He and him...

Not For Sale!

I was standing and looking at the customers that walked pass me by... my irritated level is going higher and higher while I’m doing my job... there is someone who stick to me even though he should do something useful like study?  Yeah, he is my boyfriend, younger than me... Cho Kyuhyun... the unpredictable brat I ever met! My boyfriend anyway... well I don’t really mind if he just bother me alone, worst than that, he’s glaring to everyone that pass by me... the customers didn’t even stop by to take a look....

“yah! If you just gonna sit there and chase all my customers you better go home! You hate your mom’s nags... then you come and complain to me, and I hate hearing those whining of you!”

“you love me being here.... not being honest aren’t you...? talking about my mom... well, mom is there...” Kyuhyun pointed at a corner, yeah, his mom is there... she looks like she’s spying on us...

“h-how long she was there?”

“since I come...” oh, since you were here... I sighed... what a terrible boyfriend I got here...

"your family sure live in ease...” that is the only way to describe his family...

“yeah, noona is here too...”

“Ahra noona? Where?” she is here too!!! Is this family park or something?

“don’t tell me you dad also here...”I sarcastically said...

“no, he’s working overtime again today...”

Say, I rarely meet his dad even though I spent most of my time in his house, but he seems to be a good father...

“hey, what time you get off from work?” Kyuhyun leaned in to me, our face is so close and his breath softly hit my face... again, why is he so serious when I’m not prepared?

“s-six.. why?”

“I got something to do around this area so wait for me and we will go home together...” without getting an OK  from me, he fled and vanished in the crowded...

Geez, how did I get involved with him? I met him under a big tree right? Oh, it wasn’t a sweet romantic love story... he pissed me off when first we meet... I felt like the day I met him was the most unlucky one... probably....?


It was a sunny day, under the fierce sun, Sungmin was walking as fast as he could to his destination through the almost-an-abandoned-park since no one use that road now... he can’t bear to be late again for his part timer work and that path is his most effective shortcut... yet, obstacle always come without invited...

“uh, cat!” he saw a cat was trapped on the tree, afraid to climb off... the cat was showing him oh--pwease-someone-hewp-me-meow!

“seriously? Why did you climb it if you don’t know how to get down...” and Sungmin replied with oh-crap-faced with a list of choices in his head...

“ help the cat and late for work, of course it will be a full course of troubles, including the scold from Mr. Supervisor?” with ­big-feared-eyes-and-eager-head-shook Sungmin rejected the idea...

“ ignore the cat and feel guilty during working... well, it’s not like no one won’t come to help...” he grinned but only for second when his face changed again to I-couldn’t-believe-I-could-be-this-cruel!

“but what if those people were thinking like me...? hoping other will help but in fact, they are busy too and cannot help thus left the responsible to other and this circle will goes around and around in the end, nobody come to help this cat!”

Err, Lee Sungmin... why so serious?

Well, finally, he decided to help the cat with I-accepted-my-fate-to-be-scolded-again-today...

“here we go!” Sungmin forcedly his weigh up and reached the tree branch... pulling his body up and sat on the branch...thank goodness, the cat was on the same branch and hissed fiercely...

“come here kitty...” the cat was afraid, but looking at Sungmin  earnest face, dazzling with I-sincerely-want-to-help-you, it slowly moved from his spot... but Sungmin almost lose all his patient, and his time... as the last resort, he grabbed the cat’s leg... the cat hissed and struggled to free from the sudden attack...

“gotcha!” Sungmin forcedly put the cat in his arms, hugging it to prevent it from running away, oblivious with the cat true feeling that shouted to him let-go-of-me-you-*beep-*beep-*beep-human!... Sungmin lowered his eyes, looking the ground beneath him... he was thinking, ignoring the cat...

“now how am I suppose to GET DOWN!” the last shout utterly put the cat in shock, causing it to claw at his chest to free... somehow, he quite get the feeling to-be-able-to-climb-yet-failed-to-get-down.

“ah! ouch! Ouch! Stop that! Is this how you repay me for saving you!” Sungmin looked at the cat intensely as it stopped doing the clawing part... unexpectedly; the cat starched his face with its sharp nails... Sungmin lost his balance and falling down...

I’m going to die! Or break my leg... hit my head?” Sungmin closed his eyes tightly...

Thump! Somehow, he doesn’t feel any pain... but he feel something soft and warm under him...

“oh! Did god send me a cushion for landing on since I did a good deed today?”  Sungmin grinned... he has this carefree attitude...

“then I did a bad thing today cause god threw something heavy from the sky on me...” someone sais with a super-cold-tone-as-ice! Sungmin turned his face to see the person...

“oh sorry! I was trying to help the... cat...?” but the cat already missing... it probably ran away after they landed on ground...

“I didn’t mean to land on you... but, thank you I guess!” Sungmin gave his most sweetly charming and pleasing smile to the guy, Kyuhyun... his future boyfriend though... but, he got an opposite result, people always melted after seeing his smile yet this guy pushed him with super-annoying-face!...

“I know you’re mad but you didn’t have to push me like that...” Sungmin and got on his feet, so does Kyuhyun... now even Sungmin’s face become super annoying!

“you’re boy.. if girls who fall on me, I won’t push them though...” wow! That’s what people say; snarky remark! With extra annoyed smirk!

“well, sorry for being a boy! ! I’m late!” Sungmin rushed after he glimpsed at the time on his watch... as he walked pass by Kyuhyun, the lad grabbed his hand...

“huh? what? don’t tell me you wanna claim some sort of compensation? ” Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun with a puzzle... Kyuhyun rummaged in this pocket and took out something...

“What’s that? A band aid?”

Kyuhyun patched the band aid on Sungmin’s face...

“you have a scratch... only stupid would do what you did... worries of yourself before others...” out of the blue, the guy became super-nice-gentle-guy!

“ah... thank you... again....” Sungmin was speechless.... that was totally a reverse...


Sungmin sneakily entered through the staff entrance and went directly to the changing room...

“you’re late again!” a stern voice rigging in the room...

“I’m sorry sir! Something happened and—“ Sungmin turned around to face his supervisor politely yet it turned to be a loud shout...

“ Ryeowook!”  Ryeowook guy giggled teasingly...

“you’re late... Mr. Supervisor is not here, he’s checking other store for today... so you’re safe...” Ryeowook changed his clothes... he’s getting ready to off from work...

“oh, no wonder he wasn’t at the back door like usual...”

“so? Did you step on banana skin and bumped into school delinquents and involved in fight with them?” another one who live to mock...

“sort of...”

“well, somehow that doesn’t explained your cute designed band aid and a blood stain on your wrist...” Ryeowook eyed Sungmin’s face and a hint of blood stain at his wrist...

“blood stain?” Sungmin observed his wrist, the spot where Kyuhyun held earlier... come to think, he fell on Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun fell on the rough ground... his hand must be bleeding from the impact, yet he paid more attention to his scratch...

“weird guy...”


Sungmin sighed tiredly... on his way to work, he met with a strange guy, now, he met with a strange ajuma while working... instead of doing what a normal customer do, she keeps on staring at him while slowly move closer to him... Sungmin pretend not to see that... not until she was standing next to him, really close and staring with intense...

“ma’am, is there something wrong?” Sungmin said under his grit... he wonders why he pissed off to be looked at...

“I like your face...”

My face? Typical thing... mostly people don’t really like my face, too feminine and bla...bla...bla.... but some like it... honestly, it’s irritating!

“urm, well, thank you I guess...”

“would you like to work with me?” Sungmin raised his eyebrows... thinking what kind of work that the ajuma was talking about...

“thank you but no... I enjoy my work now ma’am...” he politely refuses...

“I pay you double!” the ajuma seemed to be so eager about that...

“money is not a problem...” he lied... he does need money...

“double payment with allowance, shelter,  food and flexible time, you can still keep working here... how is it?” Sungmin started to show a little interest in this matter... well, who can resist that offer?

“err, what kind of work is that? Is it something... illegal?” Sungmin whispered the last word... he can’t take any risk... in his profession list, CRIMINAL was never in there...

“you so funny! The job is easy; babysit my little boy!”

“oh well, I like kids...”


Sungmin grinned in front the door... today is his day off and he’s gonna start his side job as babysitter, he accepted the offer and immediately while keeping his previous job... he pressed the doorbell for several time yet, no one come to open it.... he pressed again...  the door opened.... once they were facing each other, Sungmin immediately recognized the person that was standing before him; Kyuhyun...

“you!” he shouted with a shock face...

“ah, so you are the maid?” still, Kyuhyun seemed to be so clam... super-calm-faced!

“What maid?” Sungmin confused, he sure filled an application for babysitter not a maid...

“never mind... come in...” Sungmin blindly followed him inside...

“mom, you are weird one...” Kyuhyun mumbled alone...

“so, where is he? The kid?”

“who?” Kyuhyun made a face that say whose-kid-live-here?

“ Mrs. Cho hired me to babysit his little boy, where is he?” Kyuhyun chuckled... he got the feeling that his mom did something thoughtless again...

“since when my mom has a little boy? she probably means me... her only son, Cho Kyuhyun...” yup, he’s the last and the only son they have...  and he proud of it!

“w-what?” Sungmin can’t read the situation yet...

“here...” there was a piece of paper that attached on the fridge, Kyuhyun gave it to him...

“I just knew this morning... she left this...”

-Baby Kyu... me and your dad went on business trip for a week, maybe more... and your noona doesn’t seem want to take care of you so mom hired someone to keep an eye on you... listen to him!-

“and... this is addressed to you... Lee Sungmin?” another piece of paper was given to Sungmin...

“ah yes...”

-Sungmin shi! Oh, you met my little boy already?-

“he’s not little boy! He huge than me!” Sungmin murmured alone...

-I need you to take care of him... I allowed you to do whatever you want to him...

p/s: my boy can be a little weird sometimes, be careful...-

Suddenly, Kyuhyun’s phone was ringing, breaking the silent air, breaking Sungmin’s maze mind....

“ah.. hello mom... yes... he’s here...he kinda shocked... why did you tell him you have a little boy?..... no, I’m not a kid anymore mom I don’t need anyone to babysit me...” Sungmin who still can’t accept the things happened snatched the phone from Kyuhyun.... forgets about etiquette and manner...

“Mrs. Cho!”

[oh, hello Sungmin... how was my boy? He’s good boy isn’t he? He’s cute and adorable, just like an angel...]

“how would I know, I just met him and which part of him is cute and adorable...? you said I was going to take care of little boy!”

[he is my little boy...]

“but-but... he’s big enough to live alone...” Sungmin ­blinked-his-eyes-filled-with-innocent-and-confusion-and-oh-dammit!-he’s-really-bigger-than-me and crap-face!

[he is?]

“I don’t know, he’s your son... you should know!”

[ah, then I assumed he needs you to babysit him...]

“don’t make any assumption! he doesn’t need one... he said it, right?”

[sorry Sungmin... it just, this is the first time we leave him alone... he usually come with us... this time he refused and I can’t leave him alone and he said he will be busy for his summer vacation... when I saw you I knew right away you can help me... I knew you can take a good care of my son.... but, if this is troubling you so much... you can stop... don’t worry, I’ll pay you as I promised...]

Remainder! Elders know how to handle youngsters! Maybe? But she sure knows how to make Sungmin feels guilty as hell...

“Alright, I won’t accept the money for free... I will do it... I just need to... babysit him, right?” Sungmin admit defeated...

[ah yes! Just make him does whatever you want! But no violence... oh! Need to go now... thank you Sungmin! I will bring back a souvenir for you!]

The line cut off....

“she said I can do whatever I want to you...” his voice riches with muse!  I-kinda-like-this-crap! face was displaying well on his face... he has a lot of things running in his mind....

“she did say I need to obey your words...” while Kyuhyun, he is super-nonchalant-and-spreading-aura-I-don’t-give-a-damn as he opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water... in instant, he opened the bottle cap and bottom up it to quench his thirst...

Sungmin just stare... it wasn’t a lusty stare or desire one, it just a stare of admiration... Kyuhyun, is opposite of him... Kyuhyun is taller than him, Kyuhyun looks manly with his broad shoulder and his a bit muscular arms are enough to appeal his masculine side, unlike him, too feminine to be a man... and the visible scar on Kyuhyun’s palm was a proof of man’s strength... Sungmin sigh his frustration out....

he truly a man... he even saved me back then with his so manly body...”

Kyuhyun fixed his gaze to the sighed one... someone looks inviting in his eyes... Sungmin was staring at him yet he seems lost in his pace, oblivious with Kyuhyun who approaching him in silent... 

“am I interesting?” the question from Kyuhyun made Sungmin’s heart jump in shock...

“I’m sorry for hurting you...” Kyuhyun frowned... confused... that’s surely not an answer for his question...

“you what?”

“you know, that day, when I fell on you, your hand was wounded right?”Sungmin’s eyes filled with guilt...

“ah, this?” Kyuhyun showed his palm to Sungmin, the scar still red...

“it’s nothing compare to your face...” Kyuhyun said without any hidden meaning but Sungmin was getting a bad interpretation about this... Sungmin clicked his tongue, an annoyance come to him, feeling that Kyuhyun was making fun of him... now he really hates his beautiful face...

Seeing Sungmin’s ­I-got-a-bad-impression-‘bout-you! aura revolving around him, Kyuhyun chuckled playfully... he just felt bad to see a red blood mark on that flawless skin that day, frankly say, he kinda stunned to meet eyes with Sungmin, he looks pure and kind, and between rational and emotion, he let his rational took a lead and pushed Sungmin... even Sungmin’s suspicious looks is amusing and adorable to him... next thing, he reached out his hand, caressed Sungmin’s face where the scratched from the cat already healed and invisible...

“I’m glad it didn’t leave any marks...” Sungmin flinched from his touches... he was taken aback by Kyuhyun’s act that seems to be changed in the blink of eye... he was rude, calm and gentle in the same time... but he had no space to move since he was leaning on the wall... he was blushing and steaming... oh, getting scared right now......

Kyuhyun predicted his summer vacation this time would be the best, he got a little kitty with him now... of course the kitty is Lee Sungmin... even right now he’s acting like a scared cat, getting wary of his new surrounding... and Kyuhyun love the view, like a cat at the corner, no way to turn...

“I have decided...”

Sungmin gulped his anxiety... Kyuhyun’s expression starting to take control of him, as much as his words... like him was imitating aura born-to-rule and Sungmin just stand there, slightly trembling...

“from now on, you are my property...”


Look like something snapped inside Sungmin... maybe his nerve...?



“ouch! What was that for?!” Kyuhyun rubbed his head... getting his first smack from Sungmin...

Oh, let me tell ya’ Kyuhyun... Sungmin, he’s really friendly with his pure smile and his cute face is adorable but, once you angered him, despite his cute manner, he can be violence...

“I belong to no one! Move in this instant if you care about your handsome face!” ah, he can be honest in rage too... in awe... yes, angry Sungmin is impressive... Kyuhyun moved away from him, giving him some space to breathe...

This is when the I’m-cutting-your-words-session begun...

“let me remind you, I’m here to be your—“



“your mom hired me to—“

“be mine..”


“I want to—“

“be my pet?”

“This brat!”


“hey... stop hitting my head... my brain is irreplaceable...” Cho Kyuhyun’s brain is irreplaceable? I guess so...

“then mark my word with your irreplaceable brain, from now on, I’m your guardian till your parents return so—“

“correction! Not a guardian, but my property...” oh, another brave cut-offing-line from Kyuhyun!

“yah! I’m not repeating!” gimme-another-stupid-claim-and-I-will-tear-you-apart-right-away! Imitated from his body, made Kyuhyun to sigh out aloud...

“Fine... for now, just be my maid...”

“I’m not your maid!”

“then my housekeeper...”

“tch! Like I want that...”

“hmm, then use your  brain to think ‘bout this rationally, I’m too old for being babysit by you...  at least, consider yourself as the housekeeper, it’s better...”

Actually, was the issue is worth to discuss? 

Sungmin gritted his teeth... he was battling with what-the-hell-this-brat-is-thinking! feeling and his agreed feeling... Kyuhyun walks away to leave Sungmin, but he stopped... some words came across his mind... he turned around and smile brightly...

“y’know, you are cute but much cuter if you wear an apron with lacey, looks like professional maid...”


Again... he snapped....




A/N: okay, after a super long time I'm here again... SORRY for making you guyz waited for this LONG!!!!!!!!!! so this is the first part... the next part will be coming soon... since tomorrow afternoon classes was cancel, so yeah, I will try to post the 2nd part...

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minimina91 #1
Chapter 4: hahaha Donghae is the love teacher
asianvanilla #2
Chapter 3: And you have earned a new subscriber :D
mrshaee #3
Chapter 6: hajaggfajhgafdahah

Alice_K26 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
Its so funny...
I like this,,,,
xtinejoy #5
Chapter 6: that's just so perfect!!! kyu really loves Minnie... its really creapy but gosh!! when you have a boyfriend who drew your facial expression each day and hang all them in his room,that will be mind blowing.
tulip1 #6
Chapter 6: That was sooo fluffy and cute and absolutely beautiful. I've been smiling through the whole chapters~
I so regret not reading it earlier :(
ayawani #7
Chapter 6: Bwahahaha..Sungmin playing hard to get.. XDDD
Cool Kyuhyun..
aaaaiiiii i love this and love u too Author-nim..
Wish i have someone like Kyuhyun..
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: OH Sysss. Hehee. Lama tk stalk fanfic sys. Busy dgn hostel. Lol. Best aa crita ni. Kalau betul knn lgik syok xD jeles much tgk grammar sys. Uhuk uhuk. Tabik springg!! Congrtee for this fanfic! DAEBAK
shinichinarita #9
Chapter 7: love the story. Kyumin fighting!
shinichinarita #10
Chapter 2: hahaha, Sungmin is cute, Kyuhyun could not resist it,
Falling twice because of cats. Clumsy Min!
Who would take care his sprain ankle?