Deja Vu

No.. Not Again



 When Chansung looks up, he sees Junho with his eyes open wide and one hand covering his mouth. No.. no one should have seen this, I thought there was no one else here. Oh my god what do I do. He doesn’t realize his breathing had quickened.

 Junho snaps out from his shock when he hears Chansung’s breathing change and his eyes running wild like he’s trying to escape. He doesn’t like how Chansung looks right now and he really needs to stop it before anything bad happen.

 “Chan. Chansung!” Junho kneels in front of Chansung and shakes his shoulder to get his attention.
 “Come on Chan, breath.” Instructs Junho when he hears the wheezing from Chansung’s breathing become louder.
“Use your inhaler. Don’t be stubborn. You’re going to get worse.” Junho starts to panic when Chansung shakes his head and tries to struggle out from his grasp.
“Please Chan..” Hearing the tremble in Junho’s voice and seeing the panic in his eyes, Chansung feels guilty and finally uses the inhaler.

Junho lets go of Chansung’s shoulder and waits for the younger boy to compose himself. When he sees that Chansung has calmed down, he blows.

“What is wrong with you?!” Junho stands up and begins to pace back and forth as Chansung stares at the floor.
“Is this what happened the other night? How long have you been like this? Why didn’t you tell us anything?!” Junho’s still yelling out of frustration. Frustrated that he didn’t realize this sooner.

Chansung keeps looking at the door, scared that the others will comeback and see them fighting, and prays that they won’t come back anytime soon.

"I’m calling the others and we’re going to discuss this.”

Hearing that, Chansung scrambles to his feet and reaches for Junho to stop him but stumbles because his legs feel weak and he’s still dizzy. Fortunately Junho sees this and reaches in time and catches the younger boy before Chansung hits the ground.

“Sit down before you fall down.” Junho says with a stern voice, as he lowers Chansung down slowly.

When he begins to stand up he feels Chansung pull him back down again. Now they’re at eye level, and he can see the pleading and the tears glisten in Chansung’s eyes. So Junho sits back down and listens to whatever Chansung’s has to say.

"Please Junho, don’t tell the others.” Chansung tells him.
"Why? After what happened you still think I should hide this? No, I don’t think so.” Junho says voice still raised but not as loud as before.
"Look how you had reacted. Imagine if the others knew about this. I don’t want you guys to worry about me when we have other important things to think about. Plus I can handle this, it’s not a big deal.” Chansung replies, matching Junho’s tone.
"What do you mean it’s not a big deal? And off course I’m worried Chan, we’re brothers and we’re suppose to look out for each other. Don’t you think of us as brothers?” Junho looks hurt.
“What? No! Off course I do! I’m sorry alright. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just don’t want to make a fuss. We got many things to do and I don’t want to be a hindrance to you guys.”
When he sees Junho about to reply he continues, “How about this, I promise I’ll tell you if something is wrong, and I’ll tell the others after all our busy activities have calm down. Okay?”
Junho really wants to argue but he knows it’s just a waste of time so instead he replies, “Fine. One condition though. I want you to tell me now what’s wrong with you. Do you have asthma or something? Is it bad?”

Chansung shakes his head and when he’s about to answer, Taec and Junsu enter the room talking to each other. Both Chansung and Junho fall silent and Junho sends a look to Chansung saying We’re not finished, and soon after Nickhun and Wooyoung come in with their drinks. After refreshing, Taec announces, “Alright let’s get back to practice.”

Junho hears Chansung gasp beside him. He knows Chansung can’t handle another round right now. Junho gets up and walks toward Taec and the others as he comments, “Hyung~ I’m hungry… can we stop for now? Let’s continue some other day. We’ve practiced a lot before and we still got time to practice before the performance. I’m tired...” Junho whines.


Nickhun, who can’t resist when his dongsaeng whine like that butts in, “He’s right Taec. Plus it’s almost time for our next schedule anyway.“

“Fine, I’ll call Minjae hyung to pick us up.” Taec turns and pulls out his phone.

Junsu on the other hand keeps looking at Junho. There’s something wrong here. Junho never asks to stop practice and why does he kept glancing at Chansung. Chansung, he didn’t say a word, he’s just sitting there and.. wait, what’s that?.. Junsu’s thoughts are interrupted when Taec begins to speak.

"Alright guys, let’s go, Minjae-hyung said he’ll be here in 5 minutes.” With that, the boys begin to get their things and walk out of the room.

When Chansung walks behind him, Junsu holds Chansung’s arm close and whispers, “You alright Channie-ah?” When Chansung nods hesitantly, he smiles and lets go of Chansung’s arm. Chansung continues to catch up the others.


Junsu is the last one to leaves the room. Before he leaves, he looks around checking if there’s anything left behind when something catches his eyes. He walks towards the object and bends down to pick it up. What the..


"Junsu hyung come on..”calls Wooyoung.
“Alright I’m coming.” Junsu stuffs the object into his beg and runs to catch up on the others.  I’m going to keep this. Let’s see if I’m right.

In the van, everybody is doing their own thing. Taec and Wooyoung are listening to music, Junho is staring out the window, Nickhun is texting someone, Chansung is sleeping, tired from last ordeal, while Junsu is watching over the maknae and lost in his thoughts.

They arrive at their dorm. They have their lunch and immediately get ready for their next schedule. When everyone is about to go, Chansung’s still in his room looking for something. His roommate, Nichkhun sees this.

“Chansung-ah, come on everyone is down already.”
"When Chansung doesn’t respond, still rummaging through his bag he asks, “Are you looking for something?”
“Yeah, hyung do you see my in..”
Chansung almost slips but covers it fast by saying, “Oh I found it. You go first hyung I’m right behind you.”
“Alright be quick.” With that Nichkhun leaves the room.

That was close. Where did it go? I’m sure I put it back in the bag before. Ahh I better go now maybe it’s in there but I missed it. Chansung goes off to catch up with the rest of the members. Minjae-hyung come to pick them up and they’re off to their next schedule. In the van, Chansung goes to sit beside Junho. Junho sees Chansung’s face when he enters the van, and he leans closer to Chansung and whispers, “What’s wrong? You look troubled.”

Making sure only Junho hears him he answers, “I think I lost it Junho, I lost my inhaler.”
Shocked, Junho asks, “Are you sure? Where did you put it last time?”
“I put it in my bag. Maybe I just missed it in there. Let’s just hope I didn’t drop it somewhere. The last thing I need is someone finding it.” Chansung is still lost in his thought when he hears someone speak,
“Where are we going again hyung?” asks Wooyoung to Minjae-hyung infront.
“Today you are going to the beach for a cf shoot. There will be some shoots in the water, so be careful, it’s quite windy.”

The moment he hears the word ‘beach’, Chansung pales and all the memories come rushing back to him. He gasps making all the members looks at him. Junho, who is sitting beside him, can also feel Chansung trembling.

“Chansung, hey what’s wrong” Junho pats Chansung arm lightly.
Chansung returns from his memores and sees all worried eyes on him. He shakes his head saying, “No..nothing hyung. I’m..I’m just excited.” Chansung stutters and laughs to distract his hyungs.
“Are you sure? You look pale” Taec asks.
“Yeah? Maybe it’s” Chansung doesn’t know what to say.

Before Taec can reply, they arrive halting him and the others from asking more questions. One by one they move out of the van.

“If you’re not feeling well just tell us alright?” Taec pats Chansung’s head. Chansung nods and Taec walks away following the others.

Thank god.Chansung sighs. Beside him,  Junho says, “Remember your promise okay?” and runs off when someone calls him.

When Chansung begins to walk someone tugs his arm. “Chansung-ah..”
Startled, he looks back and sees Junsu looking at him with curious eyes. “Oh hyung, I thought you were gone already. Let’s go, they’re waiting for us.” Chansung turns with Junsu’s hand still on his arm.
Junsu doesn’t move and instead asks, “Wait. Chansung-ah.. did you lose something?” Junsu can tell that Chansung is startled by his question.
Chansung tries to put on a straight face as he answers, “No.. no hyung why did you ask?”
Junsu just smiles and replies, “Just asking. Nevermind. Let’s catch up to the others.”

With that they walk side by side towards their other members. Don’t tell me he has it, Chansung thinks to himself as he glances over at Junsu.

The shooting starts. So far nothing bad happens, they’re have fun shooting on the beach. Chansung really hopes he doesn’t have to go in the water. Unfortunately, luck doesn’t seems to be on his side today. His heart falls when he and Nichkhun are told to go into the water. He starts to shake and he can’t move. He stares straight into the ocean, memories playing in his head once more. His trembling stops when he suddenly feels Nichkhun’s hand on his shoulder.

“Come Chansung-ah, it’s going to be fun.” He looks up and sees Nichkhun’s smiling face.
Get a grip Chansung. You can do this. Nothing’s going to go wrong. You’re a grown up now. He matches Nichkhun’s smile and nods his head. “Let’s go hyung.”

The first time his foot touches the water he pulls back. Come on Chansung everyone is watching. This time he takes a deep breath and tries again. He manages to go in without any problem. Then he starts to swim towards Nichkhun who’s already at the front. The memory keeps flashing in his eyes but he shakes it off. The shoots begin and for a while, everything runs smoothly when suddenly a wave comes and he goes under for a second. Chansung starts to panic. He feels like his drowning again and there is no one there to save him. He begins flailing his arm surprising Nichkhun who is beside him.

"Chansung! Hey! Chansung it’s alright!” Nichkhun shouts calling Chansung’s name.
"Chan relax it’s not deep.” Nichkhun tres to grip Chansung’s hand but fails.

The older boy hooks an arm around Chansung and waves his other arm to the boat urging them to come faster. When the boat finally comes they pull a shaking Chansung and Nichkhun into the boat and go back to the shore.

The other member had seen what had happened. They stop whatever they’re doing and rush to where the boat is coming in. Taec pulls Chansung’s right arm over his shoulder and his own arm wraps around Chansung’s waist and begins to walk to the tent. Junho’s right beside him supporting Chansung’s back, while Wooyoung wraps a towel around Nichkhun’s shoulders and Junsu’s asking him if he’s alright. Chansung’s lucky it’s the final scene, so it’s a wrap for today’s shoot. The support staff try to help but Chansung refuses them. Finally Junsu says, “Nevermind we’ll take care of this.” With that they depart leaving the members to take care of Chansung. Everyone is trying to bring Chansung out of his current state but fail.


"Come on kid you’re safe.” Chansung snaps back to reality when he hears it. That word..





okay.. cliffhanger again..
anyway thanks for reading^^
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Chapter 8: Omgomgomgomg my poor baby maknae (well ... Overgrown but still adorably sweet maknae) Chanana ... T_T
I bet its Khunnie isn't it????
Anyways when did it happen? If it happened after the I'll Be Back thingy (well ... Before but you get what I'm saying ... Right?) then how old was Channie? If it happened when he was a kid (aww he'd be so cute >.<) then how come it didn't affect him with his other performances? And ...
Oh well never mind... This was a-m-a-z-i-n-g either way and I loved it!!!! You are amazing but next time don't cause my poor maknae so much sadness TT_TT
shineeexogg #2
Wow, I just found this story now but, it's a really nice story. :) Is the savior Nichkhun? I sort of feel like it's him. xD
Chapter 8: aa what a nice story.. i also have asthma and cld exactly feel the same with Channie.. i am new fan and wld like to know if Channie has really asthma ^^
And i dont know if you already tell who the saver was but my guess wld be Junho ^-^
Chapter 7: Oh my. That storry brought me to cry Q_Q Its beautiful. I love how you describe their feelings and thoughts. This is real Brotherhood. This is 2PM. All I can say I LOVE IT. ♥
naznew #5
your story so good..
i love it..
its Junsu?
No, but I am studying Korean.
syirasapphire #7
@channie-bear yup! Good guess<br />
@Mayvin waaa~ guilty! I didn't do any research for this fic(my first actually) accept about the inhaler thing.. Sorry T_T.. You live in korea?<br />
I was talking about #4, in the story Chansung just says a few years ago, so it was possible that Taec was still living in Korea. ^_^
syirasapphire #9
sorry, point 4 and 5..