NINE (9)“Getting to know you! PART 1”

BRO, i'm in love with you

Myungsoo’s POV


When she puts her arms in my shoulder, I was mentally frozen. I don’t know, but every time we have a skin ship, electricity keeps running in my veins. Even a little conversation with her, I always stuttered. “Am I crazy?” I sigh. “Really? I am crazy?” I said to myself.


-End of POV-


Once again, they were staring at each other. Not realizing that they are already holding at each other’s hands and the rain started to pour. After a minute, Jiyeon gained consciousness that they are already drained in the rain.

“Yah!” she punched myungsoo “it’s raining” she shouted

“Eh?” myungsoo replied

“I said it’s raining!” she shouted near myngsoo’s ear

“ah! Y-eaahh” myungsoo said


They keep on turning their heads but they can’t find a place that they could stay until the rain stops!

“For pete’s sake! We are in the park!” jiyeon shouts when she realizes.


“we should find a place to stay until this rain stops. My house is too far from here” jiyeon said and splash the water.


Myungsoo scratches his head and slowly open his mouth. “Ahmm, my place is just near here” myungsoo said shyly.

“Really?” Jiyeon said in gratitude. “Then should we go there? I mean, it’s already raining cats and dogs! I think this rain has no plan to stop!” jiyeon added

“W—ee?”  myungsoo stuttered “You mean, You and me?” he said while pointing to each other.

“YES!” jiyeon shouted. “I’m already freeeeziing to death!” she exclaimed “Well, for the fact that my heart just froze earlier” she muttered.


“Nothing! Stop asking questions! Lead the way bro!” Jiyeon shouted.


Jiyeon shivers due to coldness while they were running to myungsoo’s place. Myungsoo was leading the way; they were holding each other’s hand while running.

They are already in myungsoo’s house. “WAAAAAA!” jiyeon exclaimed while enetering the house.

They are at the receiver of visitor’s area.


The house was way too big. It feels like you are in a palace, it is a 3 story building, beautifully decorated with exotic  designs.

“Are you sure this is your house?” I nudge him while asking.

“Yes! Why?”

“Nothing! You live here alone?”

“Yep!” he directly answered

“Jinjja? Where’s your parents?”

“They live in the states” he occasionally answered

“Oh? They live there for good?”

“Sort of! Our business is there”


We were in front of their fireplace while talking to each other :)

How was it? HAHA! More myungyeon moments for the part 2 of getting to know you ;))

Is the story so slow? LOL! I’m already at chapter 9 yet, it is still in the getting to know you degree.

Fact about me: I’m not good in expressing myself :’(




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Dea_Jiyeon #1
Chapter 10: Please continue the storyy
Love itt
Chapter 10: I love this story :) pls update soon
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 10: please update soon:)
Chapter 8: please update soonnnn!!!
i like your storyyy!! :D
Chapter 8: AHHH ! CUTE !
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 7: please update soon authornim ..
May i know who will be Hyomin partner ? Huhu ^^
Hope it will be kai XD
mayang #8
Chapter 4: ur st0ry is interesting.but, the c0l0ur of each w0rd make me feel dizzy to read..huhu