Chapter Four: Georgia On My Mind

Late Night Coffee Shop

Youngjae POV


I knew this feeling very well. 

Standing in front of my house, afraid to go in. 

This always happens.

And I guess it's my fault that I'm not a good kid. But I always do what my parents ask of me. Back then, during my first year of high school everyone did what their parents wanted them to do. Study hard, get good grades and hang out with good kids who did the same thing. I was just like the others. But years passed, and I'm in my last year of high school. Everyone around me started to find their dreams and they followed them. And if anyone dared to speak against their dreams, they were strong and stood up for what they believed in. Because they were who they wanted to be.

I guess that I finally realized that I'm not like the other kids. I was different, and not in a good way. I didn't have the guts to speak up to my parents and tell them that I didn't fit their idea of a perfect son. That I was someone who was meant to pursue music. 

I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to study music, and I wanted to go off to music school. But my parents would rather me do something "useful" as they might say.

I shook my head, knowing exactly what they were going to say the moment I walked in. I decided to get it over with, so I pushed the door open like I didn't have a care in the world.

I was greeted by my mother who was standing right in front of me. My father stood behind her, his gaze scared me. I told myself to at least keep a strong front. I nodded to them, and my mother didn't even let me take my coat off as she started to yell at me. I shoved my hand in my pockets and stared at the ground. Usually on days like these, I would ignore everything she said, but today her words were very clear and I couldn't block them out anymore. I was never a strong person so I tried to keep my tears from falling.

This always happens.

"Such a brat. A spoiled brat. We give you everything you want and still you choose to disobey us. We told you not to hang out with those kinds of people anymore! How many times do we have to tell you?" she tried to get me to look her in the eyes but I didn't let her. I could feel my father's eyes on me which only made things worse. I knew he had something to say too. 

"Those people only want you to fail. They know you're better than them, that must be why they made friends with you. Tomorrow after school come home right away. Instead of hanging around with those bums you can be upstars studying. They only want to bring you down with them." 

A silence settled across the living room and I took a deep breath.

"You have to get into a good college so you can be a doctor. That way you can support your family." My father finally spoke up. I took a deep breath and lifted my head.

"I don't want to be a doctor." My voice was supposed to be strong, but instead it came out as a strangled whisper. My Father look surprised, but soon it turned to anger once again. I decided to continue, things couldn't get much worse anyways. "I want to pursue music."

Another silence, and I took the time to recollect myself.

"Who fills your head with these silly ideas? Do you think you can be successful doing that? It's worthless, you're untalented. The only thing you are good at is studying, and that is what you will do."

I knew those words were final so I just nodded. Giving up once again.

This was always how it was.

I stood by the door to my room and listened to my parents.

"He's such a dissapointment. I don't know what to do with him anymore." I heard my mother say, I lowered my head. "What went wrong?.."

I had enough so I just buried myself in my room. Listening to music seemed like the best option so thats what I did for the next few hours.


Daehyun POV

As the time passed i grew more and more nervous. I finished setting up the stage and made sure that the lights were in their perfect position before I began to help my uncle and the rest of the staff with the tables. I quickly put on my apron and began to pick up the used glasses and plates. With every glass and plate I picked up I gained a new level of anxiety. I looked up at the clock to see that time had been passing way faster than I thought. I continued to wipe down tables when my uncle came up to me.

"Daehyun, you can end your shift now and get ready," he said carrying a load of dirty cups and plates.

I nodded shyly and wiped my sweaty hands on my apron.

"Don't worry Dae, you'll be great," he said with a reassuring smile as he walked away.

I blew my bangs out of my eyes,

I hope so.


Youngjae POV


I needed to do something for myself, and even if it was as little as clearing my head then that's what I needed to do.

At the same time I thought that it must have been for the benefit of my parents too. Once I cleared my thoughts, I could go on doing what they wanted me to do. I would study without complaints. I just needed this one night.

At that moment I scolded myself, I was always thinking of what made them happy, never what made me happy.

It was odd. Usually kids my age would worry about what their friends thought of them. But instead, I worried about what my parents thought of me. I wanted them to be proud of me. I wanted them to accept me.

It shouldn't have been this way, but it was.

I found myself opening up my bedroom window with extreme caution. If I got caught there was no telling what punishment would be lying ahead, so I made sure to be careful.

Once I was sitting out of the window, memories from years ago flooded my head. It felt like just yesterday my parents were yelling at me to come down from the roof. It was an innocent explanation really: I just wanted to be closer to the stars.

But, of course my childhood ended much too early than it should have. And all I wanted was a parent to tell me to enjoy my childhood. But instead of that, it was always tutoring lessons so I could get ahead. At that time I never understood why, so I didn't complain. 

Hanging outside of my window, I thought that maybe this was a bad idea. But it was too late to go back now, so I landed on the grass with a soft thud, and took off from there. Leaving behind everything my parents thought of me, everything they wanted me to be. For now I was Yoo Youngjae, and I couldn't have been happier. 

Walking down the road, a sense of freedom filled me. The pearly moonlight shone on my face and I shoved my hands in my pockets. It was cold, but I didn't mind it. The street lights cast a warm shadow on the pavement and I wondered where I should go. I turned down an empty alleyway, thinking that maybe it could have been dangerous, but I didn't think much at the time. I just wanted to keep walking, anywhere would have been okay.

I was walking for a while now, with nowhere to go. In the back of my mind I feared that I would get lost, but I didn't care so I continued down the way that I have never been before. It was a new feeling and I embraced it, I stopped suddenly, hearing a soft clattering noise, it was comforting and I looked for the source. It led me down another narrow road until I reached the end. There stood a vibrant cafe that I had never seen before, the sign read 'Late Night' and under it in tiny lettering  it said 'Coffee Shop'. I noticed that there was a wooden sign that listed the hours they were open. From late afternoon into the early hours of the morning. I checked my pockets for money and noticing I had a couple dollars on me I entered the cafe. There was more people than I thought, seeing as the shop was open so late. It was weird. 

I walked over to the counter, and noticed some people were staring at me. I suddenly felt like I was in a place that I didn't belong, and I thought there must have been something that I missed. I quickly ordered my coffee and sat at a table in the corner.

A waiter appeared in front of me with my drink and I gladly accepted it. He set it down in front of me and I stared at it, watching the steam rising up from the porcelain cup. I heard a strange noise coming from the back of the shop, it sounded like a mic. I paid no attention as the lights dimmed, I was still stuck in my own little world.

A piano started to play, and I figured it was just in my mind.


But then I heard a voice that caught my attention. 


I turned and my eyes fixed on the figure that was sitting on the stage in the distance. 

"Daehyun?" I whispered to myself.




Daehyun- Georgia On My Mind

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Chapter 6: Nice story so far :) Can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: ahhh the start of a very nice friendship =] hehe YAY
Chapter 6: This can be the start of a nice friendship! Ayyyyy
Chapter 6: So now their are friend huh../smile/
Okay thats good and they even talking to each other..
/smile wide/

Author-nim update soon^^
toukyo #5
found your story randomly XD
gonna read it now yay~
Chapter 5: ahhh finally they've introduced each other =] hehe
Chapter 5: I hope they will become good friends from now on :)
Fusspott #8
Chapter 5: oh my gossssh yay they finally get on ^_^
GoodbyeGirls331 #9
Chapter 4: Awww hope Jae feels better soon ^_^ Update soon author-nim~
Chapter 4: Awww :) a fateful meet up :)