Of Ovens and Statues

Jongkey>everything else (Discontinued)

"So Key, mind telling me why you're -no wait scratch that- Mind telling me why you have shoes on your hands?" Jonghyun, his boyfriend asked in a teasing tone after setting Key down on his couch with a warm cup of water set onto the table in front of him. They were out of Hot Chocolate which was a pity really.

Key just stared reproachfully up at his lover, challenging his teasing smile.

"Aweh is Bummie still not defrosted yet" Jonghyun said in a teasing tone, "maybe we should put you in the oven to defrost" an evil smile soon grew in Jonghyun's face.
Key's just narrowed in suspicion.

Then with a startled intake of breath Key was once again lifted over Jonghyun’s shoulder and carried around like a lifeless rag doll; again.

Regaining feeling back into his arms Key started pounding on Jonghyun’s back, begging him to let him down. This only lead to him feeling a rather firm pressure on his as Jonghyun moved his hands from anchoring around Key’s legs to his , slightly squeezing it. An indignant gasp left Key’s lips as he was basically molested by his boyfriend.

He was just about to voice his annoyance when all of a sudden he was lifted from Jonghyun’s shoulders to be cradled in his arms, almost like an overgrown baby.

Slightly startled Key stared up at Jonghyun with questioning eyes, before realization soon hit him.

“Oh my god Jonghyun don’t you dare.”

“Dare what Bummie I’m trying to help you defrost”

“No, no, no, no, I’m fine, I’m fine, Jonghyun please don’t, oh my god are you serious don’t,” Like a koala Key wrenched himself out of Jonghyun’s arms and clung to his neck, legs wrapping themselves around his waist, “God dammit Jonghyun I swear, if you so much as open that oven door I will kill you”

“But Bummie I’m just trying to help” Jonghyun’s hands wrapped themselves around Key’s thighs, attempting to untie them from around his waist, “just, just let me help” he murmured under his breath in a coaxing tone.

Key started to panic as he heard the oven door open, switching tactics as fast as possible, “Jonghyun” he looked up at his lover’s face from his position as Jonghyun’s makeshift human vest, “Jonghyun please” He said in a soft voice, eyes open wide, staring straight up into his boyfriend’s eyes. He placed a soft kiss on the exposed flesh in front of him, “Please don’t do this Jjongie” emphasizing the phrase with another kiss to the bottom of his lover’s chin, “Please…” he whispered under his breath before stretching himself up and giving his boyfriend an earnest and loving kiss to the lips, slightly kneading the plump bottom lip with his teeth.

Key felt the hands trying to pry his legs away slacken and then move to his , almost creating a seat for him to sit on. Key heard a rather gurgled response from his lover as he felt him straighten up, giving up on trying to force Key into the oven. He felt the warmth leave his as Jonghyun removed his hands, instead placing one on Key’s forehead and trying to push it away, the reason? Key still had Jonghyun’s bottom lip in between his teeth and he was not planning on letting it go any time soon.

A long drawn out “Keeeeeeey” was heard as Jonghyun tried to free his lip from in between the other’s perfect teeth, he could feel drool running down his chin and damn it; it was not a pleasant feeling. Smirking but never letting go of the soft piece of flesh Key pulled on his sleeve and wiped the drool away, wiping the drool stained sleeve on his boyfriend’s chest a moment later. Then an idea suddenly came to Jonghyun. Key saw the change in his boyfriend’s expression and eyed him with wary eyes, lip still clenched in between Key’s teeth; his tongue occasionally running over the warm piece of flesh. Jonghyun’s tongue darted out before dangling there in between his teeth dangerously. Then before Key could react the tongue shot forward and up Key’s nose, leaving a wet and slimy trail in its wake. Oh god that’s gross. Key wrinkled his nose before wiggling it, trying to get the tingling sensation to go away. It was uncanny the similarities between his boyfriend and the puppies gathered at his boyfriend’s feet.

Key still did not let go of Jonghyun’s lip, instead choosing to it even more into his mouth.

Jonghyun didn’t know if this situation was meant to be romantic, playful or y. He felt slightly with the way Key’s tongue kept on his lip but then he also felt rather uncomfortable as his lip was stretched way beyond its usual capacity. Jonghyun Key’s nose again a couple of times, at first trying to get the other to release his lip but then later doing it just for the heck of seeing his already adorable boyfriend scrunch his nose up in the most cutest way possible.

Then another idea hit Jonghyun, this one way better than the first.

Key watched as a mischievous glint seemed to appear in Jonghyun’s eyes; this one much more challenging than the first.

Key was scared.


Seriously it wasn’t my fault I had to resort to this. Ok maybe it was considering I almost shoved him into an oven but I was just joking around. And besides, deep down I'm pretty sure that my Kibummie saw this coming, he might have even anticipated it.

 Slowly I brought my hands back to his thighs. His beautifully slim thighs; I squeezed them a bit. You wouldn't notice by looking at them but Kibum actually had some very muscular thighs, although slim; they were pure 100% muscle. Talk about y. I ran my hands up his thighs slowly until I reached his waist which I grabbed lightly, tenderly; Kibum was precious to me and therefore he must be treated with the utmost care. Says me when I almost just forced him into my oven, sometimes even I don't get me. That was a really confusing thought. Ok enough thinking this is making my head feel all weird.

 Slowly I trail my hands over to his lower back, slipping them under his shirt that was slightly hitched up. His skin was so smooth and pleasant to the touch. How did I even find such a great catch like Kibummie.

The boy in question was eyeing me suspiciously like as if he knew I was planning something. I shot a reassuring smile at him, or what I could manage as a reassuring smile considering he still had my bottom lip in between his teeth. My legs were getting tired so I jumped up onto the island in the middle of the kitchen, sitting on it with Kibummie on my lap. I could hear Roo and Comme Des circling the little island before running off, probably going to make little puppy love somewhere. That was a joke; animal is a no-no. I continued my little plan to get Kibummie to release my lip. I pressed my lips to his again; slowly moving with him while my hands ever so slowly slipped lower and lower. First my pinkies passed the waist line of his pants, then my fourth finger, then my middle finger. I stopped there, feeling the smooth and cool skin of my Kibummie's cute and hot little . I don't think he's notice that half of my hands were down his pants as I continued to kiss him slowly and sensually, the only sounds being the rushed intake of breath we took every couple of seconds before reconnecting our lips again. Slowly I inserted the rest of my hands into his pants, so they were cupping Kibummie's bare bottom. My fingers spread over the expanse of his fine, fine . I applied pressure at my fingertips, gently kneading the flesh; lips still busy caressing each other's. If Kibum did notice anything he didn't voice it out which obviously meant that I could go ahead with my actions. Slowly, eyes still shut, lips still pressed up against each other; I started kneading the 2 pieces of flesh in my hands. I marveled at the smooth texture and the softness.

 And either Key is numb in the or he is not giving me the satisfaction of having him react to me, either way I was not going to give up, my lip needed freeing. I stopped moving my lips, letting myself go to the feeling of Kibummie’s desperate and caressing. But he stopped too, a second after I did. He backed up and looked at me with questioning eyes; totally forgetting about my bottom lip. I smiled over the easy victory. It actually kind of surprised me how it wasn’t me molesting his that got him to release my lip but actually me not kissing him back.

“Why did you stop” Kibummie said with an adorable pout on his face.

I just hummed back, shifting my hands against his .

“Jonghyun!” He yelped, I guess he didn’t notice me slipping my hand into his pants.

“Yes” I said back teasingly; acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

I only received a glare in return. Or a half glare, considering his mouth was still in ‘adorable pout formation’

I chuckled before pecking his nose. Which only made him pout some more, although with traces of a smile on the corner of his lips.

“Seriously though, I can’t believe you me.” He said while scrunching up his nose as the feeling resurfaced.

“Well I could” I punctuated that by laying one solid up to the bridge of his nose.

“Ew Jjong, that’s gross!” He protested. But it didn’t matter; I knew secretly he liked it.

“What’s gross, this?” I say as I him once again. Before he could reply I bobbed my head forward and him once more, this time across the cheek.

I moved my head back, a huge goofy smile raising my cheeks.

“Jonghyuuuuun” Kibummie whined while wiping his face with his sleeves, resembling a cat bathing themselves. It was so cute I almost melted there on the spot.


Suddenly Key stopped, one hand raised on his cheek. He stared up at his boyfriend who in turn was staring rather blatantly at Key with a large loose smile on his face.

“Jjong you’re doing that weird thing where you zone out while staring at me again…” Key trailed off, knocking his knuckles on his boyfriend’s forehead.

Jonghyun stayed frozen. Key chuckled at his boyfriend’s childish actions, “Ok Jonghyun you can stop now”

Jonghyun stayed frozen.

“Jonghyun, stop” Key said slightly worried. He didn’t know why he was worried considering he knew his boyfriend was just playing around but honestly it was starting to creep him out.

“Jonghyun pleeeaaase” Key pleaded, cupping the other’s face with his hands. He tried to shake the other’s handsome face but it stayed rigid like a statue.

“Jonghyun” Key’s voice was curt; sharp as he continued to try and reanimate his boyfriend.

“Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun” Each name was accented with some kind of action to try and ‘wake’ his boyfriend up again; a pinch to the nose, a kiss to the lips, a tug at the hair, a nibble to the ear, nothing seemed to work.

Key let out a sigh before draping his body onto the immobile boy in front of him, head resting in the crook of his shoulder, “Jonghyuuuuuuuuun” Key sighed, trying to hold the “un” for as long as possible.

Key tried again; slowly getting louder, “JonghyuuuuuUUUUUUUUN”

And he tried again, screaming into the statue’s ear.

Key drew in a large intake of breath, bracing himself for the next drawn out “Jonghyun” crescendo that would most likely blow his voice all the way into next week.


Key was cut short as he felt a sudden firm squeeze to his accompanied with talented hands drumming and the flesh. He almost totally forgot that Jonghyun still had his hands down his pants.

He heard a chuckle by his ear, one that he hardly payed attention to as he suddenly felt the intense waves of pleasure start to lap up around him.

Unbeknownst to Key, a small wispy moan left his mouth.

Jonghyun grinned as he finally got the reaction he wanted.


Goot! ^.^

Ok I have no idea what happened this chapter. I had a plan but I don't even remember what it was anymore...

Anyways enjoy this update~ (I know it's not the best ok >.<)

This feels so scattered and random....

But then I guess technically considering it's a fluff there isn't really going to be a plot line holding it all together. Eh :P

I might not be able to update for a bit because of finals and last minute projects and my Socials teacher's inability to plan things meaning that we have to somehow finish 2 units plus a debate in 2 weeks.

So yeah XD.

Hehe byeeeooo~!

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okokokokok update tomorrow!! (most likely) sorry for the wait! Also this get's really....weird ok, just going to put that out there.


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nana_jjong #1
Chapter 5: Jjong you over protective pup /sobs
this givin me cavities omg >,<

anyway, have fun with your vacation babe ^^
Chapter 5: Omg Key's dad is a bit dence lol aw I enjoyed this update they seriously too cute right now XD

Hope your have fun on your holiday ^^
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 4: OMG, this story is killing me with cuteness! Please update VERY soon. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Yay update
Dear god Jongkey are too cute for this world 0.0
and I would deffo read the other story it sounds too funny drunk Jong ^^
Chapter 3: Aw this needs more subs and comments
Jonghyun you over protective puppy XD
Good luck with your exams ^^
Chapter 2: Aw this chapter was fun and fluffy and if Key keeps pouting it's gonna be the death of me O.O

Good luck with your finals and exams ^^
Chapter 1: Ok I Loved this chapter like a lot
Bring on the fluff :)