Unexpected coincidence

The Story of Us

*Minju's POV*

"So did you sleep well last night?" Jinyoung kept his eyes on the road while I was chewing on my sandwich.

"Well duh... of course, I get to sleep on my own comfy bed with no one hugging me the whole time." I said it in a well-of-course tone.

"So are you tryng to say that you don't like me sleeping with you?!" His left hand came fishing around trying to poke my waist but fail.

"Hahaha... ok ok, I 'LOVE' having you sleeping with me. Happy? Now pay attention when you're driving." I was slaped his hand away to make him concentrate on his driving.

"Prove it!" He got that evil little smile on his face that I dont really like it. So i'd changed the topic.

"Anyways, why are you driving today?" I took a glance at him and back to enjoy my sandwich.

"I don't know, just felt like giving my girl friend a ride to school. So that everyone will be jealous." There must be something that he's bidding from me.

"Oh really?" I pinched his face and smile at him.

"Yah! Did you just change the topic?" He grabbed my hand and squeeze it.

"Did I?" I shrug and act innocent.

"So, we're going to somewhere after school ok?" Oh right, like you didn't change the topic too huh?


"Its a surprise." Another evil smile appears on his face again. I know why'd he drive to school today now. You sly little fox.

"No." Im not gonna fall for that.

"Why?!" He took his eyes off the road and stare at me.

"Oh look, we're here. Naeun's waiting got to go. Bye." I took the chance when he finally stop his car in the school's car park. But then I was too stupid to think I can get away that easily. He grab onto my arm and gave me a stern look.

"Yah, Kim MinJu!"

"Ok ok, I'll meet you here after school." I rolled my eyes and he gave me his famous smiling eyes with a wide smile on, but he still didn't let go of me.

"Erm, you can let go of me anytime now." I glance from his hand to him but he shook his head. What this time?

"You forget something~ " He pointed on his cheek. Oh right... the 'kiss'. I sigh and gave him a peck on his cheek. I get off the car but Jinyoung still had his car engine on.

"Aren't you going to class later?" I raised a brow and he shook his head.

"I'm going to meet them at Gongchan's house. We're having practice. Don't worry, I'll be here on time to fetch you. Bye!" I waved goodbye as i saw his car driving out of school.


"OMG! Are you serious? He's so sweet!" Naeun was all excited when I told her about what happened yesterday, I would always regret telling her my stuff in public cause she'll go all hyper and fangirling about it.

"Shhhhhh...." I grab her arm to stop her from jumping and avoid everyone to look at us in the hall way.

"Ok ok, Im sorry. So tell me what happened then?" She lowered her voice and insisted me to continue, gosh... didn't even now why was she so excited about.

"So... where was I? Oh we went onto the fa-" I accidentally bump into someone and caused him to dropped what he was holding.

"Im so sorry!" I tried to apologize and pick up his things for him. The papers he was holding scattered everywhere and we picked them up except Naeun who was standing there and looked annoyed cause she was waiting for me to continue.

"No no its ok." I stand up and hand those paper to him, but I accidentally saw one of the paper that have some of his personal information, I look up and saw that guy was checking if he lost some papers or something then put them all into his bag pack. I dont think i saw him before so he must be an exchange student. He has a great skin, almost flawless, with a warm smile hanging on his face. His eyes was like so attractive that every time you talk to him you just can't keep your eyes off him.

"Er.... Are you an exchange student?" I return him a smile and he nodded.

"Can you by any chance show me the way to the office?" He took a glance at Naeun and back to me. Then all of a sudden Naeun decided to talk.

"Yah, Minju-ah. We're late." I took a glance at my watch and to my surprise we really are late.

"Erm... walk along the hallway and turn left. The first room you'll see will be the office. Sorry, we got to go now." I bowed a little and he returned it too. We walk passed him and continue what we were doing minutes ago.

"Yah, you're rude." I took a glance at Naeun that was obviously not caring.

"Well, we really are late. And he's the one who interrupted us in the first place."

"But I was the one who bump into him." I tried to convince Naeun that it was my fault in the first place.


Finally its the last period of the day! And its Vocal lesson! I don't know why'd I pick it but who cares? At least Naeun it here to keep me accompany.

"Good morning class." Everyone stop what they were doing and gave their attention to Miss Jung.

"Today there will be an new exchange student joining us. Please come in." She gesture that person to come in.

"Annyeong hasseyeo Kim Joon Myeon imnida. Nice to meet all of you, you can call me Suho." Its him! Its that good looking dude from this morning.

"I need one of you to give him a tour around our school. Anyone?" Obviously no one will do it. Like who wants to stay after school?

"Anyone?" Again everyone just kept quiet and mentally ignore her.

"Miss Son, will you?" Uhhhh... told her not to talk when the teacher was talking, but did she listen? No.

"What?" Naeun turned her head towards Miss Jung who already had her hand crossed in front of her.

"You will be the one who gives this new exchange student a tour around school later." Naeun looked at me witg her eyes wide open and mouth 'help'. Oh no way am I going to help her this time. Plus, I have a date with Jinyoung later. Im not sure if its a date but no way! I gave her a stern look and shook my head.


"Oh come on.... please...." Naeun was begging me for the last ten minutes right after the class was over. The worst thing is, that new exchange student was still standing there waiting for her.

"No." I scoffed while packing my stuff into my bag.

"C'mon.... I have to go home and babysit my little brother. My parents are going out for a dinner." All of a sudden, an anime angel pops out standing on my shoulder telling me to help my best friend, and a devil then pops out and reminded me that I had a date with my boy friend.

Bizz... bizz...

"Yeoboseyo?" I was not surprise at all when Jinyoung called me, I guess he's here already... sorry Naeun.

"Minju, Im sorry. Im not picking you up today... something just came up and I have to deal with it. I'll call you tonight." Disappointment was rising up in me after he hung up, it was obvious that he was in a hurry. I guess Naeun got lucky... real lucky.

I shoved my phone back into my bag and told Naeun that I'll help her. She gave me a hug and left me with Mr. New guy here.

"Err... Joon Myeon? We can start our tour now." I tried to give him a smile as much as I don't felt like it, well... Im not sad or angry or something... Im just disappointed that Jinyoung just cancel everything when I already was so excited about it.

"Please do call me Suho." His pretty smile made me snapped back into reality and I return him with a smile before we started our tour.

"Okay, Suho? Nice to meet you, I believe that we met this morning already. My name is Kim Minju, you can just call me Minju if you want to." I offered him my hand to shake. He nodded with a smile and shake my hand.

We started our tour and I showed him around school, I first brought him to our school's basketball field and the place where we have our PE lesson. Then I showed him the way to the cafeteria, the dance room, the drama club, recording room, and lastly the library.

"If you have anywhere you wanna go and you don't knw where is it, or if you have any problem feel free to find me." We were on our way to the school gate and leave when suddenly held my arm. I turn to him and tilted my head.

"Are you alright? If i've trouble you today Im sorry." I felt a slight guilt in me, did I really showed him my emotion that obviously? Maybe is cause eof the disappointment and Naeun's texts message few minutes ago. She was having a date with Shinwoo oppa. That little betrayer! Im so gonna get her tomorrow!

"Haha, what? No... Im glad that I can help you. What made you ask all of a sudden?" I pulled my hand off his grip and was trying hard not to show more unhappiness.

"Its raining... you were about to walk out just like that if I didn't stop you." Now then I notice that it was not raining, it was pouring for crying out loud. Suho was fishing in his bag for something when he finally took a mini size umbrella out of his back pack.

"Let me walk you home." He opened up the umbrella and look at me with that pretty smile of his again.

"No no, its okay. I'll just wait for the rain to stop. You can go first." I refuse to accept his offer of walking me home. It'll be more trouble cause we might not live at the same neighborhood and I don't want my new friend walk me all the way home and back to his.

"In this case the rain wont stop any sooner or later. Just let me walk you home as a way to repay you for showing me around." I take a look at the sky and he was awfully right about the rain, its not gonna stop isn't it? Fine! I wanna get home early anyways... oppa is coming home tomorrow and I need to tidy up the place.

He smile again for the I-dont-even-know-how-many-times today, after I nodded to accept his offer. Along our way we had our little conversation about where is he from and why did he came to Korea. He told me that his dad had another new company in Korea and he's the heir to it so his dad transfer him from London to Korea. He's now living with his parents and his little brother.

"Err... you lives here?" He took a glance at my house and back to me again.

"Why?" He let out a small laugh and pointed to the house next to mine. I notice that this morning there were some man in uniform moved boxes into that house. It must be someone moved into it... oh wait, its him isn't it? My jaw dropped a little when I finally understand what he was talking about. He saw my reaction a giggled a little.

"What a coincidence. Neighbor." I blink a few more and finally snap back to reality and find Suho still giggling next to me.

"Yeah... I think I should go in now. Thanks." I ran into my house and shut the front door immediatly leaning against it. Is that even possible to have so much of a coincidence with him? From bumping into him and showing him around school to him living next to me.

*Jinyoung's POV*

"No." I crossed my right leg over my left and refuse to accept what my mom just told me.

"This is not what you can decide." She took a sip of her coffee and lay it back down again.

"This is my life. No yours. You cannot trap me in that cage of yours and control my life!" I finally look at her and saw her looking back at me sternly.

"Do you think playing music with those friends of yours can give you a better future? Do you wanna be a guitarist for the rest of your life? Im your mother, and I have the right to choose what's best for you." She's been forcing me to accept Daehwa company for the past two years, training me to become a better heir in the future when I was only fourteen.

"Yes. That's my dream. Im your son and you should support me in my dreams and respect my decisions." She sat up and snap her fingers. Mr. Lee my mom's secretary came and gave her an envalope. She threw it across the table and the photos in it fell out.

"Its her isn't it?" I took a glance at those photo and its was me hanging out with Minju, at school, in the park, at her place through her house windows and even some from this morning. My blood was boiling up to my head, she sent someone to stalk on her son! Who does that?

"You sent someone to spy on me? Do you know what is privacy?" I stood up without taking my eyes off of her.

"If I have to cut through your privacy just to protect my son and the company that me and your dad had work hard for it for that past thirty years then I will do it."

I walked up the stairs leaving her in the living room. "Do not touch her. Once you break this promise then consider me not your son anymore. I made this clear!" I said it loud enough for her to hear and continue my way into my room.


*No one's POV*

"Oh Im not gonna harm her at all." Jinyoung's mom mumbled and picked up her phone to call someone.

"I have a job for you." She talk into her phone when someone picked up on the other end.

"I pay you to make it look like an accident, not to kill someone." She continue talking with the mysterious person on the phone.

"Same time the day after tomorrow. Both of them will be in the car, make it look like and accident. Don't leave anything behind. I want it to be clean." She wanted make an accident and have his son forget about the girl just like the movies did. So she hired someone to do the dirty job for her when she will be inviting Minju and Jinyoung to have a dinner with her the day after tomorrow.

"Let me tell you that if anyone in that accident died, your life stop as well. I hope I can trust you." She spoke her last sentence in a very serious tone and ended the call and delete the history call right after that.

"You'll be the one who will be hurting her heart my dear son." She mumble to herself again with an evil smirk on her face.



Sorry guys... I was about to update right after the MAMA awards cause EXO won the 'Album of the year' award.... I wonder why B1A4 don't get to go... anyways... Im a forever bana for crying out loud! Go B1A4 xD

I'll update soon again ~

And don't worry guys! Jinyoung is not going to have amnesia anytime sooner or later... it's too early for anything like that to happen in the story ... so yeah!

Guys... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, UPVOTE & COMMENT!!!! It really does give me the strength to update...
Thanks for those who subscribe ~ love you guys :))

Enjoy ~~ =))


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Chapter 20: Jinyoung come back T ~ T
Chapter 20: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO REJECT GONGCHAN (Jinyoung and Gongchan are my bias)
Chapter 19: Nuuuuuuu! Bring Jinyoung back! Huhuhuhuh. Channie should only love Bana... Or Jinyoung too (Jinchan shipper XD)
Chapter 17: Love da chappie
Chapter 17: I HATE JINYOUNG'S MOM but it's funny how channie acts like their dating soooo LOL
Chapter 16: Don't end it