Confessing : Rejects : Promise Of L.Joe

I Can't Let You Go

Jiyeon's POV

" Unnie, help me confess to Myungsoo Oppa again today please? " I asked Hyomin unnie during lunch time. " Nae " She said and smiled. " Thank you unnie " I said. She just smiled and nodded. We threw away our lunch and then we went to class. " Jiyeon ah, I want to tell you something " Hyomin said. " Nae, what is it? " I asked. " I also like...Myungsoo too " She said. " J-jinnja? " I asked. She nodded and said, " Sorry for not telling you earlier " She said as she was feeling guilty. " It's ok, but I guess I might not confess to him anymore then " I said sadly. " Wae? Just because I like him doesn't mean you have to stop from confessing to him " She said. " Are you sure about that? " I asked and raised up an eyebrow. " Yep " She said and nodded. " Ok then " I said. We went to class and saw Myungsoo. " Annyeong Oppa! " I said. 

" Hey Yeonnie " He said and smiled. Hyomin sat next to Myungsoo as I sat next to her since it was our assign seat. " Oppa, meet me in the gym after school today arraso? " I said. " Arraso " He said. Class started and I took out my notebook to take down some notes. While I was taking down notes, Myungsoo and Hyomin kept on looking at each other and laughing. * What's wrong with them? * I thought. Soon class was over and I packed up my stuff and went to the gym with Hyomin unnie. " Unnie, wait for me out here ok? " I said. She nodded and smiled. I went in and saw Myungsoo. " So what is it that you want to tell me? " He asked. " Oppa, I like you " I said. He was quiet for a moment and he finally said something. " Yeonnie ah, I appreciate your feelings toward me but then I already have someone else " He said. 

" Who's that girl? " I asked with teary eyes. " It's...Hyomin, I'm sorry Jiyeon, I shouldn't have made you like me, cheongmal mianhae " He said. I faked a smile and said, " Gwenchena " " I'm sorry. But I'm sure you'll find a better guy than I am " He said. I couldn't bear it anymore so I ranned out of the gym crying. " Jiyeon!! " I heard Hyomin yelled. I ranned out of the school and went to the secret place of mine. I sat on the swing as my tears fall down. * Why does it have to be Hyomin? Why can't it be someone else? * I thought. " Miss, are you alright? " A guy asked. I turned aroung and saw L.Joe, Myungsoo's biggest enemy. "It's you only Jiyeon? " He asked. I ignored him. " Hey, I was just being nice, by the way, why were you crying? " He said and asked. " None of your business " I said coldly.

L.Joe's POV

" You're crying because of Myungsoo right? " I asked. " Fine, yes " Jiyeon said. " I knew it " I said. " How? You're not even close to him though " She said. " We used to be friend, until he was going to do I didn't like and so then we got into an arguement and after that arguement, we were never friends anymore " I said. " What was he going to do? " She asked. " Something, it's not the right time for you to know yet " I said. " Awww, but I want to know " She said and pouted. " I'm not going to tell you yet but I promised I'll tell you one day " I said. " Promise? " She said. " Promise " I said.

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 6: PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I READ THIS STORY 2 TIMES BECAUSE IT'S REALLY GOOD, LOL. Honestly, even though everyone is voting for L.Joe and Jiyeon, my vote is for Jiyeon and Myungsoo, haha. I ship those two and I think Hyomin should end up with Woo Hyun.
Retsel_ #2
Different emotions are coming back..
Update soon ♥ Mmmm please :D
Retsel_ #3
Chapter 6: Wuua.. so cute please l.joe and jiyeon moments. .!!!!!
Please. .
Update soon
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim,,I'll be waiting..(*_*)
kpoplover589 #5
Chapter 6: Update plzz
Intanbluesky #6
Chapter 6: Next chapter pleaseeeee
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim .
Chapter 6: i suddenly want jiyeon to end up with l.joe...
yeon28 #9
Chapter 6: Myungsoo kiss hyomin?
If like that l.joe kiss jiyeon too..
Update soon
Chapter 5: Noooooo im too late to vote ><
Awww well myungyeon is nice tooo~~~
Update soon authornim