Chapter Six: A Long Awaited Friendship

Late Night Coffee Shop

Youngjae POV


I blindly searched for my phone to try and stop the ringing. I swear I felt it ringing in my head but maybe that was just the sleep getting to me. I finally found the source of the horrible noise that awakened my wonderful beauty sleep and stopped it. I rubbed my eyes and looked to see what time it was.


“What!” I yelled out realizing that I was late, really late.


I shuffled around in a frenzy trying to figure out what I should do. I ran over to my closet and grabbed the closest cardigan and threw it on over the V-neck I was already wearing. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and looked frantically for my sneakers. I grabbed my coat and scarf as I ran out the door. I walked as fast as I could, passing through all of the busy people out and about in the morning. I decided to take a short cut where I knew there would be less people. I turned a couple corners, down narrow street, after street before I saw the one that my school was on. I cuddled into my coat before I walked out of the alley way onto the street. I looked up to see a familiar face in front of me.


“Daehyun?” I thought. I looked a little closer at the person in front of me submerged in his scarf. It looked like he was deep in thought.


“Should I try talking to him?” I looked at the ground full of snow and wondered if he even heard me walking close to him. I sighed before deciding to give it a try at least.


“Hey,” I said sort of quietly. “Did he even hear that, maybe I should speak louder?” I thought.


“Hey,” he responded. I almost choked hearing him actually respond to me. He looked over at me sort of surprised that I was here. “Maybe he didn’t want to respond,” I thought, “should I continue the conversation?”


“So you’re late too?” I asked him. As if I couldn’t obviously tell. Ah Youngjae pabo. He nodded as my mouth continued to blabber on.


“Yea I slept late, I was sort of up late last night,” I told him. Although he didn’t know that he was the reason why. I looked over at him before looking down at the clumps of snow gathered on the sidewalk. Maybe I should just stop talking, or maybe I should apologize for what happened on the roof that one time. Or would that be too weird? Why do I still remember that?  I looked over at him.


“I’m Daehyun-” he said.


“Look about that time on the roof-” I blurted out as my eyes widened. Did Daehyun just speak? To me?


I started laughing as did he. We both laughed as we walked through the gate to the school.


“It’s ok, don’t worry about it, we can just pretend it never happened,” he smiled at me. He had a nice smile.


“Whew, good because I feel like that may have haunted me forever,” I said in relief he chuckled as we walked to the top of the stairs. I turned toward him and extended my hand out toward him.


“Youngjae, nice to meet you Daehyun,” I smiled hoping that this would be the start of a new friendship. Maybe a long awaited one.




Daehyun POV

We walked through the doors and headed towards our lockers.


“So why are you late?” Youngjae asked, “I see you come to school late a lot.” He said as he searched through his locker.


How did he know I arrive late all the time? I grabbed my notebook.


“I slept late too,” I told him.


“Aish,” I looked over at him with his face buried in his hand. “I forgot my backpack, of course this would happen to me,” he muttered to himself. “I had my English book in there,” he banged his head against the locker.


“Here,” I handed him my English book. “I already missed my English class,” I smiled as he took the book from me.


“Hey thanks man,” he said closing his locker, “oh do you maybe-”


I took out a spare notebook and handed it to him.


“Ha, I think I’ll keep you around,” he said as we walked down the empty hall.


“Hey,” I looked over to Youngjae. “How about we hang out after school?” he asked.


I looked ahead of me pondering the opportunity at hand.


“Sure,” I replied.


“Really?” he asked, as if he was expecting a different answer.


I nodded, “Yup, and I know a place where we can get free coffee and all the pastries we want,” I smiled as Youngjae paused and raised an eyebrow.


“Just trust me,” I said. 

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Chapter 6: Nice story so far :) Can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: ahhh the start of a very nice friendship =] hehe YAY
Chapter 6: This can be the start of a nice friendship! Ayyyyy
Chapter 6: So now their are friend huh../smile/
Okay thats good and they even talking to each other..
/smile wide/

Author-nim update soon^^
toukyo #5
found your story randomly XD
gonna read it now yay~
Chapter 5: ahhh finally they've introduced each other =] hehe
Chapter 5: I hope they will become good friends from now on :)
Fusspott #8
Chapter 5: oh my gossssh yay they finally get on ^_^
GoodbyeGirls331 #9
Chapter 4: Awww hope Jae feels better soon ^_^ Update soon author-nim~
Chapter 4: Awww :) a fateful meet up :)