In Between The Line

Me, you, Dear Diary


I pull out the crumpled letter under the pillow along with the diary. Sitting up Indian style, I put the things on my lap and start considering which to read first. The letter is really tempting but I need to understand the situation and the only way is to read the diary. Looking at the letter I saw the date it was written. As if a bulb lights up in my head, I decide that I wll read Ricky's entry until the day he wrote this letter and then start scanning the letter.


It gonna be a long night, tonight. Seems that I won't have any sleep. 


12 June

The top bunk, TOP laboratory


My body is killllinggg me!! Now, I perfectly understand what Niel feel trying to train me. I hate this tradition! Why the older humanoid is the one who train the new one. CAP train Chunji, second humanoid. Then Chunji train L.Joe who train Niel. Niel, train me and I train Changjo. It's a messed up plot of life. Urghghh!!


Ricky's POV


"Do you understand, Ricky?" Dr. Geum hand me a clipboard and I nod. His face is dead serious. "You're gonna do what I ask you, Ricky?" 


Reverse phsycology, I noted mentally. "With respect, sir."


"Good. I've thought you many things and now I want you to prepare Changjo. He's precious. Don't go and ruin him." Dr. Geum monotonously look up to me and back to his works. " You can go now," His voice suddenly turns soft. I nod stiffly and left the room. Eversince, I had never get used to Dr. Geum's back and forth personality.


Walking down the corridor, I heard a faint commotion through the wall. Quickly, I put my power mode to full blast and focus my hearing to hear the commotion. I only had three seconds to catch it. This lab doesn't allow me to use my power fully because it might harm me but I know they just don't want me to hear things I shouldn't. Before they could detect I was using it now, I caught the commotion.


I translated my hearing sense and construct it into a viewing pulse. I'm watching the commotion eventhough there are three wall blocking my view. Changjo. . . He is in pain. ! I quickly run to the room Changjo's in. Why the hell does he test his power with no one supervising him. I'm so gonna get scold by Dr. Geum.


"Changjo! Changjo! Stop it. Open the door." I pound at the door. I heard sound of things shattered and Changjo's scream. I push the door with my weight again and again until my shoulder hurts. Suddenly, the door hurled off its hinge along with me and I hit the wall, sliding to the floor. Why do painful things happen when I turn on my pain reactor??!!


I crawl to the door and look up. Changjo looks like he has gone mad. His eyes are white and veins are popping on his skin. The are some kind of field around him that gives out electrostatic wave and create thunders. The dome-shape field is growing larger by its diameter, crushing evrything that hits it surface and hurls it away like a storm. Changjo is static, he doesn't move but the field is getting closer to me.


"Changjo!" My call was reply by a scream. Men with white lab coat start to make circle around me, gawking at the monster their created. No one dare to help Changjo who clearly shows sign he is in pain. Damn those scaredy-cat bastard. Slowly, I get up and walk toward him. The moment my skin made contact with his field, I am thrown to the wall again. My back hurts, and my eye start to spin. I scan through my system and shut down my reactor and turn my power beyond full blast. This gonna my power core. I might be dead. Looking up to Changjo, I heave a sigh.


There's no other way.


I open my eyes and everything I see is color coded. Green, red, yellow, blue flashes around and I focus my sight at Changjo's field. It was very strong on the side, color coded red. Higher up was yellow, the power was not as strong as the sides. I jump and cling tothe lamp just above the dome. Parallel to wear Changjo's standing, at the top of the dome was black. It doesn't have any electrostatic waves travelling on it. I let go of the lamp and jump through the black spot. I fell on my hands and legs, luckily.


I grab Changjo by his arms and shook him a little. His eyes glint a sign of recognition and he started to scream out loud. His power is overcoming his mentality and I'm growing weaker by minutes gone by. This is his power and I 'm powerless to shut it down. The only way is to eliminate him. By the side of my eyes, I say Dr. Geum. His face clearly hope I didn't do what I just think. Suddenly, the field expand in a second and it made contact with the lab workers. Everyone are thrown across the room. This is my chance, no one is watching.


I lean my forehead to Changjo's and hack his system. Everything goes black and I was swallowed by the darkness. Wind brushes around me made me feel like I'm freefalling in real life. Reaching the ground with a thud, I stand up on the pitch black floor. Looking around, I saw Changjo. Highlghted by a little light shoning on him, he was lifted from the floor. Unconcious.


I dash towards him and grab his hand. "Wake up, Changjo. Don't go to sleep." His feace scrunch in pain and grief wash over me. I don't like seeing him like this. Frustration start to build up in me. "Wake up, you son of a h!!"


Gently, I climb his back, the unbeneficial being short, and whisper in his ear. "Changjo-sshi, wake up. You're hurting people." He doesn't response. "You're hurting yourself. Wake up." My voice swell with desperation. I'm getting weaker even in my mental form. "You're hurting me. ." I let go and my eyes blur. My core gave up on me. It can't produce energy sparks anymore to support my excessive usage power.


In my fall, I felt someon catch me. Looking through my cloudy eyes, I see his sparkling, black iris. God, Changjo got pretty eyes. Is he awake already? Has he stop demolishing things? Is his field melt away? I look around and it's black wall, black floor. I guess I'm still in my mental form. My sense felt a soft brush on my lips and suddenly I felt a surge of sparks that made my eyes clear up.


Changjo stoic face greet me and I become resentless. "What did you do?" I carefully ask, trying not to be visibly excited.


"I just share you my sparks." Changjo stand and pick me up. 


"Using?" Why this guy is so dense. I'm a guy too but I'm not this level of dense.


"Mouth," Erghh, he should have use the word kiss. So cold. Damn you 75% robot. "How can we get out?" He looks back at me. 


"Come closer." I instruct and he follow. I lean my forehead again and I feel like we're falling.


Waking up with a gasp, as If I've just submerge from underwater, I see Changjo. We are still leaning on each othere's forehead. Silently saying my prayers I wait for Changjo to open his eyes. Seconds are entering minute and his eyes finally flutter open. I heave a sigh and slowly cut our connection and step away from him. The room we're in is a complete mess. Some lab workers are sprawling on the floor, knock out by the field's impact.


"You're gonna train him prperly tomorrow, Ricky." A deadly voice come from my back so I turn around. It was Dr. Geum with a red face, supressing anger. He glared at me and limp away with help of the concious lab workers. I never really understand that guy. It's not my fault, Changjo play with his power. I was meeting him at that time. He is the one at fault. Who the hell let a new humanoid on their own. Stupid. 


I turn back around and hell. . Changjo looks like a crumpled paper. Worn out. I took him by the hand and pull him to our room. Laying him on his bunk, I went to mine. I went through my system and reset my power mode, activate my reactor and hybernation mode. As if a cue, shots of pain hit my brain. I forgot about my sore back. My body is pulsing and I can't fall asleep. I take a peek from my bunk and saw Changjo's eyes closed. He's sleeping then.


My head being as imaginative as it always be, start to think all sorts of stuff. In this span of time, I've just kiss Changjo four times. It ain't right, is it? Dr. Geum once taught me that man married woman. Then, what do I feel? I'm confused. Question marks is filling me again. Frustration build up in me and I scream.


Calming a little, I whisper. "What am I feeling?" I heave a sigh and turn around facing the wall. The first three kiss we had is unintentional, compulsary based on situation so I understand but this recently. "Do we really kiss, Changjo?" It was silent and my eyes slowly closing. I guess it's not. It was just a brush on the lips and beside we're both in mental form. A space in the membrane of the brain that produce images.


A lip-brushing in the state between rationality and imagination is not a kiss. It's between the line.


"I do kiss you," What's that? The voice in my head I guess. Let's sleep. . .




Omo, I've updated again! kekeke.

I hope this is long enough to pay for my long hiatus.

Pleaseeeee COMMENT, I really need it.

It's my energy booster and idea booster. Heheheh

Still doesn't proof read it yet. So, mistakes?? Please ignore it.


Truly me, angelblueberry


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Vathar21 #1
Chapter 6: Wah so cute ><
Chapter 6: awwwww ricky is just sooo cute!!!! n finnaly changjo can control his power!!!!

so his power is mind control???
Chapter 3: I really like this story~ Looking forward to read more of this