Chapter Five: Nice To Meet You

Late Night Coffee Shop

Youngjae POV


My eyes widened when I realized it really was Daehyun. This wasn’t just some mirage singing his heart out on the café stage. I knew this because I had goose bumps. I stood up and turned towards the stage. His voice was something else, it was amazing and unique, not to mention powerful. I stood there in awe, letting people pass me left and right. I couldn’t help it, I had to stare. I listened to every note, every beat. He held so much emotion in his voice; it was as if he had written the song himself.  I was knocked out of the heavenly daze I was in when the café erupted in applause.


“Incredible,” I whispered to myself clapping with everyone else. 


The lights as daehyun walked off the stage. I realized I was still standing and thought maybe I should sit down. I stared at my now cold coffee that sat in front of me wondering how such and amazing talent could come from such a quiet, mysterious boy like daehyun. No one would definitely ever suspect it.


“How is this guy not famous yet? I wonder who else knows? Wow, I mean, Daehyun?” I asked myself question after question.


“Daehyun, Daehyun, I think you get more and more amazing every time,” I heard a man say from the counter.


I looked over to see Daehyun hug him and I realized that maybe I should leave. Especially after that awkward moment we had on the rooftop I thought maybe it was best. If he didn’t want to see me at school of all places, then I’m positive that he doesn’t want to see me here. I walked out of the café and took note of where it was exactly, I was planning on coming back some time soon.  I looked at my phone as I made my way back to my house. It was late but I didn’t care, I needed this. I snuck back in my window and threw on some pajama pants and a V-neck. I plopped myself on my bed as I replayed that moment in the café over and over again.


“I knew there was something about that boy, something different,” I thought out loud as I stared at the ceiling. “Something special.”



Daehyun POV

I gripped the mic as I sat there on the stool. I sang with every bit of might I had in me. I loved this. I loved this more than anything in the whole world. If I could, I would do this all day. I stared into the darkness in front of me and sang every note, and every beat with all of the emotion I had. I always get nervous before a performance, but once I’m up there performing it seems as if it is just me and the music.


“ Other arms reach out to me..”


I sat there and let the lyrics roll off my tongue as if they were my own words. It’s different when I’m singing. I didn’t have to worry about being a loner, or worry about letting anyone down, I didn’t have to impress anyone. I was just doing what I love to do, what I live to do.


“Just an old sweet song..”


I continued to sing the song with power all the way until the end. When I finished I walked off the stage as everyone applauded. I loved it. It let me know I must be doing something right. Like it’s where I’m meant to be.  


I walked over and put my apron back on before I walked to the counter up front.

“Daehyun, Daehyun, I think you get more and more amazing every time,” my uncle said as he embraced me from across the counter.


“Thanks,” I replied, it seemed that I couldn’t stop smiling.


“You know Dad was right, that’s where you’re meant to be,” he motioned to the stage with the coffee cup he was drying off.


I looked at the stage longer than I should have before I grabbed the bin. I heard my uncle sigh as I went back to work. I knew my uncle believed more than anything that I should be a performer, just like my grandpa had believed, but it was easier said than done. I walked over to the nearest table and picked up the coffee cup.


“Hmm, they didn’t even drink it, why waste good coffee and money,” I said placing the cold cup of coffee in the bin. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was late. As if that was anything new.

“Well, looks like I’m gonna be late again tomorrow,” I blew my bangs out of my face.



My alarm went off for the fourth time and I knew for sure that I was late. I fumbled out of bed and threw on the nearest sweater and pair of jeans I had. I wrapped a large scarf around my neck and put on a hat to hide my very disheveled hair. I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house and towards the school. Even if I ran there I was going to be late, so I just decided to walk. It gave me the rare opportunity to actually think for a second, without all of the hustle and bustle, or the noise of others opinions. I walked slowly as I thought about what my uncle said the night before. He sounded so much like my grandpa when he told me I was meant to be a performer. It reminded me of my first performance. My grandpa took me to it, he took me to all of my performances. I always looked forward to seeing his face in the crowd. He was so proud of me, he was always my number one supporter no matter what. He always knew performing made me happy, and that’s all he wanted me to be was happy. I smiled to myself as I thought back to those times. I could hear the snow crunch under my feet as I walked down the street towards my school. I heard faint footsteps close to me as I pondered what my uncle said. I didn’t know what I should do at this point in my life but I know what I wanted to do. I wanted to perform, it’s all I ever want to do.


“Hey,” a hushed voice said.


“Hey,” I muttered back still in thought.


I turned to see Youngjae walking huddled in his jacket. He was shivering and he looked just like I did when I woke up. His eyes were tired, his hair was disheveled.  My eyes widened when I realized that I had just replied to his attempt to make conversation.


“So you’re late too?” he asked as I nodded looking down at my boots now covered in snow.


“Yea I slept late,” he went on, “I was, sort of up late last night,” he said.


I nodded to him and continued to look down at my boots. Ah, I always get myself into these kinds of situations. Like that time on the roof. I glanced at him before shivering, remembering the awkwardness. I felt bad remembering how hurt he looked and yet he still is here trying to make conversation. Maybe I should talk back. Maybe he wasn’t so bad.


“I’m Daehyun-”

“Look about that time on the roof-”


We both looked at each other before laughing. “It’s ok, don’t worry about it, we can just pretend it never happened,” I said to him chuckling to myself.


He looked at me half relieved and half in shock. “Whew, good because I feel like that may have haunted me forever,” he laughed nervously before extending his hand out.

“Youngjae, nice to meet you Daehyun,” 


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Chapter 6: Nice story so far :) Can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: ahhh the start of a very nice friendship =] hehe YAY
Chapter 6: This can be the start of a nice friendship! Ayyyyy
Chapter 6: So now their are friend huh../smile/
Okay thats good and they even talking to each other..
/smile wide/

Author-nim update soon^^
toukyo #5
found your story randomly XD
gonna read it now yay~
Chapter 5: ahhh finally they've introduced each other =] hehe
Chapter 5: I hope they will become good friends from now on :)
Fusspott #8
Chapter 5: oh my gossssh yay they finally get on ^_^
GoodbyeGirls331 #9
Chapter 4: Awww hope Jae feels better soon ^_^ Update soon author-nim~
Chapter 4: Awww :) a fateful meet up :)