Unbelievable Agreement

The Story of Us

* Your POV *

I didn't know since when that I got use to Jinyoung walking me home everyday after school. He somehow makes me feel safer when he's around me, and I don't know since when I've started to get used to his accompany, more like I need he's accompany.

"So how is the practicing going on for the Reopening Concert?" I tilted my head and look at him.

"Its great." He answered me without looking at me.

"Hey Jinyoung, can I ask you something?"


"Who do you actually live with? Your parents? Grandparents? Sibling?" I pointed out with my fingers on by on like I was counting something.

"Ania, I usually live alone. My parents are often not around and I don't have any siblings." He shook his head.

"Jinjja?" No wonder he's so cool to everyone around him.

"Nae." He nodded.

"But wont you feel lonely? Or too quite around the house?"

"No, I guess I got used to it." He gave me warm smile.

"Well then, do you wanna have dinner at my place?" I think oppa and haraboji wont mind. And he nodded.

We reached my place and I saw a note sticked on my front door, and it surprised my cause its from oppa.

                                                             Minju-ah, me and haraboji are going to Canada to find Appa.
                                                             And we wont be back till next month, don't worry we'll be back
                                                             before your birthday. Don't starve yourself ok ~ have your
                                                             dinner before you come home if your too lazy to cook or you
                                                             can just cook some easy dishes, I brought some grocery and its
                                                             in the kitchen.
                                                             And if you need anything just call appa's old number. Oh and!
                                                             No party when Im not around! And I mean it! Not funny business!
                                                             Ok bye ~ Love ya!  :))

I can't believe they just left without telling me! Its like seriously! I didn't stay at home alone before!

"What did he said?" He's still here? I thought he went home already.

"Mwo? Why are you still here?" I turn to see him still standing behind me.

"Well you asked me to have dinner at your place, didn't you remember?" He raised a brow.

"Oh sorry, but do you mind if we go eat outside? Oppa and haraboji went to Canada to find appa, and.... I don't know how to cook." I rubbed the back of my neck and slightly blushed.

"Its ok, I'll cook." What?! Wait! He's gonna cook for me? Isn't a little too embarrasing that a guy like him cooks and I don't even know how to? He took the keys from me and went into my house.

"Ania! Its ok! I'll cook for us!" But seriously I can't... Yah Kim Sunggyu.... look what you'd made me did! I opened my both arms and blocked his way from entering my kitchen.

"But I thought you just say you can't?" He raised his brow again.

"Erm... Hahahaha gotcha ~ I was just kidding, of course I can cook! Im a girl for god sake. Don't worry, I'll cook you all my best dish! Now go watch tv in the living room or something, make yourself at home." I gave him a wide smile and pulled him to the living room.


Aigoo... what should I cook? Mushroom soup? Pumpkin soup? Chicken soup? Make up your mind!
Ok! Mushroom soup the easiest soup ever! Just pour the can of Mushroom soup to the pan and add some water and taa-daa. Come to think of it, its actually not that easy just to open the can, cause, I DONT KNOW HOW TO OPEN THE CAN!

"Pang!" Oh great,  I tried using the can opener and the can just wont stay still! And it slipped off my hand and the next thing I know its on the ground.

"Yah Kim MinJu! Do you need my help?" I heard him yelling from the living room.

"Ani ani! Im good!" Of course, I lied again. Finally after 15 minutes I finally opened that stupid can, oh thank god!

So ok,  I left the soup boiling like what the instruction on the box said. Then I started cooking my spaghetti, obviously I never cook it before and I don't know how, I opened the packaging and took out the spaghetti. Wait, I remember I show them cooking this on tv. Once the noodles are soft and put it on a pan and pour kitchup into it, I add some chopped mushroom and my chopping skills , I found some meatballs in the fridge so I put some in it. It looked so pretty when I served them on the plate, its the same thing I saw on the tv.

"Jinyoung! Dinners served! You can come eat it now!" I yelled at him while serving the mushroom soup in two little bowl. He went in and sit in the opposite of me, and he looked at my food for a while.

"It looked good." He gave me a smile and stated to taste the soup first.

He took a sip of the soup and he tried the spaghetti and the meatball, I didn't touched my food yet cause i was waiting for his comment.

"Ok, let's have our dinner outside tonight." He gave out a smile laugh and stare at me.

"Wae?" I widen my eyes.

"Your soup is tasteless and I think its because you add too much water and you noodles are too hard, meatball is still cold." He's still laughing.

"Jinjja?" I took my fork and started to eat the spaghetti, ok its a little hard but its not that bad, isn't it? And the meatball was not that cold either.

"Come on, let's go out to have our dinner. I thought you said 'I'll cook you my best dish' ? He imitate my voice and laughed.

"Yah! It taste good! You're just too picky!"

"You wanna taste what's good? I'll show you." He stood up and grab my wrist and took his bag when he pass by the living room, I didn't think he was serious! We are having our dinner outside?!

"But I don't wanna eat anymore!" Ok he wasn't listening and I can see that, he's still draging me like a doll and everyone its staring at us!

"Yah Jung Jinyoung! You're hurting me!" Then he stop walking and let go of me.

"Mianhae." He took my hand up and look at it.

"Yah don't touch me!" I took my hand away from him.

"Mianhae, let's just go eat now." He pointed at the stall that has a very long que. I kept quite and followed him while rubbing my wrist, and seriously? This is a really long que, isn't it too much for only two bowl of noodle? Can't we have something quicker? Like fast food or something?

"Jinyoung, you really wanna eat here? There's so many people..." I pop my head to the right and saw a bunch of people in front of us.

"Nae, they cook good noodles. Is you wrist still --" He didn't look at me, I think he felt guilty about it. So I cut him before he finished what he was talking.

"Ania ~ It doesn't hurt anymore so don't feel guilty about it." I slightly hit his back.

"Ahjussi, give me two noodles please." Mwo? Is our turn already? So fast? I took a peep from behind Jinyoung and saw him ordering, so I went beside him.

"Aww... are you guys couple? You two look so cute together." An Ahjuma came out from like no where and saw me and Jinyoung waiting for our orders.

"Ania ania! We're not!" I wave my hands in front of me and tried to explain to her.

"Don't they remind you of us when we were young?" She was talking to her husband. Forget about it... at least I tried to explained.

"Nae, they do. Enjoy you noodles." Ahjussi gave us our noodles and gave us a smile while talking to his wife.

"Nae, have fun you two ~ enjoy ~ an young man, don't forget to give her kiss before you guys say goodbye nae ~ " Its so embarrasing, can't she just stop saying that? Did I just saw Jinyoung blushed a little, nah ~ maybe it was the light on those sign board.


We was on our way home.

"That's the best noodle ever!" Well at least I like it.

"Nah ~ not the best. At least its better then yours." Jinyoung gave out a laugh and I glared at him.

"Yah Jung Jinyoung!" He notice that Im so gonna kill him so he started to run, but who am I kidding? I can't catch him! He's way too fast with his freakishly long legs. Wait didn't we just pass by my house where is he going? I saw him slowly disappeared in the dark. And I don't know where am I.

"Yah Jinyoung-ah .... where are you? Stop playing its not funny..." I kept walking and walking and all I heard are owls howling and this place is seriously creeping me out. And all of a sudden I stepped on something a fell, I think it was a twig or something but Im not sure.

"Jinyoung-ah.... where are you? Come out.... I don't wanna play anymore...." ok I didn't meant to cry but its creepy, can you just imagine yourself? In a dark forest or park or whatever? I don't even know where am I !

"Its all you fault!" Yeah it is! He's the one who got me into this!

"Mwo? My fault?" I know it was him but its scary when someone or something suddenly talked to you!

"Ahhhhhh--" He covered my mouth and helped me up.

"Stop shouting, its a park for god sake, do you really want something to happen to us?" Ok I stopped cause what if something do came out of no where?

"Stop scaring me! Where have your been?" I whispered and stepped his foot.

"Ouch! Your the one who got lost and I was finding you. And you should thank god that I found you." He whispered back to be but I know he's mad.

"What's that?" He suddenly widen his eyes.

"What's what?" My voice was shivering.

"Its coming closer!" He looked at me with his frighten face. I hugged him and I was shivering. Wait is he laughing? He is isn't he? I pushed him away and glares at him.

"Gotcha ~ hahahaha...." He was still laughing.

"Yah Jung Jinyoung! Seriously! Its not funny!" I was so mad I almost killed him! He's lucky that I didnt!

"You should've see your face just now!" That's jerk! He's laughing like he didn't laughed for a century, well this is the first time I see him laughing like that.

"Yah!" I followed the path and tried to get out of this place and go home. I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Yah Minju-ah ~ are you angry? Im sorry ~ " He was still giggling when he was apologizing!

"Go away! I wanna go home!" Finally I can see the street lights again.

"Mianhae-ah ~ I wont do that again, I promise. I'll even make it up to you." He grab my arm and stop me from walking.

"Like how?" I glares at him.

"What about I go to your place to cook for you until your oppa is back. Deal? " He gave me a smile. Hmm.... that's not a bad idea, I don't have to cook and with him around I wont be afraid to stay alone at home.

"Well..." I was on my thinking mode.

"Going once ~ going twice ~ --" He was counting with his fingers in the air.

"Ok! Deal! " I grab his hand that's was counting and we shake.


Hey sorry guys... I updated really late this time. :/
For the pass few days I was doing my homework cause school is going to reopen soon and I rewrote this chapter actually... -,-
The story doesn't goes like this at first but I think i was boring so i changed it.
Plus, I quarrelled with a very good friend and now we don't talk anymore, its funny that I dreamt about him after we quarrelled xD
But I really do want us to be good friends again...
Sorry ~ I was taking it too far,  I'll stop talking about my stuff now xD
Ok enjoy this chapter guys ~ I'll update if I have time
And thanks for reading my story and thank you very much for my subscribers ~ I love you guys really much (/° - °)/ \(* ~ *\) !!!!
And please leave a comment nae ~ <3 they are appreciated! And useful too!

Enjoy ~ :))


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Chapter 20: Jinyoung come back T ~ T
Chapter 20: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO REJECT GONGCHAN (Jinyoung and Gongchan are my bias)
Chapter 19: Nuuuuuuu! Bring Jinyoung back! Huhuhuhuh. Channie should only love Bana... Or Jinyoung too (Jinchan shipper XD)
Chapter 17: Love da chappie
Chapter 17: I HATE JINYOUNG'S MOM but it's funny how channie acts like their dating soooo LOL
Chapter 16: Don't end it