✧ ⋮ Third Teaser

✧ ⋮ Seoul Solar Assassins — story starts.






Seungwon froze in his seat and when the piece of metal came in contact with his temple. He didn't need a long time to steady and compose himself back though, he's Cha Seungwon for a reason. He was ready to throw himself back and grab whoever his attacker was when he heard a playful chuckle next to him.

"Long time no see, Sir."

He swore he heard her grinning proudly as well. "What a way to greet your mentor, Soyou. And where did you even come from, the door's locked." He slapped her gun away only to have it pointed at his forehead now.

"The window."

"It's double-locked."

"I know but it's either I'm just too good at lock-picking or you're too bad at picking good locks. "

He glanced with the corner of his eyes to see the window was closed and threw her a blink. She shrugged. "I closed it again, I have manners."

He rolled his eyes.

"Ah ah, no rolling your eyes or a bullet will go through your head~" She singsang, the tip of her gun never leaving his forehead. He rolled his eyes again and in those split seconds, a gunshot was heard and he felt sticky blood scattered on his forehead. Unfazed, he calmly pushed away her gun and lifted up his shirt to wipe the blood that started running down the bridge of his nose. His eyebrow frowned at the smell.

"Whose blood is this, it smells awful."

"Why weren't you scared." She pouted childishly, ignoring his protests but putting the gun back into her jacket anyway after wiping the tip with her sleeve.

He let out a low chortle. "I know a real gun and a fake gun when I see it, young lady, I've been in this business long enough. And everyone knows your aim is never better than a drunkard's, so seeing you with a gun is... fascinating. It was a pretty good idea to put blood in it though, I have to admit." He smirked at her pouting before sitting and leaning back to his chair, elbows on the arm rests and fingers tangled together. "So?"

"Kwon Younggil's." She took a walk around the room, examining whatever triggered her curiousity.

"This year's presidential candidate Kwon Younggil?"

"Mhm." Came her blank reply.

"You killed him without order?"

"Oh come on, like you don't know what he did to the country's money and also the poor and homeless around Sokcho. Just because he wanted to 'organize' the city, doesn't mean he can just throw them out and let them die slowly in the snow without proper roof." She stopped for a while before continuing. "And he killed my dog."

"You have a dog."

"You have a lot of weird stuffs in here." She lifted up a fancy looking skull with a gold teeth in the middle of its jaw. "It's the neighborhood's dog. Smart little fella. I watched it being beaten up to death with his wooden stick, God knows what it did to him but it hurt me to hear its whimpering across the street so I followed him back home. Stupid old man didn't even close his front door properly. For once I felt like a guest for not sneaking in from windows." She turned to face him a while after when she heard a hum, only to see him jerking his chin to a folder on his desk. She put down the skull and walked to him.

"Next task?"

Seungwon nodded in silent. She opened it impatiently. "Won Heeryeong."

"Younggil sent that yesterday morning. He's afraid Heeryeong will turn his supporters against him. He wanted to win the election at any cost."

She snorted. "Oh the irony. And now he's dead. Should I kill Heeryeong too?"

"An order is an order whether the requestee is alive or dead."

"Right." She nodded. "Off I go then."

"Careful or you'll get caught."

She threw him an oh please look before jumping out the window, silently closing the window behind her and disappearing into the night without any sound.

AUTHOR'S NOTE•••Wrote this in an hour because of the feels I get for the perfection that is Soyou. She's so gorgeous I cannot. Pointless cracky teaser I cannot. Someone please teach me how to write a really dark fic pls. I hope you guys like it though. I used real presidential candidates but didn't match the election year yaaay. I want it to sound at least a bit more realistic. Now applyyy. ♡




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coeurvoisier #1
Chapter 13: omg im so late aint i asdfghjkl;
sorry i've been having no wifi connection recently ;;
btw this is unodoskrees i changed my username

omg this chapter tho, it's seriously amazing the whole test idea, srsly piqued my interest that i literally abandon my homework rn lol
it was so cruel, yet so awesome i mean how is that even possible ugh. though it made me wonder what motivated xiao mei to join ssa? and just as ciel-- said, jihyun is a bamf.

i just read hayeon's information on the foreword and omfg so it's in the family? and to think that she's taeyeon's sister asdfghjkl;
i love that you made hayeon and yeonkyung as friends, remind me so much of sailormoon lol.
Chapter 13: so i never knew i was unsubscribed from this LOL
you should know im ohzitao by the way.
Chapter 13: omfg i can't describe how amazing this is <3
i was afraid for a second that xiao mei was gonna get shot</3
i love how this actually grabs my attention and makes me want to read every detail.
sometimes when i read i skim through really fast but this just, ugh, i can't stop <3 i have to get every single detail of this amazingness.
congratulations to jojobelle19 c:
i can't wait for more `<3333
Chapter 13: holy . oh my god. wow. uhm. this teaser was so good ;___;
first of all, where did you even get the idea of the test? it was absolutely brilliant. like seriously. oh my god. i'm like fangirling over your talent right now orz
i'm definitely curious of xiao mei's character an exactly why a girl like her is in a place like that. and jihyun. she's a bamf and i love it. i'm curious if xiao mei and jihyun would have more significant scenes together in the futre because this was awesome.
oh my god, i'm so excited to meet the rest of the characters! /mourning all the girls who died ;________;
Chapter 13: Oh holy mother of god - that was intense.
First off, thank you for picking my character. It means a lot.
Secondly, what kind of test was that!?! That sounds so incredibly nerve racking! Like wow - one second off and boom your dead. That's just... ohh, I'm so happy Xiao Mei made it because with her personality and skills (or lack there of) she could have easily been one of the dead bodies on the ground.
Jihyun is just so... stoic. Like scarily so. She almost seems so... depressed to be there yet she's doing everything right to pass on as a Solar.

I can't wait to see who is chosen next and all of their personalities.

Happy Writing!
Chapter 13: omg dude congrats on all the four future
Chapter 13: congratz to the four futuer assassins!!!
omggg sungjong :(
starting off with a cruel teaser already. chen <33
wow hes a cop? i'm excited to read more about him then.
wow hayeon sounds like a really tough girl.

that exam O.O shouldn't be so surprised since its training assassins but nonetheless, still was... i wonder how many girls in that room actually made it? was it even half of them?
i wonder what the next exam would be. well jihyun doesn't sound too nice. i wanna know whats the reason xiao mei joined ssa and gave her a boost in assembling the gun.

just read the character profiles on the foreword too. i really really really like hayeon's. i think its cool that not only was her sister the previous mercury but her mother was the first one.
i wonder if this would be a family tradition?

anyways i'm excited to read more upcoming updates!!
four more assassins to reveal!
MyraOnlyful #8
Chapter 13: oh god. I wonder what Xu Xiao Mei felt looking at the dead bodies. It must have been a total nightmare!
Anyway, congrats to jojobelle19!
Chapter 12: first of all, i can't believe you actually granted the request of putting mercury and mars as best pals.
because god i loved sora (ciel—) 's character and we're actually friends and gah. feels.
second, characterization of yeonkyung is spot on— a bit rough on the edges and definitely has her head in the game all the time, while hayeon is really sympathetic for her friend's passing but can snap back into her objective when jongdae (/fans self. jongdaeee) comes around.

third. i love how this is the chapter where sungjong dies and HELLO IT'S ACTUALLY SUNGJONG'S BIRTHDAY. THATS LIKE IRONIC IN A SADISTIC WAY

anyways, thanks via for choosing me and i cannot wait for more updates. :)