Our Baby

Love IS Legal

Author POV

After fun loving day with Taecyeon, Jenny, and baby Daisy, life came to bite them in the . Eventually Mr. and Mrs. Choi came back and spotted their little moment. But just as there’s reality, there’s dream. And in this dream, both Taec and Jenny didn’t even notice that Mr. and Mrs. Choi got back from work.

Mr. Choi was the first to notice when he didn’t see his beloved baby girl in the living or in her room like she would usually be. It was Mrs. Choi who heard noises coming from the garage when Mr. Choi had stepped into the shower.

Mrs. Choi walked downstairs and made her way towards the garage. From the outside, she was able to hear her daughter’s voice, a male’s voice and the sound of barking. She opened the door really slowly and peeked her head in. What she saw astonished her.

Her quiet and shy baby girl was laughing with the opposite . It shocked her how comfortable her daughter looked with Taecyeon. What kept going through her head was, How is she so comfortable? She only met him about a week ago?

She decided to trust her daughter with the opposite and decided to look past this. She gently closed the door and made sure they didn’t notice. She kept hearing them laughing so she knew they didn’t notice. She walked back upstairs and saw her husband already changed into something more comfortable on his desk reviewing documents.

“Yeobo, let’s go out tonight.”

“Wae, we went out just last week.” He responded.

“YAH! You won’t treat your wife to dinner?”

“But it’s almost 7. It’ll be too late to make a reservation.”

“No it won’t.”

“Arasseo. But what do we do about Jenny? We can’t leave her alone.”

“Something tells me she’ll be fine tonight.”

“Gurae, just give me 10 minutes to change into something more suitable.”

“Ppali ppali.”

After 15 minutes they quickly changed into proper attire. Mr. Choi hopped into the car while Mrs. Choi left a note for Jenny in the kitchen.



Jenny POV

Daisy is so hyper active. She’s gonna be a handful, but nothing I can’t handle. She keeps crawling on top of Taecyeon. It’s so funny when she gets mad at him me he gets tired of him. She starts chasing and barking him all around the garage.

“Daisy! Stop chasing him! You’re scaring the poor giant.” I cooed to her. Hopefully she’ll stop.

“YAH! I am NOT scared of her!” he yelled at me playfully.

“Yes you are! How am I supposed to let you take care of her if you’re scared of her?”

“I think I am perfectly capable taking care of her.”

“Whatever you say.”



Taecyeon POV

Daisy is a crazy puppy. She’s a bit scary too. But I will put all that aside because Daisy is Jenny’s puppy, so I have to take care of her.

Right now, Daisy finally got tired of running around and is sitting down.

“Finally! She calmed down.” Jenny sat down on the ground.

I sit down next to her and we’re just staring at Daisy. I gotta admit, Daisy is really cute.

“She’s a handful.” I said out loud.

“If this is what it’s like with pets, I can imagine what it’s like to have actual kids.”

“Yeah, when that comes. I don’t think I’ll be ready.”

“Sure you will. I think you’ll be a great dad.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes…………..You can use Daisy as a test run.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like you can be Daisy’s pretend ‘dad’.”

“And what you’ll be the ‘mom’?” I said jokingly.

“Yeah.” She said brightly.

I didn’t see that coming. It was supposed to be a joke. But now, that she seems fine with it, I like that idea.

“I am forgot…” she said.


“I have to buy Daisy’s bed and food. I need to get supplies.”

“Oh that’s fine. If you want, I’ll drive.” I offered.


“Are we bringing Daisy?”

“Of course, she needs to choose her bed, her collar, etc.”

“Okay…..how are we paying?”

“I have a credit card.” A CREDIT CARD?!? I don’t even have one. My parents think I’m not responsible enough to have one.

“What’s wrong? You have a weird face.”


“Don’t tell me you don’t have one?”

I stayed quiet. I can’t say that I have one. That would be lying. I can’t lie to her.

“HAHAHA You seriously don’t have a credit card?” she asked me while laughing.

“I don’t. Now let’s go.” I stood up and walked away.



Jenny POV

I can’t believe this. It’s too funny. I stood up and carried Daisy with me. I was about to turn off the light when something finally hit me…………………Did I say Taec was going to be a pretend “dad” to Daisy?........OH SNAP! I did! What the hell is wrong with me? How can I say something like that?

But the good thing is that he said yes. So he’s the dad, I’m the mom, and Daisy’s our baby……….ONE LITTLE HAPPY FAMILY.

He would be a great dad to Daisy……..


That woke me up from my little day dream. “Coming!”



Author POV

They both got into the car and made their way to the pet shop. Jenny let Daisy walk around to choose her stuff.

“Okay Daisy, which bed do you want?” Jenny asked the puppy. Daisy wagged her little tail and started to walk around the isle full of dog beds.

She would sniff each one and sit on them. Probably testing them out. Eventually she ended up choosing a cute brown polka dot bed.

Taec picked up the doggy bed and placed it into the cart. “This will look great with my room.” He said sarcastically.

“I know, the pink will fit perfectly.” She said playing along.

Next, came buying some doggy toys. When they walked into the isle, Daisy started to wagged her little with excitement. They only bought a few toys.

“She’s gonna have so much fun!” said Jenny happily.

Taecyeon smiled to himself. I love seeing you smile. I will always make you smile, he thought.

Next came the puppy food. The both started to complain like an old married couple when it came to this. She kept saying that she wanted to get organic puppy chow because it healthier, but he kept saying no. He kept insisting that it was too much money to spend on dog food, but eventually she won. They also got bowls for the food and water. They also got vitamins and dental treats.

Then, came buying the potty training supplies. Jenny let Taec choose this. This time he wanted to spend more money on this because it’s a necessity. But she insisted that they should get the regular puppy pads. But in the end, he won and purchased this.

Finally came every girl’s dream. The accessories. He was annoyed saying that he wasn’t gonna dress her up, but Jenny kept saying that every girl deep down wants to dress up, even a dog.

“Taec, why do you chose a little something for Daisy?”

“*deep sigh* Fine.”

He walked into the isle unsure of what to get. Jenny handed Daisy to him and he started to try on a bunch of bows, collars, clips, and outfits. Of course Jenny chose a few things but mostly Taec chose them.


“I think we have everything.”

“Yup. Let’s go pay.”

They waited in line while playing with Daisy. She kept barking happily and Jenny was giggling. Once again Taec was just watching his 2 girls having a good time.

Jenny was having suching a fun time, that she didn’t notice that Taecyeon had already payed. It wasn’t until she looked up and saw everything in plastic bags.

“But I haven’t paid.” She said.

“I paid it already.” He said.

“But how?”

“Just because I don’t have a credit card doesn’t mean I don’t have a debit card.”

“Ohhhh. But you didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to.”

“But it’s too much. How do I repay you.”

“How about……….from now on, you only have lunch with me. No more eating lunch in the library.”


They walked out of the pet shop and put everything in the trunk of his car. He opened the door for her like a gentlemen and as he was walking around she tried to calm her racing heart.

Once he sat in the driver’s seat, he the ignition and started to drive home. Along the way they had a conversation.

“Why do you do that anyway?” he asked.

“Do what?”

“Eat lunch in the library.”

“Because I’m trying to avoid Brittany and her little followers.”

“Oh…………..What do they have against you anyway?”

“I have no idea. They’ve been bullying me since Elementary school.”

His eyes popped out. “Since elementary school?!?” he asked completely shocked.


“And you haven’t told anyone about it? Not even Ashley or Victoria?”

“Nope. Only you know.”

He smiled at the thought. Only I know? She probably trusts me enough to know…Or maybe she just told me because I forced it out of her.

“Are you smiling because I get bullied?” she asked out of nowhere.

“WHAT? No! It’s just, you trust me enough to tell me that’s all.”

“I don’t trust you.” she said flatly.

“BWO!” The Korean came out of him. “But I thought-“

“You thought……I only told you because you made me tell you.”

“Oh.” His face fell into a serious face.

“But………………………………….I want to be able to trust you.” she said softly.

Luckily they reached a red light and he turned to look her. He saw that she was looking down at Daisy so she couldn’t see the dorky smile that plastered his face.

The rest of the car ride was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. All you could hear was the outside world and Daisy whimpering when Jenny would stop rubbing her belly.

When they reached home it was about 9pm. “OMG IT’S 9PM!” she yelled shocked.

“We left pretty late, so that’s why.”

“Can you help me set up Daisy’s stuff in my room?” he asked hopeful.

She nodded her head and smiled. I wonder what his room looks like. I hope the pink dog bed doesn’t stand out too much.

Taecyeon carried all the bags while Jenny carried Daisy. But then an obstacle came…..opening the door.

“Jenny, reach into my back pocket and get the keys.” He said.

“Uhh okay.” She said nervously.

She slowly reached into his pocket and quickly retriened the keys. Her face was crimson red. I practically touched his . OMG so embarrassing!!!!! She thought.

Taecyeon noticed her red cheeks and instantly grew a smirk.

Luckliy his face was covered with all the bags and boxes. If Jenny saw it, she would’ve fainted.

Once she successfully opened the door they saw Nichkhun playing with Victoria’s hair while she was sleeping.

Nichkhun didn’t notice them, he was to busy caressing Victoria.

Taec got closer to Jenny and whispered, “Follow me upstairs.”

She nodded her head and he led her upstairs. Taecyeon almost dropped a few things but Jenny caught them before they made impact with the floor.

“You have great reflexes.” He whispered to her.

“Why are we whispering? We’re already upstairs.” She said normalling.

“Right.” He said followed by a nervous laugh. “It might be a little messy. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No I won’t mind. My room is a bit messy too.”

He was about to open the door but he realized his hands were full. Jenny noticed and opened the door and walked in.

They set everything on the floor and she looked around. “I like your room.” She said.


“What?” she asked while taking things out from their bags.

“I’m gonna shower quickly but you can stay and set things up. I’ll only be gone max 20 minutes.”

“Ummm….go ahead. I’m not gonna stop you from showering.”

“Okay. It’ll be really quick.” He gathered his stuff and stepped into the bathroom. Luckily the bathroom was in the hallway and not in the room so she was more comfortable.

After about 15 minutes, she had already set up the bed, potty, and a few of Daisy’s toys. She got up from the floor and looked around.

“Other than the random pink bed, everything looks good.” She said out loud.

She noticed a family album and curiosity hit her. She walked slowly eyeing it and picked up. She sat back down on his bed and opened it.

As she looked through the pictures giggling. He’s had big ears since he was little, she thought.

She heard footsteps and hurriedly put back the album. But sadly, Taecyeon had entered the room and noticed her putting something back.

“What are you doing?” he asked while drying his hair with a towel.

“Ummmm…..I……I uhh……I was……” she stammered.

“Just tell me what you were doing. I won’t get mad.”

“I was looking at your family album”

“Oh. That’s fine.”

“Woah, that’s a relief…………..By the way, your ears were cute when you were little.”

“So they’re not cute now?” he asked while sitting down.

“Nope, they look like elephant ears.”

“That’s mean.” He said while pouting.

 "You should hide your ears." She suggested jokingly.

“Oh really, and how do you suppose I do that?”

She looked around and spotted what she was looking for. She stood up and grabbed it and put it on him. “Like this. With this beanie, it covers your ears perfectly.”

He looked up and she smiled. “Freeze! Don’t move!” she shouted.

He froze and she ran to her purse. She took out her professional camera and snapped a picture of him.

“If you wanted a picture of me, you could’ve asked.”

“Sorry *giggles* It’s just the light hit you perfectly in that position.”

“Oh really……..so you also like photography?”


“Can I see?” She handed him her camera and showed him the pic.

“You’re right…………..I DO look good.” He said full of himself.

“Don’t get conceited now.”

He smiled and looked around. “Look at that! Our baby has finally fallen asleep.” She followed his gaze and saw that Daisy fell asleep.

“She’s so cute………………………………..Wait a minute, did you just say ‘our baby’?”

“Huh….um……I guess it just slipped out.”

“Haha that’s fine. I guess you CAN say she’s OUR baby.”

“Yeah, our baby.”

“Well, I better get going.”

“Okay. I’ll walk you out but I haven’t even started on my homework and it’s almost 10:30.”

“That’s fine.” She said while picking up her purse.

“Text me when you get  home.”

“Yes dad.” She said jokingly.


“Bye.” She said waving cutely.


Once she left he laid down on his bed thinking.



Taecyeon POV

Today was good. It was fun watching her play with Daisy. I don’t even know why I even volunteered to take Daisy, but I’m glad I did. She’s so cute. She also has great parents…….Haha…….our baby.



Jenny POV

Today was interesting. I got a new puppy, and became a teen parent. Haha. I have no idea what came over me when I said I was the “mom”, Taecyeon is the “dad”, and Daisy is our baby.




To: Jenny ;)

From: Oppa :)

Y didn’t u txt me?


Ooops I guess I forgot.


To: Oppa :)

From: Jenny ;)

Srry, guess I forgot


To: Jenny ;)

From: Oppa :)

I was worried....what r u doing?


To: Oppa :)

From: Jenny ;)

Dnt be worried. I’m fine……homework


To: Jenny ;)

From: Oppa :)

What subject? I can help you


To: Oppa :)

From: Jenny ;)

Algebra……no thanks I’m good…..I already did it, I’m just reviewing


To: Jenny ;)

From: Oppa :)

Oh ok……Daisy changed positions……she looks so cute ^^



To: Oppa :)

From: Jenny ;)

Haha she does look cute…..well I finished my h.w….Goodnight :D


To: Jenny ;)

From: Oppa :)




Author POV

Taecyeon fell asleep with happy thoughts. Jenny, I know I shouldn’t get too close to you because it gives off the wrong idea, but I can’t help myself. You make me laugh and smile whenever I’m with you. In return, I’ll protect you forever.


Jenny fell asleep with confusing thoughts. What am I supposed to do? I wanna have you by my side always, but Tiffany wants you back. Should I just stay in the sidelines, or should I continue this? But what exactly is “this”? All I have with you is “OUR BABY.”


Hey readers,

Sorry for the late update,

I've been busy.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for 200+ views.

Love youc


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Hey lovelies. Been busy with lots of stuff so no time to update. By August 2 I should have updated, if not please wait patiently.


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Chapter 20: This is one sure cute story, I do hope there will be an update soon..
Good job~
Chapter 1: I know this is old but I for not seeing it earleir.
I was looking for fluff Taecyeon and this is what I see :)
It's really cute, makes me wanna reminisce when I was still in high school hahahaha!
sparks103122 #3
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhhh... what's going to happen? I cant't wait for the next chapter. This story is extremely good. :)
jesica27 #4
Chapter 19: Wow.! Hahaha nice taec
Chapter 10: Oooooo merrrrrr gerdddd!!!! That was the cutest thing everrr!!! I really did fangirl!!!!
Chapter 2: That was soooo good!!!!!!! Yayyyyy drama!!! Haha
itismerobyn #7
Chapter 17: when are you going to update! i have been waiting ever since chapter 14 was updated! please finish this story :)
Chapter 15: Awwww <3 I forgive you author!!! I'll wait for the update :3 And I have no idea what you could write... I'm not that great at writing fan fiction heh ^//^
Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D so cuuuuuute :D :D :D