Chapter 2 : Confused @.@

Just a Best ( Girl ? ) Friend


You’re at the hall in front of your classroom squatting with your other late classmates. You haven’t catched the bus you always took in the morning because you woke up late since you slept late last night for some stupid reason. 

The bell rang and your classmates , including Kevin made their way out of the classroom.

“(your name) Are you okay ? Why did you got here late ? It’s so not you.” Kevin asked as he helped you stand up straight from your pained feet and sore arms.

“It’s nothing. I just slept late last night for some unknown reason and I didn’t catch my morning bus since I woke up late..” you relied with your face scrunched because the pain in your arms and feet. Oh. And add the pain in your heart right now that you’re always feeling when you see him.

“Aish. Can you walk ? Here , I’ll help you.” Kevin said as he putted your arms at the back of his neck and held your waist lightly.
“Thanks. Let’s go to the cafeteria.I’m starving and craving some fries ..” you said while smiling thinking of eating your favorite food.

( Kevin POV )

“Aish. This girl. Why would she stay up late at a school night ? She knew she’ll end up late and squatting at the hall.” Kevin said worriedly in his mind as he’s helping you make your way to the cafeteria.

( Author’s POV )

Kevin satted you in a table with two chairs. You’re about to ask him why since Dara always eat with you two when he suddenly spoke. 
“I’m going to get us lunch. Just sit there, wait for the food and be a good girl.” He said while walking away of the table making his way to the counter to buy something to eat.

“I’ll just ask him later. Maybe he fought with unni ? But why ? They’re on good terms the last time I saw them together….” You lose yourself staring at a blank space when you heard Kevin’s voice.

“Hey ! HEY ! HEYYYYYYYY !” he shouted at you , startling yourself up and made your way back to reality.

“Uh, Uh.. Why ?..” you asked him with a weak voice.

“The food’s here. I’ve been talking to you for awhile now. Can’t you hear me ? Is there something wrong with that cute little brain of yours ?” he replied while laughing.

“S-sorry.. I-I was just----“ you’re about to speak when he cutted you off.

“Just eat. I’m gonna tell you something later.”he said while looking at the food in front of you two , thinking what to eat first. He ordered spaghetti , fried chicken and some drinks.

“You haven’t gotten me any fries?” you said while pouting at him. 
He looked at you and smiled.

“Fries have carbs. It’s not good for you. You’ll have a potbelly.” He said while grinning at you , trying to convince you.

“Bu-But.. Fries are delicious.” You replied to him , still pouting.

Kevin looked at you. He begun to regret looking at you seeing how cute you are right now. 

“Okay, Wait for me.” Kevin said , smiling while making his way to the crowd. I mean , fans. *cough* to the counter. They don’t bully or hate you since they know that you’re just his friend. His only ( girl ) friend.

“Here.” Kevin speaked while handing you your fries.

“Why did you get the small one ? The big one is better.” You said , while looking at the fries he handed to you , not contented at the amount.

“I told you…. It’s not good for you.” He said while eating spaghetti. 

“Aish. Okay. At least you bought me some…” you said while munching off your food , making hamster cheeks like Dongho who you didn’t knew and not in the story. ( Sorry. HAHA


 *Dongho biased kissme* )

He just stared and smiled at you in return. You both finished your lunch and have gone to the school garden. You two sat on a bench , trying to inhale the scent of nature.



“Why is Dara unni isn’t with us today ? Is she absent ? Is she sick ?” you asked , feeling your chest tightening.

“Uh ? Her – We broke up last night.” Kevin said and looked at you with a serious expression. You thought he was joking but when you saw his face , you believed him. 

“So , that’s why he couldn’t Reply to me last night.” You thought to yourself.

“Why ?? She’s a nice girl.” You said with fake disappointment in your voice.

“It’s not her. It’s me. I’m not sure of my feelings..” kevin said while looking at the ground.

“Huh ? Why ? Is something bothering you ?” you asked with a worried tone.

“No. It’s just .. uh ? I think ----“ Kevin replied but was cutted off by the bell ringing notifying the both of you that lunch time’s over.

“I’ll go at your place after school. Sleepover. ^^” Kevin said as he pulled your arm and led the way to the classroom. You didn’t contradicted anymore since you thought that he needs a friend now to comfort him.

The afternoon lessons had been boring. Your teacher just told you her stories of his family , how she met her husband .. blah blah blah…

You’re now walking out of the school with Kevin at your side. As soon as the both of you reached the gate, he speaked up.

“I’ll go at your place at 7. I’m just gonna go to my place to change and buy us snacks… Take care.” Kevin said as he smiled then turned away.

You just stared at his back , watching him walk away. He suddenly turned and waveed his hands. You waved back and smiled.

You’re on your way home when you saw Dara in a café near your apartment. 

You stared at your hand watch and it’s just 6:30 PM.

“I wouldn’t be late , right ? I need to talk to her.” You said while thinking of approaching her or not. 

After quite some time thinking , you decided to approach her……
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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 3: cute.. cute.. cute
Chapter 3: i think i just have read this scenario in facebook.. in shindongholics fb page.. but i really miss this scenario.. lurv it.. yehet.
Chapter 3: so cute,like it much^^ <3
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 3: Awwwwww cute !!!!!!
hannaraisya #5
Chapter 3: Awwww thats really cute (>\\\\\<)
oh blush~~
Its awesome!! Keep writing author-nim!! :D. Would you mind checking out my fanfic? Once again sorry for advertising :DD