Chapter 24

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It was finally the day when Luhan would come back to Korea and life was perfect again. Jongin seemed to be okay and met the girl he met at the wedding pretty much every day and Sehun felt lonely a lot. And he wanted to get to know her since she seemed to be perfect. Or else his best friend had been ignoring his texts just for the fun of it which would be a really rude thing to do.

He was just getting ready to go over to Luhan’s dorm – the older had no idea he would come – when Jongin finally remembered him again and came into his room.

“Hey there… Where are you going?”

“Wow… You remembered I still exist? She must be perfect! I’m going over to meet Luhan… He came back two hours ago… Well that’s what he told me before he went to China… But if he’s not there I’m going to make Kris call him”

“Sounds like a plan… And she’s nice… I wanted to ask if you and Luhan would like to come to the cinema with us… On Friday?” Jongin played with the hem of his shirt and smiled at him shyly.

“A double-date? Sure! I’ll ask him… But I’d love to. I still need to check her out to know if she’s good enough for you,” Sehun winked at his best friend.

“She is… She stayed after I told her about Kyungsoo… I mean… We’re not together or anything… But it’s nice to spend time with her… I don’t have to think about him when I’m with her… Well… Most of the time…”

“You’ll get over that ! Trust me… Did he ever contact you again?”

“He did… He still has one of my video games… And he knows that I love it… So yeah… He just wanted to know if I needed it back… He’s going to give it to Luhan… So I trust you to bring it back whole…”

“Okay… You sound like one of those couples who had a really intense break-up in those movies…”

“I know… I just don’t feel like seeing him… I know I’d do something I’ll regret…”

“You know… Maybe he just asked you to have an excuse to talk to you,” Sehun pointed out.

“Don’t get my hopes up, idiot… Go see bambi… I know you missed him like crazy.”

“I thought I’d die!”

“I know… I was there,” the taller laughed at his friend’s exaggeration and patted his back.

“What are you going to do?”

“Beauty day with my sisters,” he pulled a face. “I have no idea how I got into that… But my nails look awful and my face needs moisturizer… Or something like that… They said they would prefer not to talk about my hair… Seems like it’s not in the state to go on dates with me… So… You’ll meet a whole new person in school tomorrow… Don’t be blinded by my perfection.”

“Stop grinning like that, oaf! I won’t even have time to look at you because I’ll still be in heaven… I finally get so see Lu! Now get out… I really need to go… I don’t want him to fall asleep… I mean… He doesn’t even know I’ll come over… He could already be asleep… Should I not go today? What if he’s tired?”

“You can just cuddle up next to him…”

“I love you!”

“I love you!”

“Thanks, man… I’d love it if you’d say that to Luhan next time…”

“Don’t worry about that! I even learnt how to say in in perfect Chinese!”

“The cheese! Someone save me!”






After waiting in front of Luhan’s dorm for five minutes Sehun had had enough and let himself in. He knew that his boyfriend was back the second he entered the room because the older’s clothes were scattered on the floor and the suitcase lay in the middle of the room, still half full.

It took the teen a while to realize that the shower was running. That must have been the reason why no one had answered the door. He decided to clean Luhan’s clothes up while waiting.

He was halfway through folding everything neatly when the bathroom door opened and Luhan came out, wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt, his hair still wet from the shower.

“Oh go you scared me,” the blonde stumbled back and looked like he had just seen a ghost. “When did you come?”

“A few minutes ago… I knocked… But you didn’t open the door for about five minutes… I realized you were in the shower after coming in…”

“Oh… Why are you folding my laundry?”

“Why are you bringing dirty clothes back?”

“My mum’s not your mum… I have to do my own laundry…”

“Oh… Shall I help you?”

“No… It’s okay…”

“Are you okay?”

“Me? Sure…,” Luhan bit his lip. “Why?”

“I was worried… You didn’t answer any of my mails… You were never online… I thought you were sick… Or hurt… Or you got kidnapped…” Sehun heard the other giggle at his last comment.

“Don’t be silly, Sehun. I can defend myself. No one’s going to kidnap me. I was just… I never turned my computer on… Sorry.” The teen didn’t like how his boyfriend kept looking to the ground.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a little out of it,” Sehun placed a hand on his forehead.

“Just a little tired, I guess. The last ten days were hard,” Luhan sighed and hugged him.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not right now.” The older buried his face in Sehun’s neck and pressed a few kisses on it. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Sehun smiled a little. “Ask Jongin… He had to find himself a girl because he was tired of me…”

“He has a girlfriend?”

“Not yet… Things with him and Kyungsoo got a little complicated… Wait… You don’t even know about that… Jongin kind of had a relationship based on with Kyungsoo… Well… He told him how he feels about him after a while… Now they don’t see each other anymore… So… Yeah… Jongin told her about it and they’re taking it slow now… He asked if we want to join them for a double-date to the cinema this Friday… Please? I want to meet her!” Luhan smiled a little before looking away again.

“I’m not sure about Friday,” he admitted after a while.

“Do you have lots of homework? Classes? Choir? I can ask them to go next week.”

“I’m not sure about next week as well,” Luhan sighed.


“I’ll tell you a little later, yeah?”

“Okay? Why not now?”

“Because I want to be a little selfish right now,” the older told him before he kissed him.

Sehun didn’t really know what was so selfish about it but he wasn’t going to complain. He’d had to live without Luhan for way too long to ask any more questions at that moment.

Luhan stopped after a while a sighed again. “Why did you come over?”

“Well… I missed you,” Sehun was a little taken aback. “I thought you wouldn’t mind… Sorry…”

“Don’t be… It’s just… I was planning on doing this tomorrow…”

“Doing what tomorrow?”

“Telling you what happened…”

“Is it bad? Did something happen in your family? Is there anything I can do to help?” Sehun was getting really worried. He’d never seen Luhan looking this anxious.

“My family’s fine… I’m more worried about you,” Luhan started biting his lip again.

“Me? Why me? I’m fine… I mean… Jongin’s okay again… Mum leaves me alone when I ask her to and you’re finally back again. What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with you, Sehun… It’s just that…” Luhan stood up again and got more of his clothes out of his suitcase. “I don’t really know how to tell you that…”

“It can’t be that bad… I won’t kill you…”

“No… But you might hate me and I’m not ready for that yet,” the teen hated how Luhan’s eyes were glistening from the tears forming in them.


“You might not want to see me on Friday… You might not want to see me ever again and I would totally understand you… But I’m just not ready to let you go just now…”

“Lu… What are you even talking about? No one’s going to let anyone go,” Sehun tried to hug him but Luhan dodged it.

“You might want to sit down…” Sehun did as he was told. “I’m going to start from the beginning if it’s okay for you?”

“Sure,” was all the younger said even though he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear any of it.

“When I got home… Everything was just fine… I spend time with my family and it was really nice. I mean… I hadn’t seen my grandmother in years… Okay… no… It was just one year… But still… And I got to talk to my parents a lot… After the first week it got a little boring to be at home the whole time though… So I met some of my old friends… Some of them changed… A lot… Which is good, I guess… Some of them didn’t… I went clubbing with them once... I’m sorry…”

“Why? You don’t need to be sorry for going out with your friends,” Sehun told him because he really couldn’t see the problem with that.

“I met some other people there… My ex for example-“

“One of the s?”

“No… One of the nice ones-“

“Thank god,” the younger relaxed again and Luhan pulled a face.

“It was nice at first… We drank a lot… All of us… we danced… had a lot of fun… Sehun, I…”

“You what? You drank some alcohol and had fun with your friends… That’s nothing I didn’t expect, to be honest.”

“I went home with him because I was too drunk to show up at my place.”


“Do you want to put your shoes on right now or in a minute?”

“That bad?”

“I slept with him.” Luhan squeezed his eyes shut and Sehun just stared at him.

“You… what?” The older’s eyes opened slowly.

“I’m sorry! I have no idea how it happened… It just did… And I don’t even know how it could happen… Sehun, I’m sorry! I never meant to… I just… I honestly don’t know what got into me-“

“Oh I do… This nice guy that I’m pretty sure is really good-looking… And he was there when you needed him to be, right? Now I know why you never contacted me… I bet you guys had a lot of fun, right?” Sehun didn’t even know when he had started to cry and why he was getting louder with every word he said.

“No… Sehun, NO! It just happened once, I swear! I never met him again after that!”

“Whatever, Lu… Whatever…”

“Where are you going?”

“Home… What do you think? But don’t worry… I don’t have anyone back there to mess with as soon as you’re out of reach.”

“Can’t we talk about it?” Luhan’s voice was barely audible and Sehun hated how much it hurt to see the other standing in the middle of his room, holding back his tears and looking like he regretted his whole life.

“What is there to talk about? Just go back to him and have fun. I bet you missed him when you had to meet me.”

“That’s not true, Sehun. Stop saying stuff like that! I know that what I did was wrong, but-“ Sehun slammed the door shut as soon as he had his shoes on and ran out of the building. He didn’t want the other to come after him. He needed time to progress what his boyfriend – ex-boyfriend? – had just told him and he just wanted to be alone.



A/N: So... Luhan is back! YEAH!! (???) Well... I guess some of you wish he would have stayed in China now... Sorry xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~