He, him and who?

Not For Sale!

“hey, you’re not the kind that go around in supermarket and buying these stuff... anyway, the point is don’t do as you please and drag me with you! I have a date!” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes up to hear that statement that always comes out from his only friend’s mouth, Lee Donghae... and buying all these stuffs was an agreement between him and Sungmin... Cho Kyuhyun will fill the fridge to the fullest and Lee Sungmin will do the rest; cook, laundry, cleaning but one place that labeled as off limit to him, Kyuhyun’s room... but Sungmin care less....

“no girls want you...” a snicker come along with his mocking... yet Donghae already oh-I’m-used-to-this­...

“well, at least I try to woo girls—“ that’s right... unlike Kyuhyun who spend his time with his family and his project, Donghae live his life to the maximum!

“they’re ...”

“they’re GIRLS! LADIES!! And I  live my life normally... unlike you...” if Kyuhyun is the type of kinda-lonely-guy, Donghae is I’m-casanova-so-beware-ladies...

“oh, he’s here...” Kyuhyun abruptly stopped pushing his shopping cart that loaded with groceries... looked forward to behold someone that he knew...


“my maid...”

“Cho Kyuhyun has a maid?! And he?” Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrow, his face obviously showed, what’s-wrong-with-a-male-maid?....

“yeah, why?”

“Oh, nothing, I kinda know whose idea was that... your mom?”

“wow... as I expected from my best friend...” yup, as expected from his best friend...

“he looks reliable... and popular?” Donghae made an unbelievable tone...

“Popular? That grumpy guy who just knows how to yell on my face is popular?”

Kyuhyun question that was floating in his blank mind was answered to see Sungmin laughing happily with someone-I-don’t-know!-and-both-are-girls!!!...  he stunned...  for several days Sungmin works as his housekeeper, he never smile or laugh like that, not even once... all he knows, Sungmin’s sour face, Sungmin’s yells, Sungmin’s annoyed face, and Sungmin’s no-mercy-smack! Only bad points... for good points, Sungmin’s cooks were much much better than his mom!

He gritted his teeth when the girls shamelessly hugged Sungmin tight... feeling uneasy when Sungmin gladly hugging them back and waved a good bye... Kyuhyun was pissed off... but it wasn’t shown on his face... yet, Donghae who bore a title Kyuhyun’s-best-friend see right through him! just like now, when Kyuhyun unconsciously leaved his loaded trolley and went to the one he has been stared for a while...

“who were those girls?” Kyuhyun able to ask calmly, but, storm in his chest is getting fiercer... oh, Kyuhyun is super-capable-to-hide-his-true-feelings!-or-nature!

“oh, you Kyuhyun... got everything for dinner tonight?” Sungmin ignored... since Kyuhyun declared him as his property, he felt like he no longer free to do what he wants, felt like there was a chain all around his body, immobilized his movement, always feel someone is watching over him...

“Kyuhyun! Don’t just leave me behind when you were the one who dragged here...! treat me well you brat!” Kyuhyun obviously gives his friend shut-up face... after he gave the-hell!-like-I-would-listen-to-you! eyes, Donghae was attracted to have a long gaze on Sungmin...

“you look so familiar... have we met somewhere?” Sungmin shook his head as he sure he never met this guy...

“hmm... no? but I feel like I know you... Kyuhyun... he looks like your –mmpfhhh!” Kyuhyun immediately covered his friend mouth, say-no-more!  Word was written all over his face... Donghae’s eyes were glittering in excitement as he understood the situation... he nodded... but, once Kyuhyun discarded his hand from covering Donghae’s chirpy mouth, the peace of his life was shaken again... 

“you’re exactly the one Kyu – hmp!” Donghae gasped in pain as Kyuhyun brutally jabbed his rib with his elbow...

“Sungmin, don’t be late... don’t randomly give people help, go straight to my house... got it?” Kyuhyun is super-nervous-but-keep-cool-and-be-oh-so-full-of-authority toward Sungmin... he then pulled Donghae together and leave Sungmin in hurry, before Sungmin hears any unnecessary things from Donghae...

“what was that?” Sungmin sighed... the situation didn’t bother him a bit, but, to be on time at Kyuhyun’s house is definitely a bothersome because he, Lee Sungmin, King-of-No-Punctual!


It’s getting dark, Sungmin was walking lively while humming a song... yeah, he was a lively Sungmin until a meow sounds slapped his eardrum, he lifted up his face, staring carefully upward and saw something... it was like a dejavu... the same tree, the same place, but different cat was STUCK above the tree again...

“Shut up! what wrong with this tree! Attracting innocence cats and forces them to stick on it!”

Err... lee Sungmin? Nothing wrong with the tree, or those cats, both were innocent...

Sungmin, don’t be late... don’t randomly give people help, go straight to my house

Kyuhyun’s word echoing in his mind... he was trying to extract and give himself a proper excuse if Kyuhyun ask him anything after his rescues job...

 First; don’t be late which means be on time, but for Sungmin, of course it means be late with or without intention... no one had ever denied that!

Second; don’t randomly give people help... but it wasn’t human who needs his help right now, it’s a cat...

third; go straight to my house, indeed, he went straight to Kyuhyun’s house, just he stopped by under the tree, negotiating with his inner self, leave it or help...

As usual, no matter how hard he uses his brain, it always lead to the same result, so Sungmin had this MUST-HELP face as he climbed on the tree....

“No worries cat! now SuperSungmin is going to help you unlucky cat!” when he alone, he is quite childish...

Unfortunately, yes... unfortunately for SuperSungmin, the moment he held the cat in his hand, somehow, he slipped and fell down on the ground... he screamed his lungs out while falling but nobody there to hear his loud-sharp-and-deafening-scream-with-ear-buster!-attack!

“ouch!ouch! ouch!” Sungmin groans in pain... his face was filled with a crinkles-pain... but he relieved when the cat was saved in his embrace, meowing as she climbed off from him...

“please, never ever try to climb this malicious tree anymore, and please tell your friends too...” the cat just gazing at him... saying thank you, maybe...

“ah... I’m late and that brat is gonna complain a lot today... I should go...” Sungmin abruptly get on his feet yet he flatted on the ground again when he felt a sharp pain around his ankle, feels like an electrical shock... he blinked his eyes and looked at his painful leg...

“don’t tell me...” Sungmin couldn’t say the word but he sure his ankle is sprained...  now, it wasn’t the cat that unlucky, but it’s him...  Sungmin took out his phone, he needs to call someone for help since nobody would using this road at night because he definitely asking for help shamelessly if he see someone ... but, his face turned to crap!-what-this-happening-to-me!-I’m-gonna-rot-here-to-death! when he learned that his phone was sorry-owner-I’m-out-of-battery!-well-your-fault-for-not-recharging-me!... he gulped his nervousness... he can’t walk, let alone to call one of his friend to help and the road is lonely and creep as ever... 

“God... could you please send me someone?”


“where the hell did he go?” Kyuhyun questioned himself as he glimpsed his watch, almost eleven yet, Sungmin didn’t show up at his house... he was on his way back home, went to the nearest convenient shop to buy dinner; everything are instant foods... somehow, his feet brought him to the almost-an-abandoned-park, where Sungmin fell on him from the tree... the he blinked his eyes disbelieved... under the same tree, someone who he just knew for a few day was sitting there...

Kyuhyun tiptoed, he doesn’t want Sungmin to realize he’s here and Sungmin look likes he was sleeping... indeed, he’s sleeping soundly... Kyuhyun squatted down, he chuckled, feeling oh-he-looks-so-cute... then, the reality slapped him to live... what-the-heck-he-was-doing?!-sleep-in-this-kind-of-place! was obviously appear on his face....

“yah! Wake up!” he patted his face to wake him up... Sungmin stirred as he opened his eyes...

“ah!” he screamed...

“my savi----“ his word stopped when he saw Kyuhyun’s face...

“oh, just you...” he nonchalantly said, scratching his not-so-itchy-face... he was hoping someone come and save him, not Kyuhyun though...

“yeah, just me... what are you doing? You should be at my home, making dinner for me yet you leave me starving alone in the house...” Kyuhyun complained although he didn’t mean to complain... it was unexpected that Kyuhyun would complaining about his hungry-stomach instead of asking what happened to him... well, normal guy wouldn’t sleep under the tree at ­lonely-spooky-park alone....

“can’t you see I was sleeping and dreaming a nice thing till you come and meddling with my sleep you Freddy  Krueger...” Sungmin pissed... urm but Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Freddy obviously not related to each other...

 “I see... then, please continue...” Kyuhyun deadpanned... Sungmin bit his lip as he silently looked at Kyuhyun who already up and turning away from him... but his pride didn’t allow him to give up...

“by the way, if you meet someone on your way, please tell them I need some help, I’m stuck here and sprained my ankle...” there were some hint in his word like saying I-can’t-walk-please-lend-me-some-help!

“no problem!” Kyuhyun happily want to help... holding his laughter when Sungmin’s face became cloudy... he started to walk again as he counting in his heart...




“yah! how could you leave me here alone in this condition heartless brat!” Kyuhyun smirked... he wear his poker face before he turned to face Sungmin...

“so, what you want me to do?”

“help me...”

“that won’t do... let hear my maid—no, my housekeeper begging  master, please help me...”

“No freakin’ hell I will say that!” Sungmin half shouted... his pride will be shattered if he says that...

“No freakin’ hell I will help you...” Kyuhyun who truly born-to-rule! playfully using his power as someone who cloud help Sungmin at this rate...

“gimme a piggyback!” immediately, Sungmin raised his hands up, his face flushed as he mumbled the word piggyback... Kyuhyun only raised his brow, telling him that that word was not enough... Sungmin lowered his head, he took a deep breath and ready to say something again while Kyuhyun was anticipating for Sungmin next action...

“my leg is throbbing, and it’s getting cold here, I’m tired... I want to go home but I couldn’t walk... gimme a piggyback...” Sungmin almost sound like he was pleading... indeed, he unconsciously made a cute plea for Kyuhyun help... good for Sungmin, his plea hit Kyuhyun hard on his heart... somehow, Sungmin suddenly became irresistible in his eyes... Sungmin grinned when Kyuhyun squatted down again and facing his back to him...

“man... you are lighter than your look...” Kyuhyun said as Sungmin settled down on his back...

“Damn!” Sungmin cursed..


“I should eat more and gain more weigh! At least enough to give you backache after you carried me...”

“you actually want to stay here, don’t you?”  Sungmin shook his head, afraid Kyuhyun will leave him for real...

“and why is that thing following us?”

“t-that thing? That thing likes a g-ghost? Kyuhyun, do you have some supernatural power?” his voice was shaking...

“I’m talking about that thing...” Sungmin followed Kyuhyun’s gaze, sighed as he relief it wasn’t a ghost, it’s the female cat he saved earlier... it’s she?

“she climbed on the tree and didn’t know how to get off so I saved her...   ”

“let me guess, due to your clumsiness , you fell from the tree...”

“yes! Correct! but why is she following us?” Sungmin’s eyes were fixed at the cat...

“maybe she falls for you...  after all, you are her hero...”

“oh, so sweet!” Sungmin knew Kyuhyun was mocking him but he don’t give a damn, in fact, he enjoy this moment... when people be nice to you, they must be want something from you... that’s what he thought and he wonder why the boasting-Cho-Kyuhyun helped him... is there something he wants?

“you know, for someone who sprained his ankle and whining about his throbbing ankle, you sure talk a lot!”

“sorry, my nature... what do you have in your hand? Gimme!” Sungmin snatched the plastic bag that Kyuhyun has been holding from the start... rummaged the content as he feels guilty to see unhealthy instant food in there... well, he supposes to cook dinner for Kyuhyun...

“you plan to eat all these?”


“geez, you should take care of your health, don’t eat too much instant food... you bought a lot ingredient earlier, why don’t you cook them?”

“why do you think my mom hired you?” Sungmin groaned... he hates to answer the question which is obviously to take care of Kyuhyun yet he failed to do so...

“I take this crisp!” Sungmin dropped the subject as he tore off the wrap to eat that crunchy crisp...

“that’s mine...” Kyuhyun said as the annoying-crunchy-sound-cracking-near-his-ear...

“uh... so stingy! Here! half-half...” without second thought, Kyuhyun accepted the deal... Kyuhyun furrowed his brow when his heart whispered to him something-doesn’t-feel-right!

was it only my feeling or this crisp is getting smaller?” he asked the one who keep feeding him those half-size-than-usual-crisp-and-a-bit-wet... wet? He didn’t care if it’s getting smaller but wet?

“na-uh... they keep the size... but since we share it, I bit half and give you the other half...” Sungmin said as it was nothing but Kyuhyun, to know the reasons why it smaller and damp made him choked his saliva... sharing that crisp is one thing, and tasting Sungmin’s saliva is such a whole difference thing for him...

“stop giving me your half-eaten-...” Kyuhyun almost burst out his frustration when Sungmin kept feeding him and that was rude but it was so calm coming from his husky voice... Sungmin clicked his tongue... annoyed with Kyuhyun to his almost-utmost-level-of-pisses as he though Kyuhyun felt disgust for sharing with him...

“tch! Hygienic freak are you...”

Thank goodness Sungmin couldn’t see his red beef face right now, blushing over something trivial like that... yeah, Cho Kyuhyun is blushing!


“Kyuhyun, I think I should return to my apartment...”


“uh, of course you have to send me...”

“if you want to go home so badly, I can but I will drop you at the place I picked you up...” Sungmin pouted...

 “is this okay? Too tight or comfortable enough?”  Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun, he unconsciously squeezed the poor fluffy pillow each time Kyuhyun put a pressure on his throbbing leg while checking the bandage... The question went to his right ear and flew out from his left ear... he was thinking, this is the second time Kyuhyun helps him with his injuries...

“are you always be this caring to others?”


“really? You seem kind and caring...”

“when did I look or possesses those traits?” Kyuhyun denied...

“like now?” Sungmin grinned happily while showing his bandaged leg...

“shuddup! Sleep!” Kyuhyun pushed him to lie down on the bed, cover him over with the blanket... Sungmin smirked and has a smug expression on his face... he caught something fun, red face of Kyuhyun...

“are you shy Kyuhyun?” he giggled as he tucked the blanket up to his neck... he enjoys to see a rare-face-that-coming-from-almighty- super-high-maintenance-guy-who-has-such-a-flicker-mood... instead of having some response, Kyuhyun rewarded him his super-laser-glare-that-can-kill-mosquito! , causing him to shut his mouth tight-and-firm...

phew... you are too much for me to handle...” Kyuhyun sighed as he looking at sleeping Sungmin... now he no longer can control his feelings for Sungmin... when did it start? To cover his true feeling, he acted like he should but his cover almost blow out because when Lee Sungmin starts to , it took all his oh-so-expensive-brain-and-all-his-neurons-to-work-out... Sungmin is cute, or you can say he is so earnest about everything he does but he also keep his guard on 24/7, only around people, cats are excluded... he actually cute-yet-tough-to-control-candidate-for-love!

kyuhyun chuckled at himself... The tyrant-Cho-Kyuhyun is silently dance in the palm of clumsy-creature-Lee-Sungmin!



A/N : hey  youso guyzzzzssss~ how what it? the second part...

hope evrything is okay... geez... you know, I found a cat that have the same problem with me... here

and now I wanna sleep! I only slept for 2 hours today...

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minimina91 #1
Chapter 4: hahaha Donghae is the love teacher
asianvanilla #2
Chapter 3: And you have earned a new subscriber :D
mrshaee #3
Chapter 6: hajaggfajhgafdahah

Alice_K26 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
Its so funny...
I like this,,,,
xtinejoy #5
Chapter 6: that's just so perfect!!! kyu really loves Minnie... its really creapy but gosh!! when you have a boyfriend who drew your facial expression each day and hang all them in his room,that will be mind blowing.
tulip1 #6
Chapter 6: That was sooo fluffy and cute and absolutely beautiful. I've been smiling through the whole chapters~
I so regret not reading it earlier :(
ayawani #7
Chapter 6: Bwahahaha..Sungmin playing hard to get.. XDDD
Cool Kyuhyun..
aaaaiiiii i love this and love u too Author-nim..
Wish i have someone like Kyuhyun..
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: OH Sysss. Hehee. Lama tk stalk fanfic sys. Busy dgn hostel. Lol. Best aa crita ni. Kalau betul knn lgik syok xD jeles much tgk grammar sys. Uhuk uhuk. Tabik springg!! Congrtee for this fanfic! DAEBAK
shinichinarita #9
Chapter 7: love the story. Kyumin fighting!
shinichinarita #10
Chapter 2: hahaha, Sungmin is cute, Kyuhyun could not resist it,
Falling twice because of cats. Clumsy Min!
Who would take care his sprain ankle?