General Knowledge

Guardians: Book I
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The land which the Kingdom of Reisa resides and prospers in, the realm contains almost every geographical land marker and is composed of a mainland and one large island in the south, Zjarezmia Island.


Zjarezmia Island has been designated a forbidden realm, all inhabitants have been evacuated. It is the location of the Qoreizjaia, which holds the vilest and most terrible beings and creatures.

Qoreizjaia Gate

Qoreizjaia, where the darkness that attempted to control Teilmenya was sealed away 1000 years ago by the 13 Zajriza. 

Reisa Kingdom

The kingdom which spreads across the continental Teilmenya, though some areas are further away from the capitol than others.


The capital city of the Reisa, home the of Qounyazela,  the Qeizir Hiola and where the most impotant documents in all the land are kept. It's archives holds the legend and prophecy of the Zjariza.

Unyaiva Valley

The valley is where a great majority of the tribes reside, they set up villages and some city areas across the wide expanse of the valley and even in the deepest ravines.

Qoraivenya Forest

The Qoraivenya Forest, a misty place that a traveler can easily be lost in with out the right guidance or perhaps a map. It is dark and almost foreboding but yet gives off the vibes of a truly magical place.

Ilmoa Jungle

The Ilmoa Jungle is a vast and confusing place, one could easily be lost without knowing the way. The jungle in itself is a natural maze the presents a problem to any who dare trek through it.

Hileqtenya Caves

The Hileqtenya Caves, a natural maze of impending death for any fool. The caves are deep underground, no light availible to anyone and place of complete and utter darkness. Home to some gruesome creatures who wait for their next meal.

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Chapter 7: Ohh this story is so interesting :D
Chapter 6: next update~ :D
Chapter 2: THE LICH KING :D sorrry, warcraft moment here :3