No risk, no ...

May Be

Fortunately, it was a quite uneventful night at the clinic this day.

Yunho didn't have much to do: He prepared the patients' medicaments, did his usual inspection tour through the rooms every hour and spent some time grading health records.

Some patients weren't able to sleep and some suffered from their mental diseases, but Yunho tried to help them as good as possible.

At 11 p.m., the whole floor was filled with peace and quiet and Yunho was finally able to think about Jaejoong's plan.


Of course did Yunho know that this mission was quite risky. It broke the clinic's rules and especially Yunho's contract of employment, but due to the current situation, he simply HAD to do it.


When Yunho entered Heechul's room this evening to see if he was able to sleep, Yunho was shocked by Heechul's sight... He looked thin and weak in the small clinic bed and his hand, that peeped out under the blankets, was bony and meager.


Yunho and Heechul's therapists had been concerned about his health status since about one week. Heechul refused to eat and he was always dismissive and bad-tempered. He seemed to fall back into his depression and Yunho knew, that Jaejoong's plan was the only chance to save Heechul.


Overwhelmed by his upcoming feelings, Yunho carefully sat down on the edge of Heechul's bed and wrapped his large hand around Heechul's. He took care of not waking him up, but he felt a slight pressure on his fingers as soon as he had touched the elder man.

Siwon...?“, Heechul mumbled scarcely audible in his sleep and turned his body towards to person next to him, but he was still trapped in deep sleep.


Yunho sighted silently and squeezed Heechul's hand, before he carefully pulled the covers over it and got on his feet again. „We'll get it right again...“, Yunho promised whispery and turned around to Heechul's nightstand.



We'll get it right again...“, Yunho mumbled silently and pulled the covers over Heechul's hand, before he grabbed Heechul's mobile phone from the nightstand.


If Heechul would wake up now while Yunho was following Jaejoong's plan or if anyone would notice it, Yunho would definitely lose his job. He broke at least five different rules in his working contract but he didn't have another choice.


As quiet as possible, Yunho grabbed Heechul's mobile phone from the nightstand and searched in his phone book for the needed number. Siwon's entry was on top of Heechul's call list – obviously he had tried to contact Siwon during the last days...

Yunho swallowed visibly and threw a brief glance at the sleeping man on the bed, before he wrote Siwon's number on a small sheet of paper and placed the phone at the nightstand again. Fortunately, Heechul didn't seem to wake up and Yunho smiled slightly, before he left the room and shut the door behind his back.


* * * * *


Did you get it?“


Even if it was already deep in the night, Jaejoong's voice wasn't tired at all. He sounded quite excited and Yunho couldn't hide the little smile, that appeared in the corners of his mouth.

Yes, I got it“, he confirmed silently and read the scribbled number on his phone to Jaejoong. „Are you sure that this is a good idea? You know him, if Heechul finds out that you did this, he will -“


Nah, he didn't even have enough power to freak out anymore“, Jaejoong interrupted Yunho silently and even if it was a joke, both men knew the seriousness of Jaejoong's statement.

Besides, he will be glad about it. I'm sure.“


Both men kept silent for some seconds, while only the clock's ticking and the rustling of Jaejoong's blankets was heard.

What will you do next?“, Yunho asked silently and threw a brief glance at the ajar door.


I think I'll just call him directly after waking up... and I hope that he listens to me and understands Heechul's current situation. Heechul is just about to realize that Siwon is a thousand times better than Hangeng and maybe if he sees Siwon again …“, a deep sight interrupted Jaejoong's words, „I just hope Siwon doesn't give in and continues to fight for Heechul... That's exactly what he needs right now and I'm quite sure that they could be very happy together...“


Yunho nodded slightly, but after some seconds he realized that Jaejoong couldn't see this.
„Yes“, he mumbled silently and smiled. „You're a great friend, Jaejoong. I'm glad that Heechul found someone like you.“

Jaejoong's answer was only a quiet shy laughter.

I'll visit you tomorrow. Please tell me if it worked, okay?“, Yunho added smiling and wished Jaejoong a good night, before he ended the call and placed his mobile phone on the table.

He kept his fingers crossed that everything worked.


* * * * *


Heechul had a weird dream this night and when he woke up in the early morning hours, he didn't feel relaxed and well-rested at all.

He dreamed about Siwon – who else during the last nights? - but Hangeng was standing between them. Heechul wasn't able to have a look at Siwon, since Hangeng captured nearly all of Heechul's field of vision, and even if Heechul thought that he would feel good at being with Hangeng, he didn't want anything more than being with Siwon right now.


Get out of my way!“, Heechul commanded loudly and tried to push Hangeng away, but the younger man stood immovably in front of him.

Siwon!“, Heechul called out towards his friend and tried to go around Hangeng, but anytime Heechul took a step rightwards or leftwards, Hangeng followed him. Looking over Hangeng's shoulder, Heechul saw the sad expression on Siwon's face.


Why don't you come to me?“, Siwon asked disappointed and looked into Heechul's eyes.

I can't!“, Heechul called out desperately and tried to reach out his hand, but Hangeng immediately took it and pushed it down again. „Stop this!“, Heechul exclaimed angered and pushed heavily against Hangeng's chest, but still he didn't move a single centimeter.


Siwon didn't seem to understand Heechul's words.

I have leave now, Princess...“, Siwon said tiredly and took a deep breath. „I really love you, but... this isn't possible anymore.“

Siwon threw a last glance at Heechul, before he turned around and put his hands into his pants' pockets. With slow steps, he walked in the opposite direction – away from Heechul, about to leave.


Siwon, wait!“, Heechul screamed desperately and tried even more to free himself from Hangeng. When he could rarely see Siwon at the horizon anymore, Heechul paused some seconds and looked at Hangeng's pretty face. He knew that this should be the face he loved more than anything , but …

Deep in his heart, Heechul felt all the pain the chinese man caused him and hate built up right in his head.


Again, Heechul struck out and pushed against Hangeng's chest, and this time the younger man stumbled slightly and looked irritated at Heechul.

You won't ruin this anymore...!“, Heechul yelled full of anger and pushed Hangeng again. With quick steps, Heechul went around him and started to run towards Siwon, calling out his name again and again.


Siwon turned his head and faced Heechul. A light smile built up on his face and he stopped his steps and turned around to him.

You did it“, Siwon said silently and spread out his arms, but right when Heechul had finally reached him and was about to fall into his lover's arms, he woke up and found himself alone in his room again...


* * * * *


As always during the last days – except when he was visiting Jaejoong – Heechul stayed in his bed as long as possible. He sat on his bed, knees pulled against his chest and arms wrapped around them. He simply didn't want to leave his room, since this was the only place he felt at least a little save these days.


Of course didn't he feel good. Heechul was hungry and thirsty and weak, his body was completely exhausted, not to mention his mind, but he couldn't change it.

He wasn't able to eat or drink without spilling it immediately into the toilette again and all he realized were the signals from his head that kept saying „See, Heechul? You mucked it up again.“


Siwon wouldn't come again... Heechul knew it for sure.

Every morning he had tried to call him. Before, Siwon would have answered the phone right after the second ring, no matter what time of the day it was, but now the phone rang and rang until his mailbox was activated. He completely broke up the contact with Heechul and the gap in his heart was nearly unbearable.


Heechul would have never imagined how much he might miss Siwon, if he ever left him – well, honestly Heechul would have never imagined that Siwon WOULD leave him anyway.

Though he couldn't return Siwon's feelings (at least Heechul thought so), Siwon had been an important part of his life – if not the most important. He was his life-saver and if Siwon hadn't been there half a year ago …


Heechul lowered his glance and looked at the thin scars right on his lower arms.

It was Siwon who found him and who kept him from dying. Siwon wrapped some towels around his arms to stop the bleeding and he hovered over Heechul during the whole night in the emergency ward.

He came everyday to see Heechul, both in the hospital and in the mental clinic now, he canceled his appointments and even took his management on, but there had hardly been a day during the last months, that Heechul didn't see him.


A silent knocking was heard from the door and Heechul emerged from his deep thoughts. He looked at the door while it swung open and even if he didn't truly believed it, he deeply hoped that Siwon would appear in the doorframe.


Junsu gave him a bright smile and entered the room.

Good morning!“, he said in his usual good mood and placed the little box with Heechul's medicine on the nightstand. „Come on, you need to get ready for breakfast.“


Heechul sighted and wrapped his covers around his thin shoulders.

I'm not going to have breakfast“, he mumbled unnecessarily, since this was a continuous situation for the last six days. Junsu – or another nurse – came to pick Heechul up for eating or for his appointments, but Heechul refused to follow them and it ended up in a loud fight.


Junsu knitted his eyebrows a little and eyed Heechul full of worries.

Heechul, you really need to eat now.“, he mumbled silently and sat down on the edge of Heechul's bed. He reached out his hand and placed it on Heechul's bony knee, but the elder man shove it away immediately. „If you continue to refuse eating, we have to give you nutritional support.“


You can't force me to eat, for God's sake!“, Heechul exclaimed angered and straightened his back. „Couldn't you all just ing leave me alone?! I don't need you or your ing food or these ing therapists that kept on saying „What do you feel, Heechul? What do you think, Heechul?“ and all those ING senseless hours I spend in here! I just want to be on my ing own right now!“


Junsu silently let Heechul's breakout wash over him and when he had finished, he stood up and poured in a glass of water. He was used to Heechul's explosive nature and the best you can do in these situations was staying cool.


I will bring you some breakfast at your room. Remember to take your pills and your first appointment will be at 10 o'clock.“, Junsu said professionally and gave Heechul a slight smile, before he left the room and shut the door behind his back.


Sorry...“, Heechul mumbled silently as soon as Junsu left the room. It was unfair to treat him like this, since Junsu was only doing his job – and he was doing it good – but Heechul couldn't control his anger some times...

Even if everyone just wanted to help him, Heechul would prefer being on his own right now and just trying to cope the current situation...


Junsu brought his breakfast some minutes later and at 10 o'clock he tried to pick Heechul up for his appointment, but again Heechul simply refused to leave his room.

He coiled up in his bed and wrapped his thin body in the covers to find some sleep again, but right when he was about to fall asleep again, someone knocked on the door again.


Heechul knew that this was his therapist who wanted to persuade Heechul to come to their appointment. Immediately, anger built up in his stomach again and Heechul lifted himself up.

COULDN'T YOU JUST ING LEAVE ME ALONE?!“, he yelled at the closed door and was about to continue his outburst, when the door swung open and Heechul froze.


Hey Princess...“, Siwon mumbled a little insecure and waited in the doorframe for another reaction. His bad conscience could be seen on every single spot of his face and Heechul had to admit that he didn't look quite healthy.

Siwon's skin was pale and slight dark circles appeared under his eyes. His hands were nervously turning a small box in his hands and Heechul couldn't remember a single time, in which self-confident, handsome Siwon had been like this.


With some surprisingly quick moves, Heechul left his bed and headed to Siwon, before he wrapped his arms around the tall man's neck and pressed his body against Siwon's brought shoulders.

Siwon stumbled a little backwards and had to gain some hold on the doorframe, before he smiled released and wrapped his arms around Heechul's waist.


You're such a bastard!“, Heechul exclaimed against Siwon's neck, but his bitter words were covered by deep sobbings. Siwon felt some tiny tears rolling down his neck and he carefully pushed Heechul into his room again, shutting the door behind his back.

You, too...“, Siwon whispered with a light smile and placed a soft kiss on Heechul's hair. With nervous fingers, he slowly started to Heechul's back and he grimaced his face a little, when he felt how thin Heechul had become.


I'm sorry, Hee“, Siwon whispered and pressed forehead against Heechul's crest. „I shouldn't have left you alone... I shouldn't have abandoned you...“

Heechul shook his head slightly and took a deep breath.

Just never do this again, okay?“, he whispered scarcely audible, before another sobbing left his throat. „Please don't do this again...“


Siwon's heart contracted painfully when he heard Heechul's weak voice.

He shook his head immediately and leaned down to place a soft kiss right on Heechul's ear. „I'm sorry“, he whispered again and detached his hands from Heechul's wrist and back.


Carefully, Siwon pushed Heechul a little away and looked into his reddened eyes, before he cupped his face and away the thin lines of tears on his cheeks.

I-I think I was pretty blind...“, Heechul said silently and smiled a little weak, causing Siwon's heart to skip a beat. He understood the hidden message in Heechul's words and even if he knew that Heechul wasn't ready for realizing his real feelings yet, Siwon felt the change between them.


For the first time during all those years he had secretly been in love with Heechul, Siwon slowly leaned forwards and kissed Heechul's pretty lips.


- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - ​- - - - - 


Wow, it took me quite long to update another chapter now, but I'm glad I have finished it now!

As always, I hope you like it. During the last evenings, I've often watched some SiChul-videos and than I just NEEDED to write this chapter :D

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MiszCJung #1
Chapter 19: After a long while only i realised this story is completed and i totally missed few chapters of update. It was awesome.., their progresses. Their relationship and friendship and how they just managed to settle their differences and overcome the extremities of their emotions. Love this! ^^
Chapter 19: i liked the cold personality of jaejoong here.
MissEztie #3
Chapter 19: Yay finally Heechul and Siwon can be together. And about Yunjae, I love Yunho's character in this fic. He really do anything and help a lot for Jaejoong. Love Yunjae
christine3326 #4
thanks for your wonderful story,it's so sweet,please keep writing,.....
Chapter 19: i loved this story ...i wish it was longer because it was so beautiful i didnt want it to end >3<
really good work you done with this story ^_^
CasShwaolB2uty #6
Chapter 19: now I don't want it to end too :_
that was such a pretty story~ it was nice to read it, hope you'll write more YJ in the future :)
CasShwaolB2uty #7
Chapter 12: you know if the story is finished, I usually don't comment till the end.. and I did not show much interest in the sichul couple, but you caught me completely with their part in the story. and that is big...
Now I want more sichul!! D:
btw I totally YJ here (Y) :D
dannychoi #8
Chapter 19: did it really ended??? omg!!! whyyyy ... nooooooooooo i dont want it to end !!! TT-TT
Chapter 19: i love the ending