Litlle Fireworks

Me, you, Dear Diary

Ricky's POV


"I want Changjo's power under control by this week. Then, I wanted him to undergo physical training." Dr. Geum is glaring at me aand suddenly he smile his infamous soft smile. "Ricky. . this scientist here don't umderstand how your body and your power really works. So, Changjo is your responsibility now. I'm relying on you, Ricky. You can go now."


With that, I scurried out of the room with determination planted on my heart. I won't let Dr. Geum down again like yesterday. I want him to look at me with those smile again and tell me, I did well. "Yosshh!" I pump my fist to the air. "Let's do this."


In this lab there isn't many emotion going around. Every lab workers look like a programmed robot walking around with that clipboard of their. A smile from Dr. Geum and his apperciation actually means a lot to me. It somehow, makes me slightly alive. Realizing me that underneath my core, systems and protocol, I am still partly a human. It never occurs to me when I started to have this need to be a human but, soon I start to copy human's behaviour. I turn my reactor on as frequent as I can so I can feel pain and touch. Just like what normal human will be.


I reach at my room and peek inside. "Changjo?"


"Yes?" He groggily wakes up with a disheveled hair and a bare chest that makes my breath hikes. Does he sleep half-?!! I feel my soul leaving my body already. 


"Umm. . Ch. . Changjo-sshi." WTF?! I sound like a schoolgirl talking to her crush *mentally slap myself*. I clear my throat and continues, "You are schedule to train with me this week. So, get ready and meet me at the training hall." I didn't stutter but I sound like a choked frog, that's for sure.


"Alright and don't be formal with me," He pat my head and left to the toilet. My skin shivers at his cold and distant voice. I remember the pat on my head and flinch inside. Heck, he's not an ice-prince. He's the North Pole itself.


I immediatly left the room and run to the cafeteria. Barging inside, I caught sight of Chunji-hyung having lunch with Niel-hyung. The world is getting weirder everyday. First, Chunji-hyung fights with his lover and now he is eating with his arch-enemy. Anyway, I took a sit beside Niel-hyung and finish his drink. 


"Ricky!" Niel shrieked and pout. "Now, I had to go and get another one."


"Mianhae, hyung." I grin and look at Chunji. He seems a lil bit fidgety. "Chunji-hyung. ."


He look up to me, startled. "Yes. ." His eyes widen when I stare at him. My curiousity increase and my mind start to link his behaviour right now with his fight with CAP-hyung. He does mention my name during that time. Chunji is fiddling with his shirt and I instantly pity him.  


"Have you found my pendant, hyung?" I smile at him. Chunji is a Seeker. He is the best at searching for stuff.


He nervously chuckle. "I have." He start to fish out things from his pocket and took out my pendant. A dragon-shape ruby pendant, Niel made for me. "I found it two days ago, at the bathroom."


I immediately grab it and hold it near my heart. "Thank you, hyung!" I beam at him and he grin. I really thought I've lose it. This pendant have been my amulet, my luck charm everytime I got tangled into situation.


"Ricky-ahh, I need to borrow it for today. Can I?" I turn to Niel. He can just make another one. Why he has to borrow my pendant? But, I gave it anyway. Trying not to be rude.


"Just take care of it, hyung. I gotta go and train Changjo." I wave them off and went to the training hall. There, Changjo is already waiting for me wearing a black singlet and a faded jeans. I really need to control my hormone.




"Control your mind. Don't let your mind slip into mental state." I watch Changjo slowly closing his eyes. His forehead creased and his fist clench. Low grunts come from him and his pose become rigid. He can't control his body, he even fighting it for control. I don't understand. Why it seems so hard on him? 


He suddenly let out a shriek and fell on his knees. I immediately help him to get up and made him sit on a bench. He is sweating and panting, like he've been doing marathon instead. I grab him a cool drink and watch him gulp it down. He throw the bottle away and close his eyes, his chest heave up and down in a raging breathe.


I sit beside him and start massaging his palm, the way Niel always did back in those days when he train me. It relaxes me when Niel did it, hope it did the same to Changjo. His eyes slowly flutter open and I feel like crawl into a hole. His eyes met mine and I realize he always had this cold demeanor on him. His expression never change, his tone will be as flat as possible.


"What happen, Changjo?" I let go of his hand.


"I can't control it. My mind is all over the place. I can't pull it to one place and control it." He state it like he is reading a report.


"Try to focus on one of your favourite thing. For me, I think of my pendant." I look at him and he slowly nod.


"But, I have nothing really significant for me." He blankly look at me. 


"You can just focus on memories or whatever." I shrug. "Let's go back to our practice." 


Changjo stand on the middle of the hall and close his eyes. I slowy step to him and watch him. His face contorted in pain, or was it anger? I'm not sure but he look quite determine. 


His body glow with electronic atom travelling in him. Changjo is starting to create his shield again. It grows rapidly in a matter of second. I step backward until I hit the wall. There is no escape, I might get churned into pieces by his shield.


"CHANGJO!!" I scream his name repeatedly. He open his eyes and the shield shrunk and dissolve back into his body. I fell on my knees shivering. It was damn scary. I thought I might die.


I look up and watch him. He raise his hand and a loud crash is heard. There was a huge crack on the wall and I immediately jump on my feet, startled. He raise the other hand and the same thing happen. He finally control his power. I grin and walk to him.


"You did well." I pat him on his back. "Let's go eat. You must be starving."




I stuff the food in my mouth and watch him. He use his power to move the utensil and feed himself. There was a small smile tug on his lips and I feel. . Contented? Happy? I don't know. . But, I feel more alive. Like a little firework is bursting inside me. I don't know how he manaage to do it to me by that small smile but this is better than complimented by Dr. Geum.


"I wonder what are you thinking back there?* I grin at him.


The spoon stop midway on air and he look up to me. "I think of my bunk."


"Seriously?* I broke into a laughter and he continue eating without moving any hand.


"At first. . But, I still can't control it. When I think of you, Ricky I manage to do it." My eyes widen in suprise. Not because of what I just heard but the fact that Changjo didn't even move his lips. He didn't talk about it. But how come I heard it?


"I gotta go met Dr.Geum." I immediately left Changjo and head to Dr. Geum's office.



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Vathar21 #1
Chapter 6: Wah so cute ><
Chapter 6: awwwww ricky is just sooo cute!!!! n finnaly changjo can control his power!!!!

so his power is mind control???
Chapter 3: I really like this story~ Looking forward to read more of this