✧ ⋮ Chapter Two

✧ ⋮ Seoul Solar Assassins — story starts.



Seungwon stepped inside the buzzing room towards the middle of the class' podium, hands behind his back as all eyes in the entire class were fixed on him and his scanned each one of theirs carefully.

"Silence." The sternness of his voice made the chatter died down almost immediately. "As you know, you'll be having your final exam today, after a five whole years." A slight smirk played on the corner of his lips. "I would like you to take note that this exam is somewhat different from the ones you've had, hence why I'm here instead of Soo Ae.

"Most of you have been receiving training for years, and as much as I want to say you're ready, truth is, you're still not." He took a glance at an apathetic looking girl in the back of the class—Yoon Jihyun, is it? She seems indifferent. Let's see if she still has the same look later after the exam—and fixed his gaze on her before continuing. "You'll need to be ready to face death at all cost. Or some other times, trick death at all cost."

He snapped his fingers and the amount of pressure in the room increased as a group of unfamiliar looking black-suited men entered the room, taking their places beside each of the student's desks and stood up straight, legs slightly apart and hands clasped in front of their crotches.

"I figured you all have enough training up until now," He continued before the girls could murmur a word, "so I'm hoping you can take this test seriously and do your best to show me that you're worthy of being the next SSA candidates because I do not accept poorly skilled individuals under this roof."

One particular looking girl and her shuddering shoulder suddenly caught his attention.

"Everything alright, Miss Xiao Mei?" He asked, but not out of concern.

The said girl froze as she heard her name but didn't dare to lift her head up, her sweaty fingers tangled together on her lap even tighter now. "Y-Yes, Seonsaengnim."

"Good." He threw another smirk. "So the gentlemen here will accompany you throughout your test, please don't tickle them or anything, as they might or might not have something up their sleeves."

With a nod of his head, the men each took out a medium-sized black pouch and poured the contents on each of the girls' desks. Jihyun looked at hers and her eyes widen in surprise. An unassembled .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun parts.

"You have exactly sixty seconds to assemble a semi-auto handgun and point it at the forehead of the man on your right." There's a few millisecond gap before he continued in a lower voice. "Or they will have theirs point at your forehead."

The class was probably the most silent in the history of SASA as all the girls looked down at their tables; anxious, confused, terrified. It's been years since their gun-assembling training, and not everyone can remember the steps properly.

"You may begin..." He lifted up his arm and looked at his watch for a few good seconds. "...now."

In an instance, the whole room echoed with clicks and pops as the girls tried to figure out part by part of the gun. Sighs and whimpers of desperation could be heard once in a while, but Seungwon stood remain, his cold facial unchanging as seconds went by.

"Thirty seconds, you guys might want to speed up."

It seemed like everyone was starting to feel the heavy tension the test carried that there was no other noises besides the sound of parts being assembled together and their breaths getting heavier. Ten seconds later, a few students already got up their seats, clicking their unloaded gun at the forehead of the respective man beside their desks. Another ten seconds later, some more students followed, Jihyun included, a bit shocked that her hands were slightly shaking despite how calm she felt throughout the assembling even though it might not be her best subject. She shrugged it off anyway.

"Five seconds left. Four."

With shaking hands and a bite of her lower lip, Xiao Mei struggled to finish her last few clicks. It was getting harder, but she's not giving up. She had her reasons to be there and she had to stay alive, whatever it takes.


Jihyun looked at her callously, the probability of the timid girl not finishing it in time was clear in her head. Why is she trying so hard anyway, dying might sound better than living under this roof.


Xiao Mei pushed her table slightly forward and stood up abruptly, sweats rolling down her cheeks and hands all trembling as she lifted her perfectly assembled gun up the forehead of the man beside her. Seungwon let out a scoff, slightly surprised and smirked nonetheless.

"One. Time's up."

As soon as the words left his mouth, there were a few gasps before they all were swallowed down by merciless gunshots echoed throughout the room. Xiao Mei dropped her gun to the floor and covered with her palms, her whole body shaking wildly and wide eyes glued on the floor, frightened.

"Well then. Congratulations to all survivors, I will see you later at afternoon practice." Seungwon left the room in calm steps with the black-suited men following after him, leaving the room tensed up with an incredible amount of fear as the surviving trainees stared at their less-lucky fellows and the hole in their heads; some mature, some still so young, but all so very dead.


AUTHOR'S NOTE•••Hi hi hi hi another chapter and it's probably the darkest I've done so far but idek tbh orz orz. Give it up for the third character, Xu Xiao Mei (jojobelle19) as future Saturn! Oh and the other girl is my character, Yoon Jihyun, the future Pluto. Lol. Comment, people. Make me feel loved? ; n ; 



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coeurvoisier #1
Chapter 13: omg im so late aint i asdfghjkl;
sorry i've been having no wifi connection recently ;;
btw this is unodoskrees i changed my username

omg this chapter tho, it's seriously amazing the whole test idea, srsly piqued my interest that i literally abandon my homework rn lol
it was so cruel, yet so awesome i mean how is that even possible ugh. though it made me wonder what motivated xiao mei to join ssa? and just as ciel-- said, jihyun is a bamf.

i just read hayeon's information on the foreword and omfg so it's in the family? and to think that she's taeyeon's sister asdfghjkl;
i love that you made hayeon and yeonkyung as friends, remind me so much of sailormoon lol.
Chapter 13: so i never knew i was unsubscribed from this LOL
you should know im ohzitao by the way.
Chapter 13: omfg i can't describe how amazing this is <3
i was afraid for a second that xiao mei was gonna get shot</3
i love how this actually grabs my attention and makes me want to read every detail.
sometimes when i read i skim through really fast but this just, ugh, i can't stop <3 i have to get every single detail of this amazingness.
congratulations to jojobelle19 c:
i can't wait for more `<3333
Chapter 13: holy . oh my god. wow. uhm. this teaser was so good ;___;
first of all, where did you even get the idea of the test? it was absolutely brilliant. like seriously. oh my god. i'm like fangirling over your talent right now orz
i'm definitely curious of xiao mei's character an exactly why a girl like her is in a place like that. and jihyun. she's a bamf and i love it. i'm curious if xiao mei and jihyun would have more significant scenes together in the futre because this was awesome.
oh my god, i'm so excited to meet the rest of the characters! /mourning all the girls who died ;________;
Chapter 13: Oh holy mother of god - that was intense.
First off, thank you for picking my character. It means a lot.
Secondly, what kind of test was that!?! That sounds so incredibly nerve racking! Like wow - one second off and boom your dead. That's just... ohh, I'm so happy Xiao Mei made it because with her personality and skills (or lack there of) she could have easily been one of the dead bodies on the ground.
Jihyun is just so... stoic. Like scarily so. She almost seems so... depressed to be there yet she's doing everything right to pass on as a Solar.

I can't wait to see who is chosen next and all of their personalities.

Happy Writing!
Chapter 13: omg dude congrats on all the four future
Chapter 13: congratz to the four futuer assassins!!!
omggg sungjong :(
starting off with a cruel teaser already. chen <33
wow hes a cop? i'm excited to read more about him then.
wow hayeon sounds like a really tough girl.

that exam O.O shouldn't be so surprised since its training assassins but nonetheless, still was... i wonder how many girls in that room actually made it? was it even half of them?
i wonder what the next exam would be. well jihyun doesn't sound too nice. i wanna know whats the reason xiao mei joined ssa and gave her a boost in assembling the gun.

just read the character profiles on the foreword too. i really really really like hayeon's. i think its cool that not only was her sister the previous mercury but her mother was the first one.
i wonder if this would be a family tradition?

anyways i'm excited to read more upcoming updates!!
four more assassins to reveal!
MyraOnlyful #8
Chapter 13: oh god. I wonder what Xu Xiao Mei felt looking at the dead bodies. It must have been a total nightmare!
Anyway, congrats to jojobelle19!
Chapter 12: first of all, i can't believe you actually granted the request of putting mercury and mars as best pals.
because god i loved sora (ciel—) 's character and we're actually friends and gah. feels.
second, characterization of yeonkyung is spot on— a bit rough on the edges and definitely has her head in the game all the time, while hayeon is really sympathetic for her friend's passing but can snap back into her objective when jongdae (/fans self. jongdaeee) comes around.

third. i love how this is the chapter where sungjong dies and HELLO IT'S ACTUALLY SUNGJONG'S BIRTHDAY. THATS LIKE IRONIC IN A SADISTIC WAY

anyways, thanks via for choosing me and i cannot wait for more updates. :)