He, him, who and Jealousy?

Not For Sale!

It’s a peaceful morning... the birds are chirping, the trees are rustling and the wind is gently blown in the space, but, the peace was tainted with a doorbell sound... rush and harsh...

“yes?” Donghae was standing there, smiling toothily to Sungmin who just opened the door...

“oh! It’s you, is Kyuhyun in?”  

“yeah, come on in...”

Donghae tailed Sungmin from behind... he had his mischievous-smile-that-match-perfectly-with-his-cute-handsome-face... Sungmin was about to twist the knob of Kyuhyun’s room when Donghae just like a Major command his soldier to stop...


“huh?” Sungmin was surprise at the sudden commend...

“here is good...” Donghae gave him a friendly smile... but Sungmin still not satisfy which how thing is going on right now...

“this room is off limit... I’m sure Kyuhyun had told you...” Donghae’s smile changed, Sungmin can see a friendly-smile-fused-with-provocation-smile...

“so what?” he become irritated with the smile...

“No! seriously... you don’t want to go inside...” Donghae convinced but it wasn’t a good way to brush Sungmin off...

“really? Then there is more reason for me to get in...”

“I don’t think Kyuhyun want you to see it...” Donghae titled his head with a hesitation...


“uh, why? Because he has these all pictures of---“ Donghae nearly blow everything out right in time when Kyuhyun suddenly appear behind the door  and shut it in a blink of eye... didn’t allow Sungmin to have even a glimpse inside his room...

“Donghae shut up! get in...”

“me too..” Sungmin tried to sneak together with Donghae but his attempt failed when Kyuhyun pulls him...

“oh no you don’t...”

“why not? He can!”

“he’s different...” Sungmin’s face clouded to hear it...

“why? Because you’re buddies?” he asked to ensure the reason...

“yeah, you can say that... urm, listen... please don’t disturb us for a while...” Kyuhyun request give him an utter shock... but he try not to show it on his face... he acted calm...

“your secret summer project again?”

“yeah... so---“

“I get it! I’m going back...” Sungmin cut off... he doesn’t want to hear any word...

“what? this way too sudden...  wait here...” Kyuhyun entered his room for minutes and got out only to say something that hurt Sungmin deep inside...

“okay... I will send you...” Sungmin was taken aback...

“Kyuhyun... I—to you--- never mind...” Sungmin can’t finish his word...

The ride was dull and filled with unpleasant atmosphere... Kyuhyun glanced on his side... Sungmin is not in a good mood...

“are you upset of something...” it was easy to detect  Sungmin’s-pms-ing-mode...


“did I make you mad?”

“No...” the conversation didn’t go well so far...

“something troubling you?”

“wake me up when we arrive...”

To avoid any more questions from Kyuhyun, Sungmin pretend to sleep... he can hear Kyuhyun’s sigh... from the window, he can see Kyuhyun hurt face... even though guilty engulfed him, his heart ache is greater than the guilt, lead him to continue to keep the silent to conquer their time together...

“Sungmin... still won’t say anything? I thought I give you enough time to think...” Sungmin weird attitude which is stepped-out-from-the-car-and-more-than-ready-to-flee give an idea to Kyuhyun, indeed, something is wrong with Sungmin...

“thinking of what?”

“whatever that give you that face...” Kyuhyun pointed at Sungmin sour face...

“it’s my face, I can do whatever I want with mine... see you tomorrow...”

“hey Sungmin... about that, starting from tomorrow, I won’t be at home for days, so you don’t need to come... just wait for my call...”

“whatever you want...” Sungmin deadpanned as he leaves... he is way-too-lazy-to-think-about-his-butterfly-knot-feeling-that-coiling-around-his-chest-and-makes-he-stuffed...

Sungmin threw his bag far corner of the room, slumped his body on his single bed... slowly, his tear rolled down... he wipe his tear in surprise...

“ahhh! My eyes are leaking!” Sungmin wipe and wipe... but the tears never stop... one by one Kyuhyun’s cold word for him today dancing-around-his-face-and-slapped-his-face-when-they-wanted...

“he’s different...”

The word slapped his face very, very, very hard that he no longer wiping his wet face and let his self flooded in his own tear...

“you moron! How dare you kick me out when your goofy-smile-buddy came! What makes us so different! I got everything he had! He’s man and I am too!” for seconds, Sungmin become silent as he’s in deep in his thinking...

“because we are not buddies?” he questioned his self in sorrow...

“argh! I’m so stupid! his mom said I’m lucky to have him to do those rare errands for me! so I thought I was special... special?” Sungmin startled... his face was crinkling to the utmost...

“what’s special about me? What am I to him?” one by one question come and burdening his heart... he started to sob again...

“I’m such a fool, I read too much into this... it just happened for him to take care of me, he doesn’t need me anymore if he has his buddy!” while sobbing, Sungmin take out his phone, starched his hand out in the air, followed by a shooting sound...  with a swift, the photo taken was showing right before his eyes...

“! People’s feeling... how you can be so uncaring?! I look so terrible in this picture! It’s heart wrenching...” yeah, with this, Kyuhyun will take all blame for making his heart ache and his face swollen-with-wet-and-red-cheeks-and-extra-puffed-eyes...


 “you don’t look so good...” after he sent Sungmin off, he backs with super-crinkles-irked-face that scare Donghae...

“dude, it’s alright to send him like that... I thought you like him?”  another question popped out when he didn’t get the response...

“I do like him...”

“you don’t show it...” Donghae questioned again...

“I do show it to him...” Donghae made an O mouth, indicating oh-I-see...

“when?” at this moment, Kyuhyun thought that his friend was born with one-husband-four-wife-implanted-in-his-brain; how, who,why,what and when...?

“when you’re not here...” Donghae duh-ed...

“and why don’t when I’m here?” again with the question...

“you flirt with girl and guy... I can’t let you to see his purer-evil-cute-and-oblivious face... as a precaution, I told him to stay put for days...” the words were saying in super-sarcastic-annoying-unpleasant-and-don’t-even-think-to-have-his-pure-image-in-your-mind! tone plus with he’s mine  kind of smirk...

“tch.. I don’t eat my best friend food..” now, Sungmin is a food... yeah, food for these two beasts...

“oh, you might taste it, I don’t even want you to my luxurious food..” oh, luxurious food! 5 star food? Sungmin as food? Oh, that’s tempting!

“but don’t you think he might get the wrong idea about us?” Donghae’s mom must be thinking a lot when she impregnated him!  Kyuhyun’s browed knotted... Donghae sighed when he looked at Kyuhyun’s what-do-you-mean-expression...

“you are so insensitive-dense-guy-the-worst-candidate-of-lover-ever! He must have many wrong-and-disgusting-idea-that-definitely-will-freak-me-out-if-I-hear-about-it... you were so I’m-a-good-guy  with him before I come into the story... and just now, you just sent him away without any explanation... of course he will have those--- urgh! Disgusting idea about us...” even with the idea only, Donghae has turned into white-gray-blue-and-green...

“I told him we have some secret summer project..” Kyuhyun’s statement almost makes him burst into laugh...

“what with secret summer project? This is so-not-secret! It’s yours summer project! Not mine, I’m here to work you to your bone... and you expect him to think it was nothing? telling him off for days with though that I’m with you while he miles away?  if I were him, I will dump you oh-Mr. good-for-nothing...”

“he can’t do that, we are not official yet...” Donghae made a funny face... he’s having these heavy-and-uneasy-feeling-due-to-Kyuhyun-oh-too-blunt-manner...

“geez... learn to read the atmosphere... just don’t drag me into your trouble! So here or studio?”


The phone was ringing, disturbing his un-peaceful-sleep...

“Sungmin’s here...” Sungmin groggily answered the phone...

[uh, hi! Did I make you awake?]

“Mrs. Cho? Urm, not really... what’s it?” he had this half-insomnia since he broke up with Kyuhyun... broke up.......?

[my husband and I are going to extend our trip... so, please continues to take care of my son...]  she shrieked in happiness....

“uh, ma’am... I mean to tell you this earlier, urm, I quit... I stopped go to your house for days already...” Sungmin heard a gasp... he nodded understand that her-adorable-son-didn’t-tell-her-yet...

[what? did Kyuhyun do something to you dear?]

“no, my previous workplace need fulltime worker, since your son doesn’t need me, so I guess I quit...” half truth, half lie... that’s life! Even honest people need to lie when they need to! Or not?

[what do you mean he doesn’t need you? I knew it... something did happen right?] Sungmin smiled, just now, Mrs. Cho sounds like a mother that worried over her child...

“nothing happen.. Kyuhyun needs to focus on his secret summer project and whatsoever, he said...”

[ah! he told me about this before... but you can’t quit till I fire you! then bye for now...]

“mom and son, are alike, selfish...” I-can’t-believed-mother-and-son-so-alike was written obviously on his face... he got a feeling I-should-stay-away-from-this-family! So far, that’s what he thinks....


 “hello... Kyuhyun’s phone but his buddy speaking...” Kyuhyun’s phone keeps ringing and sent Donghae to the end of his wit, he picked up the call for Kyuhyun...

[buddy? Oh, Haehae!] on the other side, Mrs. Cho chirpily replied, happy to hear Donghae’s voice...

“hi aunt! How’s your trip?”

[it would be mind blowing if someone didn’t ruin it... give the phone to Kyuhyun...] Donghae frowned... usually, she would say oh!-you’re-not-gonna-to-believe-what-did-I-do-to-spend-my-time-today! Or mind-blowing! I-got-this-and-that-and-here-and-there...

“uh well, he’s busy...”

[Hae baby, just do as I say...] the tone should be lovely but her voice tone was like the snake that hisses in anger... of course a fish-like-Donghae can’t talk back to the angered snake...

“hey, it’s aunt...” Donghae waved the phone... but Kyuhyun’s eyes still focusing on his canvas and his ears already sorry!-we-couldn’t-receive-any-noise-and-sound-right-now! the-brain-won’t-working!

“hmm...” thank goodness his voice voluntary replied but not to Donghae’s liking...

“urm, Kyuhyun? It’s your mom...?” Donghae tries his luck...

“alright...” Donghae made the--alright?-what-alright? face...

“aunt... he’s too deep in his world...” he complained...

[really? Mind to change to loudspeaker for me...]

“ready!!!” he shouted when the phone already in loudspeaker mode and placed on the table next to oh-superb-full-intense-attention-on-the-canvas-Kyuhyun!

[CHO KYUHYUN!!!!!!!! ] Kyuhyun startled... feel likes I-experienced-the-most-scary-voice-I-ever-heard!

“mom! stop it... what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun gives supreme-and-hyper-intense-glare to Donghae, but his buddy just sweep-and-sweep-and-sweep-all-those-electroschok-glare-like-an-expert! Oh well, this is so not the first time he gets that kind of glare...

[I should be the one to ask you, what’s wrong?! What are you doing? You didn’t pick up my call!] Mrs. Cho’s mom’s-nagging-mode is activated...

“that’s how it should be, I’m not at home, I stay at the studio... for my project... remember?” a short humming can be heard from her...

[that’s why you stopped Sungmin from babysit you? that’s why you made him quit?] Kyuhyun sensed I’m-so-not-pleased-with-you-regarding-to-this! from his mom’s voice...

“I did not...” he defense... he looked at oblivious Donghae, I-really-don’t-do-that!!-and-we-never-talk-about-this-quit-or-hire-stuff!  was screaming in mute...

[then, why did he quit?]  how-dare-you-make-him-quit! You’re-super-annoying! coming from the phone and stabbed his eardrums...

“he quit? Why?” well, Kyuhyun is I’m-super-sure-I-didn’t-say-any-unnecessary-thing! , that’s what he thought though...

[because he hates you? you broke his heart?] his mom obviously give him a flippant answer that irked him... but he’s worried if his mom says the truth...

“ Mom! I got to go!” in no time, he hung up the call and threw his phone to nowhere...

“what happens?”

“Sungmin quit being my babysitter...” Kyuhyun rushed to the door but Donghae just grabbed his hand in time...

“wait... where you going?” even thoug Kyuhyun didn’t say any word, from his face, Donghae already knew that he wants get-my-Sungmin-back!

“sit! You just halfway to finish... get done with your work and then go get him...” he pushed the worried lad to his seat...

“but, Sungmin...”

“yeah I know... finish this and show him what was your first love likes....” with a convincing-face, he persuaded Kyuhyun to stay...

Lol... Donghae sure knows how to handle his buddy... so now Kyuhyun feels like he needs to rush or Sungmin will be out of his reach... so, Hwaiting Kyuhyun!





A/N: annyeOng you!!!!!!!!

this is the 4th part... there is something I need to tell you... after 12 hours, my midterm break will start and I afraid I couldnt update this cos, yeah...I will be at home and no line for the internet!!!!! geez... hate when that happens... 

so I decided, within this 12 hours remain, I will stuck with my laptop and try to finish this! Hwaiting MIMIN!!!!

and I think I need your comment to keep me motivated... so, please drop your comment in the box~ 

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minimina91 #1
Chapter 4: hahaha Donghae is the love teacher
asianvanilla #2
Chapter 3: And you have earned a new subscriber :D
mrshaee #3
Chapter 6: hajaggfajhgafdahah

Alice_K26 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
Its so funny...
I like this,,,,
xtinejoy #5
Chapter 6: that's just so perfect!!! kyu really loves Minnie... its really creapy but gosh!! when you have a boyfriend who drew your facial expression each day and hang all them in his room,that will be mind blowing.
tulip1 #6
Chapter 6: That was sooo fluffy and cute and absolutely beautiful. I've been smiling through the whole chapters~
I so regret not reading it earlier :(
ayawani #7
Chapter 6: Bwahahaha..Sungmin playing hard to get.. XDDD
Cool Kyuhyun..
aaaaiiiii i love this and love u too Author-nim..
Wish i have someone like Kyuhyun..
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: OH Sysss. Hehee. Lama tk stalk fanfic sys. Busy dgn hostel. Lol. Best aa crita ni. Kalau betul knn lgik syok xD jeles much tgk grammar sys. Uhuk uhuk. Tabik springg!! Congrtee for this fanfic! DAEBAK
shinichinarita #9
Chapter 7: love the story. Kyumin fighting!
shinichinarita #10
Chapter 2: hahaha, Sungmin is cute, Kyuhyun could not resist it,
Falling twice because of cats. Clumsy Min!
Who would take care his sprain ankle?