
Me, you, Dear Diary

Ricky's POV


"I've told you, Ricky. We the scientist never really understood how you develop yourself. How you revolve? Do you have some kind of revolution gene? The lab can't be certain. We don't even know where your powers come from." Dr. Geum sigh again and look at me with a tired face. BUT, I CAN'T HELP IT!!


I'm scared. Ability or powers usually come in natural movement. Something that are powerful but only have one centre point of flow, which makes it easier to control. But, picking up people's thought, I can't help it. It is like when you're hearing something just because you had two ears stuck on both side of your head. It is unintentional. Like a life-cycle or something.


"Can you do anything?" I look at Dr. Geum, shivering. It's too much. I hear too much. It's disgusting. The truth. . in everyone's head that I can hear now, it's a disgust. "I can hear all of them. ." I stutters, grippng myself even tighter. My nail are scraping my skin, but I can't feel it at all. The voices. . it's too much!! I hear everything and it's clouding my mind. I can't hold on.


Soon, the darkness envelope me. .




"Ricky-ahh,. ." I heard Niel's voice. "Please wake up." I don't want to. . I heard too much, hyung. It hurts my heads. I don't want to wake up. "I'll help you, Ricky-ahh. Just wake up." Really, hyung? You'll help me out?


Slowly, I let my system reboot itself and my eyes soon flutters open. The blinding light first caught my view but then I see Niel sitting on the bed with a worried look on his face. I smile tiredly and he heave a glad sigh.


"How long I've been out, hyung?" I fix my hair and sits on the bed. I look around and I realize it's Niel-hyung's room. The room is located quite hidden, so I don't hear much of people's thought.


"Quite a few days." He pour a drink and pass it to me. I sniff and the aroma of lavender tea fill my head, making me relaxed. "Changjo has been coming everyday, y'know. He sounds worried though he doesn't look like it." Niel chuckle knowingly, piquing my interest. Does Changjo really care? I feel my heart flutter in my chest. It's weird. 


"How is Changjo's training?" Niel shrug and I assume it's fine. I look up to Niel and watch him looking out the window. "Hyung. ." I fidget with my fingers and try to calm myself.


"Why?" He sip his drink and look at me over the cup.


"What happen to me? Why I can suddenly hear thoughtS?" I feel like crying. I hate how I can't control all of this.


"You're revolving, that's all." 


"Is it normal, hyung?" I slowly sip the tea.


"I revolved too." He chuckle softly. "Before you were made, I can only heal myself. Then suddenly I can heal person. The first person I heal was L.Joe. That ignorant punk. ." Niel grin at me. Talking about L.Joe does make him happier, it is his crush anyway. "You can control it Ricky-ahh. If L.Joe can do it, you are no exception. You're not as hopeless as him." I laugh along with him. Somehow, I feel slightly light, as if a burden has been lift off me. Niel is always like this. . A true healer.


"I'll have to go and train with L.Joe then?" Niel nod and I sigh. There will be a lot of bantering later on. I gotta be prepare. 

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Vathar21 #1
Chapter 6: Wah so cute ><
Chapter 6: awwwww ricky is just sooo cute!!!! n finnaly changjo can control his power!!!!

so his power is mind control???
Chapter 3: I really like this story~ Looking forward to read more of this