Chapter 10

Love Me Again


“I bought you a ticket, were leaving in 2 days, and  the flight is at 9:30pm… think it overnight and if you have decided, I’ll see you at the airport!”

“What about Shin Hye?”

“She doesn’t know of course… but I don’t care about her!”

“This is a bit too much Hyun Joong… I just can’t walk away from everything I have… my parents…….  My sister…. Everything! “

“Like I said, I will give up everything for you and I hope you will too!”

Just right across the street the two didn’t notice Shin Hye’s been spying in a black Audi parked on the side road.


“I don’t know if I can do this….” Somin was overwhelmed.

“Please, think about it…”

Somin looked up, she examines Hyun Joong’s face. She reaches out for his cheeks and cupped it with her right hand. “I don’t know what you did to me but you’re always on my mind… I get butterflies when I see you!  I can’t explain these overwhelming feelings I have for you... but if this is what they call love, I think I’m in heaven!”

Hyun Joong grabbed her hand, kissed her palm and hugged her tight. “I love you Jung Somin!”

“I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you!” Somin giggled.

“Oh Somin, I love every teeny bit of you! Thank you!”

“Thank you? For what?” Somin asked.

“For trusting me and for everything!” Hyun Joong added, all smiles. 

Somin hugged him even tighter then suddenly, her belly started to growl.

She giggled. “I’m hungry!” She pulled away from him, she bit her lip in embarassment. "I didn't eat anything all day!"

Hyun Joong started laughing… “God you’re just too cute! So…. where do you want to eat?”

“Anywhere… hhhmmm... how about street food?  Are you cool with that?”

“Cool! I haven’t had street food in ages… Let’s go!” Hyun Joong said excitedly.

He opens the car door and Somin enters.  Apparently, Shin Hye continued to spy on them and followed the two as they drive away.


Hyun Joong took Somin to Namdaemun Market. They parked the car and started walking down the street, they stop to almost every food cart they see… eating fish cakes, tteokbokki, and gimbap. They were laughing, holding hands and totally inseparable. It was a perfect description of a first date!  Completely in love! 

“I’ll never get tired walking around with you!” Hyun Joong said while holding Somin’s hand and the other with a cone of soft ice cream.

“Me too!” Somin giggled and started huming… her chocolate ice cream.

“I love seeing you happy!”

She stopped for a moment to face him. “I’m happy because I’m with you…” She smiled. “I wish everyday could be like this… It’s like Christmas and having  the best present!”

“I will be… as long as you’re with me…” Hyun Joong responded.

Somin moved a bit closer and gave Hyun Joong a smack on his lips! “That’s for being corny and cute!”

Hyun Joong laughed and shot back, “Oh I could definitely get use to this….” He extended his right arm and rest it on top of her shoulders, hugging her in and they continued walking.

“Can I ask you something?” Somin asked.

“Sure, what is it?”

“But don’t laugh at me okay?” Somin’s face was serious.

“Promise, I won’t!” He smiled.

“So, what did you think when you found out I had a crush on you seven years ago?” Somin was blushing.

“You were cute like everyone else who confessed that they had a crush on me…” He laughed.

“Who else had a crush on you?” She asked.

“Most of my friends’ younger sisters…” He said cooly while rolling his eyes.

“Yyou’re that popular with youngsters huh? Ttssss….”

“How could I forget about you… You’re this cute chubby little kid in pig tails who would always stares at me with your mouth open..."  He laughs even harder.  “Your face was red as an apple when Min Yun rat you out! That was priceless!  We even made you cry!” He continued laughing. “Remember those two called you a piglet!”

Somin frowned, “I was twelve and that was mean of you guys… Didn’t I tell you not to laugh at me?”

“Hey…… that was then when we don’t know any better! Come on, I was 15!!!” He stopped their tracks and cupped her face… “Please don’t be mad!”

“You guys called me a piglet then… Hmp!”

“Was that why you didn’t show yourself after that incident? I didn’t get to see you after…” Hyun Joong asked.

“Yes… I hated you then… All of you.” She frowned. “That wasn’t nice! I was traumatized!”

“Like I said, that was THEN okay? Come here you…”Hyun Joong pulled her in to hug, he then burried his nose through her hair. “Hate me all you want but you will always be my cute little piglet!” He laughed. “But I love that little piglet now… I love how she giggles and snorts at the same time. God Somin, I love everything about you! I love you!”

“Can you stop calling me a piglet!” Somin slap his and giggled at the same time.

“Can I see you again tomorrow?” Hyun Joong asked.

“Its funny how I was going to ask you the same question. Yes please! Pick me up around noonish? I want to spend at least whole day with you…”

Hyun Joong smirked. “You’re one greedy girl!”

“I am and you’re all mine!” Somin responded in her perky  voice. “All mine!” She tip toed and whispered on his ears.

"All yours!" He suddenly grabbed her and gave her a passionate kiss.

In raged,  Shin Hye suddenly ran towards Somin and grabbed her hair… “You ing ! Stop ing around with my husband!”

“Shin Hye stop it!” Hyun Joong pulled Somin behind him protecting her. 

“So this is the that you’ve been going gaga over with huh?” Shin Hye yelled out. “Its my ing best friend’s cousin Somin - you !”

“Don’t you dare call her a !  I'm sure you know your middle name is !” Hyun Joong yelled out.

“How dare you around with a married man you !” She pointed at Somin.

She tried to grab Somin’s arms but Hyun Joong pushed Shin Hye. “STOP IT! I’m so done with you Shin Hye! I had enough of you!” He grabbed Somin’s hand, headed to the car and fled the scene.

“You watch Hyun Joong… I’ll do everything in my power to get you back….” Shin Hye said it out loud… and a pool of tears in her eyes.


Hyun Joong drove to Namsan Park.  Somin was weeping and quiet the whole time he was driving.

“Somin, are you okay? Please talk to me… You’ve been quiet this whole time!” Hyun Joong was worried.

“I love you but it hurts! If we have to go through this just to be together, I don’t even think I can ever handle it!” Somin’s tears was non stop, traumatized.

He held her hands, trying to comfort her… “Please Somin, don’t give up on me now… We can do this together!”

“What if I can’t?” She answered back.

“Then I will respect whatever decision you may have.” He replied disappointed.

Hyun Joong park the car, he looked at Somin.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t want to pressure you on all this… I know I’m being selfish here but this is how much I want you Somin… I will do anything for you.” Hyun Joong declared, tears pool in his eyes. Somin look at his direction. She suddenly unbuckle her seat belt sat on his lap.

“I love you! I don’t know how are we going to get through this but I trust you!” Somin assured him with a hug while tears still trickling down her cheeks.

“Oh So Min… SShhh… please stop crying!” He hugged her back tightly.

“Can you tell me exactly what happened to you and Shin Hye?”

Hyun Joong sigh. “Everything happened in L.A… Your cousin and Yi Jung came to visit and Shin Hye tagged along.  It was a wedding that they had to attend and they stayed at my place for a couple days.  It all happened during their last night, Shin Hye wanted to celebrate so we all went to a club.  We all got drunk and the next thing I know I woke up with Shin Hye beside me…  Our parents got invloved when I told her that I didn’t want to be with her… and that everything was a mistake!” He was exasperated while narating the story.

“She must like you a lot if she went through all that trouble.” Somin added.

“Then my dad’s company was falling apart last year… She took advantage of the situation and asked her father to make a deal with dad… Its part of the contract that I marry her.  To save my father’s company I had no choice but to do it!  The family didn’t really want to reveal about our marriiage as of yet…They're waiting for her to turn 21... Everyone thinks were just dating…  She's a daddy's little girl so she gets her way.  Plus being the only daughter, he'll bend backwards for her.”

“I heard you’ve been sleeping with a lot of women though.. is it true?”

“No! I made her think that I’ve been fooling around… I just want her out!  I want her to realize that I’m not worth it but its unfortunate that I’m not successful in any of my plans! I’ve been rebelling, rude and this whole time… Somin, I am so tired of all this! I hated my father for putting me in this situation.  But I’m done and I don’t care what happens…. All I know I want to be with you!”

“I really don’t know what to say… I didn’t know you’ve been suffering all this time!”

“So please come with me… I can relocate for you to New York if I have to.”

“My dad wanted me to take business.” Somin frowned. “What if I just take that and meet me in New York?”

“I can’t wait that long Somin…. I want to be with you now!”

“Let me think about it okay?!  Hey what time is it?” Somin asked.

“Its close to 10:00… what time do you need to be home?”

“Like right now!” She scramble to get to her seat and put on her seat belt. “I need to get home, let's go!”

“Despite all this… I just want you to know that I had a great time with you today…”

“Me too… Thank you for making me very happy today…”  Somin gave him a warm smile.


Hyun Joong stopped half a mile away from her house.

“I hate to let you go!” He frowned an grabbed her hand.

“Same here… But I’ll be seeing you tomorrow!”

“Tomorrow seems forever though.“

“Stop making me feel wanted! Look at my head, its getting too big!” Somin laughed.

“Call me okay?” Hyun Joong asked.

“Will do!”

They bid their good byes and Somin got off the car.  She was smiling like an idiot walking back to her house, feeling all happy and giddy.

“What were you doing with Hyun Joong at Namdaemun Market today?” A female voice came from behind her.

Somin turned around to see Min Yun. “Uumm… How did you know?” Confused.

“Shin Hye called me and she was freaking out! Somin, I’m begging you please……. whatever it is forget about Hyun Joong!” Min Yun begged. “You don’t know what Shin Hye can do to you and your family!”

“What do you mean my family?”

“Somin, I know her so well… Her family is very powerful here in Korea… She will get everyone involved and even make you suffer! I’m telling you right now… You’re fighting a losing battle here! So please listen to me.” Min Yun begged.

“But I love him!” Somin pleaded.

“For Christ sakes Somin!” Min Yun was getting frustrated. “Just stop! Okay?” She yelled. “I’m just looking after you baby girl… I love you like a sister and I don’t want to see you suffer.”

“You know what, I’m really tired right now…  Can we talk about this some other time?”

“No! We need to have an understanding about this right now!  You don’t know what you’re getting into Somin!” Min Yun got all hyper.

“Then tell me!” Somin yelled back.

“You know what Shin Hye told me today? She will take everything that your family have if you don’t stop!  Aren’t you afraid of losing your family’s livelihood? Your father’s business means a lot to him, he worked hard to get where he’s at and just beacuase of ing “love” you’ll throw everything away…”

Somin didn’t move a muscle.  She was trying to digest Min Yun’s revelation.

“Now get inside the house… your parents called me in today and wanted me to explain about you and Hyun Joong! I have no freaking clue how they knew all about it!!”

“What?”  Somin was in shock.


Hyun Joong arrived at their family house and he can see Min Yun sitting on the stairs waiting for him to come up.  If looks can only kill, he would have killed Hyun Joong with it. He decided to ignore her and went up the stairs as if he didn’t see anyone.

“So this is how I get treated now?” Shin Hye blurted out.

He continued to ignore her.

“All because of Jung Somin!!  That Jung Somin will pay for this!”

Hyun Joong pushed Shin Hye to the wall… “You better not touch her or do anything to her…”

“Watch me Hyun Joong! You watch!” She yelled back.

“I had enough of you!  Please leave me alone!”

“Hah, as if you have a choice!  If you don’t stop seeing her, you know what I’m going to do to her.”

“Your threats don’t work for me Shin Hye so try me!” He walked away and entered the house. She decided to follow him and he hugged him from behind.

“Don’t do this to me Hyun Joong… please!” She begged.

Hyun Joong sigh. “Aren’t you tired of all this? Why can’t you just set me free? I don’t love…”

“Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it!” She started crying.

“Aren't you tired of getting hurt?”

"No! Because all I want is you... Love me back please?  Everything will be okay if you just love me back!"

“You’re pathetic Shin Hye!” Hyun Joong pushed her away and went inside his room.


That night, Somin was tossing, turning and couldn’t sleep.  She decided to text Hyun Joong.

2007-07-28 11:41 PM
Are you up?

Kim Hyun Joong
2007-07-28 11:41 PM
I was waiting for your call.

2007-07-28 11:42 PM
We can’t talk right now, my mom is still up she might hear me. My parents found out about you and me.

Kim Hyun Joong
2007-07-28 11:43 PM


…to be continued.


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 11: Pls update it author..
Amazon34 #2
Chapter 11: oh plsssssss update soooonnn I love this story please:(
flowerrose #3
Chapter 10: Update soon please i love this story
baek_hani #4
Chapter 11: Oh...poor HJ and Somin..their family separate them...thanks for update...waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 11: Too bad..:(
Chapter 11: oh no! poor hj. he'll be waiting for nthing
Chapter 11: Seriously hate shin hye. She did what she threatened. Why can't she leave him alone. I mean if he is not in love with her, it's better for her to be separate from him rather than forcing him to stay with him.
Chapter 11: poor them T.T
160Mhel #9
Chapter 11: Too bad.....
lotus16 #10
Chapter 7: Thank you for this story. They are like romeo and juliet but hope not a sad ending for them. I beginning to hate shinhye. Wow im so attached to the story. Pls update.