Ari pulling on his ears since that kid practically sees everything. The blonde angel simply shrugged and gathered the horses' reins and guided them through the streets with Donghae tagging along behind. They have their horses, food, charms, disguise and now all they needed was some weaponry.

"No need to thank me, but the ears don't make you the handsomest male in Sinro." Eunhyuk rolled his eyes. It was beginning to become bothersome to have to put extra effort into protecting his human, the other guardian angels had it easy. "If you can't already tell, I am the handsomest male in Sinro." he turned around with a smirk but Donghae only narrowed his eyes.

"I'm serious, what if someone sees them when I wake up?"

"You're the only one that can see things you've gotten from Sinro. Mere humans can't but since you're an exception only you can." Donghae was getting worried. Then how can Ari see things, and what is the blue orb, Chon Chon? The boy was about to open his mouth to ask the question but there was suddenly a loud commotion on the streets. All the elves that were on the streets immediately scrambled inside their small homes. Only Eunhyuk and Donghae stood helplessly in the middle of the street wondering what had happened. There was silence in the air, hardly a sound but creaks of windows of the buildings where the elves peeked out of. 

"I think the most handsomest male of Sinro scared them all away." Donghae whispered jokingly but was ignored. Eunhyuk tightened his grip on the reins of the horses and trained his eyes at the far end of the street. Something was off, really off. Suddenly, there was a loud snarl. A large beast stepped out and prawled down the street towards Eunhyuk and Donghae. The sixteen year old's eyes widened as he recognized the familiar jet black fur that was tipped with silver. Kangin bared his teeth as his claws clacked on the stone streets.

"I finally found you again." the demon growled, his lips tilting up into a smirk and revealing his pointy fangs. 

"I'm not going with you to meet Heechul." Donghae said bravely while he hid behind his guardian angel, using him as a shield.

"I'm afraid you have to. You have something very important that belongs to him. I personally didn't want this mission but Heechul can be quite difficult you know." Kangin came closer and suddenly tossed something out before him. It was a body. Donghae held in a gasp when he saw Madame Rina's face, the woman who had just sold him his charms and disguise. Her face had a few scratches and her arm seemed to be bleeding but her chest still heaved slightly showing sign of life.

"These are my ways of tracking pests down. Now, will you come to Hell with me? Be a good boy and just go along with things human." Donghae gulped as he gripped Eunhyuk's arms from behind. What was going to happen? The warrior demon was so bent on getting him to Hell but he had to go to the Death Mountains.

"Kangin, tell Heechul that Donghae doesn't have anything of his and that Donghae will never be seeing him. As for you, find something better to do than terrorizing innocent creatures." Eunhyuk said through gritted teeth. 

"Shut up angel. I know you're his guardian angel but no wonder you don't have your wings, all your clients are so messed up." the beast paused just to savor the sight of Eunhyuk's nostrils flaring, "Or is it you that's messed up? The demons aren't all oblivious to what you did in the past." The angel balled up his fists and shook Donghae's hands off him. No way was he going to let the demon get off without a fight. He handed the reins to Donghae before stepping forward getting into proper stance for battling.

There were growls from both opponents and jets of white shot out mixed with claws and fangs ripping here and there. Donghae shrunk against the horses who seemed to be unaffected by what was happening. The sixteen year old felt horrible, this all started because of him. He wanted to know why in the world he of all humans is able to come to Sinro and all these wild things happen to him, but his answers were going to go unanswered. It wasn't like Shisus was much help being the 'God' of Sinro.

Out of nowhere there was a loud bam and wood flew out making the fight stop. Dust clouds puffed up making Kangin and Eunhyuk seperate from each other coughing and waving the smoke out of their faces. A blonde man stepped out and Donghae's eyes widened at the sight of wings. He had large, beautiful wings with soft white feathers. They flexed out from his spine as the man approached the fight from an infamous three story building that was well-known for their women. The blonde man emerged out of the dust that was beginning to vanish so his face could be seen more clearly. He had striking looks that were angelic yet like a prince too. The man turned to Donghae and smiled. Donghae caught sight of a small dimple on his cheek. Suddenly, the angel's smooth walking changed to a stumble making him look not so angelic anymore.

"Why must we fight now? Can't there be love instead of hate?" the angel spoke. Donghae was watching him, hanging onto his every word. The man was beautiful, he never saw anyone like him. This must be what a true angel is like, Donghae thought to himself. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and turned his back to the angel, ready to fight Kangin again.

"It is a beautiful thing to love..." the angel spoke again but was completely ignored by both the demon and guardian angel. They began fighting again, claws met skin, magic met fur.

"Yah, wingless brat! The Angel of Love is speaking, it is important for you to listen! If you don't listen to other people you will never find someone who'll take interest in you, and when no one takes interest in you no one will love you, and when no one will love you then you won't get married or have little precious angel babies depending on what you mate. I highly recommend you mate another angel and not some centaur you do know is frowned upon from angels." They had stopped fighting and turned to listen to what the angel was ranting about. Donghae who was already listening tried to pay closer attention to decipher what in the world he had just said. It made no sense at all. Eunhyuk and Kangin lowered their arms and paws as they cocked their head to the side.

"I mean," the said Angel of Love coughed and straightened himself up trying to change his tone of voice from before. Fixing his white robes he tried to look angelic as ever and smiled, "Can't there be love instead of hate?" he repeated what he had said before making everyone sigh.

"Yah, forever alone cupid, please stay out of my business." Eunhyuk snapped as he turned around ready to fight again.

"My mission is to cover Sinro in love. I can't have you here spitting hatred everywhere. Oh and how could you drag such a pretty little boy into this danger too?" the angel immediately waltzed over to Donghae and wrapped an arm around his neck and lifted his chin up with his slim fingers. The sixteen year old began to panic. Why did everyone he meet so far all call him a pretty boy, what was up with his looks to these Sinro creatures?

"Don't touch him you old ert." Eunhyuk snarled letting his guard down. Kangin suddenly tackled him to the ground, pinning him down and nearly suffocating him. The arm around Donghae quickly slipped off as the angel reached behind his back and pulled out a golden bow and arrow. Holding it up he stretched the arrow back aiming at the demon before letting it fly loose. Accoring to what Donghae saw, the arrow should've pierced Kangin in the forehead but instead the arrow flew underneath the beast and plunged into his heart. Kangin's eyes bulged and he rolled off of Eunhyuk. The Angel of Love smiled showing off his dimple again as he sauntered up to the beast before squatting down and lightly tapping the arrow.

"Y-You're pretty." the demon mumbled as he looked up into the angel's eyes.

"Damn right I am. I am the Angel of Love. And before you say 'I love you', I'm sorry but I am completely against beasitality. I don't like furry bodies and claws and such. It's weird when mating." the angel chuckled as Kangin only stared at him with a dazed look and his tongue hanging out.

"Some Angel of Love you are." Eunhyuk muttered as he jogged back to Donghae standing by the horses. He was a bit dazed too. The beautiful angel had touched him and they were so close. Donghae didn't know what was wrong with him. Sure he knew he was always gay but for angels? Besides, maybe it was because he was said Angel of Love. "Yah! Donghae! Donghae! Stop your drooling. Don't tell me you're falling for that erted Leeteuk."

"Who's Leeteuk? I'm not falling for anyone. What drool?" Donghae mumbled in a daze only to be slapped awake by Eunhyuk.

"I am Leeteuk. Angel of Love or in other words, Cupid. I'm in charge of love, love, and more love. I am also in charge of the mating process. I determine that after who and who mates if they will be lucky enough to have an offspring." the blonde angel chuckled as he walked over dragging Kangin with him by the arrow. Donghae shuddered a bit. It was weird for Leeteuk to be talking as if they weren't people. Technically they aren't but they had human-like bodies so the terms  that were being used bothered Donghae greatly. It just reminded him how different Sinro is to Earth.

"Are you playing around with the elves again?" Eunhyuk asked, crossing his arms and eyeing the building where he saw women giggling and wearing rather revealing clothes.

"I'm not playing around, I am simply showering them in love. Now this isn't my problem but yours. Why are you fighting again?" Leeteuk prodded Eunhyuk's forehead with his finger. The guardian angel growled and rubbed his forehead.

"The demon started it." Eunhyuk snapped as he slyly tried to sneak by and unsuccessfully run away but Donghae wasn't cooperating and Eunhyuk only ended up tripping and falling onto his horse. The guardian angel growled as he clutched the horse saddle. He hated the annoying cupid. He was always the biggest gossiper of all and was well known for displaying his love everywhere, ert. The demons that met Leeteuk always thought he was the angel version of Heechul. Although just not evil, in that way.

"Ah, Donghae such a beautiful name. It suits such a beautiful face too." Eunhyuk turned around to see Leeteuk's arm around Donghae's waist while his hand twirled with a lock of Donghae's light brown hair. The human was just frozen to the spot with cheeks the color of tomatoes. 

"Yah, Leeteuk I thought you went straight after your embarass incident?"

"Nope, I'm biual now." the angel shrugged as he kept Donghae in his arms. "Don't you remember what a fun time we had together?" he chuckled. Finally, Donghae noticed what was going on and after hearing that he almost threw up in his mouth to imagine Eunhyuk and the angel together. Sure maybe angels getting it on seemed really hot but not with Eunhyuk.

"N-no, I don't remember." Eunhyuk blushed as he tried to push the memories out of his mind. "Anyways, if you're not going to become useful then please leave us alone. We need some swords and unless you can give us two then go back to having fun will you." he changed the subject quickly hoping Donghae wouldn't catch on and he would be forced to explain his past.

"Swords is it? Ah, you know the price for favors." Leeteuk wriggled his eyebrows as he puckered his lips teasingly. Eunhyuk only shot him a glare and the cupid quickly flashed his hand out causing two silver swords to appear. He held the two swords out towards the guardian angel who gladly took them. Donghae stared at the two swords, they were beautiful. The hilts had small carvings of wings imbedded in the silver and a red ruby jewel sat in the center. The sheath had carvings too, carvings of an angel incased in its wings.

"Yah, I'm not kissing you, ert." Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and stuck one of the swords through his belt.

"Guys, I have to wake up soon." Donghae suddenly mumbled making the two of them turn their heads towards him.

"Ah! That's right, I knew your name sounded familiar. You must be that human that Shisus was talking about. I guess I'll kiss you then." Leeteuk chuckled as he tilted Donghae's chin up. Eunhyuk's eyes widened wondering if he should stop him but there was no easier way to wake the human up so it was just best to let Leeteuk handle it. It still bothered Eunhyuk to have a ert kissing the human he was supposed to be protecting though.

"Take this." Donghae's eyes widened when Leeteuk whispered in his ear and his hand slipped into Donghae's back pocket slipping something into it before passionately placing his lips on Donghae's. The guardian angel fumed when he saw the hand. Of course, a ert was always a ert but the cupid is definitely a e. The human vanished into the air arriving back on Earth as Leeteuk turned to Eunhyuk iing his lips with a grin.

"He tastes sweet." Leeteuk snickered with a wink before waltzing to Kangin the about-to-become-concious demon lying on the ground. "Now, have fun protecting him. I'm going to have some fun with this demon. I am absolutely against but hey, look at this beast he must be huge, right?" the cupid grinned making Eunhyuk pretend to gag. "If you ever need help, love is but a kiss away!" The cupid spread his wings as a cloud formed around him. He had already pulled Kangin onto the cloud. Leeteuk waved at Eunhyuk before tossing lipstick at him, it was his famous way of getting people to contact him. Eunhyuk only glared at the lipstick in his hands. No way was he going to use it but to sell it for some money he stuffed it into his pockets before awaiting for the next time Donghae would come to Sinro.

panda: idk wut i just made outa leeteuk TT TT im sorry!  but i really wanted a cupid in this haha and it doesnt hurt to have too many erts rite^^ i mean suju has 15 of them haha xD ah this chap didnt really have alot of things happening but just introducing a new character i guess. Leeteuk will be important in the future xD

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257471 #1
Chapter 10: It's getting more interesting with hyuk and chonchon...
please update this soon. thanks
Chapter 10: Keep it ChonChon, it´s cute ^^ and please pleeeasee update soon! :D
Chapter 10: ㅋㅋㅋ there were two hyukkie around hae now, its gonna be interesting, eunhyuk jealous over chonchon
moonlight_bat #4
Chapter 10: kekekekeke, see hyuk, if u don't treat hae better, you will be replaced by that spirit
Chapter 10: LOL...
i think maybe hyuk will be jealous w/ chonchon... hahahahaaaa...
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Yay you updated! xD But I think ChonChon is fine :) It's cute! ^_^ And awww is Eunhyuk jealous? ;)
Chapter 10: lmao dont worry, just update!
Chapter 10: -gasp- ChonChon/Eunhyuk looking spirit!!!! The part with him just saying Donghae's name over and over and snuggling with him is sooo adorable ^^