
4 Seasons With You

            It was summer. She walked into her local café, hoping that she’d be able to find some peace of mind with its comforting music and wonderful aroma of coffee beans. Ordering a small latte and a slice of banana bread, she seated herself at the far corner of the room, isolating herself from everyone else—just the way she liked it.  “L, is for the way you look at me… O, is for the only one I see… V, is very very, extraordinary….” the music drowned on and on, soothing her soul. She closed her eyes and smiled before taking a sip out of her cup. “I’m sorry miss, but is anyone sitting here?” a light voice chimed out, disturbing her calm state of mind. She opened her eyes to find an extremely tall and alluring man standing before her. His almond-shaped deer-like eyes were the first things she noticed; they were intense and soulful, and seemed to be able to see right through her. Captivated by his glorious looks, she found herself blushing when she realized he must’ve been irritated from waiting so long for such a simple answer. Quickly shaking her head, she allowed him to take the chair across from her. He moved the chair a few inches away from the table—giving her the privacy she needed—before cracking open his novel. And for the rest of the afternoon, she couldn’t help but smile to herself whenever she caught him stealing a look at her every time he looked up from his book. Before she left the café, he stopped her and asked for her name. Flattered, she told him and in return, asked for his. Simply, cleanly, and charmingly he told her a name that she would never forget—“LuHan.”


            It was summer. He took one last look in the mirror—straightening up his tie—before leaving the house. He arrived a few minutes earlier than the agreed time and booked a table for two before nervously waiting for her arrival. The moment she stepped in, he was immediately taken aback at how stunningly gorgeous she looked. The fitting cream dress she wore hit and emphasized her curves perfectly, and she tied it all together with the perfect lip color, making it even harder to ignore her. Realizing that it was impolite to stare, he swallowed and inhaled deeply before turning his attention back to the table. She greeted him politely, flashing him a bright pearly smile before sitting herself down. And for the rest of the night, he couldn’t help but to find himself being quickly won over by her humorous and kind personality. Before she left, he found himself spontaneously telling her, “I want to see you again.”


            It was summer. The sky was black velvet, the stars were gleaming, and the moon was smiling approvingly down on them.  He took her out to the beach at twilight, and promised that they would be invincibly inseparable. She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder as they gazed indefinitely at the stars. After several moments of silence, he dared to quietly utter out her name—barely audible. She turned to look at him, finding his eyes evident with sincerity and loyalty. Closing the gap between them, he slowly leaned in and placed his soft lips on top of hers, sending her heart fluttering uncontrollably.  Although the waves were cacophonous and intense—violently crashing against the shore—all she could hear were the sweet words he whispered after breaking away—“I love you.”


            It was autumn. The leaves were changing colors—slowly withering away. She watched as they solemnly descended from their branches and down to the cold hard ground where they would be cracked to pieces under the heavy, pressuring footsteps of humans, while she waited for him to pick her up from work. Lost in reverie, she hadn’t noticed the piercing—but gentle—familiar voice that had called out her name. She swiftly turned around to find LuHan smiling charismatically at her. “Ready to go?” he whispered into her ear as she ran into his warm embrace, feeling his velvety lips on her forehead as he pulled her in for a kiss. She nodded calmly as he opened the car door for her. Once she was seated, he slipped in beside her, lacing this warm fingers through her cold ones—immediately warming them up. On the whole journey back home, not once did he let go of her hand.


            It was autumn. She was sick at home with a cold due to the bipolar fluctuating weather. Knowing that she was too exhausted to do anything else, he came over with some soup and several movies, hoping that they’d be able to spend time together while she recovered. After taking her medicine and consuming the soup, she slumped down onto the couch with him as they began their movie marathon. Fatigue kicked in after a long while of watching the harsh, bright screen in the darkness, and before she knew it, she fell into slumber with his fingers continuously running through her hair.


            It was autumn. She led him into her house—blindfolded. Once he was seated on the couch, she took the cloth off, allowing a gigantic birthday cake to come into his view. “Happy Birthday, LuHan,” she congratulated as she wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his temple. He blew out his candles with one wish in mind—to never be separated from her.


            It was winter. Outside, the green, flowery earth she used to know was covered in beautiful white snow. She smiled to herself as she closed the blinds, appreciating the security that her house provided for her. Appreciating the fireplace that emitted heat and comfort, warming up her chilly limbs. Appreciating the bed, covers, and blankets that protected her against the harsh cold. And of course, appreciating the lovely man beside her, that kept her heart close to his. She snuggled up against LuHan as she climbed into bed along with him, deeply inhaling his scent—the scent of fresh laundry and faint cologne. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close to him—so close that she could hear the beat of his heart. Nuzzling her head right under his chin, she gently pressed her face against his comforting chest and allowed herself to prepare for slumber.  


            It was winter. Snow continued to descend from the sky as they stepped into the crowded building. Scattered around the room were a mixture of ecstatic children and disgruntled parents. He led her over to the ice, tightening this grip on her hand when he sensed how nervous and anxious she was. Cautiously, she allowed herself to take one step onto the foreign land—fascinated at how different it felt from the ordinary land she walked on everyday. “Don’t let go of my hand,” LuHan chuckled as he began pulling her behind him. Soon, excitement and thrill conquered her fear, and she was glazing on the ice all by herself—giggling proudly in accomplishment.


            It was winter—the coldest and most brutal one yet. She had recalled witnessing him cough up a pool of crimson red, staining the hardwood floor. “No, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” was the plain but reassuring response he would give her every time he noticed her brows furrowing in worry, but it was repeated—like a broken tape—so many times that it was getting more and more difficult for her to believe. Concerned, afraid, and worried, she finally convinced him to see a doctor. “I’m sorry, but you have been diagnosed with stage four of lung cancer. There isn’t much we can do for you now,” was what they told him. She felt her world crumbling to pieces right before her eyes, hating herself for not being able to do anything to stop it. He held her in his arms that night— feeling her tears wet through his shirt—until she fell asleep.


            It was spring. The snow had melted, allowing the smallest bits of life to flourish out from under the earth. In contrast to the many things that were growing and developing that spring, she felt herself withering away in anguish and sorrow. Although he tried to be optimistic and hopeful for her sake, there was no doubt that he was slowly dying too.


            It was spring. She took him to the café they first met at. Sitting across from him, she couldn’t help but to feel her heart ache in pain when the whisper at the back of her head reminded, “He’s going to leave you soon…” every time she looked him in the eyes. She cherished every moment, every memory, every embrace, and every kiss they spent together, knowing that there would be no chance left to do any of these things again. Time wasn't going to stop for anyone.


            It was spring. The bed was made, but it was empty. The food was cooked, but there was no one to consume it. The movies were on, but there was no one to watch it. The music continued to play, but there was no one to love and appreciate it. Her heart was still beating, but there was no one to hold it. He was now gone, and no matter how many tears she shed or how many times she painfully cried out his name, he wasn’t coming back. She realized that of course, “time will heal everything,” as they always say, but she knew without a doubt that no one will be able to come as close to her heart as LuHan did.

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I feel into tears T-T
I_Love_you4orever #2
This story is so touching!! *wipes tears* So well written!!!
Chapter 1: :( :9 i'm crying right now!!! how wonderful this story could be??!!1 <3 this is beautiful! :) the story is so touching...
Chapter 1: This was so beautiful and well written! Oh my gosh! I'm crying!
Chapter 1: this is so good. you really had me tearing up... thumbs up! ^^
Beautiful story <3
Chapter 1: Wow... so deep and beautiful... Well written my fairy <3
mushrie #9
Chapter 1: I cried. I seriously don't cry for anything but but but but- <3
Chapter 1: Can i love you? Im sulking~ Its so beautiful~ Best love story of LUHAN EVER~