Chapter 2

Reunited ♠

As the minutes,hours and days passed and Minjoo finally found an actual friend named Chansi. Their seats were assigned beside each other on the first day of seventh. They found out there was a lot in common between them, and immediately became best friends. She also met a boy named Ricky, who was one of Chansi's good friends. Ricky and Minjoo soon became lovers in 8th grade, as Chansi developed feelings for Junhong, or what most people call him these days, Zelo. Not only that, but Changjo grew to like Chansi as well. Since Ricky and Changjo are a year older than the others, Minjoo was very sad being in 8th grade without Ricky. Now, Chansi, Minjoo and Zelo are starting their freshman year of high school. Unfortunately, the two siblings got kicked out of the orphanage since it's been so many years and they still haven't found new parents. They both have to work hard at a part time job to keep the rooftop house they're currently owning and living in.




Ricky, Changjo, Minjoo, Zelo and Chansi swiftly walked into the highschool. It's Zelo's, Chansi's and Minjoo's  first day being a freshman, so they don't know where the classes are. It's a relief that they have Ricky and Changjo.
Zelo felt out of place when he's with the two guys, so he walked away after saying "Well, looks like I'll be going to my first class. Have fun, you four."
Chansi felt sad without him, but she gave him a big hug before he left for class. That's when Changjo got mad from jealousy, but he managed to keep it in.
"So uh.. Changjo and Chansi, I'll be walking Minjoo to her first class. See you at lunch!" Ricky said as he took her wrist and dragged her away before the other two could reply.
As Minjoo was getting dragged, she managed to say, "Hey.. oppa.. I was supposed to walk with Chansi to our first class.. we both have Ms.Jung for science.."
"Babe I'm sorry, but I didn't just doing it for me. I did it for Changjo too, but mainly for me because i don't want you to get lost. You know how he likes Chansi, right? What a wonderful opportunity for him to walk her to class! They don't call me match maker for nothing!" Ricky stated enthusiastically with a wink.
Minjoo replied with a laugh as they walked down the long hallway, looking for the right class.
Her wrist started to feel a bit of pain and she said "Atleast don't grip onto my wrist so tightly... it might leave a mark. Just hold my hand!"
"Ahha, okay, let’s hurry before the bell rings!" and linked fingers with Minjoo, as she smiled at him.


Chansi and Changjo were left alone. All they could do was watch those two walk away. In most cases like this, the two would be awkward, but they immediately started talking.
"Look at those two love birds.. it's just so cute. I can't be mad at her for not walking with me to class when I see this!" Chansi finally said with a sigh.
Changjo cleared his throat and shyly replied "Yea.. I can't believe Ricky would ditch me like this! But uhh..  I could.. um.. walk you to class instead?"
Without hesitating, Chansi grabbed his hand and they started to walk to class. But she never noticed that blood rushed to Changjo's face, making him blush.


"Thanks for dropping me off at class by force.. just kidding. You know I love you." Minjoo said and laughed. They had a long, warm hug and waved goodbye to each other.
"Take care! Make sure the boys don't flirt with you!" Ricky yelled, halfway down the halls. All she could do was laugh about how silly and childish her boyfriend was.

While Minjoo sat down wait for Chansi to come to class, she noticed a muscular boy. It felt to her as if saw him before but she shook it off and forgot about it.
"Aish..where is this girl? Shoud I go look for her? Nah.. I can't. I'll miss my call for the attendance.. But she's going to be late on the first day of school!" Minjoo impatiently thought.
The teacher stood up in front of the black metal desk and announced "Hello class! Welcome to your first day at high school. We will start taking the attendance now."

Minjoo started to panic and have crazy thoughts. She whispered to herself, "God damn it, Chansi. Hurr--"
"I'M HERE! DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!" Chansi busted into the classroom, interrupting both Minjoo and the teacher.
She sighed in relief and said to Chansi who was across the room, "Geez, took you long enough! About time. What took you s--"

Again, someone interrupted Minjoo. It was the teacher. She cleared and started to yell at Minjoo. "Ms.Choi! NO TALKING WHILE I TAKE THE ATTENDANCE! YOU MADE ME LOSE TRACK. MS.BAK! GO TO YOUR SEAT. NOW. Now where was I.."

As Ms.Jung went down the list and Minjoo started to become bored and tired.. Until one name stuck out to her." Moon Jongup?"
Her ears immediately perked up and she looked up, scanning the classroom.
"Here." Jongup said, with a deep and husky voice. There were many thoughts going through her head, and confusion was in her. "Where did I hear that name?.. Could it be?.. Nah. Impossible."
The teacher continued after that and called out "Choi Minjoo?"
"Here!" she happily said.
From hearing that name of 3 syllables, Jongup's eyes grew large from shock. He immediately forgot everything revolving around him while thoughts rushed to him. "It’s her. She's here. I finally found her again.. but the problem is.. does she remember me? Choi Minjoo.. you can't forget me. I was your best friend. I was your only friend and you were my only friend.. I loved you.."



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