
Jongkey>everything else (Discontinued)

Frustration built up in Key’s mind. He was going to explode. The pot was simmering, boiling, overflowing, there was no escaping it. All hell was going to break loose.

“I can’t believe this.”

Nobody could believe it. It was all just so sudden, everything was peaceful everything was fine until he had to rear his ugly face again.

Damn that face. And to think that for 14 years of his life Key was actually yearning to see that face again.

How could he, how could his father, after 14 years of abandonment come back and start controlling his life again. This was not a dictatorship, hell this had nothing to do with him. This was Key’s life, Key’s apartment and so Key was the boss of it. No questions asked.

Key understood why his father had to leave, and he understood that it was for the best. So of course when he came back he was welcomed with open arms. But that did not mean that he was offered a seat at the control center of his brain, directing his every movement. All Key wanted was for his dad to respect him, for his dad to spare a thought and think that maybe just maybe his son had things to do, that he, oh I don’t know, had a life apart from being his father’s own personal servant?!

But that was not happening any time soon.

“Kibum, oh there you are! I was wondering if you could do the dishes for me? And clean the kitchen too, I kind of spilt some oil on the stove and the counter when I was making noodles, and- oh! While you’re there could you bring me a can of beer? Thanks, you’re amazing Keybear!”

“Dad seriously, stop calling me Keybear.” The 19 year old said through gritted teeth as he made his way to the kitchen. Only to be met with the most infuriating scene on the planet. The fridge door was left open, cold air escaping it in little wisps of fog. There were pots and pans strewn across the countertops with the drawers and cabinet doors left open for the world to see. Little pieces of dried up ramen were scattered across the countertops, almost as if they were a part of the counter’s rocky design underneath. Taking one shaky breath Key took a step forward towards the fridge, only to slip and fall, pain shooting up his spine. Slightly dizzy from the pain (he was having some really severe back pains today) Key stood up, stabilizing himself on the ledge of a counter and the handle of the open fridge door. Looking down Key noticed that he slipped in a large puddle of a yellowy rather syrupy liquid that seemed to be dripping from the stove. He sniffed, it was oil; oil all over the kitchen floor, stove, and now the back of his new jean capris. This was the last straw.

“DAD!” with renewed strength and energy Key stormed into his living room, only to find his father with his feet –muddy shoes and all- propped up on his white coffee table. Eating sunflower seeds and getting the shells all over his white couch and fluffy throw pillows.

Key had to literally restrain himself from flipping the coffee table.


“Whoa Keybear” His father said with amused eyes, “calm down there, did somebody get up on the wrong side of the bed?”

“OK YOU KNOW WHAT, YES. YOU KNOW WHY?! BECAUSE SOMEBODY ELSE WAS SOMEHOW IN MY BED OTHER THEN MY BOYFRIEND AND THAT SOMEBODY ING KICKED ME OFF OF MY OWN ING BED.” Key glared at his father with the power of a thousand burning suns. If looks could kill, his father would be in the depths of Tartarus by now.

“Oh come on Kibum, it wasn’t that bad-”


“Well I wanted to sleep with my one and only son, is that so hard for me to do?”

Taking a deep breath Key tried to calm himself, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Hey Keybear…” Key looked up at his father

“Don’t call me that”

“Where is the beer that you promised me? Also did you clean up the little mess in the kitchen?”

Key could feel his anger rising again, going beyond boiling point.

“Dad-” he tried to rein his anger in, it would not look good on his resume if he was written down as a murderer.

“Oh also Keybear, I hope you don’t mind but I was looking for rags to clean my shoes yesterday because I accidently stepped in some dog poop and I found some clothes in a box in your closet, I’ve never seen you wear them before and they were ugly anyways so I just used them to clean my shoes. I threw them away after though, so don’t worry about them”

Panic shot through Key’s system, “Dad…” he started off in a rather quiet voice, “what did the box look like?”

“Hmm..? Oh it was white I think, with a black stripe on the cover.”

Forget smoke coming out of your ears, Key felt like he had molten lava spewing at speeds of 200km/h.

Those were his designer clothes, his special ones, the ones that his boyfriend gave him, the ones that his boyfriend slaved day after day at his work for.

That did it.

“Dad” Key wouldn’t have been surprised if he just spontaneously combusted on the spot, “Get. Out.”

Confusion was written on his father’s face, “what Keybear what do you-”


The older man still did not understand.

“DAD GET THE OUT” Key pointed one quaking hand at the door.

“Wait now come on Kibum..” His dad tried to say.


His dad didn’t move an inch.

Key stormed into the bathroom grabbing his bag of toiletries and his toothbrush. Then proceeded to hurricane over to his room, grab one of his many man purses, and started filling it with his laptop, wallet phone, charger, some clothes that he could not bear to leave behind and anything else he felt like he needed. Once done with that task and seemingly to have calmed down a bit Key then made his way to the front door, a confused father trailing after him.

“Keybear wait are you really leaving?”

“Yes!” Key snapped back, grabbing his keys on the hook beside his front door. Staring down at his many shoes and not knowing which ones to abandon.

“Wait but where are you going?”

“To my boyfriend’s house!” Key spat back, patience running thin.

“You have a boyfriend?! Wait Kibum… are you gay?!”

This caused Key to stop him in his frenzied actions and stare at his father. Key could not for the life of him count how many times he mentioned in front of his father that yes, he had a boyfriend and yes he was gay. He even brought his boyfriend to meet his father before! On the day he came back! This was seriously unbelievable.

Sighing Kibum decided to just stuff one of his shoes in his bag, put the other one on, and carry the third. He would have to leave the rest where they were and hope that they could survive long enough for him to come back and retrieve them.

Stepping out the door Key didn’t bother to look back as his father shouted at him from the door frame. Knowing all too well that he would not follow as it was in the middle of winter and nobody in their right minds would want to go out during such weather conditions.

Walking through the snowy streets of Korea Key started to doubt his decisions on leaving. But one thought of going back to his father and all of the doubts were gone within the blink of an eye. He made the right choice. Key just wished that he had grabbed a jacket in his haste to leave the place.

By the time Key was standing by the front door of the tall apartment building waiting for his boyfriend to buzz him in, all traces of anger were gone from his system, replaced with nothing but ice as he stood there shaking like a leaf on a windy day. He even resorted to sticking his hands in the extra pair of shoes he was holding in the hopes to gain back feeling in his hands. His whole body quaked as he waited, cursing himself for being so stupid.

Then the clouds parted, angels sang from heaven, a ray of light descended from the skies as the face of his boyfriend came into view, one that changed from a look of happy surprise to concern and worry as he ran the rest of his way to the apartment building doors, wrenching it open and grabbing the shaking boy in his arms and squeezing him as tight as possible.

“Oh my god Bummie what are you doing out there in the cold without a jacket, are you crazy?!”

Key couldn't seem to open his mouth. So he just settled for burrowing his face into his boyfriend's oh so warm shoulder.

He heard a faint chuckle as a comforting hand ran itself up and down Key's arms.

"Ok let's get you inside. I'll question your sanity later."

And with that Key was picked up and thrown over a shoulder almost as if he were a lifeless rag doll that weighed less than a feather, a rag doll that was left outside for a whole winter.


A/N: First chapter up :D. It feels kind of incomplete but I just wanted to get the first one up >.<.

Ok byes~!

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okokokokok update tomorrow!! (most likely) sorry for the wait! Also this get's really....weird ok, just going to put that out there.


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nana_jjong #1
Chapter 5: Jjong you over protective pup /sobs
this givin me cavities omg >,<

anyway, have fun with your vacation babe ^^
Chapter 5: Omg Key's dad is a bit dence lol aw I enjoyed this update they seriously too cute right now XD

Hope your have fun on your holiday ^^
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 4: OMG, this story is killing me with cuteness! Please update VERY soon. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Yay update
Dear god Jongkey are too cute for this world 0.0
and I would deffo read the other story it sounds too funny drunk Jong ^^
Chapter 3: Aw this needs more subs and comments
Jonghyun you over protective puppy XD
Good luck with your exams ^^
Chapter 2: Aw this chapter was fun and fluffy and if Key keeps pouting it's gonna be the death of me O.O

Good luck with your finals and exams ^^
Chapter 1: Ok I Loved this chapter like a lot
Bring on the fluff :)