EIGHT (8)“First Time”

BRO, i'm in love with you

Myungsoo goes near to Jiyeon. “What are yo—u do—ing he—re?” he said.

Jiyeon, clears and stand firm, even if she knows her mind is frozen. “A-hh” she said; for the first time, she stuttered.

“A—hh?” Myungsoo repeats what jiyeon said and touch her shoulders.


Once again Jiyeon is working hard to go back with her senses. She can’t believe that the nerd myungsoo is the mask guy! “THE MASK GUY” she murmured

“what?”  myungsoo said

“no—thing!” once again she stutters. “What happen to you Jiyeon?” she mutters and shakes her head. Absolutely, she’s out of her mind!


“Hey!” Myungsoo said again and slap her face.

“Yah!” she said angrily. It’s the first time that someone slap her face but thankfully, because of that slap she’s back with her senses.

“There you go!” myungsoo said and a smile draws in his lips.


When jiyeon saw the smile of myungsooo her heart beats so fast---There were racing horses! ”myungsoo’s smile is just so precious” she said in her mind. She can feel that her cheeks are already in red tomatoes.

“Hey!” Myungsoo said again

“Yeah~” she said shyly

“You’re jiyeon right?” he said

“Yes, and you’re myungsoo right? A.k.a the mask guy?” she sarcastically said.

“A—ahh, Y—ea-h! sort of” he said shyly

“A-h!” she said


After that, they were just standing next to each other having that eye to eye contact.  You can feel the awkward yet romantic atmosphere.


It was a full moon during that time; there shadows were directly seen while having that intense eye to eye scene.

“Yah!” Jiyeon shouted!


It was a sort of distraction because she can feel that in any second her heart will explode.

“Y-eahh” Myungsoo stuttered.

“Don’t misinterpret me earlier okay? Look!” she goes near to myungsoo and puts her arm in his shoulder. “Bro, I am just shock!” she added while whispering. Myungsoo just nodded.


Electricity runs when she puts her arms over myungsoo’s shoulder and directly put it down!

“WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?” she said to herself!

Pressures are everywhere! Ahm.. short update, imma just so tired and busy in  my school priorities.

By the way, thank you for the comments and the wall posts, I really appreciate it! Mwuah :*

I love you all. Kekeke. Another thing, have you seen the mv painkiller? Jiyeon’s acting is soooo goooooddddd! ;DDD undoubtedly, she’s a good actress.

PS: hope you like it ;))



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Dea_Jiyeon #1
Chapter 10: Please continue the storyy
Love itt
Chapter 10: I love this story :) pls update soon
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 10: please update soon:)
Chapter 8: please update soonnnn!!!
i like your storyyy!! :D
Chapter 8: AHHH ! CUTE !
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 7: please update soon authornim ..
May i know who will be Hyomin partner ? Huhu ^^
Hope it will be kai XD
mayang #8
Chapter 4: ur st0ry is interesting.but, the c0l0ur of each w0rd make me feel dizzy to read..huhu