
Jongkey>everything else (Discontinued)

“Jonghyun your cell phone is ringing!” A voice screamed from the bathroom, slightly muffled by the sounds of the shower.

“I know, I know!” Another voice shouted back; this one coming from the bedroom.

Tearing his eyes away from his computer screen, Jonghyun answered his phone.

“Yobuseyo?” He drawled out, stifling a yawn.

It had been around 3 days since Key unexpectedly ‘moved in’ with him and they spent most of their nights up cuddling, watching movies, or just enjoying each other’s presence. Then during the day they would both leave for work; Jonghyun to some hardware store, and Key to the dance studio. It didn’t seem too exciting or all that fun but Jonghyun would beg to differ; he would always look forward to his time spent with Key and usually none of it was ever wasted. Even if they would do simple things such as watch a movie or just simple hangout; to him those times were golden and he cherished each and every moment.

“Hi, uh, Keybear?” A timid voice asked through the phone.

Jonghyun blanched, “I’m sorry what?”

“Is, is Kibum there?”

At that moment Key entered his their room in nothing but a big fluffy bathrobe, his favourite one; to be exact.

“Yeah he’s here” Jonghyun answered, opening his arms and letting Key collapse onto his lap, “but first, can I ask who’s calling?”

“Oh it’s his father. You’re Jonghyun right, one of his friends? Can I speak to him?”

Realizing that it’s his father Key frantically shook his head when Jonghyun offered the phone to him, not wanting to talk to the man.

Catching the hint Jonghyun returned the phone to his ear while one hand wound around Key’s waist and started playing with the ends of the rope that tied the bath robe together.

“Erm I’m actually his boyfriend and sorry he can’t talk right now; he’s rather…” Jonghyun regarded the boy sitting in his lap before answering, “Rather right now. I’ll get him to call you back later, maybe, he probably won’t. Anyways I got to go, bye!” Jonghyun said, hanging up before the other could reply.

“Jjong you do realize that you basically told my dad that you were my boyfriend and that I’m currently and busy with you right now right? You do know how bad that sounds don’t you?” Key said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Jonghyun smirked before pressing his nose into the side of the other’s face, placing a kiss near his ear, “Yeah I know, and he should probably be calling back in about 3…2…1”


“Jonghyun that only happens in movies, nobody in real live ever actually gets the timing right. And besides, my father is way slower than that. Count down from 10 and you might get better results”

Jonghyun pouted, feeling slightly rejected. “This almost feels like when I was waiting for you to call me after our first date”

“Jonghyun that was not our first date. I thought we both agreed that our first date would be the one that I had to initiate considering yours didn’t even feel like a date”

“It was so our first date, maybe not exactly ideal but-”

“You brought your sister with us on our first date, I don’t know about you but usually people don’t bring their own family members to their dates”

“Well it wasn’t my fault! She-” Jonghyun was interrupted by the vibrating of his phone, now conveniently placed on Key’s fluffy and half uncovered thigh.

“Yobuseyo?” Jonghyun answered, hand returning to fiddle with Key’s robe-rope.

“YAH!” a voice shouted into the receiver, blasting Jonghyun’s eardrum apart.


Panicked and slightly in pain Jonghyun the phone at Key before cowering behind the other, both hands returning to clutch the collar of the bathrobe, now loose and threatening to slip off  his shoulders. Jonghyun was ok with that.

“DAD, DAD OH MY GOD DAD CALM THE DOWN” Key yelled back into the receiver. He didn’t let it show, but secretly Key missed his dad’s yelling, it had a sort of power and life in it, one that was rarely seen in the old man. It was strange but Key felt pride whenever he heard his father yell.

If there was one thing Key inherited from his father it would be his temper. One that seemed to rival the intensity of a thousand burning suns. Although his father was rather lazy and heed no care towards many things in life; preferring to idle in the school zone instead of join the fast lane, if you were to really rile him up then it would be like as if all the life that he had lacked in before was released all in one shout, all adding up to be directed to the victim of his anger. All in all; it was a scary sight to behold.

Jonghyun rested his chin on Key’s shoulder as he heard the sounds of the other’s father’s worried screams diminish as Key continued to calm him down. A sigh left the blonde’s lips once he finished the call.

“You know it’s weird” Key stated before approaching his closet, “Sometimes it feels like my dad doesn’t really care about me at all -and I’m fine with that- but then other times it feels like he cares way too much and it’s just so confusing…”

“What do you mean?” Jonghyun questioned, following Key around the room.

“My dad says he’s coming over in a bit. He wants to meet you apparently”

Jonghyun stopped in his tracks, “But didn’t he already meet me before?”

“Yeah but he didn’t really believe that you were my boyfriend at the time and that I was being serious, he wants to meet you again”

“Oh” Was all Jonghyun could say. But it made sense to him; the first time he did meet Key’s father he didn’t seem too concerned about him, only telling them to run along and not even bothering to properly introduce himself.

Suddenly a wave of panic hit Jonghyun, “Wait so then does he, like is he ok…?”

Key only sent him a grim smile, “He should be fine with it, I mean I did tell him I was gay, I just don’t really think he took it seriously. He probably still hasn’t completely come to terms with it yet”

Jonghyun nodded, “ok then” he said before approaching Key and setting his hands down on the other’s waist.

“I’ll go tidy up a bit or something ok? You get dressed” Jonghyun whispered as he touched their foreheads together.

“Ok” Kibum smiled as he stared down and watched Jonghyun’s lips curl up into a dazzling grin.

Jonghyun quickly left a teasing peck on the other’s lips before reluctantly leaving the room. Excited but at the same time slightly nervous as he was about to officially (Jonghyun couldn’t help but release a smile on his lips whenever he thought of that; officially) meet his boyfriend’s father.


Ok I know; this is short and filler-y

and I haven't updated in a while

and I'm sorry ok ;-;

I just didn't really have any ideas as to where this would go, this doesn't really have a plot or anything considering it's supposed to be just fluff....

beautiful tooth rotting fluff

heh, but yeah, here's a chapter then enjoy it :P.

Also a little heads up: I WILL be going to China for a bit so I probably won't be able to update cuz I ain't writing Jongkey while my parents and relatives are breathing right down my neck; hell naw.

I'll miss you guys, and SHINee, and everything ;~;

But I'm not leaving until the 22nd so YEY

....completely irrelevant but does anybody have any kpop-y places they would reccomend me to go in China? -anywhere is fine, Beijing, ZhuHai, HangZhou, I'll also be in Taiwan Taipei for a bit. For example I'm planning to hopefully go to The Grand Place in Taiwan, so anywhere like that would be wonderful.

But if not that's fine XD

Ok this has been long enough, I'll see ya next chapter :D


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okokokokok update tomorrow!! (most likely) sorry for the wait! Also this get's really....weird ok, just going to put that out there.


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nana_jjong #1
Chapter 5: Jjong you over protective pup /sobs
this givin me cavities omg >,<

anyway, have fun with your vacation babe ^^
Chapter 5: Omg Key's dad is a bit dence lol aw I enjoyed this update they seriously too cute right now XD

Hope your have fun on your holiday ^^
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 4: OMG, this story is killing me with cuteness! Please update VERY soon. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Yay update
Dear god Jongkey are too cute for this world 0.0
and I would deffo read the other story it sounds too funny drunk Jong ^^
Chapter 3: Aw this needs more subs and comments
Jonghyun you over protective puppy XD
Good luck with your exams ^^
Chapter 2: Aw this chapter was fun and fluffy and if Key keeps pouting it's gonna be the death of me O.O

Good luck with your finals and exams ^^
Chapter 1: Ok I Loved this chapter like a lot
Bring on the fluff :)