Save Or Delete?

Love IS Legal


Jenny POV

---4th Period---

I’m currently in the middle of Biology class taking notes. After the whole incident in the hallway earlier, the whispers haven’t stopped. What’s worse, Ashley is in the class with me.

She keeps gawking at me like I’m One Direction. She’s hasn’t even paid any attention at all. Good thing I’m taking notes. I hope the teacher doesn’t notice that she hasn’t done anything.

“Ms. Bates!” Spoke to soon.

That woke her up and she turned to look at the teacher. “Umm is there a problem?” she asked confused.

“A problem? You haven’t paid any attention to my class.” He said really pissed off.

“Um…sorry sir. It won’t happen again.”

“It better not.” The teacher turned around and continued explaining the digestive system.

I saw Ashley reach into her backpack and grab her Bio notebook. She started writing, so I continued to focus on what the teacher is saying.

As I was writing, I see Ash slipped a note onto my paper. I carefully opened it and read what she wrote.


I can’t tell her through notes in Biology. She at least deserves full details, but later.

That’s what I wanted to tell you earlier. Drop the subject now. I’ll give you full details later. Ok?

Fine……….but are you guys dating?

You can say that….Now, FOCUS. You stupid dummy! You just stared at me the whole time. You’re gonna fail the quiz on tomorrow.

WHAT?!? There’s a quiz?? Crap! I’ll focus now.

With that she started writing notes. Sometimes she would look at my previous pages to see what she had missed.

Eventually the class ended and it’s time for 5th period.

I started to do what I’ve been doing. I started to gather my things very slowly.

“Jen, why are you going so slow?” Ashley asked me already ready for the next class.

“I don’t want people staring at me as I leave every class. So, I go slowly so I can leave last.”

She nodded her head in understanding. “Girly, I’ll meet you there. Luke’s class is near ours so I told him I’d meet him there.”

“Okay. I don’t wanna keep you from him.” I told her slipping on my backpack.

“Neither do I.” she said with a smirk.

I looked at her confused and she just walked away. I walked out of class and I saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets.

I instantly smiled and he grabbed my hand and he guided me to my next class.


Taecyeon POV

As me and Jenny are walking, the whipers keep coming. Will they ever stop? I hope they do.

She’s so ugly…He should be with me…If Taec has her, I wonder what she’s hiding under those clothes.

I feel her grip on my hand tighten. I know she’s used to name calling but not this much. And certainly not these types of comments.

Having a random guy say a comment like that is unacceptable. I feel her grip keep getting tighter. It’s up to the point that any more tightly I might lose circulation to my hand.

Dude, she has nice legs…You’re right she does. I would totally bang her…Yeah, she’s most probably still a so it’ll be better for us.

That was it I couldn’t take it anymore. I know exactly the two who said it. They’re from the wrestling team. This might be hard. But I’ll do everything in my power to protect her.

“Yo, what’s up man.” Said Noah

"What’s up?” Is he ing serious?

“I am only gonna say this once. You either stop talking about my girl like that or I won’t be able to stand by.” I said slowly and with a deadly tone.


“Dude, you and I both know the real reason why you’re with her. You just want to know what it’s like to sleep with a .” He said getting all up in my face.

I heard the sound of footsteps running and knew that she left.

“Shut the up! You know nothing!” I said getting in his face. Good thing I’m a bit taller than him.

“Know nothing? Ha. That’s exactly why you’re with her.”

“NO! IT’S NOT!” I yelled. He stepped back a bit frightened at my loud outburst. I gathered up all my strength and punched him.

He stumbled back and fell flat on the floor. My knuckles are on fire. I feel liquid dripping off my fingers and I know I got hurt.

I walked up to him and crouched to his level.

“The reason why I’m with her is because……………………….I love her.”

With that, I got up and turned to look at the crowd that had formed around us. They all look at me terrified. I recognized a few faces but I didn’t see her face. The one face I wanted to see, and she had run away. She should feel so confused.

Thank God there were no teachers around.

"TAECYEON OK!!" spoke too soon.

"Yes sir." I said turning around to find the principal and my football coach.

"What have you done?" he asked me really pissed off.

"Something I should've done a long time ago."

"Taec..." went my football coach "...I know you were pissed off when he slept with Tiffany, but I've always told you violence is never the answer."

Yes that ing bastard is the one who I saw with Tiffany in bed that night. Even though the coach made me forgive him, I still HATE HIM. And now, more than ever.

"This isn't because of Tiffany cheating on me." With that I walked away not caring that the principal and coach are calling me to come back.

I walked out of the school and into the parking lot. I hopped into my car and drove back home.



Jenny POV

Right after I heard what that guy said I couldn’t believe it. I don’t know who to believe in anymore. I thought he actually cared about me. I thought he actually liked me for me. I guess not. He just wanted to try something new.

I turned around and I saw Ashley looking at me really concerned. I feel tears falling down my cheeks and I knew that I was crying.

I immediately forgot about everything and everyone and ran home.

When I got home, I was greeted by the silence in the air. I wish Daisy was here with me. At least I would have some company.

I dropped my backpack on the ground and I was about to go up the stairs to my room when I heard loud banging on my door.

I lazily walked to the door and looked through the peep hole and saw Ashley. I stepped back hoping she would go away.

“Jenny! Please open the door! I know you’re in there!.” She shouted from behind the door.

“Go away!” I shouted with my voice choking up.

“NO! If you don’t open the door! I’ll just use my key!” Darn, I forgot I gave her a spare key.

I stayed silent and walked towards the stairs. I heard the door opening and closing. I continued walking up the stairs and towards my room. I tried opening the door but I feel so useless I can’t even open the door.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I know Ashley is coming up. I put my back against the wall in the hallway and slid down until I met the floor. I covered my face with my hands and started to sob again.

I sensed that she got closer and sat down next to me. I felt her wrap her arm around me and I started to sob on her neck. I couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve always been the one to cry; and this time is no exception.

How am I supposed to believe everything he’s said to me? How am I supposed to think he actually liked me? I mean, c’mon I started talking to him and basically after a week he confessed. That’s just not logical. I feel so stupid thinking he actually cared about me. But it was all a lie. Everything was lies. And what’s worse, I actually believed all his lies.


{She Believed}


Ashley POV

I don’t know what to say to her. I feel stupid letting my best friend fall in the arms of a guy and have the guy turned up into a bastard. I should’ve protected her. I should’ve know that everything he said was a lie.

I even had doubts that everything was too good to be true. I should’ve listened to my instincts. I should’ve known.

I can understand her a little bit. . Blake is a total flirt and I actually thought he only liked me. But this is much more serious. I know she fell for him.

“Jenny, I don’t know what to say.” I honestly told her.

“I don’t want you to say anything. Just please don’t leave me. You’re the only person I can count on.”

“You know I’ll always be here for you.”

“Thanks…………………..But your parents are gonna be pissed knowing that you skipped class.”

“So will yours. Remember, we’re in this together.”

She eventually calmed down and she sat up. We were just staring at the wall doing nothing. I can’t do anything for my best friend. But I will not let her go through this alone.

*car door slams*

We both heard a car door slam and we both looked at each other.

Her eyes give out her feelings completely…….lost.

“You stay here, I’ll handle this.”

She nodded her head and I helped her up. I opened the door for her. Just as she was about to walk in we heard the door slam open and close.

“ I left the door open…You lock yourself in the bathroom and I’ll handle him.”

Once I knew for sure she was in the bathroom, I rushed downstairs and saw Taecyeon looking into the living room.

“She doesn’t want to see you.” I said outloud.

He turned around and looked at me. I can tell by his eyes that he’s worried.

“Please Ashley. Let me see her. I need to explain.”

“She doesn’t want to see you. But if you want, explain to me, and I’ll make sure she hears it.”

“Alright….um….I don’t know where to start.”


Taecyeon POV

“Start off when you first spoke to her. Why did you talk to her? You never did before. Why now?”

“I’ll tell you…………..the real reason.”


The coach had called a meeting on the last day of summer to talk about some new recruits for the football team.

He gave some words and it was time to go.

I didn’t take my car because a few of the others guys were with me and we carpooled. Once we got into the car they all started a conversation. I was in the passenger seat in the front not really paying attention.

“Yo Taec….Taec?” I felt someone hit me in the back of the head.

“What!” I asked irritated.

“We’ve been calling your name.” said Daniel.

“Oh sorry….what is it?”

“Dude, since you’re done with Tiffany, who are you gonna get this year?”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember a few months back. You were still pissed with everything that happened between Tiffany and Noah.”

“You lost me.” What is he talking about?

“You said that since you were gonna be a senior, you were gonna try something new.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Danny, he doesn’t remember ‘cause he was drunk that night.” Said Sam

“Oh right. I forgot. Anyway, you vowed that now you are a senior you were gonna pop a girl’s cherry.”

“What?! Why would I ever say that?”

“You told us that the reason you thought Tiffany cheated on you was because Noah was the one that had popped her cherry, not you.”

“That makes sense. But why would I say that?”

“Look, Taec. You promised yourself, and us that this year you were gonna find a and pop her cherry. You said that the reason Tiffany went back to Noah was because they have history. You know, he was her first…..”

None of this is ringing a bell.

“…..So, you had said that this year you wanted to find a loyal girl so you could pop her cherry and she would never leave you.”

“What the ?”

“Yeah, I know right. You were really drunk that night.” Said Daniel.

“On the bright side, I got the whole thing recorded.” Said Sam while lifting his phone.

“Why would you record it?”

“Because, dumb , you even made a bet on it. You bet that it you didn’t do it, you would give of us your Audi”


“Yup. So I suggest you start recruiting……………Get out of my car.” Said Daniel while literally pushing me out from the car.

I turned around and started walking towards my house and I heard two girls laughing. I turned around and I saw Jenny there walking with Ashley.

They both didn’t notice I was looking at them. They were both too busy laughing and listening to music.

I saw Jenny and my heart started to beat a bit faster. This always happens when I see her. Maybe, just maybe, I can be with her.



“Look Ashley, I never had any intentions to hurt her. I just wanted to date her. I knew that she would be faithful person. I wasn’t gonna sleep with her. I just thought that I would sorta convince the guys to let me off the hook if they knew we were both serious.”

“You are a horrible person!” she shouted at me slapping me across the face.

I felt my left cheek on fire. She’s really strong.

“How can you do that to her? I know she hasn’t told me much about her relationship with you, but I did notice something………She was actually happy. That’s why I didn’t say anything. I knew you were trouble when you walked into her life.” (A/N: Haha Taylor Swift)

“Look, I’m really sorry. Please let me just explain to her that she isn’t just some other girl. I fell for her. Please let me just see her.”

“Ha! You really think I’ll let you see her. You’re lucky I’m a nice person and I’ll tell her what you told me. I suggest you leave.”

“Fine. I’ll leave……..But before I’ll leave. Please give her this.” I reached into my pocket and took out a piece of paper and handed it to her.

“What is this?” she asked unfolding it.

“Don’t read it. Please. Just give this to her.”

“Fine.” She folded it back together. She gestured to the door and I walked out.

I better start praying she forgives me.


Author POV

Ashley walked up the stairs and saw Jenny there sitting at the top of the stairs full of shock. She had heard EVERYTHING he said.

Ashely quickly sat next to her bestfriend to comfort her.

"I told you to stay in the bathroom."

"I couldn't help it. I needed to know."

"And now that you do; you wish you had stayed in the bathroom right?"

"Yeah. I feel so betrayed. I feel like everything that happened between us was all a lie."

"Well, what exactly happened between you two."

"I guess you need to know in order to help me right?"

Jenny took at deep breath, and started to tell her everything....



Author POV

Once Jenny finished explaining, Ashley had a surprised look on her face.

"Oh My God! I can't beleive it.................................all this happened and you never said a word. How dare you? I thought I was your friend."

"I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you tonight when I sleepover."

"About that, do you still want your parents to give the final approval?"

"Not now. Why get their approval when the guy turns out to be a complete jerk."

"So you're gonna tell your parents to forget it?"

"Yeah, just give me a sec. I'll call them now."

"Oh wait! Before I forget. Here. *hands paper* He wanted me to give you this."

Jenny got the paper and looked at it. Should I open it?, she thought.

"I'll be downstairs making a snack. I'll text Luke to get the rest of our stuff. Tonight, it's girl's night. You, me, and Leonardo Dicaprio."

Jenny smiled at her best friend's efforts to cheer her up.


Jenny POV

I walked back to my room, and laid down on my bed. I slowly opened the paper and I was shocked realizing what was written on it.

The freshman girl, oh so shy

sits and watches, the sophmore guy.

The sophmore guy, with his head in a whirl

sits and watches, the junior girl.

The junior girl, in her red sedan

sits and watches, the senior man.

But the senior man, all hot and wild

secretly loves, the freshman child.

Why would he give me this? Why does he want me to have this? What can I possibly do with this? What is this supposed to mean?

*ring ring*

I heard my phone ringing and picked it up.

Caller ID: Mr. Horse Elephant <3

I didn't answer his call. I let it go to voicemail. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to see him. I just wish he never talked to me in the first place.

I don't want to be someone's toy. And that's exactly what I am to him. A toy.

I put the paper away and laid back down staring at the ceiling. I looked at the mirror and everything from the day he helped me pick out a dress came rushing in.

How come I didn't realize I was just being used? I know why. I was blinded by how gorgeous he is.

His eyes....

His smile....

His stupid aegyo....

Just him....

Ottokhe? What do I do? I don't know what to think.


It's my phone. I unlocked it and saw I have 7 missed calls, all from him. I also saw I have one new voicemail. I don't know what came over me. But my hand took over and clicked it, and my phone started to dial my inbox. I put my phone on speaker because I'm too lazy to hold it.

"You have one new message...." went the robotic lady.

I waited patiently and I heard his voice...

"Um..Hi. I guess. Look, you probably hate me right now. But I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I truly do like you. No. Wait. I love you. Yeah, I love you. I love everything about you. I'm sorry you had to find out the real reason why I ever approached you. But, honestly I wouldn't change anything. If this whole bet thing didn't happen, I wouldn't have approached you. I wouldn't have fallen in love with you. I'm truly sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"To save this message, press 5. To delete this message, press 7."

What number do I press? 5 or 7?

I had to make a decision at that moment. Erase him completely. Or, be able to hear his voice from time to time?

"Your message has been saved..."


Author POV

Ashley had just finished making some chicken wraps when she noticed Jenny wasn't there. She placed the wraps on the kitchen counter and walked upstairs. She made her way to Jenny's room and heard the robotic voicemail lady.

"You have one new message...."

Ashley was curious as to what Jenny was doing, so she stayed near door listening. Then she heard Taec's voice.

"Um..Hi. I guess. Look, you probably hate me right now. But I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I truly do like you. No. Wait. I love you. Yeah, I love you. I love evrything about you. I'm sprry you had to find out the real reason why I ever approached you. But, honeatly I wouldn't change anything. If this whole bet thing didn't happen, I wouldn't have approached you. I wouldn't have fallen in love with you. I'm truly sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"To save this message, press 5. To delete this message, press 7. For more options press 5."

Ashley waited patiently wondering what she was go na do.

"Your message has been saved..."

Ashley gave out a dissappointed sigh and decided to help her bestie cheer up.

"Jenny? Are you okay?"

"I guess."

Ashley walked in and saw her best friend holding her phone in her hands.

"Did you hear?" Jenny asked her.

"Yeah." she answered while sitting next to her.

"Is it bad that I saved it?"

"Not at all. But right now, it's time to forget about the other species and watch Leonardo Dicaprio die."

Jenny chuckled at her best friend's stupid comment.

"I'm serious. I don't know how he does it, but he just somehow makes dying look so romantic."

With that Ashley dragged her best friend down stairs and they popped in Romeo and Juliette in the DVD player.

After the movie had finished, it was time school ended, so Victoria came home. She walked in and sat in the living room staring at Jenny giving her an I-told-you-so look.

"If you're gonna give me a lecture, please go away. If not, stay here and cry with us as Jack dies." Jenny said pointing to the Titanic Dvd.

"I'll cry with you."


Around the middle of the movie, Victoria decided to say something.

"You want me to tell umma and appa to forget about the dating thing?"

"Yes please. I don't think I can face them after all the begging I did." Jenny honestly answered.


"Vic unnie. I'm sleeping over Ash's house. We haven't had any girl time."


They all watched the movie enjoying all the movie.

But Jenny's head was filled with thoughts, Now, that I saved his message, I keep wanting to hear his voice, be in his arms, and kiss his lips. I should've deleted it.



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Hey lovelies. Been busy with lots of stuff so no time to update. By August 2 I should have updated, if not please wait patiently.


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Chapter 20: This is one sure cute story, I do hope there will be an update soon..
Good job~
Chapter 1: I know this is old but I for not seeing it earleir.
I was looking for fluff Taecyeon and this is what I see :)
It's really cute, makes me wanna reminisce when I was still in high school hahahaha!
sparks103122 #3
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhhh... what's going to happen? I cant't wait for the next chapter. This story is extremely good. :)
jesica27 #4
Chapter 19: Wow.! Hahaha nice taec
Chapter 10: Oooooo merrrrrr gerdddd!!!! That was the cutest thing everrr!!! I really did fangirl!!!!
Chapter 2: That was soooo good!!!!!!! Yayyyyy drama!!! Haha
itismerobyn #7
Chapter 17: when are you going to update! i have been waiting ever since chapter 14 was updated! please finish this story :)
Chapter 15: Awwww <3 I forgive you author!!! I'll wait for the update :3 And I have no idea what you could write... I'm not that great at writing fan fiction heh ^//^
Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D so cuuuuuute :D :D :D