Chapter 4

Reunited ♠

The first few classes ended and it is finally lunch time. The four friends gathered for lunch. Each person had a different lunch to eat, except for Minjoo. Minjoo had nothing as usual, since she never has time to pack for lunch, nor the money. So she eats off of Changjo,Ricky and Chansi most of the time like it's her own mini buffet. Today, Ricky has kimbap, Changjo has ramen and Chansi has... VIETNAMESE NOODLES. PHO! Minjoo,Chansi and Zelo LOVE pho. Changjo doesn't feel the same as the others though.

Ricky kindly fed Minjoo pieces of his kimbap before her thankful words and a smile.
Their lovey dovey moment was interrupted by Changjo clearing his throat. "Gosh.. there's people who are trying to enjoy lunch.. we don't need you love birds ruining our appetite!"
"Haha. Where's Zelo? He said he would sit with us for lunch... I even have cherry tomatoes! His favourite food.." Chansi muttered with a frown.

Just then, Minjoo takes a sip of water and see's Zelo and a girl dangling from his arms! She then chokes on her water because she knows that Chansi REALLY likes Zelo so Minjoo doesn't want her to be heartbroken on the first day of school..

"Eonni.. is something wrong?" Chansi turns to see what this is all about but Minjoo stops her.
"It's nothing.. don't worry!"

Chansi shakes it off and gets back to eating. "Alright, if you say so..."

Ricky was about to feed Minjoo another piece of his kimbap until Jongup sperated the couple, sitting right in between of both of them. "Why hello again! Minjoo, fancy seeing you here~" Jongup flirtatiously said.

"Uh.. and you are?" Changjo and Chansi both said in unison.

Minjoo clears their confusion immediately. "Oh, This is Moon Jongup! He's in our science class.. Chansi don't you remember?"

Chansi finally got the information in her head and remembers everything. "Oh! You're the guy who stood up out of no where in class! Nice to finally have a proper welcome!" She says with a smile and soon shakes hands politely. 

"OKAY GUYS. THAT HAND SHAKE IS LONG ENOUGH!" Changjo awkwardly laughed, showing his obvious jealousy.

Jongup looks confused and gives him an 'Are you okay' look. "Anyways, Minjoo. I'm really sorry about what happened in science class and for my behavior, so I bought these for you!" He gives Minjoo Hong Kong waffles with a panda on the bag, while his own waffles has chocolate chips in his with a polar bear on the front.
"She can't forget this..."

"OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS! I HAVEN'T EATTEN THEM IN SO LONG! Oh hey look, there's a hippo on the bag! Thats my favourite animal. Thanks Jongup!" Minjoo states, with a wide smile.

*8 year old Minjoo and 9 year old Jongup*

It's a beautiful summer day, as Minjoo and Jongup lay on the grass. It's just her and a boy, alone, but she couldn't picture his face right enough.. but it looks kind of like Jongup. Both run in the grass then all of the sudden they spot a cart that sells Hong Kong waffles. Both went to the cart and with little pocket money the boy had with him. He bought 2 bags of the waffles, one for Minjoo and one for him. Each bag had a different animal. One had a panda and the other one had a polar bear. Minjoo took the one with a panda and said "Pandas are my favourite animal!"  while Jongup had the one with the polar bear and  said "I love polar bears!".
So, Minjoo takes out a pen out of her pocket and decides to draw next to his birth mark on his hand, which strangely resembles a bear. Minjoo draws a panda next to the birthmark, not forgetting the dark circles and two hands so it looks like they're holding hands.
"This shows our friendship!" 

Minjoo feels something brush against her lip lower lip, immediately snapping back into reality.
"You had a little crumb there." Jongup says, reminding her.
Minjoo gets embarresed and starts to blush. "Oh.. thank you.. " she muttered under her breath.
Her boyfriend notices this and curls his fist in anger. Obviously, in jealousy. He was FAAR above jealousy. (A/N: (배아파?)

She then looks around and seems to land on Jongup's hand and spots the same bear-like birth mark on his hand. The little pieces goes together now, fitting like a puzzle. Minjoo has finally found out everything. Everything Jongup has been doing to get her memories back, and all these flashbacks.

"MOON JONGUP! Are you.. the same.. boy.. from 8 years ago?!?"

 What Minjoo had just said, it left all the other 3 by-standers in great confusion.


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