
Guardians: Book I
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We left before the sun rose, not because Eltemisiya was far, but because it would be easier for me to go if I didn’t have to say goodbye to Romil. Romil and I were very close, though he was ten years younger than myself, we were close. If I had stayed we’d have left much later...probably near afternoon as Romil wouldn’t have let me go so soon.

“So, how are we getting to Eltemisiya?” I asked, as we walked through town, I adjusted my pack, I’d brought the items Qiyaq had given and some other things as well. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” he responded, with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him but allowed myself to really observe Kris.

He was tall, as I had predicted and walked with a confident gait, his blonde hair was not kept up and away from his face, except his bangs. His outfit consisted of black pants, the material was heavy, that much I could tell, his shirt was a deep red and made of light material, possibly woven. He wore fingerless leather riding gloves, wait riding gloves...and his shoes, solid black, and hard bottomed.

“Are you by chance a teiqmoro?” I asked after assessing his outfit. He chuckled and glanced at me, “No, I told you I’m a messenger.” I frowned, I knew that but what kind. Normal messengers don’t wear clothes such as these. I should know I’d seen several messengers pass through Selenya before. “Oh you know what I mean!” I huffed, shoving him lightly...when did we get so friendly?

We reached the town stables in no time, he still never answered my question, “Wait out here.” he told before disappearing into the stables, I sighed and the edge of my worn vest. I wonder what type of creature he has...doesn’t the Zjuetea Traiv deal with...

“Sorry to keep you waiting, this one wouldn’t wake up.” I turned to face Kris and behind or rather beside him was a “...Xeimo....” I mumbled. It was beautiful, a Xeimo, with piercing green-blue eyes. “Jade, this is Jiqen. My partner.” he said as he motioned to the stunning creature beside him, who seemed to purr happily as Kris it’s muzzle.

“C-Can I...”I asked still amazed that I was actually seeing a xeimo, you could see one if you lived high in the Qeleishiota Mountains. “Pet him? Go ahead he’s harmless.” Kris responded as, Jiqen turned to me, staring me down before nudging my hand with it’s snout. I laughed at the dragon before petting him, to which he gave another appreciative purr. “You’re like a giant molenyo.” I cooed to the dragon as I continued to pet him.

As Jiqen and I bonded Kris strapped on his black saddle, and put our packs on as well, “Ready to go?” He asked from atop Jiqen, who now sat crouched with his wings tensed, ready to fly. I nodded, and grabbed his hand as he pulled me up onto the medium sized dragon. I got comfortable behind Kris, my arms wrapped around his waist.

As Jiqen tested his wings, or stretched them I tightened my hold on Kris, “Scared?” he asked turning to face me, a playful almost teasing smile on his face. “A little..” I admitted, I’d never flown before, I was scared the first time I rode my father’s pormo. “It’s not so bad, don’t worry.” he told me, ruffling my hair, to which I frowned.

“Let’s go, Jiqen.” he called to the dragon who, took off immediately. At first it seemed as if we were going to crash, as the stables were up higher in the valley. Jiqen had jumped off the edge, and we were going down, extremely fast. I let out a shriek of terror, as he abruptly pulled up before we became a pancake. His large white wings, flapping every so often as we went higher into the air until I could barely distinguish anything. “See, not so bad.” said Kris, chuckling, as I was shaking ever so slightly.

“I thought we were going to to die!” I shouted, slapping his shoulder in mock anger. He laughed unabashedly this time, pulling on Jiqen’s reigns, banking us as he did. “First time is always the scariest.” he told me, after he’d stopped laughing. I shook my head, but began to look around. I had always known that Reisa and Teilmenya were beautiful, but to see them land from the sky was simply amazing.

The rolling green hills, with dense patches of forest; the rivers that s through the plains, with the mountains and plateaus in the distance. “Whoa.” I breathed out, my grey eyes wide in wonder, “Beautiful right? I never get tired of the view.” Kris commented, I could only nod as I was too awestruck by the beauty.

As our flight continued, we began a game of sorts; asking questions. Kris or myself wou

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Working on the next part :D


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Chapter 7: Ohh this story is so interesting :D
Chapter 6: next update~ :D
Chapter 2: THE LICH KING :D sorrry, warcraft moment here :3