Chapter 26

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“So I guess bambi will join us for soccer today?” Jongin asked when Sehun had told him everything about last night’s meeting.

“Soccer? OH ! I forgot! Wait… I’ll call him… Maybe we should ask Baek and Yeol as well… We need some people to play,” Sehun searched his bed for his phone.

“Yeol can come… But I don’t want Baek anywhere near Nayeon… I still need her…”

“Whatever… We need people to play!”

“I’ll as Kyung… He can bring Eunmi…”

“… WHAT? No way… WHAT?”

“You heard me… I’d rather have Kyungsoo and his girlfriend here than Baek! I still need Nayeon! Baek can have her in about a month,” Jongin said and started to text Kyungsoo.

“Gosh… He’ll need at least three months to realize he likes her… We’re talking about Byun Baekhyun… You know… The guy that sees girls as his best friends because they can give him tips for make-up and stuff…”

“He’s not that bad, Sehun. He only did that once to get rid of that girl,” the taller laughed. “But I guess you’re right… It will take a little time for them to go on a date… I’ll still text Kyung… I want to know what it’s like to meet him again… And meeting him with a lot of other people around sounds easier to me…”

“True… Lu doesn’t pick up,” Sehun pouted at his phone. “What is he doing? It’s already 11…”

“Making out with Kris, I guess...”

“You’re so funny, Jongin… So much I could kill you right now…”

“He could be asleep, you know… You said he brought you home… The last subway’s here around… Midnight… Then the walk to your house… The goodnight kiss… I’m pretty sure that took longer than it should… And then he still had to walk home… Who knows how long it took him to get there…”

“I hate it when you’re right… So much I could kill you right now…”

“Wow… You’re on repeat today… Great…”

After about half an hour that the two friends had spent with calling their other friends and telling them when and where to meet Luhan finally called Sehun.

“Lu? Are you okay? Were you still asleep? Did I wake you? I’m sorry!” He only got some giggling as an answer. “Lu?”

“Yeah? Don’t worry… I’m fine… I was out… Kris ate all the bread and I needed something for breakfast… I left my phone here because it was charging. So… Any reasons to call me or did you just miss me as much as I missed you?”

“I missed you a lot more that you think,” Sehun smiled and Jongin only rolled his eyes and kicked him. “And… We’re going to play soccer today.”

“Who’s ‘we’?”

“Me… Jongin, Nayeon, Baek, Yeol… I’m not sure about his girlfriend… She hates rain and mud… Kyungsoo and Eunmi… And well… I was hoping you would come as well…”

“Sure! I’d love to. I love rain and mud and soccer… Well… And you… So I get everything I love at once… Sounds nice!”

“I love you too!” Another kick from his best friend. “COULD YOU STOP KICKING ME? Get out… No one asked you to listen to our conversation!... Sorry, Lu… Jongin’s being the idiot he always is… We’ll meet at the soccer field at 2!”

“Cool… Can I bring Kris and Yixing? They look bored…”

“Sure… Oh… And bring clothes for later… You can change here… And Kris and Yixing can as well… If they want to…”

“Okay… So… When should we be at your place?”

“Come now if you want lunch… Mum’s making… I don’t even know… But it’s enough for everyone…”

“Your mum’s making pizza,” Jongin grinned from beside him.

“Okay… Mum’s making pizza… And before you ask… I’m sure all three of you can come… She already invited ‘all of my little friends that go out to play soccer in the rain’…”

“Well then… See you in about… 30 minutes… 35… Kris is looking for nice clothes for later,” he could almost hear how his boyfriend rolled his eyes.

“See you… Lu?”


“You can bring some clothes for tomorrow if you want to…”

“Oh… Yeah… Sure!”

“See you!”


“Really?” Jongin raised an eyebrow as soon as Sehun put his phone away.


“He’s sleeping here?”

“So? None of your business…”

“You’re forgiving him way too easy…”

“That’s what you think… But I guess he learned his lesson… So it’s okay… Let me do it my way, will you?”

“Okay… It’s just… I don’t want you to get hurt again,” Jongin looked at his feet.

“I know… And I’m really thankful for that… It’s just… I guess I need to make my own decisions. And this is my relationship… So I’m going to do it according to my heart…”

“You know what… This was kind of good for you…”

“What? That he cheated on me? Why?”

“You sound a lot more grown up now… Maybe you needed that to grow up a little… Maybe I need that as well…”

“You want to go through that again?” Sehun couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nope… I prefer staying a child forever… More fun…”

“But I guess growing up has advantages as well…”

“Yeah… You have to make your own decisions and take the blame when they were wrong… You have to work to earn a little money… You have to cook on your own… Do your own laundry… Wash the dishes… Clean the house… Find a place to live at… Sounds pretty stupid to me, to be honest…”

“I’ll live with Lu… I won’t do any of that alone,” Sehun grinned.

“You’re living in your bubble again, idiot! Watch out or it might burst again.”

“No way… We both learned something from it, I guess…”

“Maybe you’ll ask yourself how it would have been to be with someone else later…”

“Damn… I never thought of that!” Sehun sat up. “Jongin? I have a favor to ask…”


“Sleep with me!”

“WHAT? NO! That’s gross! Why?”

“I mean… after I slept with Luhan… That way I won’t have to wonder… I’d know! Please!”

“NO! I meant it more in the way of having a relationship… A serious one… And NO! I’m not going to date you!”

“You’re the worst best friend ever…”

“Maybe you’re one of those people who only need one person in their life,” Jongin tried again.

“I guess you’re right… Thank god! Who would sleep with you? I mean… Except for Kyungsoo… But we already know that he’s not normal…”

“Thanks, Sehun… You’re so nice today…”

“I know… Don’t get used to it… Now let’s go… I smell pizza!”

“I smell people that aren’t you… Thank god I get company that doesn’t want to get in my pants…”

“You never know what Kyungsoo wants,” Sehun winked.

“Stop that… That’s really not funny…”








Their lunch had been more like a huge war between the ten teens. Sehun almost felt sorry for his mother because the dining room really looked like a battlefield. But he guessed she should have been prepared for that when she had told him to invite his friends over.

“Wow… It looks like we just fought a huge fight,” Luhan commented after taking a look at the table.

“We did,” Chanyeol told him. “Getting enough food is always a huge fight.”

“Yeah… And we’re still growing,” Sehun agreed.

“Then stop! I don’t want you to grow anymore… You got too big already,” Luhan whined.

“Why? I want to be taller than you…”

“I don’t want you to be taller…”

“One of you has to grow,” Kris said from the side. “Right now… You’re the same height… You look exactly the same from behind… Thanks to the hair color…”

“It’s not just the hair… Their bodies look the same,” Jongin joined in.

“That’s because they are perfect for each other! I mean… They don’t even fight… They have no problems at all and their relationship is perfect.” As soon as Sehun’s mother had said that Luhan had nearly chocked on his juice. Sehun patted his back and smiled a little.

“Did I say something wrong?” his mother wanted to know.

“Well… No… It’s just that our relationship is not perfect… We’re just human, mum… We do fight… I just don’t tell you about it…”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s none of your business that we fight over which movie to watch or if we should eat fruits of chips while watching it…”

“That’s not what I call fighting, baby… Just wait until you get older… I’m talking about real fights… Fights that aren’t over in a few minutes…”

“Fights that result in nice make-up-,” Chanyeol added. “Those are my favorite fights!”

“Wow… Thanks, Yeol… We all really wanted to know about that,” Baekhyun said and rolled his eyes. “Keep the details of your life to yourself…”

“You’re just jealous because you don’t even have one…”

“Well… To your information… Just because I’m not in a relationship doesn’t mean I don’t have !”

“Who does that? without a proper relationship?” Chanyeol looked a little lost.

“Well… Me… Jongin… Luhan did it before… I don’t see the problem…”

“Did you say Jongin?”

“No he did not,” Jongin said and glared at his smallest friend. “Baek’s talking bull! I mean… Who should I have with?”

“That nervous fake laugh just killed it,” Kris told him and Chanyeol nodded.

“Who is it??? Who? Do I know her? Is she pretty? Why aren’t you together?” the latter added.

Jongin only blushed and looked away. There was no way in hell he was going to tell his tall puppy friend that he’d slept with Kyungsoo. It was already bad enough that he knew about Jongin’s crush on the other.

“It’s me,” Nayeon decided to save him. “And we’re not in a relationship because… I don’t know… It’s easier that way?” Sehun didn’t miss how shocked his best friend looked when hearing that. And he also didn’t miss the gloomy look on Kyungsoo’s face. Not that he minded… He liked it when his enemy felt bad.

“Wow… Jongin… She’s really pretty! You should go for more complicated stuff, you know? She seems really nice as well,” Chanyeol held both of his thumbs up.

“We’ll see,” Jongin mumbled, still blushing.

“I’m not so sure you’ll say I’m nice after I kicked your on the field today,” Nayeon said and hugged her blushing friend. “Right, Jongin?”

“He’ll hate you,” he grinned a little. “Chanyeol doesn’t like getting his kicked by girls.”

“They already look like a couple,” Eunmi exclaimed. “Hey guys… We should go on a double-date!”

“NO!” Kyungsoo jumped nearly a meter and everyone looked at him as if he was crazy. “I mean… They’re not together yet… And she doesn’t really fit… I mean… With Jongin…”

“Are you crazy? They look really cute together,” his girlfriend laughed at him and Kyungsoo only mumbled something under his breath.

“By the way… There’s this party tonight… You guys should come,” Nayeon told them. “It’s at my friends place and there’s free alcohol.”

“I’m not drinking any more than I already did in my life… I made enough mistakes,” Jongin told her with a straight face.

“You’re the reason we’re going there… You need to loosen up a bit,” she punched his shoulder lightly.

“I’m not so sure about that…”

“I am… You’re coming!”

“Yes, captain!”

“Good boy! So… What about the rest?”

“I’m totally in,” Kris said and Yixing only nodded.

“Can I bring my girlfriend? Then I’ll come,” Chanyeol said and went out to call said girlfriend after Nayeon told him it was okay to bring her.

The only one who didn’t agree was Luhan.

“Come on bambi… Don’t be like that! I have to go… I need Sehun there with me,” Jongin whined.

“I never said he can’t go… It’s just… I still remember my last party,” he looked at his feet.

“I’ll make sure you don’t drink too much,” Sehun promised. “And you don’t really need to worry… It’s not like I’d let you go home with anyone other than me.”

“Okay… I’ll go,” he sighed. “Now stop looking at me like that! Where did you even learn that? It’s not fair to look at me like that…”

“I learned it from the best,” the younger kissed his cheek.


“You… Now let’s get going… I want to get my clothes muddy!”

“You only say that because your mum does your laundry,” Kris giggled.

“Shut up, big daddy… It’s not like you do your own laundry,” Luhan scolded. “I’m the only one who ever does the laundry in our room! And I’m the only one who cleans and cooks… I feel like a housewife… Oh god… Someone save me!”

“A housewife? Sorry… But we’re definitely not married… That would mean we’d need to… No thank you! I’ll do my own laundry starting from tomorrow,” Kris promised and Luhan smiled like he just found the cure for cancer.



A/N: Since I got so many comments again I thought I should really put this up today instead of falling straight into my nice bed that's still waiting for me xD So... they're all going to this party... I hope they'll all behave like the good boys they are!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~