Broken Bonds

Love IS Legal

Hello lovelies,

Since it's Spring Break...I managed to finish the chapter.'s the update!

Remember, things in RED are spoken in Korean. 

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Author POV

There in the midst of business men and middle aged house wives there lay a young couple; a young couple that was the gossip of the hour. But far across on the other side of the ballroom, laid a soul trying to ruin another. She stood there at the distance hoping those syfy movies were real so she can explode her enemy from the mere look she was giving off.

“Who the hell is that?” asked an annoyed Tiffany looking at an uninterested Jessica.

“I don’t know, but why do you care? We came here to have fun.” Replied Sica trying to distract her from the girl in the white poofy Cinderella dress.

“Have fun? Please? We’re surrounded by cheating old men and botox filled grandmas.”

Jessica took a deep breath mentally praying for a revelation to appear to her friend so she’ll be a nice girl again.

While there were 2 sulking girls at one end of the ballroom, on the other side, the young couple were filled with joy and delight.

“You know,” he started wrapping a strong arm around her waist, “you look so beautiful tonight.”

“Are you saying I don’t look beautiful any other day?” she teased.

“You know what I mean.”

“Did you seriously not recognize me?”

“Not at all. I’m so used to see the shy quiet artist, and today you became a Greek goddess.”

Her face flushed with his overwhelmingly cute comment. “Why are you like that?”

“like what?”

“Like that. You always make me blush when I don’t want to.”

“You should always want for me to make you blush.”

“And why is that?”

“Because then it means I’m doing a good job as your boyfriend.” He whispered in her ear making her once again redden her cheeks.

“Even though you’re wearing that mask, I still can tell it’s you by your cheeks.”

She playfully pushed him away as he tried to peck her cheek. He grabbed a hold of her hand and gently caressed them until her cheeks returned to their normal shade.

Nervously biting her lips she fought with her conscience whether she should ask the question that was on her tongue. “Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.” He said looking in her deep brown eyes.

Looking away from his intense stare she spoke. “The day you first drove me home, that poem you read at school, was it … for me?”

“I originally wanted the poem to be neutral, but when I wrote it, I immediately thought of you. And when you were sitting there, I was shocked. I didn’t think you’d be there. So when I read the poem, I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

Her heart softened finally getting the answer she wanted. “You’re too much.” She said bashfully while reaching for his hand.

“Aren’t I perfect?” he asked playfully with a gummy smile.

“A little too perfect.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“We’ll see.” She said with a mysterious tone staring into his eyes.


Jenny POV

Why is he being like this? I feel like I swallowed a rainbow eating unicorn. There’s a stampede of butterflies in my stomach. I just wonder what Ashley is doing.

“Have you seen Ashley?”

“Why? You wanna ditch me already?”

“No. I just haven’t seen her in a while.”


“Are you mad?”

“No. I just want you here … with me.”

“Don’t be possessive. I just wanna know where she is.”

“Fine. Go look for her. I’ll see what my parents are up to.”

“Thanks. Let’s meet back here in about half an hour.”

“Deal. See you in a bit” he said giving her a quick peck before disappearing the tux and gown filled ballroom.


Author POV

Jenny walked aimlessly making sure not to step on her white gown while she searched for her best friend. After finishing  good handful of laps around the ballroom, she was fed up and decided to text Ashley.

Where r u???

In the balcony

There’s a balcony?

Yes u dummy

Oh….be there in a bit

Putting her phone away in her clutch purse, she strode her way up the stairs. Passing a few business partners her father introduced to her beforehand, she greeted them all politely making her way to her destination.

Finally catching glimpse of the blonde-haired girl, she walked in her direction.

“There you are! I’ve been looking for you all over.”

“I’ve been here. C’mon, you’re gonna love this.” Ashley said reaching for her hand and showing her the balcony.

“Wow. You can see everyone from up here.” Jenny said mesmerized from the view.

In the balcony, you could see everything and everyone. From a distance she spotted the Khuntoria couple slow dancing every so gracefully. Looking amongst the crowed of pampered women and well-dresses men, she spotted the one she can call hers.

Sensing someone was watching him, Taecyeon looked around and when he happened to look up, they met gazes. Smiling gently he caused her cheeks to blush.

Chuckling to himself as he watched her shift uncomfortably in her spot. “You know,” Ashley started gaining her attention, “I can see he really cares for you.”

“You can tell from his eyes.” She trailed off with an odd look.

Shifting to look at Jenny, she gave off a curious face. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing. It’s just-“

“Just what? Did something happen?”

“It’s Luke. He texted me.”

“Okay….what did it say?” she asked starting to grow worried.

With her eyes seeming lost, she reached into her blue sparkly clutch taking out her phone. Opening up to the messages, she showed her the conversation.

Hey…it’s not working out…let’s break up

If that’s what u want

Thanks…it’s not you…it’s me


Turning to her best friend, Jenny watched as Ashley looked at the couples in the crowd with sadness in her eyes.

Jenny reached for her hand, but she didn’t react. She continued to watch in admiration. “I’m sorry. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.”

“I just don’t get it.” She said wiping away a tear that escaped.

“What do you mean?”

“We were fine yesterday.” She explained finally making eye contact. “I don’t know what happened.”

“Ash, we may never know what happened. Just know that I’m always here and I’ll never leave you. In the future, we may part ways, but we’ll always be sisters. No matter what.” She spoke at she embraced the now tearing girl.

“Now,” she spoke retreating the embrace, “Let’s get you cleaned up. I saw a few young guys here, you never know what might happen.”

“You’re the best you know that.”

“I know.” She said giggling and they both walked hand in hand to the powder room.


Taecyeon POV

I watched as she blushed from up in the balcony. Sometime she’s just too cute to handle.

“Son,” I heard my father say, “I want to introduce you to Mr. Smith. He is the sports director in NYU.” (A/N: I made that name up just for the story.)

“Nice to meet you.” I greeted shaking his hand politely.

“I’ve been watching you. You show lots of promise. How would you like to play college football in NYU?”

“I would be honored. But I’m trying to keep my options open when it comes to choosing schools.”

“Very well. If you’re interested, give me a call. I think you would be a great addition to our team.” He said handing me a business card.

He bid farewell to my father and walked away entering the sea high ranked people.

“Teacyeon-ah, don’t you want to go to a good school?”

“Of course I do, I just haven’t picked a school yet. I have until graduation to choose the school I want to go to.”

“Is this because of Jenny?”

“What do you mean?”

“I get the feeling you don’t want to leave for school because of her.”

“There a lot of great local schools.”

“That’s not the point. The point is you are revolving your future around this girl. If I would’ve known that she would come between your education I wouldn’t have given you my approval.”

“Appa, Jenny has done nothing wrong. She’s done just the opposite. She makes me pay attention more and she actually helps me study. I’m not giving up my education because of her. Would it be so bad if I go to a local school?”

My father didn’t say a word. He just looked at me with a look that said, you-are-doing-what-I-say-no-matter-what.

I got pissed off and walked away leaving my father behind.

How can he be mad at me? For God’s sake I’m not stopping my education; I just don’t want to leave her. Is that so bad?


Author POV

Teacyeon walked away from his father outraged. Not knowing that there was a pair of eyes watching him, he stormed off towards the balcony hoping he would the only person who would know what to say in a situation like this…Jenny.

With light steps, the mysterious pair of eyes followed him all the way to a secluded part of the balcony overlooking the classical band that was playing passionately.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he opened his eyes searching for that one girl in the white Cinderella dress.

“You looking for me?” he heard a voice ask. Turning around expecting to find the brown soothing orbs that belonged to his love, he was caught off guard when a pair of devil eyes appeared before him.

“What do you want Tiffany?” he barked trying to scare her off.

“I think we both know what it is I want.” She said biting her lip that was drenched in devil red lipstick.

“See the thing is, we both clearly know I’m with someone else. So if you’ll excuse me.” He said walking around her heading towards the stairs leading to the crowded floor.

“But we both know that this thing you have with the church freak won’t last.”

Striking his heart, he wondered if her words were true. “No one knows what will happen in the future…….but I can promise you, I’ll never go back to you.”

Standing there dumbfounded, Tiffany’s determination only doubled while her eyes followed Taec surprising Jenny with a kiss.

“Just you wait and see……you’ll be mine again.”




“Guess what?!” yelled Ashley running into Jenny’s bedroom scaring the poor girl.

“What is it now?” she asked picking up the paint brushes she was washing in her art studio.

“Remember that guy I danced with at the party earlier?”

“How could I forget? He was one of the only good dancers there.”

“Anyway, guess who he is?”

“Who could this new knight in shining armor be?”

“He’s the cutie in Science?”


“No. The other cutie, Daniel.”

“Wait a minute, is he the class president’s little brother?”

“Yup. That’s him.”

“That’s awesome. He seems really nice and calm, unlike you.”

“What? I’m nice.”

“Yes, but you’re loud. I think you two would be good together.”

“Don’t jinx it. I really want in to work after that jerk Luke dumped me.”

“But don’t you think he would be the rebound?”

“No he is not the rebound.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because Ms. Smarty Pants, he says he always had a crush on me since middle school, and I told him about the break up. He says he’s cool about it.”

“Alright then. I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thanks bestie.”

Looking around at the over filled art studio, Ashley noticed a very odd painting. “What’s this?”

“That is a portrait.”

“How is that a portrait? Who is this supposed to be?”

“I decided to combine abstract and realism to create a portrait of Teac.”

“I don’t see it.”

“Turn your head to the left and squint a bit.”

Doing as she was told, she looked at the painting. “Oh! There it is!”

“Speaking of Taec, did you see how Tiffany kept staring at him?”

“She was staring at him? I didn’t notice anything.”

“That’s because your blinded by his hotness.”

Rolling her eyes she got up and put away the brushes. “Let’s get some real food. Your mom’s party only served healthy food.”

“This is why I always eat here. You have all the good stuff.”



Tiffany POV

“Yah!” I yelled following Sica into her bathroom. “Why won’t you help me?”

“Because…” she said turning around. “…I’m tired of this.”

“Tired of what exactly?”

“I’m tired of you trying to ruin people’s live just for your own personal gain. When will you move on? Things between you and Taecyeon oppa ended when you cheated on him with his teammate.”

“You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t know that I don’t have a chance anymore? I do! You and him keep telling me!”

“Then why are you trying to ruin his relationship with Jenny?”

“Because if I can’t have him … no one can.”

“Will you just stop! If you’re going to continue this craziness,” she sighed before continuing. “then I don’t think we can be friends.”

“What are you saying?!” I yelled pissed off. I need her.

“I don’t want to be friends with someone who’s a selfish brat.”


“Look … I love you and all, but I can’t keep seeing you like this. Maybe if we pause this friendship, then it can be a wake-up call for you.”

“You call yourself my best friend?” I scoffed grabbing my purse ready to leave. “Fine! Instead of pause, let’s officially end this. Goodbye.” I said leaving her house.

I guess what they say is true; to get something done, you must do it yourself.




Back inside the house, Jessica watched as Tiffant sped off the driveway and into the street.

Quickly grabbing her cell phone, she called the one person she thought would help Tiffany in a situation like this.



Across town, a cell phone rang, and the owner quickly reached to answer it.


Having a serious conversation, the owner of the phone dropped it in shock.

“Jenny, what’s wrong?” asked a confused Ashley.

“Umm … nothing. I was just careless.”




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Thank you!
Hey lovelies. Been busy with lots of stuff so no time to update. By August 2 I should have updated, if not please wait patiently.


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Chapter 20: This is one sure cute story, I do hope there will be an update soon..
Good job~
Chapter 1: I know this is old but I for not seeing it earleir.
I was looking for fluff Taecyeon and this is what I see :)
It's really cute, makes me wanna reminisce when I was still in high school hahahaha!
sparks103122 #3
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhhh... what's going to happen? I cant't wait for the next chapter. This story is extremely good. :)
jesica27 #4
Chapter 19: Wow.! Hahaha nice taec
Chapter 10: Oooooo merrrrrr gerdddd!!!! That was the cutest thing everrr!!! I really did fangirl!!!!
Chapter 2: That was soooo good!!!!!!! Yayyyyy drama!!! Haha
itismerobyn #7
Chapter 17: when are you going to update! i have been waiting ever since chapter 14 was updated! please finish this story :)
Chapter 15: Awwww <3 I forgive you author!!! I'll wait for the update :3 And I have no idea what you could write... I'm not that great at writing fan fiction heh ^//^
Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D so cuuuuuute :D :D :D