Chapter 3

Reunited ♠

Jongup couldn't be any happier. But not only was he happy, he was also confused. Confusingly happy. Choi Minjoo was his best friend as a child, who he had never thought the two would see each other again. Jongup and Minjoo are now only one desk apart, so he knew he had to do something. Bt what would it be? What could he do to jog Minjoo's memory back? Does she remember him? Does she miss him as much as he missed her? Jongup didn't pay attention in class. Why? He could only think of ways to get Minjoo to notice him and re-gain memory her from 8 years ago. Everything was going well in the class on the first day until...
"I GOT IT!" Jongup suddenly said. He stood up looking very excited, and started smiling like a maniac. Jongup thought of a solution.

"....Moon Jongup! That is very disrespectful! This is your first and only warning, you hear me?" the teacher angrily said. Everyone in the classroom was snickering, but Jongup didn't seem to mind.

He immediatedly bowed and apologized to Ms.Jung. "I understand im very sorry" and sat down.

When that sudden scene happened, Minjoo was the one who didn't pay attention in class and had many thoughts of him. "Who is he?" and "Why do I recognize him? and softly hit her head in annoyance.  "You're thinking too much Choi Minjoo... focus. You need a good education in order to get in a good university, get a good job and raise your kids well so they don't have to end up like you did." She didn't focus on everything else and got up. The girl crazily screamed out loud, "YOU CAN DO THIS, YEAH!"

The teacher was now as mad as ever. "Excuse me Ms.Choi! You may not scream as loud or as much as you please! Consider this your final warning. Do you and Jongup think this is a joke? Both crazily interrupting my class..."

"Sorry..." she apologized and sat down after bowing.

Jongup was still not paying attention to the lesson and was still thinking. "Still polite as before.. but I'm not sure about the shy part. But I still see some of the old her in there. Okay Jongup, here's the plan." and started to write into his notebook so he wouldn't forget about this oh-so-brilliant idea.
Step 1. Pass a note to Minjoo.
Step 2. Get both sent oustside by getting into trouble.
Step 3. Talk to her about the mental hospital and tell her about our friendship we had.
Step 4. Later on, confess to her when the time is right.
He ended up by whispering to himself  "Fighting!" and got into plan.

So, Jongup rolled up a piece of scrap paper into a ball, and folded the note with perfect creases. He got up to throw the ball into the trash, and give the note to Minjoo. Right after he got step 1 complete, he sat back into his seat. Minjoo hesitantly and slowly opened up the note. What was it? It was a drawing of the teacher with a big head, devil horns while saying "hAI I SUQ." Now, for step 2. He crazily laughed really loudly, obviously making the teacher notice. "OH DAMN IT MINJOO! THATS A HILARIOUS DRAWING. ARE YOU LIKE, THE NEXT PICASSO? HAHAH."

And you all know what happened next. Yes, they were sent outside, just like how the plan is going.

"I'm so sorry about what happened the note wasn't meant for just got there.." Jongup started the conversation, while doing the punishment.
Minjoo replied with a slight laugh and said "Aha, that's okay.. she was just getting a little mad..

"Little? More like really hormonal." Jongup scoffed. They both laughed.


Chansi was getting really nervous on what was happening outside. "How could she be so careless ?..its only her first day. How could she get in trouble already? Minjoo-ah you're only making me worry about you..." she thought.


Jongup used whatever joke he could to make Minjoo laugh. Even those old ones that he used to use on her 6 years ago. Yup, they still work on her. He's as happy as ever. Maybe even better, because her smile is more beautiful then ever.  Time flew by and the bell rang. Finally, they to go to the next class and they don't have to deal with Ms.Jung.

"Thanks for making me laugh! I really needed that." Minjoo appreciately said with a smile.
He responded back with also a smile and said "No problem! It's my pleasure. Anything for an pre--"

Ricky came skipping down the hall and interrupted Jongup. "Babe, how was science class?"  He wrapped his long arms around her and continued, "Oh and who is this? Didn't I tell you not to flirt with anyone except or me?" with a pout.
Jongup looked down and quietly asked "And you are?.."
"Oh.. I see."

Minjoo finally got back into the conversation with "I should introduce you two. Ricky, this is Jongup. He's in my science class and sits infront of me. Jongup, this is Ricky he's my boyfriend. We've known each other since we were in Grade 7."

"Well nice to meet you! Oh, and by the way, if you dare make a move on my girl you wil--"

Looks like the other boy got interrupted now. Minjoo hit him before apologizing. "Sorry he's a bit over protective.."

"Am not! Well its time for next period! Lets go!" he pouted but shorly linked fingers with Minjoo.

She waved goodbye, something that Ricky didn't do."Bye bye Jongup! It was nice to meeting you!"

He just slowly waved. " You too."

Ricky and Minjoo skip away in happiness as a couple and they soon fade into the croud of students.

Jongup whispered to himself and leaned into the lockets."If only you remember this wasn't the first time meeting you.. and boyfriend?" This sentence made tears form in his eyes that soon fell.

Boyfriend. That one word began to haunt him. Jongup couldn't bare the fact his first love was taken by someone that wasn't him. It hurt. In the heart.

He wiped the tears away and made his way into his next class. "i don't care what it takes you will be mine, Choi Minjoo. But no matter what, you will be MINE. I don't care how hard I have to try. I don't care what I'l have to go through. All I'm caring about is you."

From then on, he made a promise to himself. The promise was that he would do anything to get Minjoo's memory back. The memories they shared, the conversations that they had and what they had their first as. He also had to make Minjoo his love forever always even if it meant for him to do anything.
If only he didn't forget about step 3 and 4 of the plan.

A/N "that they had and what they had their first as" Don't think of .



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