Second Chances

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Second chances are there to give the person another opportunity. But when there is a second chance, it means something went wrong with the first one. If we were created to always hold grudges on the people who have wronged us, then the “second chance” would’ve never been created. But that is not the case. We humans were not created to resent one another. We were created to love one another.

Love. How can such a feeling that’s been there since the beginning would be so complex. You’d think that with how such the world has advanced, we’d have the answers to this complex feeling. A feeling that we’ve longed for since we were in the wound. A feeling that is as natural as taking a breath. How can this long awaited feeling become so complicated, when the one we loved has wrong us?

That is the situation I am in.



“A second chance doesn't mean anything if you haven't learned from your first mistake.”

“If you're lucky enough to get a second chance at something, don't waste it.”

“I never let you go, because in the back of my mind, I still believe that someday we'll get our second chance.”

All these quotes came to my mind when I saw you there. Standing there not even ten feet away, you look the same, yet still different. It’s obvious you’ve matured since the last time I saw you. I can’t help but take in every aspect about you. You’re still the same tall and handsome man I remember.

It’s funny how in the movies, the scene usually plays out as the girl trying to impress the guy with how much she’s changed or vice versa. Those girls would usually flaunt their weight loss, new hairstyle, new fashion sense, or their new man. But I can’t help but feel self-conscious. I haven’t changed since then. On the contrary, I think I gained a little bit more weight since the last time I saw you.

But all that changes when you look at me with those endearing eyes, the eyes that I fell for. Those eyes that used to secretly smile at me when passing by. Those eyes that grew darker when you were having a bad day. Those eyes that cried on my shoulder when you lost your best friend. And the calmness of your eyes that I’ve dreamt about … these are the eyes that I feared seeing again.


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