
Jongkey>everything else (Discontinued)




They were getting into it. Jonghyun and Key were getting really invested into their make out session. As their lips molded and mixed, mashing one atop the other. The soft, warm, and plump pieces of flesh nipping, , caressing each other as their tongues performed one complicated dance after another. Stolen breathes  mingling before disappearing into a needy pair of lungs, only to be let out in a haste as air was barely seen as a necessity for the 2 boys. Jonghyun pulled his hand out of the other's pants, leaving the warm and snug space. Tenderly Jonghyun grazed just the tips of his fingers against Key's exposed arms; creating a trail of hardly noticeable goosebumps. Key already has his arms strewn around Jonghyun's neck, clutching it tightly as if his life depended on it. Jonghyun continued to lightly flutter his fingertips over any skin that was exposed to him. Then coming up with the idea that there was in fact not enough skin for him to caress; therefore forcing him to create more.  He started first by placing his hands atop Key's shoulder. Then catching the neckline of his shirt Jonghyun started to slowly pry off the thin layer of clothing, exposing one snowy white shoulder made of what seemed like only the finest pieces of porcelain. Before Jonghyun could finish his little expedition he felt soft fingers pressing on his biceps, guiding his arms to point upwards towards roof. Key backed off of Jonghyun's warm lips and smiled up at him lovingly before raising his shirt over his chest then slipping it off, the palms of his hands running up the strong muscular abdominal muscles of his boyfriend.

Jonghyun smiled down at Key who shot a shy smile back before joining their lips again; this time with more vigor and renewed energy. With one arm around Jonghyun's neck and another running up and down his abs you could say that Key has pretty much ascended heaven. But Jonghyun wasn't having that, not unless he got his fair share of heaven as well. Strong muscular arms soon wrapped themselves around the exposed skin of Key's waist and ran themselves swiftly up the skin of his torso underneath his shirt. Then with a rather forcefully kiss that was accompanied with the sounds of teeth gently clashing against each other, Jonghyun ripped the shirt apart from the inside out; a tear forming straight down the middle of feeble cloth. Slightly startled Key retracted himself from Jonghyun's lips to examine the damage that he had done, the other's lips still following after him like a small puppy asking for attention. "Jonghyun...!" Key breathed out, voice cracking from the intensity of the situation.

"Don't worry Kibum I'll get you a new one..." Jonghyun said in a husked voice while still trying to reach for Key's lips.

"Yeah I hear there's a sale at the mall today, you guys could go there and get one."

A gasp left both Key's and Jonghyun's mouth simultaneously as they whipped their heads around to the source of the new voice. And there leaning on the side of the fridge munching on some prawn chips was the tall and the handsome; Choi Minho.

"So are you guys going to like continue this or ..." Minho chose not to finish his sentence and instead to stuff another chip into his mouth.

His question was only met with a roll of the eyes and a rather annoyed glare sent his way. This has already happened way too many times for Key and Jonghyun to even bother to be embarrassed.

"Well Minho, since you're here I guess we aren't going to continue"

"Hmm, that's nice" Minho replied nonchalantly before stuffing more chips in his mouth.

"Are those my prawn chips?" Key inquired, the package looking vaguely familiar to him.

"Yup" Minho answered, completely un fazed.

Key could feel himself getting frustrated, his eyebrows slowly reaching towards each other.

"Kibummieee, calm down ok? I'll buy you another package soon. And besides; I think that package may have gone past it's due date anyways" Jonghyun said trying to avoid a fight, arms going up to up and down Key's arms. Key snickered at that, resting his forehead on Jonghyun's chest.

"And this has not gone bad yet you guys, not for another couple of months at least" Minho said with an amused smile on his face.

Grumbling Key untangled his legs from around Jonghyun's hips to rest criss crossed on top of his boyfriend's lap. Jonghyun passed the boy in his lap his shirt as Key's was in 2 pieces somewhere on the ground.

"Hey Minho, why are you here anyways. Taemin not back yet?" Jonghyun questioned, not taking his eyes off of the person on his lap.

The question was met with a depressing sigh, "No, Taemin's not coming back until tomorrow. I can't wait that long!" Frustrated, the man started whining and grumbling about his lonely nights without his "Minnie".

"And so you decide to bother us why?" Key continued, voicing the question that was on Jonghyun’s mind.

"Because I can" Minho challenged, setting the now empty chip bag on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Yah, why must you always be like this Choi Minho! Interrupting all my special moments with Key" Jonghyun countered while Key reached for the empty plastic bag and chucked it into the trash.
Minho just gave them a grim smile before leaving the kitchen and heading towards the living room; planning on watching some TV.

"Hey Bummie, why don't you put your stuff away in my room hmm? We can continue this later" Jonghyun suggested with a peck to the other's nose and a suggestive look on his face.

Key liked the sound of that.

"Oh and Kibum, you're going to also have to explain to me just why you were at my apartment building freezing to death outside ok, no excuses either"

Key just nodded in agreement before running off, the problem of not having a place to stay was resurfacing. He was planning to ask his boyfriend to move in with him but then there was always the possibility of rejection. Something that Key wasn't necessarily worried about but it still bothered him.
After dropping his bags off Key went to find Jonghyun; following the sound of the TV to the living room.
"Kiiibum" upon seeing the blond (Kibum dyed his hair blond recently, claiming that he needed a change) Jonghyun opened his arms and beckoned towards the other from his spot on the couch beside Minho. Smiling, Key fell into the embrace of his boyfriend. Resting his head on the Jonghyun’s broad shoulder while his hands fell into the other's lap. Jonghyun slung an arm around Key's shoulders, offering more of his warmth to the blond.

They sat like that for a while, occasionally exchanging words with Minho but otherwise focusing on the TV. Or at least Minho was, Jonghyun was only half paying attention while his mind drifted elsewhere. Key could tell that Jonghyun was itching to ask him why he was out freezing in the cold and the only reason he wasn't doing so was because he wasn't sure if it was something Minho was allowed to hear or not. Key squealed eternally at how considerate his boyfriend is.

"Jjong, I'm hungry" Key looked up at his boyfriend with pleading eyes.

 "then go get something to eat" Jonghyun answered simply.

"But I don't wanna"

"Well that's a problem isn't it"

"Jonghyuuun go cook something for me please? It's around lunchtime now"

This caused Jonghyun to glance up at the clock and find out that it was indeed around 12 o'clock.

"But I thought you were the woman in this relationship..." He trailed off, already regretting his words.

Key glared at his lover before backing away and sitting straight on the couch, "so my boyfriends a ist bastard now huh"

Minho snickered before returning to his soccer game.

"No Bummie, I didn't mean it like that I just..." Jonghyun whined, picking at Key's arm and trying to coax him into cuddling with his arm again.

"Ok fine I'll go and cook, Minho you want something too?" Giving up Jonghyun got up from the couch and stretched.

"Yeah sure, thanks hyung" Minho said, eyes never leaving the TV screen.

Jonghyun looked back down at Key who was still glaring at him.

"Kibummieee" Jonghyun cooed before reaching out and trying to steal a peck from Key, who being the sassy diva he sometimes is; dodged it. Pouting Jonghyun tried again and leaned forward, but his lips only met air. Disappointed, Jonghyun went for the next best thing and kissed Key's cheek, bringing his hand up to hold his face in place. After accenting the kiss with an extra loud "Mwah!" Jonghyun left for the kitchen, leaving Key with extremely red cheeks.

"You guys are shameless" Minho said monotonously.

Key only nodded in agreement; still flustered over the incredibly embarrassing kiss he just received.
Minho turned to face him as commercials started playing on the TV, "were you really that pissed with Jonghyun?" He asked, referring to Key's reluctance to kissing the other.

"No, I just wanted him to go cook something" Key answered rather bluntly.

"Oh" Minho turned his attention back to the screen as the commercials were now over.

They sat in silence, both boys watching the TV. Bored Key got up and walked towards the kitchen. Upon entering he was greeted with the tantalizing smell of Ramyun and the sight of Jonghyun busying himself at the stove, shaking the little package of flavoring in one hand before pouring it in. Key approached the other who was quietly humming to himself.

“Thanks for cooking Jjongie” Key said rather apologetically before embracing Jonghyun’s back.

This only resulted in Jonghyun’s lower lip turning out into a pout, otherwise completely ignoring the other.

“Jonghyun, you know I’m not actually mad right? I just wanted food…” Key tried to explain, hoping to get some kind of reaction out from the other.

Jonghyun only grunted as a response, a secretive smile curling at the corners of his lips.

Key tried to regain Jonghyun’s attention again, only to fail with each attempt at bothering the other.

"Jonghyun, give me a kiss!" Key whined with his hands hanging loosely on Jonghyun's arms.

"Oh so now you want a kiss" Jonghyun said in a teasing tone.

"Yes, now I want a kiss so can you please give me one?"

"No" Jonghyun answered childishly while crossing his arms and facing his back towards Key. Letting go of the pair of chopsticks he was using to stir the boiling pot. This resulted in them falling into the pot and splashing hot scalding water onto Key. Not at all expecting the sudden stinging pain Key shrieked at the top of his lungs; backing away from the stove. Startled by the scream Jonghyun glanced back at Key only to find him nursing his arm and glaring daggers at Jonghyun's back.

"Oh gosh Bummie, what happened? What did I do?" Jonghyun asked, all previous traces of stubborn immaturity replaced with only worry for the other.

"You burned me" Key stated in an uptight manner while nursing his arm.

Flustered Jonghyun approached Key and inspected his arm, noticing patches of red starting to appear on the otherwise flawlessly white arm. Jonghyun gulped, this was definitely not what he intended to have happened. Key poked a patch of red with his finger, only to retract it as pain flared up in that one area. Jonghyun started apologizing incessantly while pushing Key towards the sink.

"What are you guys doing?" Minho's curious voice broke through Jonghyun's fussing and Key's squeals as cold freezing water touched his burning skin.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, Key burnt himself, oh gosh, it's all red!" Jonghyun's almost hysterical voice answered.

"Whoa hey I burnt myself?! You were the one that splashed water on me!" Key protested.

"Shhhh, shhhhhh, Key it'll be ok, shhhhhh" Jonghyun reassured Key, although it wasn't really needed.

"Jonghyun you know I'm fine right, it just kinda stings"

"Shhhh, Bummie, shhhh, don't talk ok"

"But Jonghy-"

"Shush Bummie, everything is going to be ok. Just trust me ok"

"Yah Jjong, I'm pretty sure he's fine" Minho tried to intervene.

"No shut it Minho, you have no idea what he's feeling right now ok"


Scared by Key's sudden outburst Jonghyun stopped his doting and fussing over the other's arm to stare up at the other with wide eyes.

"Jonghyun I'm fine ok, it just stings a bit. I'm not going to die, no need to act like I'm on my death bed or something" Key said trying to reassure the other.

"Ok then...sorry" Jonghyun answered timidly.

Key only smiled at him before retracting his arm from under the tap and drying it with a paper towel. He winced slightly at the rough texture of the paper towel, an action that did not go unnoticed by Jonghyun. Sensing that his worry wart of a boyfriend was going to go into another bout of fussing and doting Key quickly silenced him by laying a small peck on his lips. Suddenly they heard their front door slam shut, breaking the somewhat peaceful atmosphere around them.

"Minho?" Key called out.

There was no answer.

Curious the two made their way around their apartment to the entrance door only to find Minho's shoes missing and his jacket left -forgotten most likely- on the hook.

"Hmm looks like we're alone again" Key commented before glancing at Jonghyun. Jonghyun looked back; their eyes met.

5 seconds later and they were on the couch clawing at each other like 2 starved cannibals.




Ok so I know this is really short and I'm sorry, I'm also sorry that I haven't really updated in too long but well... finals >.<;;


I shouldn't even be complaining because it's not even that bad, like some of my friends have it way worse ._.

but anyways I kinda wanted to post something just because :P

I will probably dissapeare again for a bit... at least until I finish all my finals and stuff XD

Good luck to anybody else with final tests and stuff like that too~

ok byyeeooooo~

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okokokokok update tomorrow!! (most likely) sorry for the wait! Also this get's really....weird ok, just going to put that out there.


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nana_jjong #1
Chapter 5: Jjong you over protective pup /sobs
this givin me cavities omg >,<

anyway, have fun with your vacation babe ^^
Chapter 5: Omg Key's dad is a bit dence lol aw I enjoyed this update they seriously too cute right now XD

Hope your have fun on your holiday ^^
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 4: OMG, this story is killing me with cuteness! Please update VERY soon. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Yay update
Dear god Jongkey are too cute for this world 0.0
and I would deffo read the other story it sounds too funny drunk Jong ^^
Chapter 3: Aw this needs more subs and comments
Jonghyun you over protective puppy XD
Good luck with your exams ^^
Chapter 2: Aw this chapter was fun and fluffy and if Key keeps pouting it's gonna be the death of me O.O

Good luck with your finals and exams ^^
Chapter 1: Ok I Loved this chapter like a lot
Bring on the fluff :)